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1、B41B4eB53B49 B5aB32B31B2eB34B30B2eB31B61B2dB31B39B39B37B43B47B41 B32B2eB39B31B61B2dB4dB39B37B41B64B64B65B6eB64B61 B74B6f B41B4eB53B49 B5aB32B31B2eB34B30B2eB31B2dB31B39B39B36 B95 B43B47B41 B32B2eB39B31B61B2dB4dB39B36B41B4dB45B52B49B43B41B4e B4eB41B54B49B4fB4eB41B4c B53B54B41B4eB44B41B52B44B2fB43B41B4

2、eB41B44B49B41B4e B47B41B53 B41B53B53B4fB43B49B41B54B49B4fB4e B53B54B41B4eB44B41B52B44B46B4fB52GAS-FIRED, HEAT ACTIVATED AIR-CONDITIONINGAND HEAT PUMP APPLIANCESB49B4eB54B45B52B4eB41B54B49B4fB4eB41B4c B41B50B50B52B4fB56B41B4c B53B45B52B56B49B43B45B53 B2d B55B2eB53B2eB2c B49B4eB43B2eB38B35B30B31 B45B6

3、1B73B74 B50B6cB65B61B73B61B6eB74 B56B61B6cB6cB65B79 B52B64B2e Bb7 B43B6cB65B76B65B6cB61B6eB64B2c B4fB68B69B6f B34B34B31B33B31B43B41B4eB41B44B49B41B4e B47B41B53 B41B53B53B4fB43B49B41B54B49B4fB4eB32B34B33 B43B6fB6eB73B75B6dB65B72B73 B52B64B2eB2c B53B75B69B74B65 B31B32B30B30B2cB4eB6fB72B74B68 B59B6fB72

4、B6bB2c B4fB6eB74B61B72B69B6fB2c B43B61B6eB61B64B61 B4dB32B4a B35B45B33PREFACEThe standards set forth herein apply to the first edition of the Standard forGas-Fired, Heat Activated Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Appliances, ANSIZ21.40.1-1996 CGA 2.91-M96, and supersede corresponding standards therein

5、.Following their preparation by the supervising subcommittee, they were acceptedby ANSI, the Interprovincial Gas Advisory Council, International Approval Services -U.S., Inc. and the Canadian Gas Association and subsequently approved.NOTE: Changes, other than editorial, are denoted by a vertical lin

6、ein the margin.IGACMarch 13, 1997 June 28, 1996American National Standards Institute, Inc. Interprovincial Gas Advisory CouncilEffective in Canada January, 1998Prepared byINTERNATIONALAPPROVAL SERVICES - U.S., INC. and CANADIAN GAS ASSOCIATION8501 East Pleasant Valley Road 243 Consumers Road, Suite

7、1200Cleveland, Ohio 44131 North York, Ontario, Canada M2J 5E3Published - July 1997Copyright 1997INTERNATIONAL APPROVAL SERVICES - U.S., INC./CANADIAN GAS ASSOCIATIONPermission is granted to republish material herein in laws or ordinances, and inregulations, administrative orders, or similar document

8、s issued by publicauthorities. Those desiring permission for other republication should consultInternational Approval Services - U.S., Inc. or the Canadian Gas Association at theaddresses noted above.Addenda toAMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD/CANADIAN GAS ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORGAS-FIRED, HEAT ACTIVATED

9、AIR-CONDITIONINGAND HEAT PUMP APPLIANCESPART ICONSTRUCTION1.2 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION1.2.2 Asbestos shall not be used in the construction of an appliance. |(Former 1.2.2 through 1.2.6 become 1.2.3 through 1.2.7, respectively.)1.2.8 All fuel gas and safety controls provided with the appliance, with the

10、exception of the manual |gas shutoff valve, shall be assembled on the appliance as shipped from the manufacturers plant. |(Former 1.2.7 through 1.2.9 become 1.2.9 through 1.2.11, respectively.)1.13 LIMIT CONTROLS AND PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICESLimit controls and pressure relief devices shall comply with

11、 the appropriate sections of the |Standard Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration, ANSI/ASHRAE 15. Effective means shall also |be provided for limiting the temperature within the highest temperature component to a value |that will not result in dissociation or other changes in the refrigerant, sol

12、vent, coolant, |absorbent, or adsorbent that are likely to lead to the formation of a hazardous condition. |1.13.1 Appliances Which Produce Heated and or Cooled Air, Liquid or Refrigerant.a. Temperature and pressure limit controls and fan controls shall comply with the SafetyStandard for Limit Contr

13、ols, ANSI/UL 353, or equivalent.b. Primary temperature limit controls shall not be of the automatic recycling type and shalleach have a manufacturers specified differential of not less than 10F (5.5C).If an auxiliary limit control is supplied, it may be of the automatic reset type but shallbe an int

14、egral part of the appliance.(Former proposed 1.13.2, unchanged.)1PART IIPERFORMANCE2.6 AUTOMATIC IGNITION SYSTEMS2.6.13 Under the conditions of voltage variation and pilot rate reduction specified in the followingMethod of Test, an automatic pilot ignition system shall ignite the pilot burner gas wi

15、thin|30 seconds after gas reaches the pilot burner port(s). During this test, igniter coils and spark|gaps shall show no signs of deterioration or wear.|Method of TestBefore testing, it shall be determined that all gas piping is filled with gas.These tests shall be conducted at normal inlet test pre

16、ssure under the following voltage and pilot inputrate conditions:a. UndervoltageThe voltage to the appliance shall be adjusted to 85 percent of the appliance rating plate|voltage.|b. OvervoltageThe voltage to the appliance shall be adjusted to 110 percent of the appliance rating platevoltage.c. Redu

17、ced Pilot Input RateThe pilot gas supply shall be reduced to an amount just sufficient to keep the valve of thesafety shutoff device open or to an amount just above the point of flame extinction, whicheverrepresents the higher pilot gas flow, and the appliance rating plate voltage shall be supplied.

18、|Under the conditions specified in “-a,” “-b” and “-c” above, ignition cycles shall be repeated 10 times.|In each case the pilot igniter, shall ignite the pilot burner gas within 30 seconds after gas reaches the|pilot burner port(s).|2.7 DIRECT IGNITION SYSTEMS2.7.4 Under the conditions of voltage v

19、ariation specified in the following Method of Test, the directignition system shall ignite main burner gas within 4 seconds after gas reaches the main burner|port(s).|2Method of TestThe following voltages shall be used during conduct of the test:a. UndervoltageThe voltage to the appliance shall be a

20、djusted to 85 percent of the appliance rating plate |voltage. |b. OvervoltageThe voltage to the appliance shall be adjusted to 110 percent of the appliance rating platevoltage.Under the conditions of both undervoltage and overvoltage as specified above, ignition cycles shall |be repeated 25 times.In

21、 each case the direct ignition system shall ignite main burner gas within 4 seconds after gas reaches |the main burner port(s). |2.13 TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE LIMITING DEVICES2.13.3 Liquid Temperature Limiting Devicesa. A liquid temperature limiting device, when adjusted at the maximum temperaturese

22、tting, shall in no case permit a produced liquid temperature in excess of 200F (93C). |Method of TestIf adjustment features designed for consumers use are provided in the device, the adjustmentshall be at the maximum temperature setting. A limiting device without an adjustable featurefor consumers u

23、se shall be tested as received, the manufacturers setting being considered themaximum. Arrangements shall be made so the maximum temperature of the liquid may beobtained at any time by means of a bead type thermocouple, accurate to 1F (0.5C), orequivalent means, located not more than 4 inches (102 m

24、m) downstream of the appliance hotliquid outlet.The appliance shall be operated at normal inlet test pressure. The flow of produced liquid shall |be gradually restricted until the temperature limit control acts to shut off the gas supply. The |maximum liquid temperature at the appliance outlet shall

25、 be determined and shall not be in |excess of 200F (93C). This test shall be repeated 4 times.b. The assembly of a liquid temperature limiting device on the appliance shall cause no |leakage of liquid when the assembly is subjected to a hydrostatic pressure three times its |normal working gauge pres

26、sure or 50 psi (334.7 kPa), whichever is greater.3Method of TestThe assembly shall be connected to the outlet of a suitable test pump in a manner that will|permit the application of hydrostatic pressure to all parts normally in contact with liquid. ABourdon pressure gauge, graduated in increments of

27、 not more than 5 psi, shall be connectedin the system near the assembly. By means of the pump, hydrostatic pressure shall be applied|and gradually increased to the test pressure. Under these conditions, no leakage shall beevidenced within a period of 5 minutes.c. An appliance intended to supply hot

28、water and having a total input of over 2,500,000 Btuper hour (732 678 W) shall be provided with a second control which will prevent a liquidtemperature in excess of 200F (93C) when tested as specified in 2.13.3-a and which willpermit no leakage of liquid when tested as specified in 2.13.3-b.4EXHIBIT

29、 AOUTLINE OF LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLIANCESEQUIPPED WITH CONTINUOUS PILOTSThe following is a guide to aid in the writing of thelighting instructions label for an appliance equipped with acontinuous pilot. The statements in quotes are to be wordedas shown. For purposes of this Exhibit, the word

30、 “knob” isused. An actual label shall use the word knob, button, lever,etc., as appropriate. If the action necessary to operate thecontrol is other than stated below, modification of thesentence(s) is acceptable.A sample of this label is shown in Figure A.Section 1“FOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTI

31、NG”The following warning shall be indented and boxed atthe top of this section:“WARNING:MIf you do not follow theseinstructions exactly, a fire or explosion mayresult causing property damage, personalinjury or loss of life.”“A. This appliance has a pilot which must be lighted byhand. When lighting t

32、he pilot, follow these instructionsexactly.”“B. BEFORE LIGHTING smell all around the appliancearea for gas. Be sure to smell next to the floor becausesome gas is heavier than air and will settle on the floor.WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GASDo not try to light any appliance.Do not touch any electric switc

33、h;Do not use any phone in your building.Immediately call your gas supplier from aneighbors phone. Follow the gas suppliersinstructions.If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the firedepartment.”“C. Use only your hand to push in or turn the gas controlknob. Never use tools. If the knob will not

34、push in orturn by hand, dont try to repair it, call a qualifiedservice technician. Force or attempted repair may resultin a fire or explosion.”“D. Do not use this appliance if any part has been underwater. Immediately call a qualified service technician toinspect the appliance and to replace any par

35、t of thecontrol system and any gas control which has beenunder water.”Section 2“LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS”1. “STOP! Read the safety information above (to theleft) on this label.”2. For an appliance equipped with or for use with anadjustable thermostat:“ Set the thermostat to the off position, if availab

36、le. |Otherwise: Set the thermostat to its lowest setting for |heating.; or Set the thermostat to its highest setting for |cooling.” |3. For an appliance which utilizes an external electricalsupply:“ Turn off all electric power to the appliance.”4. For an appliance which requires removal of a panel(s

37、)or other part to gain access to the gas control,instructions for gaining access to the gas control.5. Instructions, with an illustration, for turning the gascontrol manual valve to the full OFF position.*6. “Wait five (5) minutes* to clear out any gas. If youthen smell gas, STOP! Follow “B” in the

38、safetyinformation above (to the left) on this label. If you dontsmell gas, go to the next step.”7. For an appliance which requires removal of a part(s) togain access to the pilot, instructions for gaining accessto the pilot.8. Instructions for locating the pilot. Illustration of thepilot is required

39、.9. Instructions for putting the gas control into the PILOTposition.*10. Step by step instructions for lighting the pilot.An indented statement relative to maloperation of thecontrol such as:If the knob does not pop up when released, stopand immediately call your service technician or gassupplier.“I

40、f the pilot will not stay lit after several tries,“turn the gas control knob to “OFF ” and call your“service technician or gas supplier.”* Wherever rotation is required, the following words and symbols shall be usedto indicate direction:clockwise counterclockwise* The manufacturer may specify a long

41、er time.511. If applicable, instructions to replace the pilot accesspanel(s).12. Instructions for turning the gas control manual valve tothe ON position.*13. If applicable, instructions to replace the gas controlaccess panel(s) or other part(s).14. If applicable:“Turn on all electric power to the ap

42、pliance.”15. If applicable:“Set thermostat to desired setting.”* Wherever rotation is required, the following words and symbols shall beused to indicate direction:clockwise counterclockwiseSection 3“TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE”1. If applicable:“Set the thermostat to lowest setting.”2. If applicable

43、:“Turn off all electric power to the appliance if“service is to be performed.”3. If applicable, instructions for gaining access to the gascontrol.4. Instructions for turning the gas control manual valve tothe full OFF position.*5. If applicable, instructions to replace the gas controlaccess panel(s)

44、.6Figure A.MSample Lighting Instructions Label for an Appliance Equipped with a Continuous PilotFOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTINGA. This appliance has a pilot which must be lighted byhand. When lighting the pilot, follow theseinstructions exactly.B. BEFORE LIGHTING smell all around the appliancea

45、rea for gas. Be sure to smell next to the floorbecause some gas is heavier than air and will settleon the floor.WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GASNDo not try to light any appliance.NDo not touch any electric switch;NDo not use any phone in your building.NImmediately call your gas supplier from aNneighbors

46、phone. Follow the gas suppliersNinstructions.MIf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call theMfire department.C. Use only your hand to push in or turn the gascontrol knob. Never use tools. If the knob will notpush in or turn by hand, dont try to repair it, calla qualified service technician. Force o

47、r attemptedrepair may result in a fire or explosion.D. Do not use this appliance if any part has beenunder water. Immediately call a qualified servicetechnician to inspect the appliance and to replaceany part of the control system and any gascontrol which has been under water.LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS1.

48、 STOP! Read the safety information above on thislabel.2. Set the thermostat to the off position, if available.Otherwise: Set the thermostat to its lowest settingfor heating.; or Set the thermostat to its highestsetting for cooling.3. Turn off all electric power to the appliance.4. Remove control acc

49、ess panel.5. Push in gas control knob slightly and turnclockwiseto “OFF.”NOTE:MKnob cannot be turned from “PILOT” to“OFF” unless knob is pushed in slightly. Do notforce.6. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas. If youthen smell gas, STOP! Follow “B” in the safetyinformation above on this label. If you dont smellgas, go to the next step.17. Remove the pilot access panel located below andbehind the gas control unit.18. Find pilot - follow metal tubefrom gas control. The pilot isbetween the two burnertubes behind the pilot accesspanel.19. Turn knob on gas cont

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