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1、ANSI E1.46 2016STANDARD FOR THE PREVENTION OF FALLS FROMTHEATRICAL STAGES AND RAISED PERFORMANCEPLATFORMSFL/2012-8002r7Approved by the ANSI Board of Standards Review on 29 February 2016.ANSI E1.46 2016 FL/2012-8002r7NOTICE AND DISCLAIMERESTA does not approve, inspect, or certify any installations, p

2、rocedures, equipment or materials for compliance with codes, recommended practices or standards. Compliance with a ESTA standard or recommended practice, or an American National Standard developed by ESTA is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the manufacturer or provider and is entirely within

3、 their control and discretion. Any markings, identification or other claims of compliance do not constitute certification or approval of any typeor nature whatsoever by ESTA.ESTA neither guarantees nor warrants the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein and disclaim liability f

4、or any personal injury, property or other damage or injury of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance on this document.In issuing and distributing this document, ESTA does not either (

5、a) undertake to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity, or (b) undertake any duty to any person or entity with respect to this document or its contents. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the

6、advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstance.Note: Draft or proposed standards or recommended practices are subject to change. Conformance to a draft or proposed standard or recommended practice is no assurance that the product or servic

7、e complies with the final approved standard or practice or any other version thereof.Published by:The Entertainment Services and Technology Association630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 609New York, NY 10036USAPhone: 1-212-244-1505Fax: 1-212-244-1502standards.naESTA.orgCopyright 2016 ESTA iANSI E1.46 2016 FL/2

8、012-8002r7The ESTA Technical Standards ProgramThe ESTA Technical Standards Program was created to serve the ESTA membership and the entertainment industry in technical standards related matters. The goal of the Program is to take a leading role regarding technology within the entertainment industry

9、by creating recommended practices and standards, monitoring standards issues around the world on behalf of our members, and improving communications and safety within the industry. ESTA works closely with the technical standards efforts of other organizations within our industry, including USITT and

10、 VPLT, as well as representing the interests of ESTA members to ANSI, UL, and the NFPA. The Technical Standards Program is accredited by the American National Standards Institute.The Technical Standards Council (TSC) was established to oversee and coordinate the Technical Standards Program. Made up

11、of individuals experienced in standards-making work from throughout our industry, the Council approves all projects undertaken and assigns them to the appropriate working group. The Technical Standards Council employs a Technical Standards Manager to coordinate the work of the Council and its workin

12、g groups as well as maintain a “Standards Watch” on behalf of members. Working groups include: Control Protocols, Electrical Power, Floors, Fog and Smoke, Followspot Position, Photometrics, Rigging, and Stage Lifts.ESTA encourages active participation in the Technical Standards Program. There are se

13、veral ways to become involved. If you would like to become a member of an existing working group, as have over four hundred people, you must complete an application which is available from the ESTA office. Your application is subject to approval by the working group and you will be required to activ

14、ely participate in the work of the group. This includes responding to letter ballots and attending meetings. Membership in ESTA is not a requirement. You can also become involved by requesting that the TSC develop a standard or a recommended practice in an area of concern to you.The Floors Working G

15、roup, which authored this Standard, consists of a cross section of entertainment industry professionals representing a diversity of interests. ESTA is committed to developing consensus-based standards and recommended practices in an open setting.Copyright 2016 ESTA iiANSI E1.46 2016 FL/2012-8002r7In

16、vestors in InnovationThe Technical Standard Program (TSP) is financially supported by ESTA and by companies and individuals who make undirected donations to the TSP. Contributing companies and individuals who have helped fund the TSP are recognized as “Investors in Innovation.” The Investors in Inno

17、vation when this standard was published include these companies and individuals:VISIONARY Altman Lighting, Inc.B-Hive Industries, Inc.Boston Illumination groupCandela Controls Inc.Clark-Reder EngineeringColumbus McKinnonDesignLab Chicago / Interesting ProductsETCLDIJohn T. McGrawProSight Specialty I

18、nsuranceSapsis Rigging Inc.Theatre Safety ProgramsUnited States Institute for Theatre TechnologyKen VanniceView One, Inc.Steve A. Walker UPatricia Basileo; Harlequin Corporation; MPBob Dagger; Harlequin Corporation; MPJerry Gorrell; Theatre Safety Programs; UTim Hansen; Oasis Stage Werks; MPPete Hap

19、pe; Walt Disney Company; UGary Justesen; Oasis Stage Werks; MPFred Kosiewski; Walt Disney Company; UBob McVay; Schuler Shook; DEJeff T. Miller; Walt Disney Company; UKimberly Corbett ; Oates; Schuler Shook; DERobert R. Scales; UStephen Spendiff; Rosco Laboratories; MPObserver (non-voting) members: F

20、red Allen; Fred Allen URobert Barbagallo; Solotech Inc.; DRRon Bonner; PLASA Technical Resources Office; GDonna-Lynne Dalton; Teamsters Local 385; GMark Elliott; Walt Disney Company; UWilliam Gillett; Walt Disney Company; UNevin Kleege; Kleege Industries; GDavid Nash; StoweNash Associates LLC; UKimb

21、erly Rimbold; Actors Equity Association; GDavid H. Rosenburg; Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc.; UMonona Rossol; Arts, Crafts GSteven Serafin; Chubb Group of Insurance Companies; GKeith Sklar; Actors Equity Association; GSteven Wiese; Wenger Corp.; MPInterest category codes:DE = designerDR = dealer

22、 rental companyG = general interestMP = mass-market producerU = userCopyright 2016 ESTA vANSI E1.46 2016 FL/2012-8002r7Table of ContentsNOTICE AND DISCLAIMERiInvestors in Innovation.iiiContact Information:.ivAcknowledgments.v1 Scope (mandatory)12 Problem (informative)12.1 Fall protection is needed12

23、.2 Adequate fall protection often is not provided13 Solution13.1 Purpose of this Standard (informative)13.2 Language used in this Standard (mandatory)13.3 Definitions (mandatory)13.4 Requirements (mandatory)23.4.1 Stages and raised performance platforms shall have a fall protection plan.23.4.2 The f

24、all protection plan shall be implemented23.4.3 The fall protection plan shall be evaluated on a regular schedule.33.4.4 The fall protection plan shall be revised for improvement33.4.5 The fall protection plan shall be documented34 General guidance (informative).34.1 Use risk assessment34.1.1 General

25、34.1.2 Identify the affected parties34.1.3 Identify the hazards.34.1.4 Assess and rank the risk44.1.5 Record the risk assessment54.2 Design a fall protection plan to control the risk54.2.1 Consider the hierarchy of controls in developing the plan.54.2.2 The fall protection plan should be reasonable.

26、64.2.3 Share the plan with others and revise as necessary.64.3 Implement the fall protection plan64.3.1 Buy and install needed equipment.64.3.2 Train the people needing to be trained64.3.3 Train and retrain people as needed.64.3.4 Enforce the use of the plan64.4 Review and revise the plan to improve

27、 it.64.4.1 Review and revise the plan on a regular basis64.4.2 Review and revise the plan if the venue or the people using it change significantly64.4.3 Review and revise the plan whenever a fall occurs or almost occurs65 Specific guidance (informative)75.1 The front edge of the stage75.1.1 Eliminat

28、ion or substitution of the fall hazard75.1.2 Engineering controls to isolate the hazard. Standard guardrails. Other barriers85.1.2.3 Fire safety curtains85.1.3 Administration: implementation of safe work practices, procedures, and policies95.1.3.1 Performer Blocking as protection.95.

29、1.3.2 Stage edge marking9Copyright 2016 ESTA viANSI E1.46 2016 FL/2012-8002r75.1.3.3 Safe passage marking. Escorts. Verbal warnings and signage.105.1.4 Personal protective equipment105.2 Raised performance platforms.105.3 Orchestra Pit Bridges and Passerelles105.4 Traps and holes in

30、 the stage floor105.5 Stage lifts.115.6 Choral and orchestra risers11Annex A (Informative) Federal OSHA Regulations.1229 CFR 1910.23 Guarding Floor and Wall Openings and Holes.1229 CFR 1926.501 Duty to have fall protection.1629 CFR 1926.502 Fall protection systems criteria and practices.1729 CFR 192

31、6.503 Training requirements.26Annex B (Informative) Example Of An Orchestra Lift Safety Program.28Annex C (Informative) Example of a Plan for Installing an Apron Extension29Annex D (Informative) Selected Building Code Requirements31Copyright 2016 ESTA viiANSI E1.46 2016 FL/2012-8002r71 Scope (mandat

32、ory)This Standard offers guidance to people working in the entertainment industry on preventing falls by performers, technicians, and members of the public from theatrical stages and raised performance platforms into orchestra pits, into audience areas, into stage traps, and from raised surfaces to

33、surfaces that are lower. Its guidance is intended to be applied to stages and raised platforms used for performance of a show or event to an audience. It is not intended to offer guidance for fall protection in off-stage areas or audience spaces, such as theatre lobbies, although the recommendations

34、 in this Standard may be usedin those areas at the discretion of the reader. The guidance offered in this Standard may be applied on a per show basis or to a performance venue. 2 Problem (informative)2.1 Fall protection is neededManagement, supervisors, and workers have a responsibility to ensure th

35、at all persons are kept safe from fall hazards. Workplace health and safety regulations in virtually all industrialized nations require this, but itis also good management. Falls and the injuries that result are expensive in money and time. Even when there is no significant injury, a fall stops a sh

36、ow, stops work, and generally wastes time and damages morale. 2.2 Adequate fall protection often is not providedBecause a standard guardrail historically has not been installed across the front of a stage, and because aguardrail would be visibly obtrusive in most stage shows, there is the common per

37、ception that stages and raised performance platforms are special places where fall protection is not needed. The expectation is that people understand that the edge of a stage or raised platform, or an open trap in a stage floor, is a danger and will take appropriate action to protect themselves. Th

38、is expectation is often proven to be unfounded, with expensive results.3 Solution3.1 Purpose of this Standard (informative)The purpose of this Standard is to encourage people in safety management positions to accept their responsibility to provide fall protection against falls from stages and raised

39、 performance platforms for all the people whom they might need to protect in an entertainment venue. The purpose of this Standard also is to help them successfully fulfill that responsibility. It lays out what is required to provide this protection, and offers suggestions on some of the methods that

40、 might be used.This Standard is not written as a compliance or enforcement document.3.2 Language used in this Standard (mandatory)3.2.1 “Shall,“ “shall not,“ and “shall not be” indicate mandatory requirements.3.2.2 “Should“ indicates something that is recommended but not mandatory. “Should not“ indi

41、cates something that is not recommended but that is not prohibited.3.3 Definitions (mandatory)Competent Person: a person who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the workplace, and who is authorized to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate hazards. Orchestra pit bridg

42、e: in a theatre, a narrow walkway that extends over the orchestra pit from the stage.Passerelle: in a theatre, a narrow walkway that extends from the stage and that encircles the orchestra pit, separating the pit from the auditorium. Performer Blocking: how the performers are placed and move around

43、on the stage during rehearsals or performances of a play, dance, or other entertainment event. Copyright 2016 ESTA 1ANSI E1.46 2016 FL/2012-8002r7Qualified Person: a person who by possession of a recognized degree or certificate of professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and

44、experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter and work.Reasonable: an action or specification that would be considered both adequate and moderate under the circumstances by a Qualified Person.Safety Monitoring System: a fall protect

45、ion system in which a competent person is present and is responsible for recognizing and warning other people of imminent fall hazards.3.4 Requirements (mandatory)3.4.1 Stages and raised performance platforms shall have a fall protection plan3.4.1.1 The management of performance venues or of theater

46、 production companies shall ensure that a fall protection plan be developed, documented, implemented and evaluated for theatrical stages and raised performance platforms that are under their jurisdiction or control. The fall protection plan shall provide reasonable measures to protect employe

47、es, volunteers, visitors, and members of the public from falls from stages and raised performance platforms to lower levels, such as an orchestra pit, first row of the auditorium, or a lower stage level, or into open stage traps. The fall protection plan shall be developed for all the operati

48、ng modes of the stage or performanceplatform, including, but not limited to: Unoccupied with no production on stage or in residence Unoccupied with production on stage or in residence (e.g., overnight or non-working days) Move-in or setup. Move-out or strike Rehearsal Dress rehearsal Technical rehea

49、rsal Performance Maintenance or work call Visitor to site to perform task or observe activities Tours of facility Public/audience access (e.g., award shows, receptions on-stage) The fall protection plan shall be effective at all times: 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The fall protection plan may be developed on the basis of serving a performance venue regardless of particular shows or events that are occurring in the venue, or it may be developed for a particular show or event, but there always shall be a fall protection plan in effe

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