1、C22.2 No. 27-09BuswaysLegal Notice for StandardsCanadian Standards Association (CSA) standards are developed through a consensus standards development process approved by the Standards Council of Canada. This process brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve
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15、nt in print or paper form may be distributed only to persons who are authorized by CSA to have such copies, and only if this Legal Notice appears on each such copy.In addition, users may not and may not permit others to.alter this document in any way or remove this Legal Notice from the attached sta
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17、es, you are required to destroy them immediately. Use of this document constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice.Update No. 1C22.2 No. 27-09December 2011Note: General Instructions for CSA Standards are now called Updates. Please contact CSA Information Products Sal
18、es or visit shop.csa.ca for information about the CSA Standards Update Service.Title: Busways originally published March 2009The following revisions have been formally approved and are marked by a vertical line in the margin on the attached replacement pages:Revised Title page, copyright page, Prefa
19、ce, and Clauses and Clauses and None Update your copy by inserting these revised pages.Keep the pages you remove for reference.Association of Standardization and CertificationNMX-J-148-ANCE-2009Third EditionCanadian Standards AssociationCSA C22.2 No. 27-0
20、9Sixth EditionUnderwriters Laboratories Inc.UL 857Thirteenth EditionBuswaysMarch 25, 2009(Title Page Reprinted: December 9, 2011)ANSI/UL 857-2011Commitment for AmendmentsThis standard is issued jointly by the Association of Standardization and Certification (ANCE), theCanadian Standards Association
21、(CSA), and Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL). Comments orproposals for revisions on any part of the standard may be submitted to ANCE, CSA, or UL at anytime.Revisions to this standard will be made only after processing according to the standards developmentprocedures of ANCE, CSA, and UL. CSA and
22、UL will issue revisions to this standard by means of anew edition or revised or additional pages bearing their date of issue. ANCE will incorporate the samerevisions into a new edition of the standard bearing the same date of issue as the CSA and UL pages.Copyright 2011 ANCERights reserved in favor
23、of ANCE.ISBN 978-1-55436-530-2 2009 Canadian Standards AssociationAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without theprior permission of the publisher.CSA Standards are subject to periodic review, and suggestions for their improvement will be referre
24、dto the appropriate committee. To submit a proposal for change to CSA Standards, please send thefollowing information to inquirescsa.ca and include Proposal for change in the subject line:Standard designation (number); relevant clause, table, and/or figure number; wording of the proposedchange; and
25、rationale for the change.To purchase CSA Standards and related publications, visit CSAs Online Store at www.ShopCSA.ca orcall toll-free 1-800-463-6727 or 416-747-4044.Copyright 2011 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.ULs Standards for Safety are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed nor electronic copy of
26、 a Standardshould be altered in any way. All of ULs Standards and all copyrights, ownerships, and rights regardingthose Standards shall remain the sole and exclusive property of UL.This ANSI/UL Standard for Safety consists of the Thirteenth Edition including revisions throughDecember 9, 2011. The mo
27、st recent designation of ANSI/UL 857 as an American National Standard(ANSI) occurred on December 9, 2011. ANSI approval for a standard does not include the Cover Page,Transmittal Pages, Title Page (front and back), or the Preface. The National Difference Page and IECForeword are also excluded from t
28、he ANSI approval of IEC-based standards.The Department of Defense (DoD) has adopted UL 857 on April 20, 1993. The publication of revisedpages or a new edition of this Standard will not invalidate the DoD adoption.Comments or proposals for revisions on any part of the Standard may be submitted to UL
29、at any time.Proposals should be submitted via a Proposal Request in ULs On-Line Collaborative StandardsDevelopment System (CSDS) at http:/.To purchase UL Standards, visit Comm 2000 at http:/m- call toll-free 1-888-853-3503.PrefaceThis is the harmonized ANCE, CSA, and UL standard for Busways. It is t
30、he third edition ofNMX-J-148-ANCE, the sixth edition of CSA C22.2 No. 27, and the thirteenth edition of UL 857. Thisedition of CSA C22.2 No. 27 supersedes the previous edition published in 2000. This harmonizedstandard has been jointly revised on December 9, 2011. For this purpose, CSA and UL are is
31、suingrevision pages dated December 9, 2011, and ANCE is issuing a new edition dated December 9, 2011.This harmonized standard was prepared by the Association of Standardization and Certification (ANCE),the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), and Underwriters Laboratories Inc., (UL). The efforts an
32、dsupport of the CANENA Busway Technical Harmonization Committee are gratefully acknowledged.This Standard is considered suitable for use for conformity assessment within the stated scope of theStandard.The present Mexican Standard was developed by the CT CDI from the Comite de Normalizacion de laAso
33、ciacion de Normalizacion y Certificacion, A.C., CONANCE, with the collaboration of the buswaymanufacturers and users.This standard was reviewed by the CSA Subcommittee on Busways, under the jurisdiction of the CSATechnical Committee on Industrial Products and the CSA Strategic Steering Committee on
34、Requirementsfor Electrical Safety, and has been formally approved by the CSA Technical Committee.This standard has been approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an AmericanNational Standard.Where reference is made to a specific number of samples to be tested, the specified num
35、ber is to beconsidered a minimum quantity.Note: Although the intended primary application of this standard is stated in its scope, it is important to note thatit remains the responsibility of the users of the standard to judge its suitability for their particular purpose.Level of harmonizationThis s
36、tandard uses the IEC format but is not based on, nor is it considered equivalent to, an IEC standard.This standard is published as an equivalent standard for ANCE, CSA, and UL. An equivalent standard isa standard that is substantially the same in technical content, except as follows: Technical natio
37、naldifferences are allowed for codes and governmental regulations as well as those recognized as being inaccordance with NAFTA Article 905, for example, because of fundamental climatic, geographical,technological, or infrastructural factors, scientific justification, or the level of protection that
38、the countryconsiders appropriate. Presentation is word for word except for editorial changes.InterpretationsThe interpretation by the standards development organization of an identical or equivalent standard isbased on the literal text to determine compliance with the standard in accordance with the
39、 proceduralrules of the standards development organization. If more than one interpretation of the literal text has beenidentified, a revision is to be proposed as soon as possible to each of the standards developmentorganizations to more accurately reflect the intent.DECEMBER 9, 2011 NMX-J-148-ANCE
40、-2009 CSA C22.2 NO. 27-09 UL 857 5ANCE Effective DateThe effective date for ANCE will be announced through the Diario Oficial de la Federacin (OfficialGazette) and is indicated on the cover page.CSA Effective DateThe effective date for CSA International will be announced through CSA Informs or a CSA
41、 certificationnotice.UL Effective DateAs of December 9, 2011 all products Listed or Recognized by UL must comply with the requirements inthis standard except for clauses in the following list, which are effective December 9, 2013.Clauses and December 9, 2011 and December 9, 20
42、13, new product submittals to UL may be evaluatedunder all requirements in this standard or, if requested in writing, evaluated under presently effectiverequirements only. The presently effective requirements are contained in the Thirteenth edition of UL 857.A UL effective date is one established by
43、 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and is not part of the ANSIapproved standard.DECEMBER 9, 2011NMX-J-148-ANCE-2009 CSA C22.2 NO. 27-09 UL 85761.6 Insulating materials1.6.1 Insulating material, other than wire insulation, tape, thermoplastic tubing, or continuous bus barinsulation, relied upon for over
44、-surface spacing shall be resistant to arc-tracking under wet contaminatedsurface conditions and shall be:a) A ceramic-type material orb) A material having a Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) no less than 175 as determined inaccordance with Reference Item No. 15, Annex B.1.6.2 Insulating tape used in
45、 an outdoor ventilated busway shall be marked Weather Resistant underthe conditions described in Reference Item No. 14, Annex B.1.6.3 Requirements stated throughout this Standard for fittings apply to tap boxes, feed boxes, plug-indevices, and similar fittings; but do not apply to busway elbows, tee
46、s, and crosses.2 Definitions2.1 GeneralReserved for future use.2.2 Constructional units of assembliesReserved for future use.2.3 External design of assemblies2.3.1 Open-type assemblyReserved for future use.2.3.2 Dead-front assemblyReserved for future use.MARCH 25, 2009 NMX-J-148-ANCE-2009 CSA C22.2
47、NO. 27-09 UL 857 92.3.3 Enclosed assemblyReserved for future use.2.3.4 Busbar trunking system (busways) Short-run busways2. Short-run busways are unventilated busways intended:a) Primarily to feed switchboards;b) To have no intermediate taps (except for transformer stubs); andc) For a
48、maximum horizontal run of 9.14 m (30 ft) or a maximum vertical run of 3.05 m (10 ft). Short-run busways include only straight lengths, elbows, fittings, and transformer taps (notnecessarily end of run). A short-run busway is intended for horizontal runs, but one leg of any elbow maybe insta
49、lled in a vertical position. Trolley busway2. A trolley busway has provision for continuous contact with a trolley by means of a slot in theenclosure. Because the slot must accommodate a moveable trolley, the acceptable degree of exposure ofuninsulated live parts in a trolley busway is necessarily larger than in a busway of another type. Continuous plug-in busway2. In Canada and Mexico, a continuous plug-in busway is rated at 400 A or less, has no exposedbus bars, and is intende