ANSI CAN ULC-S507-5-2005 STANDARD FOR WATER FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (Fourth Edition Including Amendment 1 January 31 2007 Amendment 2 March 30 2012 Reprinted March 30 2012).pdf

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1、 NATIONAL STANDARD OF CANADA CAN/ULC-S507-05 (Including Amendments 1 and 2) STANDARD FOR WATER FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Underwriters Laboratories of Canada was established in 1920 by letters patent issued by the Canadian Government. It maintains and operates laboratories and certification services for the

2、 examination, testing and certification of appliances, equipment, materials, constructions and systems to determine their relation to life, fire and property hazards as well providing inspection services. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a Certi

3、fication Organization, a Testing Organization, and an Inspection Body under the National Standards System of Canada. ULC Standards develops and publishes standards and other related publications for building construction, security and burglar protection, environmental safety, electrical equipment, f

4、ire protection equipment, gas and oil equipment, thermal insulation products, materials and systems, energy use in the built environment and electrical utility safety. ULC Standards is a not-for-profit organization and is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a Standards Development Organ

5、ization. National Standards of Canada developed by ULC Standards conform to the criteria and procedures established by the Standards Council of Canada. Such standards are prepared using the consensus principle by individuals who provide a balanced representation of interests relevant to the subject

6、area on a national basis. ULC is represented across Canada as well as many countries worldwide. For further information on ULC services, please contact: CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Underwriters Laboratories of Canada 7 Underwriters Road Toronto, Ontario M1R 3A9 Telephone: (416) 757-3611 Fax: (416) 757-95

7、40 Toll-free telephone: 1-866-973-ULC REGIONAL OFFICES EASTERN OFFICE 6505, Rte Transcanadienne, bureau 330 St-Laurent, Qubec H4T 1S3 Telephone: (514) 363-5941 Fax: (514) 363-7014 Toll-free telephone: 1-866-973-ULC For further information on ULC standards, please contact: ULC STANDARDS 200-440 Lauri

8、er Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7X6 Telephone: (613) 755-2729 Fax: (613) 231-5977 E-mail: Web site: The STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA (SCC) is the coordinating body of the National Standards System, a coalition of independent, autonomous organizations working toward

9、s the further development and improvement of voluntary standardization in the national interest. The principal objects of the SCC are to foster and promote voluntary standardization as a means of advancing the national economy, benefiting the health, safety and welfare of the public, assisting and p

10、rotecting the consumer, facilitating domestic and international trade, and furthering international cooperation in the field of standards. A National Standard of Canada (NSC) is a standard prepared or reviewed by an accredited Standards Development Organization (SDO) and approved by the SCC accordin

11、g to the requirements of CAN-P-2. Approval does not refer to the technical content of the standard; this remains the continuing responsibility of the SDO. A NSC reflects a consensus of a number of capable individuals whose collective interests provide, to the greatest practicable extent, a balance o

12、f representation of general interests, producers, regulators, users (including consumers), and others with relevant interests, as may be appropriate to the subject in hand. It normally is a standard which is capable of making a significant and timely contribution to the national interest. Those who

13、have a need to apply standards are encouraged to use NSCs. These standards are subject to periodic review. Users of NSCs are cautioned to obtain the latest edition from the SDO which publishes the standard. The responsibility for approving National Standards of Canada rests with the: Standards Counc

14、il of Canada 270 Albert Street Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6N7 Telephone: (613) 238-3222 PACIFIC OFFICE No. 130 13775 Commerce Parkway Richmond, British Columbia V6V 2V4 Telephone: (604) 214-9555 Fax: (604) 214-9550 Toll-free telephone: 1-866-973-ULC The intended primary application of this Standa

15、rd is stated in its scope. It is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the user of the Standard to judge its suitability for this particular application. Copies of this National Standard of Canada may be ordered from ULC Standards. LES NORMES NATIONALES DU CANADA SONT DISPONIBLES E

16、N VERSIONS FRANAISE ET ANGLAISE ULC Standards CAN/ULC-S507 Fourth Edition Underwriters Laboratories Inc. ANSI/UL 626 Eighth Edition Water Fire Extinguishers February 28, 2005 (Title Page Reprinted: March 30, 2012) This harmonized standard has been jointly revised on March 30, 2012 to include a clari

17、fication of the Cylinder Requirements with DOT and TDGR Specifications and to delete the Carbide Precipitation Test. For this purpose, ULC Standards and UL are issuing amendment pages dated March 30, 2012. Approved by Standards Council of Canada ANSI/UL 626-2012 Commitment for Amendments This Standa

18、rd is issued jointly by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) and ULC Standards. Amendments to this Standard will be made only after processing according to the Standards writing procedures by UL and ULC. UL and ULC Standards are separate and independent entities and each is solely responsible for its

19、 operations and business activities. The UL trade names and trademarks depicted in this document are the sole property of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. The ULC Standards trade names and trademarks depicted in this document are the sole property of ULC Standards. ISSN 0317-526X Copyright 2012 ULC St

20、andards All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. In Canada, written comments are to be sent to ULC Standards Department, 200 - 440 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontari

21、o K1R 7X6. Copyright 2012 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 8/V 6WDQGDUGV IRU 6DIHW DUH FRSULJKWHG E 8/ 1HLWKHU D SULQWHG QRr electronic copy of a Standard VKRXOGEHDOWHUHGLQDQZD$OORI8/V6WDQGDUGVDQGDOOFRSULJKWVRwnerships, and rights regarding those Standards shall remain the sole and exclusive property

22、of UL. This ANSI/UL Standard for Safety consists of the Eighth edition including revisions through March 30, 2012. The most recent designation of ANSI/UL 626 as an American National Standard (ANSI) occurred on March 30, 2012. ANSI approval for a standard does not include the Cover Page, Transmittal

23、Pages, Title Page (front and back), or the Preface. Comments or proposals for revisions on any part of the Standard may be submitted to UL at any time. 3URSRVDOV VKRXOG EH VXEPLWWHG YLD D 3URSRVDO 5HTXHVW LQ 8/V On-Line Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS) at http:/. To purchase UL Stan

24、dards, visit Comm 2000 at http:/m- or call toll-free 1-888-853-3503. ULC Preamble International Classification for Standards (ICS): 13.220.10 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Canadian standard may be the subject of patents rights. ULC Standards shall not be hel

25、d responsible for identifying any or all such patents rights. This Standard is intended to be used for conformity assessment No Text on This PageAmendment 2 CAN/ULC-S507 ANSI/UL 626 March 30, 2012 Amendment Notice ULC STANDARDS STANDARD FOR WATER FIRE EXTINGUISHERS CAN/ULC-S507-05 AMENDMENT 2 MARCH

26、30, 2012 The following amendments are being incorporated into CAN/ULC-S507-05: 1. Revised Subsection 35.1. 2. Revised Subsection 62.1. 3. Remove Section 58. NOTICE PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS STANDARD INCLUDES AMENDMENT(S). THE CURRENT EDITION OF THIS STANDARD IS NOT VALID UNLESS USED TOGETHER WITH THE AM


28、ge Amendment 2 CAN/ULC-S507 ANSI/UL 626 March 30, 2012 35.1 Cylinders 35.1.0 Extinguisher cylinders that are designed, tested and marked in accordance with specifications for shipping containers of the DOT or TDGR shall comply with the applicable DOT or TDGR specification and shall meet only 36.1.3.

29、 35.1.1 An extinguisher cylinder shall withstand for 1 minute, without rupture, a pressure of twice the proof test pressure as specified in 35.1.2 (a), (b), or (c) 35.1.2 The proof test pressure is to be determined as follows: a) For a hand-portable extinguisher that uses a single chamber for both t

30、he agent and expellant gas, the proof test pressure shall be three times the intended charging pressure at 21C (70F) except as provided in (b); b) For extinguishers of the wheeled type, the proof test pressure shall be twice the intended charging pressure at 21C (70F); and c) The minimum proof press

31、ure shall be twice the charging pressure or 800 kPa (120 psig), whichever is greater. 35.1.3 A non-metallic cylinder for a wheeled extinguisher shall withstand for 1 minute, without rupture, a pressure of six times, its intended charging pressure at 21C (70F). 35.1.4 There shall be no permanent volu

32、metric expansion in excess of 10 percent of the total expansion of the cylinder when pressurized to the proof test pressure as specified in 35.1.2 (a), (b), or (c) for 30 seconds, after which the pressure is to be released. For cylinders that have been proof pressure tested, the test pressure is to

33、be increased by 10 percent. 35.1.5 When an extinguisher cylinder tested to rupture (see 35.4.3), fractures along circumferential joints between the top or bottom dome and the side sheet, or at the collar or collar joint or at the point of attachment of elbows or discharge fittings, the rupture press

34、ure shall be a minimum eight times the operating pressure at 21C (70F). Fractures passing through welds but parallel to the longitudinal axis of the cylinder are to be evaluated according to the requirements specified in 35.1.1. For the purposes of this requirement the heat affected zone is consider

35、ed to be a part of the weld. 35.1.6 The flat dome or bottom of a cylinder shall withstand for 1 minute, without rupture, an internal pressure of eight times its intended charging pressure at 21C (70F). During this test, the cylinder sidewall is to be restrained with a close fitting steel sleeve or s

36、imilar device to prevent rupture of the sidewall.No Text on This Page Amendment 2 CAN/ULC-S507 ANSI/UL 626 March 30, 2012 36.1.3 Following the vibration test, the extinguisher shall discharge a minimum of 95 percent of its rated capacity of agent solution at 21 3C (70 5F). When there are visible sig

37、ns of damage or deterioration of the valve or cylinder, the extinguisher shall be subjected to and comply with the requirements of 35.1.1, 35.1.5 and 35.2.1. The minimum burst pressure for extinguishers with DOT or TDGR specification cylinders shall be four times the charging pressure at 21 C ( 70 F

38、). 37.2.1 A hand-portable extinguisher charged with its rated capacity shall comply with the requirements specified in (a) and (b) below after being dropped three times onto a concrete surface as specified in 37.2.2: a) The extinguisher shall not rupture. b) The extinguisher shall comply with the re

39、quirements specified in 35.1.0 and 35.1.1, except that the test pressure is to be equal to the rated charging or maximum operating pressure. 62.1 Cylinders 62.1.1 The cylinder of each extinguisher shall withstand for 30 seconds, without leakage, the proof pressure as specified in 35.1.2 (a), (b), or

40、 (c) as applicable. Cylinders that are designed, tested, and marked in accordance with specifications for shipping containers of the DOT or TDGR shall comply with the applicable DOT or TDGR specification. 62.1.2 The apparatus for the pressure test is to consist of a hand- or motor-operated

41、pump capable of producing the required test pressure, fittings for attachment to the test sample, a pressure gauge graduated in increments of at least 138 kPa (20 psig), and the valves, fittings, and similar devices, for regulating and maintaining the specified pressure. No Text on This Page Amendme

42、nt 2 CAN/ULC-S507 ANSI/UL 626 March 30, 2012 58 Carbide Precipitation Test 58.1 The welds and adjacent material of stainless steel extinguisher cylinders shall not contain carbide compounds precipitated continuously along the boundaries of the metal grain structure. 58.2 Three samples of welds are t

43、o be taken from a finished cylinder and selected so that each of the major welds is represented by a single sample. The samples then are to be prepared in accordance with “Practice A“ of Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intragranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels, ASTM A262

44、REVA. The photomicrographs of the samples are to be equivalent to Figures 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 of that ASTM test method. No Text on This Page Amendment 1 CAN/ULC-S507 ANSI/UL 626 January 31, 2007 Amendment Notice 81(5:5,7(56/$%25$725,(62) Hydrostatic Pressure Test, Clause 35; Vibration Test, Clause 36;

45、 Roadability and Rough Usage Tests, Clause 37; Burst Strength Test - Gauges and Indicators, Clause 47; Nameplate Exposure Tests, Clause 55; b) Moisture absorption; see Salt Spray Corrosion Test, Clause 41; One-Year Time Leakage Test, Clause 45, Nameplate Exposure Tests, Clause 55; c) Flammability, s

46、ee 6.9; d) Resistance to deterioration due to aging, see Aging Tests - Polymeric Materials, Clause 39; One-Year Time Leakage Test, Clause 45; Nameplate Exposure Tests, Clause 55; e) Exposure to light and water, see 39.3.1 and Nameplate Exposure Tests, Clause 55; and f) Exposure to the extinguishing

47、agent, see 39.2. 6.7 With reference to flammability, polymeric materials shall be classified as HB, V-0, V-1, V-2, 5VA, or 5VB, when tested in accordance with the Standard for Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances, UL 94. Other nonmetallic materials shall ha

48、ve equivalent characteristics. 10 CAN/ULC-6$16,8/ February 28, 2005 6.8 An extinguisher shall operate as intended from the minimum storage temperature to 49C (120F), inclusive. Currently recognized minimum storage temperatures are 4C (40F) and -40C (-40F). See Operating Temperature Limits Test, Clause 31. 6.9 The edges and surfaces of a valve, cap, closure, hose, cylinder, handle, mounting device, and similar items, shall not be sufficiently sharp to constit

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