1、ANSI Z21.93-2017 CSA 6.30-2017Excess flow valves for natural gas and propane gas with pressures up to 5 psigLegal Notice for StandardsCanadian Standards Association and CSA America, Inc. (operating as “CSA Group”) develop standards thro ugh a consensus standards development pro cess approved by the
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18、ou do make such copies, you are required to destr oy them immediately . Use of this document constitut es your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice.Revision HistoryANSI Z21.93-2017 CSA 6.30-2017, Excess flow valves for natural gas and propane gas with pressures up to 5 psigRev
19、ision from previous edition Revision symbol (in margin)Clauses 4.9.1 , 4.9.4 , 4.9.5 , 5.5.2 , 5.5.3 , and 5.5.4Annex AStandards Update ServiceANSI Z21.93-2017 CSA 6.30-2017April 2017Title: Excess flow valves for natural gas and propane gas with pressures up to 5 psigTo regist er for e-mail notifica
20、tion about any updat es to this publication go to shop.csa.ca click on CSA Updat e ServiceThe List ID that you will need to regist er for updat es to this publication is 2424174.If you require assista nce, please e-mail t echsupportcsagr oup.org or call 416-747-2233.Visit CSA Gr oups policy on priva
21、cy at www .csagr oup.org/legal to find out how we prot ect your per sonal information.CSA Group American National Standards InstituteThe Canadian Standards Association (operating as CSA Gr oup), under whose auspices this National Standard has been produced, was charte red in 1919 and accredit ed by
22、the Standards Council of Canada to the National Standards sy st em in 1973. It is a not -for - pro fit, nons tatutory , voluntary membership association engaged in stan dards development and certification activities. CSA Gr oup standards reflect a national consensus of pro ducers and user s includin
23、g manufacturers, consumer s, retailer s, unions and profes sional organizations, and governmental agencies. The stan dards are used widely by indus try and commerce and oft en adopt ed by municipal, provincial, and federal governments in their regulations, particularly in the fields of health, safet
24、y , building and cons truction, and the environm ent.Individuals, companies, and associations acro ss Canada indicate their support for CSA Gr oups stan dards development by volunte ering their time and skills to Commit tee work and supporting CSA Gr oups objectives through sustai ning member ships.
25、 The more than 7000 committ ee volunte ers and the 2000 sustai ning member ships together form CSA Gr oups total member ship fro m which its Directors are chosen. Sustai ning member ships represent a major source of income for CSA Gr oups stan dards development activities.CSA Gr oup offers certifica
26、tion and tes ting services in support of and as an ext ension to its stan dards development activities. To ensure the integri ty of its certification pr ocess, CSA Gr oup regularly and continually audits and inspects pr oducts that bear the CSA Gr oup Mark.In addition to its head office and laborato
27、ry complex in Toronto, CSA Gr oup has regional branch offices in major centres acro ss Canada and inspection and te sting agencies in eight countries. Since 1919, CSA Gr oup has developed the necessary expertise to meet its corporat e mission: CSA Group is an independent service organization whose m
28、ission is to pr ovide an open and effective forum for activities facilitating the exchange of goods and services through the use of stan dards, certification and relat ed services to meet national and int ernational needs.The American National Standards Ins titute (ANSI), Inc. is the nationally reco
29、gnized coordinator of voluntary standards development in the United States thr ough which voluntary organizations, representing virtually every technical discipline and every facet of trade and commerce, organized labor and consumer int erests, establish and improve the some 10,000 national consensu
30、s stan dards currently approved as American National Standards. ANSI provides that the inter ests of the public may have appr opriate participation and representation in standardization activity , and cooperate s with departments and agencies of U.S. Federal, stat e and local governments in achievin
31、g compatibility between government codes and standards and the voluntary standards of indus try and commerce.ANSI represents the inter est s of the Unit ed State s in international nontreaty organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Int ernational Electr
32、otechnical Commission (IEC). The Institut e maintains close ties with regional organizations such as the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT). As such, ANSI coordinate s the activities involved in the U.S. participation in these groups.ANSI approv
33、al of standards is intended to verify that the principles of openness and due process have been followed in the approval proce dure and that a consensus of those directly and mater ially affect ed by the stan dards has been achieved. ANSI coordination is intended to assist the voluntary sys te m to
34、ensure that national standards needs are identified and met with a set of s tandards that are without conflict or unnecessary duplication in their requirements.For further information on CSA Gr oup services, writ e to CSA Gr oup 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Toro nto, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3Responsibility
35、of approving American stan dards rest s with the American National Standards Ins titute, Inc. 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth floor New York, NY 10036ISBN 978-1-4883-0222-0 2017 CSA Group All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior permissi
36、on of the publisher .Published in April 2017 by CSA Group A not -for-prof it privat e sect or organization 178 Re xdale Boulevard, Toront o, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3 To purchase st andards and related publications, visit our Online Store at shop.csa.caor call to ll-free 1-800-463-6727 or 416-747-4044
37、.A trademark of the Canadian Standards Association and CSA America Inc., operating as “CSA Group”American National Standards Institute, Inc.Interprovincial Gas Advisory CouncilApproved on April 21, 2017 by ANSIApproved on April 11, 2017 by IGACEffective in Canada May 1, 2018Excess flow valves for na
38、tural gas and propane gas with pressures up to 5 psigANSI Z21.93-2017 CSA 6.30-2017ANSI Z21.93-2017 CSA 6.30-2017Excess flow valves for natural gas and propane gas with pressures up to 5 psigApril 2017 2017 CSA Group 1ContentsInt erpro vincial Gas Advisory Council 3Z21/83 Technical Committ ee on Per
39、formance and Inst allation of Gas Burning Appliances and Relat ed Accessories 5Technical Committ ee on Gas Appliances and Relate d Accessories 8Z21/CSA Joint Technical Subcommitt ee on Standards for Manually Operat ed Gas Valves 11Preface 141 Scope 162 Reference publications 173 Definitions 184 Cons
40、 truction 194.1 General 194.2 Equipment and data to be furnished by the manufacturer 194.3 Connections 204.4 Resis tance to tampering 204.5 Excess flow valves equipped with flare fit tings 204.6 Bolts, nuts and screws 224.7 Adjus tments 224.8 Mat erials 224.9 Ins tructions 234.9.1 General inst ructi
41、ons 234.9.3 Additional ins tructions 244.10 Marking 255 Performance 265.1 General 265.2 Tes t gases 275.3 Strength and deformation 275.3.1 Static pressure t est 275.3.2 Turning effort 285.3.3 Bending movement 295.3.4 Impact t est 295.4 Leakage 315.4.1 Ext ernal leakage 315.4.2 Pin or shaft seal leak
42、age 315.4.3 Int ernal seat leakage 315.5 Trip flow and flow capacity 325.6 Bypass flow rat e 335.7 Reset 345.8 Snap acting load tes t 35ANSI Z21.93-2017 CSA 6.30-2017Excess flow valves for natural gas and propane gas with pressures up to 5 psigApril 2017 2017 CSA Group 25.9 Endurance 355.10 High tem
43、pe rature performance 365.11 Season cracking 365.12 Salt spray 365.13 LP-gas compatibility tes t 365.14 Marking mater ial adhesion and legibility 376 Manufacturing and pr oduction t ests 38Annex A (normative) Calculations 39Annex B (normative) Item s unique to Canada 41Annex C (informative) Developm
44、ent of equations for deter mining gas flow capabilities in accordance with pr ocedures defined in the Standard for Manually operat ed gas valves, ANSI Z21.15/CSA 9.1. 42Annex D (informative) Table of conver sion factors 50Annex E (informative) Temperature scales and conver sions 52ANSI Z21.93-2017 C
45、SA 6.30-2017Excess flow valves for natural gas and propane gas with pressures up to 5 psigApril 2017 2017 CSA Group 3Interprovincial Gas Advisory CouncilJ. Renaud Rgie du btiment du Qubec, Montral, QubecChairA. Ali Government of Nunavut Community b) provide an ex planation of circums tances surround
46、ing the actual field condition; andc) where possible, phrase the reques t in such a way that a specific “yes” or “no” answer will address the issue. Committ ee interp retations are processed in accordance with the CSA Directives and guidelines governing st andardization and are available on the Curr
47、ent Standards Activities page at standardsac tivities.csa.ca .5) This Standard is subject to a review within five years from the dat e of approval. Suggesti ons for its improvement will be referred to the appropriate committee. To submit a proposal for change, please send the following information t
48、o inquiriescsagroup.org and include “Proposal for change” in the subject line: a) Standard designation (number);b) relevant clause, table, and/or figure number;c) wording of the proposed change; andd) rationale for the change.ANSI Z21.93-2017 CSA 6.30-2017Excess flow valves for natural gas and propa
49、ne gas with pressures up to 5 psigApril 2017 2017 CSA Group15History of development of ANSI Z21.93 CSA 6.30Not e: This his to ry is informative and is not part of the s tandard.CSA America, Inc. assumed responsibilities for the CSA Requirements / A.G.A. Requirements to create a managed sy st em, and where appr opriat e, develop a national stand ard. The firs t draft harmonized st andard for excess flow valves was based on the A.G.A. Requirement for Excess Flow Valves, No. 3-92. The draft document was prepared by the Z21/CSA Joint Tec