1、Designation: F513 12 An American National StandardStandard Specification forEye and Face Protective Equipment for Hockey Players1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F513; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revisi
2、on, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscriptepsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers performance requirements andtest methods for face protectors marketed, sold, and
3、 intendedfor ice hockey.1.2 The intent of this specification is to reduce the risk ofinjury to the face without compromising the form or appeal ofthe game. To do so, the face protector shall be used:1.2.1 As intended within the rules of the game and1.2.2 In accordance with the manufacturers instruct
4、ions.1.3 Ice hockey is a sport with intrinsic hazards associatedwith the normal conduct of the game. Participation in icehockey implies the acceptance of some risk of injury. Use of aface protector certified to this specification will not prevent allinjuries.1.4 This specification has been prepared
5、after careful con-sideration of the frequency and mechanisms associated withfacial and eye injuries that can potentially occur within therules of the game of ice hockey.1.5 Requirements and the corresponding test methods,where appropriate, are given for the following:1.5.1 Construction,1.5.2 Puck im
6、pact resistance,1.5.3 Penetration,1.5.4 Field of vision, and1.5.5 Marking and information.1.6 Face protection is intended for use by players,goalkeepers, and certain functionaries (for example, refereesand coaches). Types of protectors considered under this speci-fication are:1.6.1 Type B1A full-fac
7、e protector intended for use bypersons older than ten years of age, other than goaltenders;1.6.2 Type B2A full-face protector intended for use bypersons ten years of age or younger, other than goaltenders;and1.6.3 Type C (Visor)A visor intended for use by person inthe junior age category and older,
8、other than goaltenders.1.7 UnitsThe values stated in SI units are to be regardedas the standard. No other units of measurement are included inthis standard.1.8 Use of the singular does not exclude the plural (and viceversa) when the sense allows.1.9 Although the intended primary application of this
9、speci-fication is stated in this scope, note that it remains theresponsibility of the users of this specification to judge itssuitability for their particular purpose.1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of
10、 the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D1003 Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittanceof Transparent PlasticsD2240 Test Method for Rubber
11、 PropertyDurometer Hard-ness2.2 CSA Standard:CSA Z262.6-02 Specifications for Facially Featured Head-forms33. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 For the purposes of this specification, the followingdefinitions apply.3.1.2 chip, nreadily visible particle missing from theprotector with an area bigger th
12、an 9 mm2.3.1.3 collimated light source (source of illumination),nquartz halogen lamp (17 lx or 1.58 footcandles) producinga 100-mm beam at 6-m distance that is centered on the pupilsof the eyes of the headform or the midpoint between the pupils1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Co
13、mmittee F08 on SportsEquipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee F08.15 on Ice Hockey.Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2012. Published April 2012. Originallyapproved in 1977. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as F513 00 (2007).DOI: 10.1520/F0513-1
14、2.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from the Canadian StandardsAssociation, 5060 Spe
15、ctrum Way, Suite100, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5N6 Canada.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1of the eyes of the headform; this centering is maintained at alltimes during the optical quality test.3.1.4 combination, ncombine
16、d unit of a full-face protectoror visor placed on a hockey helmet with which it is designed tobe used.3.1.5 computer interface, nlinkage between the computer,the goniometer, and the sensors that enables a fully automatedmeasurement process via a menu-driven operation during theoptical quality test.3
17、.1.6 dioptre, nmeasure of the power of a lens or a prismequal to the reciprocal of its focal length expressed in metres.3.1.7 field of vision, nprojection outward of all retinalpoints (the nervous layer of the eye) at which visual sensationscan be initiated (see Fig. 1). inferior (downward),
18、advrefers to an angle in thevertical plane measured downwards from the horizontal. nasally, advrefers to an angle in the horizontalplane measured from the primary position of gaze to the left forthe right eye and from the primary position of gaze to the rightfor the left eye. superior
19、(upward), advrefers to an angle in thevertical plane measured upwards from the horizontal. temporally, advrefers to an angle in the horizontalplane measured from the primary position of gaze to the rightfor the right eye and from the primary position of gaze to theleft for the left eye.3.1.8
20、glabella, nmost prominent midline point betweenthe eyebrows identical to the bony glabella of the frontal bone.3.1.9 goniometer, npositioning device that moves theheadform such that the angular rotation and movement in boththe horizontal and vertical directions enables a spherical scanto be made of
21、the fields of vision as seen through a faceprotector or visor.3.1.10 haze, npercentage of transmitted light that, inpassing through the specimen, deviates from the incident beamby forward scattering.3.1.11 helmet positioning index, HPI, nvertical distancemeasured at the median plane, from the front
22、edge of thehelmet to the basic plane, when the helmet is placed on thereference headform.3.1.12 impact sites for testing face protectors: eye impact, npoint in the horizontal plane 25 tothe median plane and in the direction of the eye (see Fig. 2). mouth impact, npoint in the interse
23、ction betweenthe horizontal plane and the median plane in the direction ofthe center of the mouth. side impact, npoint halfway between the mouthlevel and the eye level in the horizontal plane, 25 to themedian plane, and in the direction of the axis formed by theintersection of the median pla
24、ne and the frontal plane (see Fig.2).3.1.13 interpupillary distance, PD, ndistance in millime-tres between the centers of the pupils of both eyes on thefacially featured headform.3.1.14 laser, nluminous device used for alignment of thesensors.FIG. 1 Peripheral Field of VisionF513 1223.1.15 luminous
25、transmittance, nratio of the light trans-mitted by a medium to the incident light.3.1.16 menton, nlowest point on the mandibular symphy-sis.3.1.17 no-contact zone, ndesignated zone of the headformin which contact is not permitted during the puck impactresistance test (see 4.8 and Fig. 3).3.1.18 opti
26、cal clarity, nsharpness of an image.3.1.19 optical quality field-of-vision area, nthat area on atransparent face protector or visor determined by the outline ofa cone whose axis projects along the primary position of thegaze and extends 35 (radius of fixation), the apex of the coneis centered on eac
27、h pupil, and the area generated by each coneis joined above and below and is extended to a point 90laterally to each side in the horizontal plane (see Fig. A1.1).3.1.20 orbit, nthe bony cavity containing the eyeball.3.1.21 orbitale, nlowermost point on the inferior marginof the orbit (infraorbital m
28、argin).3.1.22 peripheral field of vision, noval-shaped field ex-tending 90 temporally, 60 inferiorly, 45 nasally, and 35superiorly (see Fig. 1).3.1.23 permanent, ninformation that remains legible andcannot be removed in its entirety under conditions of normaluse.3.1.24 photosensors, nsensors 5 mm in
29、 diameter centeredin the pupils of the headform covered by a 5-mm translucentlens of 8-mm radius of curvature, convex forward. Discussion(1) The photosensors are cosinecorrected, for example, provided with diffusing covers that area means of correcting the light-sensitive surface for wideang
30、les of incidence. (2) Light contact with the sensors pro-duces an electrical signal that is fed into a computer interface.FIG. 2 Puck Impact Sites for Testing Face ProtectorsF513 1233.1.25 planes: basic plane of a headform, nplane relative to theheadform that corresponds to the basic plane o
31、f the humanhead. basic plane of the human head, nplane that islocated at the level of the external upper borders of the earcanal (external auditory meatus) and the inferior margins of theorbits of the eyes. frontal plane, nvertical plane that is perpendicu-lar to the median and refer
32、ence planes and passes through thetop of the headform (see Fig. 4). horizontal plane, nplane that passes across thehead at right angles to both the frontal and median plane (seeFig. 4). median plane, nvertical plane that passes throughthe headform from front to back and divides the h
33、eadform intoright and left halves (see Fig. 4). reference plane, nconstruction plane parallel tothe basic plane of the headform at a distance from it which isa function of the size of the headform.3.1.26 porion, nhighest point on the upper margin of thecutaneous, external auditory meatus.3.1
34、.27 primary position of gaze, nline running forwardfrom the center of the pupil parallel to the median andhorizontal planes (see Fig. 4).3.1.28 prism dioptre, nunit used in measuring the deviat-ing power of a prism; this power in prism dioptres is 100 timesthe tangent of the angle of deviation of a
35、ray of light.3.1.29 prism imbalance, nlight passing through a lens andentering the one eye is deviated by an amount differing indirection from the same light passing through the lens andentering the fellow eye.3.1.30 protector, ncomprises a face protector either spe-cially adapted to the helmet or f
36、orming a continuous unitdesigned to protect the whole or parts of the wearers head andface against injury. full-face protector, ndevice intended to reducethe risk of injury to the eyes and face of ice hockey partici-pants. visor, ndevice intended to reduce the risk ofinjury to the ey
37、es of ice hockey participants.Facially Featured Headform(according to CSA Z262.6-02)Dimensions (mm)ABCDEFAdult Male (50th Percentile) 48 16 28 17 36 68Juvenile Male (50th Percentile) 60 0 25 0 36 60Child (50th Percentile) 55 0 23 0 35 55FIG. 3 No-Contact Zone (Projected Dimensions)FIG. 4 Orientation
38、 PlanesF513 1243.1.31 resolution, nability of an optical system to distin-guish two points at their minimum separation.3.1.32 scan area, noval, peripheral fields area specified bysuperior, temporal, inferior, and nasal directions.3.1.33 scotoma, nblind spot in the field of vision.3.1.34 subnasale, S
39、n, ndeepest point on the concavity ofthe anterior surface of the maxilla in the midline within 3.0 mmof the floor of the nose (see Fig. 5).3.1.35 threshold value, noutput reading obtained when thecolumnated light beam has been centered on the midpointbetween the pupils in the primary position of gaz
40、e and theheadform is rotated 90 in the horizontal plane and thecollimated light source contacts the pupillary sensor closest tothe light source.3.1.36 vertex, npoint of intersection on the headform ofthe median plane with the frontal plane (see Fig. 4).4. Requirements4.1 Materials:4.1.1 Documentatio
41、nThe manufacturer shall provide writ-ten documentation indicating that the materials used in theconstruction of the face protector fulfill the requirements of4.1.2 CleanersAll materials used shall be known not to beadversely affected by ordinary household soap and cleaners asrecommended
42、by the manufacturer.4.1.3 FinishesPaints, glues, and finishes used in manufac-turing shall be compatible with the materials used in theconstruction of the head and face protector.4.1.4 NonirritantsMaterial coming in contact with thewearers head shall not be of any type known to cause skinirritation
43、or disease or undergo significant loss of strength,flexibility, or other physical changes as a result of contact withperspiration, oil, or grease from the wearers head.4.1.5 AdhesivesAdhesive material used to attach paddingor straps to the face protector or visor shall be of a formulationthat will n
44、ot alter the chemical or physical properties of thematerials to an extent so as to reduce their protective qualities.4.1.6 Polymeric ChangesAll materials used in the con-struction of the face protector shall be resistant to irreversiblepolymeric changes when exposed to temperatures up to 70Cor ultra
45、violet radiation.4.2 FinishAll parts shall be well finished and free of sharpedges and other irregularities that would present a potentialhazard to the user or other players.4.3 Attachment SystemThe attachment system of a faceprotector to a helmet shall be so designed so that the faceprotector can b
46、e easily attached to the helmet without requiringany machining operation by the user.4.4 Mass Restriction (Type B2 Only)Helmet and Type B2face protector combinations that, according to manufacturersrecommendations, fit headforms Size E or smaller shall have amass no greater than 900 g.4.5 Optical Qu
47、ality:4.5.1 Visual Inspection: The following is a list of matters for which the faceprotector will be subjectively inspected in a visual and tactilefashion within the field of vision:Facially-featured Headform(according to CSA Z262.6-02)Dimensions (mm)ABCDEFPXAdult Male (50th Percentile) 100.
48、8 34 25.4 100.5 25 32 130 27.5Juvenile Male (50th Percentile) 94.3 28 25.4 90 21 31 120 25.5Child (50th Percentile) 91.1 22.5 25.4 79.5 21 21 102 24.5FIG. 5 Definition of Protected Area for Full-Face Protector (Side View)F513 125(1) Localized power errors;(2) Aberrations caused by waves, warpage, an
49、d so forth;and(3) Lens defects such as scratches, greyness, bubbles,cracks, watermarks, and so forth. If any of the above deficiencies are present, nofurther testing shall be conducted and the product is failed.4.5.2 Test Requirements: When testing in accordance with 5.5 at 20 6 2C,face protectors shall:NOTE 1Items (1) to (4) apply for materials you have to look throughonly.(1) Possess adequate definition to permit resolution of the240-s ring;(2) Have a luminous transmittance of no