ANSI GTESS MSE 50021-2016 Superior Energy Performance - Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems (Georgia Tech Energy and Sustainability Services (GTESS)).pdf

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1、ANSI/MSE 50021-2016 i AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI/MSE 50021-2016 Superior Energy Performance Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems Secretariat: Georgia Tech Energy and Sustainability Services (GTESS) Approved as an American National Standard on August 25, 2016 ANSI/MSE 50021-2016

2、 ii American National Standard Approval of an American National Standard requires review by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. Consensus is established when, in t

3、he judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and th

4、at a concerted effort be made towards their resolution. The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or p

5、rocedures not conforming to the standards. ANSI does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the Ameri

6、can National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Sta

7、ndards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standard

8、s Institute. Published by: Georgia Tech Energy and Sustainability Services Enterprise Innovation Institute 75 Fifth Street, N.W., Suite 300, Atlanta, GA 30332-0640 2016 Georgia Tech Research Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Protection Notice for the Final Draft Standard MSE 50021-2016 Sta

9、ndard Developer: Georgia Tech Energy and Sustainability Services (GTESS) Enterprise Innovation Institute Georgia Institute of Technology 75 Fifth Street, N.W. Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30332-0640 770-605-4474 PDF disclaimer This PDF file may co

10、ntain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be viewed but shall not be edited or printed. In downloading this file, parties therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. GTESS accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of A

11、dobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF creation parameter were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by our customers. ANSI/MSE 500

12、21-2016 iii Table of Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction . v Superior Energy Performance Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems . 1 1. Scope 1 2. Normative references 1 3. Terms and definitions . 1 4 Energy management system requirements 5 4.1 General requirements . 5 4.2 Managemen

13、t responsibility 5 4.3 Energy policy . 5 4.4 Energy planning . 5 4.4.1 General . 5 4.4.2 Legal requirements and other requirements 6 4.4.3 Energy review 6 4.4.4 Energy baseline . 6 4.4.5 Energy performance indicators . 6 4.4.6 Energy objectives, energy targets and energy management action plans . 6

14、4.5 Implementation and operation 6 4.5.1 General 6 4.5.2 Competence, training, and awareness 6 4.5.3 Communication . 6 4.5.4 Documentation 6 4.5.5 Operational control . 6 4.5.6 Design . 7 4.5.7 Procurement of energy services, products, equipment and energy . 7 4.6 Checking 7 4.6.1 Monitoring, measur

15、ement and analysis 7 4.6.2 Evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and other requirements 7 4.6.3 Internal audit of the EnMS 7 4.6.4 Nonconformities, correction, corrective action and preventive action . 7 4.6.5 Control of records . 7 4.7 Management review . 7 4.7.1 General . 7 4.7.2 Input

16、to management review 7 4.7.3 Output from management review 8 Annex A (normative) Scope Requirements . 9 A.1 Clarification of Scope 9 A.1.1 Facility 9 A.1.2 Multi-site EnMS . 9 ANSI/MSE 50021-2016 iv Foreword The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private, non-profit organization 501(c

17、) (3) that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. ANSI is the official U.S. representative to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and, via the U.S. National Committee, the Inte

18、rnational Electro technical Commission (IEC). ANSI is also the U.S. member of the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT). ANSI approval of a standard verifies that the principles of openness and due process have been followed in the approval procedu

19、re and that a consensus of those directly and materially affected by the standards has been achieved. A Draft National Standard was circulated to the Georgia Tech Energy and Sustainability Services (GTESS) Consensus Board, consisting of a balanced group of materially affected interests and to those

20、responding to the public announcements in ANSI Standards Action. Approval of this Standard as an American National Standard requires acceptance by a minimum of 80 percent of the Consensus Board members casting a vote. ANSI/MSE 50021-2016 Superior Energy Performance Additional Requirements for Energy

21、 Management Systems was developed by GTESS. This Standard contains one normative annex (Annex A) which is considered a required part of the Standard. Submit formal requests for interpretations of ANSI/MSE 50021-2016 requirements to GTESS Standards Coordinators, Holly Grell-Lawe or Deann Desai, Georg

22、ia Tech Energy and Sustainability Services (GTESS), 75 Fifth Street, N. W., Suite 300, Atlanta, GA 30332-0640; E-Mail: energyinnnovate,; Telephone: 770-605-4474; Web: The GTESS Interpretations Committee will review and determine disposition of each reques

23、t. ANSI/MSE 50021-2016 has been developed with the assistance of the following cooperating organizations: 3M Advantek Consulting American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy ARCADIS U.S., Inc. Arkema Clearesult DEKRA Certification, Inc. DNV GL-Energy Dow Chemical TCO Energy PRO-USA Expo Energy l

24、ighting; heating; cooling; transportation; processes; production lines Source: ISO 50001:2011, 3.18 3.14 facility physical area occupied by an organization (3.20) at a particular location Note 1 to entry: A facility may be a subset of a location. Note 2 to entry: A facility subset may not be an ener

25、gy system (e.g. a steam system). 3.15 f-test a statistical test that can be used to assess how well a regression model fits the data, or how much evidence there is that a particular variable or set of variables belong in the model 3.16 feedstock raw or unprocessed material used as an input to a manu

26、facturing process to be converted to a product EXAMPLE: crude oil used to produce petroleum products 3.17 multi-site organization enterprise-wide organization organization covered by a single management system comprised of an identified central office (3.3) at which certain activities are planned, c

27、ontrolled, and a network of sites (permanent, temporary or virtual) at which such activities are fully or partially carried out Note 1 to entry: Enterprise-wide does not imply that all facilities must be included. Note 2 to entry: For additional information see Annex A.1.2 ANSI/MSE 50021-2016 4 3.18

28、 non-routine adjustment adjustment made to the energy baseline to account for unusual changes in relevant variables (3.23) or static factors (3.25), outside the changes accounted for by normalization Note 1 to entry: Non-routine adjustments may apply where the energy baseline no longer reflects ener

29、gy use or energy consumption patterns, or there have been major changes to the process, operational patterns, or energy using systems Note 2 to entry: For routine adjustments, normalization is used Source: ISO 50015:2014, 3.16 - modified (added Note 2) 3.19 normalization process of routinely modifyi

30、ng energy data in order to account for changes in relevant variables (3.23) to compare energy performance (3.10) under equivalent conditions Source: ISO 50006:2014, Section 3.13 - modified (removed Note 1 to entry) 3.20 organization company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, o

31、r part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration and that has the authority to control its energy use and consumption Note 1 to entry: An organization can be a person or a group of people. Source: ISO 50001:2011, 3.22 3.21 p

32、-value value indicating the probability that a derived value is not correlated to another value. Note 1 to entry: This statistic is used to determine the significance of a modeled result. Note 2 to entry: A low p-value represents a high correlation between two variables. Source: Better Plants Energy

33、 Intensity Baselining and Tracking Guidance February 2015-modified (created the two notes from the sourced definition text) 3.22 primary energy energy that has not been derived from another type of energy. 3.23 relevant variable quantifiable factor that affects energy performance (3.10) and routinel

34、y changes EXAMPLES: Production parameters (production volume, production rate); weather conditions (outdoor temperature, degree days); operating hours; operating parameters (operational temperature, light level). Source: ISO 50047:2016, 3.18 ANSI/MSE 50021-2016 5 3.24 reporting period ending period

35、in which energy performance improvement (3.11) is measured relative to the baseline period (3.2) to determine SEP energy performance improvement 3.25 static factor identified factor that affects energy performance (3.10) and does not routinely change Source: ISO 50047:2016, 3.20 3.26 Superior Energy

36、 Performance energy performance indicator SEnPI facility level ratio of reporting period (3.24) energy consumption to baseline period (3.2) energy consumption (3.9), where one or both of these values shall be adjusted to correspond to consistent conditions Note 1 to entry: The SEnPI shall be calcula

37、ted using the SEP Measurement and Verification Protocol (hereinafter referenced as “SEP M b) that includes, for Gold and Platinum facilities, auditing of the credits claimed in the SEP Scorecard. 4.6.4 Nonconformities, correction, corrective action and preventive action A documented procedure for co

38、rrective action shall be implemented and maintained. 4.6.5 Control of records A documented procedure for the control of records shall be implemented and maintained. NOTE: The records include those to support the SEP Scorecard credits for the Gold or Platinum performance level. 4.7 Management review

39、4.7.1 General The review of continuing suitability of the EnMS shall include a review of the SEnPI, SEP performance level and SEP Scorecard credits (as applicable) prior to the initial Stage 2 audit, and at least once before each recertification. 4.7.2 Input to management review The input to managem

40、ent review shall include: ANSI/MSE 50021-2016 8 a) a review of the energy performance as it relates to the SEnPI for each period (initial certification or recertification); and b) a review of the SEP Scorecard credits for each period (initial certification or recertification), as applicable. 4.7.3 O

41、utput from management review The outputs of management review shall include any changes in the decisions related to a) the SEP performance level, and b) the SEP Scorecard credits being claimed, as applicable. ANSI/MSE 50021-2016 9 Annex A (normative) Scope Requirements A.1 Clarification of Scope A.1

42、.1 Facility If the participating facility is a single location, the scope and boundaries are defined based on the measured energy consumption from a calibrated meter, for each energy source. If the participating facility is a subset of a location, measured energy consumption from a calibrated meter,

43、 for each energy source must be available for the energy consumed within the defined facility boundaries. Areas of the organization can be excluded: i. if the energy data are available in detail for the non-exclusion and exclusion areas, and ii. the source of the data is from calibrated or revenue m

44、eters or billing information, (see the SEP M&V Protocol) and iii. the remaining area meets the facility definition. A.1.2 Multi-site EnMS SEP facilities may use a multi-site EnMS certification to meet the SEP requirement for ISO 50001 certification. If the central office is a facility or a sub-set o

45、f a facility, then it is eligible for SEP certification. If the central office is not a facility, it is not eligible for SEP certification, but may perform the role of the central office for the EnMS. For an organization with multi-site EnMS, there is a central office which controls and manages processes in accordance with normative Annex B of ISO 50003:2014

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