ANSI B151.2-1999 Plastic Film Casting Machinery - Manufacture Care and Use (SPI).pdf

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1、ANSI/SPI B151.2-1999for Plastic Film Casting Machinery Manufacture, Care and UseANSI/SPIB151.2-1999ANSI/SPI B151.2-1999Revision and redesignation ofANSI B151.2-1982 (R1988)American National Standardfor Plastic Film Casting Machinery Manufacture, Care and UseSponsorThe Society of the Plastics Industr

2、y, Inc.Approved August 11, 1999American National Standards Institute, Inc.Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that therequirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval havebeen met by the standards developer.Consensus is established when, in the j

3、udgement of the ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly andmaterially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more thana simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that allviews and objections be considered, and that a co

4、ncerted effort be madetowards their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; theirexistence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approvedthe standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or usingproducts, processes, or procedures no

5、t conforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards andwill in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American NationalStandard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue aninterpretation of an American National Standard in

6、the name of the AmericanNational Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should beaddressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the titlepage of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the Ameri

7、can National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, orwithdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards mayreceive current information on all standards by calling or writing the AmericanNational Standards Institute.American National Standard

8、Published byAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc.11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036Copyright 1999 by American National Standards InstituteAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written perm

9、ission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaiContentsPageForeword ii1 Scope, Purpose, and Application . 12 American National Standards Referred to in this Document 23 Definitions. 34 Care 65 Manufacture, Remanufacture, and Modification. 76 Use . 117 Signs and Plates. 12iiForeword

10、(This foreword is not part of American National Standard ANSI/SPI B151.2-1999.)This standard is a revision of American National Standard for Plastic Film CastingMachinery - Manufacture, Care and Use, ANSI B151.2-1982.The standard was revised because:1) The scope needed to be expanded and the titles

11、modified2) Some illustrations required modification to conform to the text and some illus-trations were deleted to permit design freedom3) Additional definitions were required4) Some paragraphs required modification and some paragraphs were added toconform more closely to changes in technology5) Som

12、e paragraphs required modification for clarity and intentA standard treating the manufacture, care and use of web handling machines is com-plicated by the wide variety and sizes of machines manufactured and in use, and bythe virtually infinite combinations of parts being produced, production methods

13、 beingused, and operating conditions existing in industry today.The primary objective of this standard is to minimize hazards to personnel associatedwith machine activity by establishing requirements for the manufacture, care and useof these machines. To accomplish this objective a decision was made

14、 to approachthe problem of machine safety as follows:1) Eliminate by design certain recognized hazards and establish standard ap-proaches to design, so that machines available from competitive manufacturerswill have similar operational characteristics2) Safeguard the machine where recognized hazards

15、 cannot be designed out fortechnical or operational reasons3) Warn where elimination or safeguarding of hazards is not technically or opera-tionally feasibleTo assist in the interpretation of these requirements, responsibilities have been as-signed to the manufacturer, re-manufacturer, the modifier,

16、 and the employer.Recognizing the impossibility of updating equipment and changing operation meth-ods allied with existing machines immediately after the approval date of this stan-dard, a 3-year period has been provided to employers for updating machines.Recognizing the impossibility of immediate u

17、pdating of design and manufacturingmethods, 4 and 6 shall become effective one year after the approval date of this stan-dard.Evidence of consensus on this standard was secured by use of the Canvass Method.Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should be sentto The Societ

18、y of the Plastics Industry Inc., 1801 K Street NW, Suite 600, Washing-ton, D.C. 20006-1301.iiiThe Society of the Plastics Industry Machinery Division Extrusion Section - Stan-dards Development Committee on Machinery Standards, which was responsible fordeveloping this standard, had the following memb

19、ers:D. Lounsbury, Chairman(Davis-Standards Corporation)W. Bishop, Secretariat(Executive Director, SPIMachinery Division)R. Monteith(Milacron, Inc.)G. Godfrey(Black Clawson)M. Mitchell(Welex, Inc.)J. Rexford(HPM Corporation)W. Wybenga(Brampton Engineering)ivExplanation of Standard FormatThis standard

20、 uses a two-column format to provide both specific requirements andsupporting information.The left column, designated “Standard Requirement“ is confined solely to these re-quirements and is printed in bold type. Where supporting photographs or sketchesare required, they are designated as “figures.“T

21、he right column, designated “Explanatory Information“ contains only informationthat is intended to clarify the standard. This is not a part of the standard. Where sup-plementary photographs or sketches are required, they are designated as “illustra-tions.“Operating rules (safe practices) are not inc

22、luded in either column unless they are ofsuch nature as to be vital safety requirements, equal in weight to other requirementsor guides to assist in compliance with the standard.AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI/SPI B151.2-1999American National Standardfor Plastic Film Casting Machinery Manufacture, C

23、are and Use1STANDARD REQUIREMENTS1 Scope, Purpose, and Application1.1 ScopeThe requirement of this standard shall applyto all film casting, cast embossing, laminatingand extrusion coating machinery (Machinery).Safety requirements of ancillary equipmentused with the Machinery are not covered bythis s

24、tandard.1.2 PurposeThe purpose of this standard is to identify andaddress known hazards to personnel workingon, or adjacent to the Machinery.1.3 Application1.3.1 New InstallationThe requirements of this standard pertainingto manufacturer shall apply to all new orremanufactured Machinery installed in

25、 theUnited States, of America. Compliance shallbe achieved within one year of the approvaldate of this standard. Date of shipment (monthand year) shall be affixed to the Machinepermanently and legibly along with the nameof the manufacturer or remanufacturer.1.3.2 Existing InstallationsThe employer i

26、s responsible for bringingexisting Machines into compliance with therequirements of this standard within threeyears of the approval date of this standardwith the following specific exception:- the 4-inch dimension referred to in 3.1and shall be changed to 3 inches.1.3.3 All InstallationsAn e

27、mployer shall not operate a Machine orpermit it to be operated unless it is incompliance with this standard.EXPLANATORY INFORMATIONE1.1 ScopeInquiries with respect to the application or thesubstantive requirements of the standard shouldbe addressed to The Society of the PlasticsIndustry, Inc, 1801 K

28、 Street NW, Suite 600,Washington, DC, 20006-1301.E1.3.2 Existing InstallationsExceptions to the standard:It is not the intent of this standard to requireexisting installations to be in total compliance withthe latest revision of ANSI/NFPA 79-1997,American National Standard Electrical Standardfor Ind

29、ustrial Machinery. Only the requirementsthat address personnel safety require updating.If modifications are required to achieve thisreduced dimension the employer is stronglyencouraged to use 4-inches, if at all possible.ANSI/SPI B151.2-199922. Normative ReferencesThe following standards contain pro

30、visionswhich, through reference in this text,constitute provisions of this AmericanNational Standard. At the time of publication,the editions indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision, and partiesto agreements based on this AmericanNational Standard are encouraged toinvestigate the

31、possibility of applying themost recent edition of the standards indicatedbelow.ANSI Z535.3-1998, Criteria for Safety Symbols*ANSI Z535.4-1998, Product Safety Signs andLabels*ANSI/NFPA 79-1997, Electrical Standard forIndustrial Machinery*OSHA 1910.932)E2 Related ReferencesSPI/AN-137, SPI Recommended

32、Guideline forSafety Signs for Plastics Machinery therefore, reference to themanufacturers or remanufacturers manual isvery important.E4.3 Inspection and MaintenanceTo meet the requirements of this subclause, it isrecommended that a visual inspection ofoperations and safeguards be made. In addition,a

33、n operational inspection should be made of allsafety interlocks and emergency stop devices.Each manufacturer, modifier or remanufacturershould have a recommended preventivemaintenance program for the Machinery. Thisprogram can be used as a basis for periodicoperational inspections and maintenance. I

34、n theabsence of such program, the employer shouldfulfill this requirement.ANSI/SPI B151.2-199975. Manufacture, Remanufacture, andModification5.1 Responsibility5.1.1 ManufactureThe manufacture of new Machinery shall be inaccordance with clauses 5 and 7 of thisstandard.5.1.2 RemanufactureThe remanufac

35、ture of existing Machinery shallbe in accordance with clauses 5 and 7 of thisstandard.5.1.3 ModificationModification(s) made to existing Machineryshall be in accordance with clause 7 and theapplicable parts of clause 5 of this standard.Any modification shall not reduce the level ofsafety existing on

36、 the machine prior to thatmodification.5.1.4 RepairRepair shall not reduce the level of safety ofthe Machine.5.2 Guarding, General5.2.1 Access OpeningsHazardous areas that are accessible shall beguarded. When the guard is not fixed, it shallbe interlocked to stop hazardous motionexposed by moving or

37、 removing the guard.Where safeguarding of hazards is nottechnically or operationally feasible, thesehazardous areas shall be color-coded.5.2.2 Rotating Shaft ExtensionRotating shaft extensions shall be smooth andshall not project more than one-half of thediameter of the shaft unless guarded. Smoothr

38、oll journals fitted with rotary joints and pipingand presenting no significant hazard areexcepted from these requirements.E5.2.1 Access OpeningsExamples of hazardous areas may include butare not limited to moving or rotating motor-drivenparts such as gears, sheaves, belts, chains,shafts, drive coupl

39、ings and pinch point.ANSI/SPI B151.2-199985.2.3 Cutting DevicesAll web-cutting devices within the reach pointduring normal production shall be guarded tothe extent technically and operationallyfeasible. A means shall be provided to preventunintentional movement during thread-up,blade change or other

40、 adjustment. Bladeholders shall be color-coded and a safety signshall be provided.5.3 Guarding, Nips5.3.1 Counter-Rotating NipsThe inrunning side of the counter-rotatingnips within the operators reach point shall beguarded to prevent a person form beingcaught in the nips and shall have anEmergency S

41、top Device readily accessible tothat person. The guard shall not form awedging nip. Inrunning Nips with Associated FlatDiesProcess considerations require access to thenip area. A flat die and/or its extensionstypically blocks access to the nip andprovides the guarding function. Whenblocking a

42、ccess to the nip, the flat die maycreate a wedging nip, which is not technicallyor operationally feasible to guard.Where a die narrower than the nip rolls fails toguard the outside face of the nip, dieextensions, deckles, or similar structuresshall be provided to achieve the sameguarding function.Sa

43、fety signs, color-coded roll ends and areadily accessible Emergency StoppingDevice shall be provided5.3.1.2 Nip Roll OpeningThe rolls shall open to a minimum of 4 inches(4“) between roll surfaces.E5.3.1 Counter-Rotating NipsAcceptable safeguarding devices include but arenot limited to:- vacuum box-

44、air knife or similar accessory which blocksaccess to the nip- fixed or moveable guard- presence sensing device which, whenactivated, shall open the nip- deckles- or an combination of the aboveE5.3.1.1 Inrunning Nips with Associated Flat DiesProcess Considerations include but are notlimited to access

45、 for die/roll adjustment, visualinspection, etc.ANSI/SPI B151.2-199995.3.1.3 Nip Roll ClosingNip rolls, which are operator accessible, shallbe closed by local hold-to-close control or iflocal control is not used, then a preclosealarm shall be provided. The control circuitsshall be designed such that

46、 to close the nipsan alarm of a duration of 3 seconds is active.From the moment of actuation of the alarm, atleast 3 seconds shall elapse before the nipcan be closed. The nip shall close within 12seconds of termination of the local preclosealarm.Exception: If the nip created by the closingrolls is i

47、n full view of the roll close controldevice, the rolls may be opened and reclosedwithin a period of 5 seconds without the localpreclose alarm; however, the alarm shall beactivated from the time the rolls are openeduntil they close. Emergency ConditionsActivation of the Emergency Stop Device s

48、hallinitiate stopping and opening of the drivenrolls, provided that this does not createadditional hazards. Opening TimeMinimum roll opening shall be achieved withinthree (3) seconds. Independently Moveable GuardsWhere guard motion is independent of nipmovement, the guard shall be in

49、terlocked toprevent closing of the nip when the guard isnot in place and shall open the nip if the guardis withdrawn from its effective position.Closing of the guard shall not of itself causethe nip rolls to close. Rotation of the nip rollsis permitted with the nip open independent ofguarding. Nip-Powered Moveable GuardsNip-powered moveable guards within theoperators reach point which form a pinchpoint when the guard is closing, shall complywith Roll ClosingAfter 3 seconds have elapsed, the closing of thenip must take place within the next 12 seconds.Otherwise,

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