ANSI CSA AM Z21.11.3-2016 Gas-fired room heaters volume III propane-fired portable emergency use heater systems (Second Edition).pdf

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1、ANSI Z21.11.3-2016Gas-fired room heaters, volume III, propane-fired portable emergency use heater systemsLegal Notice for StandardsCanadian Standards Association and CSA America, Inc. (operating as “CSA Group”) develop standards thro ugh a consensus standards development pro cess approved by the Sta

2、ndards Council of Canada and the American National Standards Institut e. This process brings together volunteer s representing varied viewpoints and interes ts to achieve consensus and develop a standard. Although CSA Group administ ers the process and est ablishes rules to pro mote fairness in achi

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18、do make such copies, you are required to destr oy them immediately . Use of this document constitut es your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice.Revision HistoryRevisions from previous edition Revision symbol (in margin)Clauses 1.1 , 1.4 , 1.5 , 1.6 , 1.7 , 3, 4.1.2 , 4.1.19 ,

19、 4.21.1 , 4.21.2 , 4.22.3 , 4.22.12 , 5.10.4 , 5.11 , 5.11.1 , 5.11.2 , 5.11.3 , 5.11.4 , 5.11.5 , and 5.19.1Figures 12 and 13Standards Update ServiceANSI Z21.11.3-2016November 2016Title: Gas-fired room heaters, volume III, propane-fired portable emergency use heater systemsTo regist er for e-mail n

20、otification about any updat es to this publication go to click on CSA Updat e ServiceThe List ID that you will need to regist er for updat es to this publication is 2423953.If you require assista nce, please e-mail t echsupportcsagr or call 416-747-2233.Visit CSA Gr oups policy o

21、n privacy at www .csagr to find out how we prot ect your per sonal information.CSA Group American National Standards InstituteThe Canadian Standards Association (operating as CSA Gr oup), under whose auspices this National Standard has been produced, was charte red in 1919 and accredit

22、 ed by the Standards Council of Canada to the National Standards sy st em in 1973. It is a not -for - pro fit, nons tatutory , voluntary membership association engaged in stan dards development and certification activities. CSA Gr oup standards reflect a national consensus of pro ducers and user s i

23、ncluding manufacturers, consumer s, retailer s, unions and profes sional organizations, and governmental agencies. The stan dards are used widely by indus try and commerce and oft en adopt ed by municipal, provincial, and federal governments in their regulations, particularly in the fields of health

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25、 ships. The more than 7000 committ ee volunte ers and the 2000 sustai ning member ships together form CSA Gr oups total member ship fro m which its Directors are chosen. Sustai ning member ships represent a major source of income for CSA Gr oups stan dards development activities.CSA Gr oup offers ce

26、rtification and tes ting services in support of and as an ext ension to its stan dards development activities. To ensure the integri ty of its certification pr ocess, CSA Gr oup regularly and continually audits and inspects pr oducts that bear the CSA Gr oup Mark.In addition to its head office and l

27、aboratory complex in Toronto, CSA Gr oup has regional branch offices in major centres acro ss Canada and inspection and te sting agencies in eight countries. Since 1919, CSA Gr oup has developed the necessary expertise to meet its corporat e mission: CSA Group is an independent service organization

28、whose mission is to pr ovide an open and effective forum for activities facilitating the exchange of goods and services through the use of stan dards, certification and relat ed services to meet national and int ernational needs.The American National Standards Ins titute (ANSI), Inc. is the national

29、ly recognized coordinator of voluntary standards development in the United States thr ough which voluntary organizations, representing virtually every technical discipline and every facet of trade and commerce, organized labor and consumer int erests, establish and improve the some 10,000 national c

30、onsensus stan dards currently approved as American National Standards. ANSI provides that the inter ests of the public may have appr opriate participation and representation in standardization activity , and cooperate s with departments and agencies of U.S. Federal, stat e and local governments in a

31、chieving compatibility between government codes and standards and the voluntary standards of indus try and commerce.ANSI represents the inter est s of the Unit ed State s in international nontreaty organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Int ernational

32、Electr otechnical Commission (IEC). The Institut e maintains close ties with regional organizations such as the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT). As such, ANSI coordinate s the activities involved in the U.S. participation in these groups.ANSI

33、 approval of standards is intended to verify that the principles of openness and due process have been followed in the approval proce dure and that a consensus of those directly and mater ially affect ed by the stan dards has been achieved. ANSI coordination is intended to assist the voluntary sys t

34、e m to ensure that national standards needs are identified and met with a set of s tandards that are without conflict or unnecessary duplication in their requirements.For further information on CSA Gr oup services, writ e to CSA Gr oup 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Toro nto, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3Responsi

35、bility of approving American stan dards rest s with the American National Standards Ins titute, Inc. 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth floor New York, NY 10036ISBN 978-1-4883-0084-4 2016 CSA Group All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior p

36、ermission of the publisher .Published in November 2016 by CSA Group A not -for-prof it privat e sect or organization 178 Re xdale Boulevard, Toront o, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3 To purchase st andards and related publications, visit our Online Store at shop.csa.caor call to ll-free 1-800-463-6727 or 41

37、6-747-4044.A trademark of the Canadian Standards Association and CSA America Inc., operating as “CSA Group”American National Standards Institute, Inc.Approved on Octo ber 31, 2016 by ANSIGas-fired room heaters, volume III, propane-fired portable emergency use heater systemsANSI Z21.11.3-2016ANSI Z21

38、.11.3-2016Gas-fired room heaters, volume III, propane-fired portable emergency use heater systemsNovember 2016 2016 CSA Group 1ContentsZ21/83 Technical Committ ee on Standards for Performance and Insta llation of Gas Burning Appliances and Relate d Accessories 3Z21 Technical Subcommitt ee on Standar

39、ds for Unvent ed Gas-Fired Heating Appliances 7Preface 111 Scope 132 Reference publications 143 Definitions 174 Cons truction 244.1 General construc tion and assembly 244.2 Mat erials 274.3 Guarding of heating components 284.4 Enclosures for self-contained prop ane supply 354.5 Glass fr onts 364.6 S

40、elf-contained pro pane supply 374.7 Main burner s 384.8 Primary air openings 394.9 Orifices and orifice fit tings 394.10 Gas ignition sy st ems 394.11 Oxygen depletion safety (ODS) shutoff sys tem s 404.12 Appliance gas contr ol valve 414.13 Gas supply lines 424.14 Thermos tats 444.15 Temperature li

41、mit contr ol 444.16 Safety shutoff valves 444.17 Gas appliance pressure regulator 454.18 Gas pressure regulator for use with composit e cylinder s used on propa ne-fired portable emergency use heat er s ys tems 454.19 Adjus tment of minimum input rating 464.20 Electrical equipment and wiring 464.21

42、Ins tructions 504.22 Markings 545 Performance 595.1 General 595.2 Tes t gases 605.3 Inlet tes t pressures and burner adjustments 615.4 Combus tion and hydr ocarbon emissions (for heat er s using a catalytic pad-type burner) 625.5 Combus tion 645.6 Burner operating charact erist ics 705.7 Pilot opera

43、ting charact erist ics 715.8 Pilot burners and safety shutoff devices 72ANSI Z21.11.3-2016Gas-fired room heaters, volume III, propane-fired portable emergency use heater systemsNovember 2016 2016 CSA Group 25.9 Orifice and orifice fit ting tempe ratures 755.10 Glass fr onts 755.11 Burn hazard pot en

44、tial 785.12 Oxygen depletion safety (ODS) shutoff sys tem s 835.13 Combus tion s tability t est (for heat er s using a catalytic pad type burner) 845.14 Heat er sy st em main gas valves 845.15 Gas pressure regulator s 855.16 Automatic valves 855.17 Safety circuit analysis 855.18 Wall, floor , and ce

45、iling tempe ratures 855.19 Surface tem peratures 885.20 Abnormal operation tes ts 905.21 Evaluation of clothing ignition potenti al 905.22 Abuse t est 925.23 Temperature at discharge air opening 925.24 Marking mater ial adhesion and legibility 936 Manufacturing and pr oduction t ests 94Annex A (norm

46、ative) Sample failure modes and effects analysis for component miswiring* 96Annex B (normative) Glass t emperature calculation 97Annex C (normative) Outline of lighting ins tructions for a prop ane-fired portable emergency use heat er sy st em equipped with continuous pilots 101Annex D (normative) O

47、utline of operating instructi ons for heater sy st ems equipped with intermi tt ent pilot or int errupte d pilot sy st ems 105Annex E (normative) Outline of operating instructi ons for emergency use heat er s ys tems equipped with direct ignition sy st ems 109Annex F (informative) Relationship of ca

48、rbon dioxide to oxygen in the closed r oom tes t specified in Clause 5.12 of this Standard 113Annex G (informative) Pertinent references to ANSI Y14.15 115Annex H (informative) Wire color designations 116Annex I (informative) Recommended wire color usage 117Annex J (informative) Preferred graphic sy

49、 mbols of commonly used it ems, extract ed from Standard ANSI/IEEE 315, Graphic sy mbols for electrical and electron ics diagrams, and abbreviations for these it ems 118Annex K (informative) Table of conver sion factor s 120ANSI Z21.11.3-2016Gas-fired room heaters, volume III, propane-fired portable emergency use heater systemsNovember 2016 2016 CSA Group 3Z21/83 Technical Committee on Standards for Performance and Installation of Gas Burning Appliances and Related AccessoriesB.J. Swiecicki National Pr opane Gas Association, Frankfort, Illinois, U

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