ANSI ATIS T1.TR.57-1999 Number Portability Program Management Plan.pdf

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1、Technical Report No. 57January 1999Number PortabilityProgram Management PlanPrepared by T1S1.6Working Group onStandardization and ProgramManagement for NPCopyright 1999 by Alliance for Telecommunications IndustrySolutionsAll rights reserved.Committee T1 is sponsored by the Alliance for Telecommunica

2、tions Industry Solutions (ATIS) and accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.A Technical Report onNumber PortabilityPr

3、ogram Management PlanAbstractThis Technical Report provides an outline of the Program Management functions necessary forT1S1.6 to complete its mission for the development of national Number Portabilityrequirements. In addition, the document identifies other relevant external standards bodies andforu

4、ms, and lists existing Committee T1 and TIA standards and related technical reportsaffected by Number Portability requirements.Document T1S1/98-293Prepared by Working Group T1S1.6FOREWORDThis T1 Technical Report was initiated in the T1S1.6 Working Group on Number Portability.The Report provides an o

5、utline of the Program Management functions necessary for T1S1.6 tocomplete its mission for the development of national Number Portability requirements. Inaddition, the document identifies other relevant external standards bodies and forums, and listsexisting Committee T1 and TIA standards and relate

6、d technical reports affected by NumberPortability requirements. This document should not be viewed nor interpreted to be a T1Standards Document.Suggestions for improvement of the Technical Report are welcome and should be sent to theAlliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions - Committee T1 S

7、ecretariat, 1200 G StreetN.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20005.The following were involved in the development of this Technical Report:T1S1.6 Working GroupBrian Foster - ChairDoris Lebovits Vice-chairNP Program Management SWGJim Lord ConvenorOther ParticipantsAndy BihainAmar DeolBob HallDon Mickel

8、Peter MusgroveAl Varney Editor11. Purpose and Scope of DocumentThis document provides an outline of the Program Management functions necessary for T1S1.6to complete its mission for the development of national Number Portability requirements. Inaddition, this document identifies other relevant extern

9、al standards bodies and forums, and listsexisting Committee T1 and TIA standards and related technical reports affected by NumberPortability requirements.2. CharterTechnical Sub-Committee (TSC) T1S1 was designated 1 as the lead TSC for national NumberPortability requirements. Within T1S1, the respon

10、sibility for national Number Portabilityrequirements and its program management was assigned to a new Working Group (WG)T1S1.6, whose mission and scope are described below.3. T1S1.6 MissionThe mission of T1S1.6 is the development of national Number Portability technicalrequirements for both wireline

11、 and wireless environments. T1S1.6 also has the responsibilityfor coordination and program management for Number Portability. In addition, T1S1.6 willpropose US Number Portability positions for submission to ITU-T and other internationalstandards-making organizations.4. T1S1.6 ScopeThe national NP r

12、equirements as developed by T1S1.6 will not exceed the capabilities specifiedin the FCC mandate (CC Docket 95-116) on NP. The scope of T1S1.6 efforts will be limited toservice provider portability. The network elements for which requirements will be written includeswitching systems and NP database p

13、latforms. Additionally, requirements to support billing,operator services, network signaling (e.g., NP Global Title Translation) and the NP applicationfunctions will be included.T1S1.6 also has the responsibility for overall coordination and program management forNumber Portability. The coordination

14、 function will involve multiple TSCs and industry fora toidentify requirements documents, standards and Technical Reports related to number portabilitythat already exist or are under development. An objective will be to integrate applicablerequirements and information into the set of national requir

15、ements under development. Thisrequirements set may in turn generate a need for new or changed standards.1 Approved by T1 Advisory Group (T1AG) decision on October 22, 1997, endorsed by Committee T1at the October 24-25, 1997 meeting.25. CustomersThe following groups are expected to use the Number Por

16、tability requirements and relatedstandards:1) Service Providers (in determining interconnection and service arrangements),2) Equipment and Software Vendors (in development of products),3) Regulatory Bodies (in understanding the Number Portability environment) and4) Technical Standards Committees (in

17、 creating/modifying Standards).Each of these groups also serve to provide input to the NP requirements, and will be notifiedperiodically of progress on requirements.6. Development ObjectivesThe following are development objectives for the national Number Portability requirements:1) Identify existing

18、 industry NP documents and standards2) Provide ongoing liaisons and reports to affected industry bodies3) Program manage T1S1.6 activities4) Develop national NP requirements (i.e., billing, switching, database and operator services)5) Develop national requirements for Number Pooling (1000s block)6)

19、Additional work to support porting between wireless and wireline networks(planned for Phase 2 of Number Portability technical requirements)3Table 1 - Work Plan for 1998Project Requirements Meeting ScheduleManagement Documents Week Monday T1S1 OtherT1/TIAOtherStart work andSend PMTInvitationletterSta

20、rt work 1 05-Jan-98 T1S1.62 12-Jan-98 T1X13 19-Jan-984 26-Jan-98 T1P1/TR465 02-Feb-98 OBFSG11NPRapp6 09-Feb-98 T1M1Completedraft ofProgramManagementDocument7 16-Feb-98 T1S1.6Documentpresented toT1AG andPMT Start upmeeting8 23-Feb-98 T1/T1AG9 02-Mar-98 T1E1 SG210 09-Mar-98 SG211 16-Mar-98 T1A1TR45.2F

21、inal editsand T1S1Approval12 23-Mar-98 T1S113 30-Mar-98 T1P1/TR4614 06-Apr-9815 13-Apr-98 T1X116 20-Apr-98 T1AGTR45.217 27-Apr-98 T1S1.618 04-May-98 SG1119 11-May-98 SG114Project Requirements Meeting ScheduleManagement Documents Week Monday T1S1 OtherT1/TIAOther20 18-May-98 T1M1 SG11OngoingCoordinat

22、ionof standardsdevelopmentCompleteInitial Drafts21 25-May-98 T1S1.622 01-Jun-98 T1E1T1P1/TR4623 08-Jun-98 TR45.2Final editsand approvalto letter ballot.24 15-Jun-98 T1S125 22-Jun-98 T1/T1AG SG426 29-Jun-98 SG427 06-Jul-98 T1X1TR45.228 13-Jul-98 T1A1Initial NumberPooling29 20-Jul-98 T1S1.630 27-Jul-9

23、8 T1P1/TR46TR45.231 03-Aug-9832 10-Aug-9833 17-Aug-98 TR45.2 NIIF34 24-Aug-98 T1AG T1M1 OBFCommentResolution ofletter ballots35 31-Aug-98 T1S1 T1E136 07-Sep-9837 14-Sep-98 T1P1/TR46TR45.238 21-Sep-98 T1X139 28-Sep-98ContinueNumberPooling40 05-Oct-98 T1S1.641 12-Oct-9842 19-Oct-98 T1/T1AG5Project Req

24、uirements Meeting ScheduleManagement Documents Week Monday T1S1 OtherT1/TIAOtherTR45.243 26-Oct-98ContinueNumberPooling44 02-Nov-98 T1S1.6 T1A1 SG245 09-Nov-98 T1M1 SG246 16-Nov-98 T1P1/TR46TR45.247 23-Nov-9848 30-Nov-98 T1E1Final edits &approval toletter ballotNumberPooling49 07-Dec-98 T1S150 14-De

25、c-98 T1AGTR45.251 21-Dec-9852 28-Dec-98NIIF - Network Interconnection/Interoperability ForumOBF - Ordering and Billing ForumSG2, SG4, SG11 - Study Groups in ITU-T7. Program Management TeamThe leadership of the T1 Technical Subcommittees concurred that a formal ProgramManagement Team is not required.

26、 The roles, responsibilities and objectives normally in aformal Program Management Team will be accomplished through written liaisons and liaisonrepresentatives. Table 2 identifies the areas of responsibility outside T1S1.6 related to NumberPortability.6Standards Area CommitteeRequirements T1P1, TR4

27、5, TR46, OBFReference Architecture T1P1, TR45Performance T1A1, T1P1, TR45, TR46OAM&P T1M1, T1P1, TR45, TR46Signaling Protocols T1P1, T1S1, TR45, T46Intelligent Network (IN/WIN) Capabilities 2 T1S1, TR45Subject ForumBilling and Recording OBFNPAC Interface NANC - T&OTable 2 External Number-Portability

28、-related ActivitiesNANC - North American Numbering CouncilTR45, TR46 - TIA committees for wireless standards8. LiaisonsFormal liaisons were established with the following committees:NANC LNPA Working GroupNANC T&O Working GroupNANC NRO Working GroupIndustry Numbering CommitteeOrdering and Billing Fo

29、rumNetwork Interconnection/Interoperability ForumTIA TR45.2TIA TR46T1A1T1M1T1P12 Specifically, the Number Portability trigger point encodings for IN/WIN.79. Deliverables1. NP Program Management Work Plan - Technical Report.2. NP requirements documents 3 as follows:A. Technical Requirements for Numbe

30、r Portability - Switching SystemsB. Technical Requirements for Number Portability - Database and Global TitleTranslationC. Technical Requirements for Number Portability - Operator Services SwitchingSystems3. Status Reports and Liaisons.10. 3 Requirements for charging capabilities (Billing) are incor

31、porated into these documents as appropriate.8Functional ArchitectureFigure 1 - NP Functional Architecture to show Organizations AffectedLabel Element Organizations with Prime ResponsibilityNPAC NP Administration Center NANC - T&OSOA Service Order Administration T1M1, OBFOperationsSystemsOperations S

32、upport Systems (various) T1M1, OBF, NIIFLSMS Local Service Management System T1M1NP Database Number Portability Database (real-time) T1S1, T1P1, TR45IN/WIN SCP Various SCPs, including LIDB T1S1, T1P1, TR45SS7 SS7 network T1S1IXC Tandem T1S1Oper Sys Operator System T1S1, OBFAccess Tandem T1S1EO End O

33、ffice T1S1MSC Mobile Switching Center T1P1, TR45HLR Home Location Register T1P1, TR45MC Message Center T1P1, TR45NP ACSO AOperationsSystemsMSCAccessTandemLSMSMCSS7IXCTandemEOOperSysHLRT1M1OBFNANC-T&O T1M1T1M1OBFNIIFT1S1OBFT1S1T1S1T1S1T1S1T1P1TR45T1P1TR45TR46T1S1T1P1TR45TR46T1S1T1P1TR45TR46Performanc

34、e- T1A1T1P1TR45TR469Appendix 1 - Impact on T1 Standards/Technical Reports and TIA StandardsCOMMITTEE T1 STANDARDSNP Impact ResponsibleTSCANSI Standard TitleNo T1X1 Synchronization Interface Standards for Digital Networks (ANSI T1.101-1994) (P)No T1X1 Digital Hierarchy - Electrical Interfaces (ANSI T

35、1.102-1993) (P)No T1X1 Digital Hierarchy - VT1.5 Electrical Interface (ANSI T1.102.01-1996) (P)Withdrawn - Digital Hierarchy - Synchronous DS3 Format Specifications (ANSI T1.103-1987)(Withdrawn)Withdrawn - Supplement ANSI T1.103a-1990 (Withdrawn)No T1S1 Exchange-Interexchange Carrier Interfaces-Indi

36、vidual Channel Signaling Protocols (ANSIT1.104-1991) (P) (R 1997)No T1X1 Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Basic Description including MultiplexStructure, Rates and Formats (ANSI T1.105-1995) (P)No T1X1 Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Automatic Protection (ANSI T1.105.01-1998)(P)No T1X1 Sy

37、nchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Payload Mappings (ANSI T1.105.02-1995) (P)No T1X1 Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Jitter at Network Interfaces (ANSI T1.105.03-1994) (P)No T1X1 Supplement ANSI T1.105.03a-1995 (P)No T1X1 Supplement ANSI T1.105.03b-1997No T1X1 Synchronous Optical Network (SON

38、ET) - Data Communication Channel Protocol andArchitectures (ANSI T1.105.04-1995) (P)No T1X1 Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Tandem Connection Maintenance (ANSIT1.105.05-1994) (P)No T1X1 Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Physical Layer Specifications (ANSIT1.105.06-1996) Revision of ANSI T1

39、.106-1988(P)No T1X1 Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Sub-STS-1 Interface Rates and FormatsSpecification (ANSI T1.105.07-1996) (P)No T1X1 Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Network Element Timing and Synchronization(ANSI T1.105.09-1996) (P)Replaced - Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Digi

40、tal Hierarchy Optical InterfaceSpecifications: Single-Mode (ANSI T1.106-1988) Replaced by ANSI T1.105.06-1996No T1X1 Digital Hierarchy - Formats Specifications (ANSI T1.107-1995) (P)No T1S1 Exchange-Interexchange Carrier Interfaces - 950+XXXX Access Signaling Protocols(ANSI T1.109-1990) (P) (R 1996)

41、Yes T1S1 Signaling System No. 7, General Information (ANSI T1.110-1992) (P)No T1S1 Signaling System No. 7, Message Transfer Part (ANSI T1.111-1996) (P)No T1S1 Supplement ANSI T1.111a-1994, Numbering of Signalling Point Codes (ANSI T1.111a-1994) (P)Yes T1S1 Signaling System No. 7, Signaling Connectio

42、n Control Part Functional Description (ANSIT1.112-1996) (P)Yes T1S1 Signaling System No. 7, ISDN User Part (ANSI T1.113-1995) (P)No T1S1 Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) - Transaction Capability Application Part (TCAP) (ANSIT1.114-1996) (P)Replaced - Monitoring and Measurements for Signaling System No.

43、 7 Networks (ANSI T1.115-1990)Replaced by ANSI T1.116-1996No T1S1 Signaling System No. 7 (SS7) Operations, Maintenance and Administrative Part (OMAP)(ANSI T1.116-1996) Revision and Consolidation of ANSI T1.115-1990 (P)No T1X1 Digital Hierarchy Optical Interface Specifications (Short Reach) (ANSI T1.

44、117-1991) (R1997) (P)No T1S1 SS7 - Intermediate Signaling Network Identification (ISNI) (ANSI T1.118-1992) (P)No T1X1 Information Systems - Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Operations,Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning(OAM&P) - Communications (ANSIT1.119-1994) (P)10No T1X1 SONET: OAM

45、&P Communications Protection Switching Fragment (ANSI T1.119.01-1995) (P)Replaced - Information Interchange-Structure for the Identification of Location Entities for the NorthAmerican Telecommunications System(ANSI T1.201-1987) Replaced by ANSI T1.253-1996? T1M1 Internetwork Operations - Guidelines

46、for Network Management of the Public SwitchedNetworks Under Disaster Conditions (ANSI T1.202-1988) (P)Withdrawn - Operation, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning - Human-Machine Language(ANSI T1.203-1988) (Withdrawn)No T1M1 OAM&P - Lower Layer Protocols for Telecommunication Management Netwo

47、rk (TMN )Interfaces, Q3 and X Interfaces (ANSI T1.204-1997)Replaced - Representation of Places, States of the United States, Provinces and Territories of Canada,Countries of the World and Other Areas for the North American TelecommunicationsSystem for Information Interchange (ANSI T1.205-1988) (Repl

48、aced by ANSI T1.253-1996)No T1M1 Digital Exchanges and PBXs - Digital Circuit Loopback Test Line with NxDSO Capability(ANSI T1.206-1994) (P)No T1M1 Terminating Test Line Capabilities and Access Arrangements (ANSI T1.207-1989)(R1995) (P)No T1M1 Supplement ANSI T1.207a-1995 (P)No T1M1 OAM&P - Upper La

49、yer Protocols for Telecommunications Management Network (TMN)Interfaces, Q3 and X Interfaces (ANSI T1.208-1997)? T1M1 Network Tones and Announcements (ANSI T1.209-1989) (P)? T1M1 Supplement ANSI T1.209a-1995 - OAM&P Network Tones and Announcements (P)No T1M1 OAM&P - Principles of Functions, Architectures, and Protocol for TelecommunicationsManagement Network (TMN)Interfaces(ANSI T1.210-1993) (P)No T1M1 Information Interchange - Representation of National Security Emergency Preparedness -Telecommunications Service Priority(ANSI T1.211-1989) (P) (R 1996)No T1M1 Enhanced Telecommunicat

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