ANSI ICEA S-77-528-1983 Outside Plant Communications Cables - Specifying Metric Wire Sizes.pdf

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1、 ICEA S-77-528 83 m 9007034 0000539 b53 m ANSVICEA S-77*528-1wR 19Q American National Standard for Outside Plant Communications Cables - Specifying Metric Wire Sizes P Secretariat National Electrical Manufacturers Association Developed by the Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc iI Approved Ju

2、ly 22,19831R April X7,1496 American National Standards Institute, Inc ICEA S-77-528 83 7007014 0000540 375 (This Foreword is not part of American National Standard ANSI/ICEA S-77-528-1983.) Foreword Spurred by the increasing necessity to be active in the international marketplace, the Insulated Cabl

3、e Engineers Association, Inc, has developed this standard for metric wire sizes in the interest of preventing conflicting practices as voluntary metric conver- sion progresses into the telecommunications area. This standard is intended for use by engineers who become involved in specifying wire size

4、s for their communication plant design work and for guidance of the cable manufacturers, as the need arises. Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should be sent to the Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc, P.O. Box P, South Yarmouth, Mass. 02664. This standard was

5、 processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by American National Standards Committee on Insulated Wires and Cables, C8. Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that ail committee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, the C8 Committee had the f

6、ollowing members: 1 John E. Conley, Chair George P. Adams, Vicethair M. Kopchik, Jr, Vice-Chair Alvin B. Scolnik, Secretary Organization Represented Name of Representative Association of American Railroads. . Robert W. McKnight Electric Light and Power Group. . George P. Adams E. F. Gary J. J. Rueck

7、ert John P. Markey (Alt) C. Walz (Alt) William A. Thue Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. . Warren H. Cook Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc . John G. Quin International Municipal Signal Association . Ralph Thomson Robert J. Llewellyn (Alt) National Electrical Manufactu

8、rers Association . Fred R. Collins John E. Conley M. Kopchik, JI Siegfried A. Schauffele Telephone Group R. P. Collins Underwriters Laboratories, Inc E. J. Coffey U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Electronics Supply Center. J. A. Kobylack U.S. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering C

9、ommand. . Charles M. Mandeville The KEA Communications Cable Section Working Group No 528, which developed this standard, had the following members: Bruce W. Tyrrell, Chair W. A. Fallon T. G. McLaughlin H. M. McNe E. D. Metcalf J. S. Tyler Advisory Committee members included : R. P. Collins J. L. Go

10、oderich D. Hume H. Hutson D. Strobeck W. A. Swanson ICEA S-77-528 3 900703i4 0000541 201 W SECTION 1. Scope Contents PAGE 6 2.pUrpose . 6 3 . Objectives 6 4 . Recommended Requirements 6 4.1 Application. 6 4.2 Nominal Diameters 6 4.3 Conductor Resistance . 6 4.4 Othercases . 7 5 . Explanation of Reco

11、mmended Requirements for Conductor Resistance . 7 Tables Table 1 Nominal Conductor Diameters 7 ., Table 2 dc Conductor Resistance (at 2OoC) . 7 ICEA S-77-528 83 9007034 0000542 148 American National Standard for Outside Plant Communications Cables - Specifying Metric Wire Sizes , 1. Scope 1.1 This s

12、tandard provides recommended practices for specifying metric copper wire sizes for outside plant communications cables in exchange areas and for toll circuits. It covers the nominal metric sizes to replace the AWG sizes that have traditionally been included in North American cable specifications as

13、well as 28 AWG, which has had limited use. This standard also includes ?desired average? resistance values that are intended for use in cable plant design. In addition to ?maximum individual? resistance values, this standard also recorn- mends ?maximum cable average? resistance values that have been

14、 set at a level expected to control the overall average values close to the ?desired average? values. 2. Purpose 2.1 The purpose of this standard is to recommend practices that can be followed by all specification writing organizations in the United States and Canada, when a decision is made to stan

15、dardize metric wire sizes. 2.2 The existence of this standard does not imply that any decision has been made by any organization to introduce metric wire sizes: It is recommended that no such decision should be made unilaterally, but only when there is a good consensus among cable users and cable ma

16、nufacturers. 2.3 This standard is not intended to be applied to metric wire sizes in products other than those indicated in the scope. 3. Objectives 3.1 The objectives of this standard for the products within its scope are: (1) To provide practices that will be acceptable to all communications cable

17、 users and manufacturers in the United States and Canada, when a decision is made to standardize on metric wire sizes. (2) To provide uniformity, in specifying ?desired average? resistance values for plant design use, that has not been achieved with AWG sizes. (3) To provide for greater uniformity o

18、f resistance values among manufacturers, through the introduction of maximum average resistance values. (4) To provide, insofar as resistance requirements are concerned, a sound technical basis for establishing uniform requirements in specifications issued by differ- ent organizations. (5) To provid

19、e for standards in the United States and Canada that are compatible with international standards to the degree practical. 4. Recommended Requirements 4.1 Application. Few specifications will require all wire sizes indicated here, Information is included for the metric replacements for 19,22, 24, 26,

20、 and 28 AWG. In the case of 22 AWG, the AWG size is effec- tively retained but designated as 0.64 mm. 4.2 Nominal Diameters. Information on nominal diam- eters is not essential in a specification, but it has been the practice to include it in many specifications. Where it is included, the informatio

21、n should be compatible with that in Table 1. 4.3 Conductor Resistance. The specification clause on conductor resistance should include maximum cable average values as well as maximum individual values for direct current (dc) resistance. Some organizations may not wish to include the ?desired average

22、? values in the specification. When not included in the specification, these values should be understood to be implied and to be suitable for use in circuit design. The information included in the clause on conductor resistance should be compatible with Table 2. 6 ICEA S-77-528 83 9007014 0000543 08

23、4 . 4.4 Other Cases. If a metric wire size not shown in Tables i and 2 is required, it should be selected, when practical, from the sizes shown in Table 1 of ASTM Publication B 682-81a. The resistance values for these sizes should be computed in accordance with the prin- ciples outlined in Section 5

24、 of this standard. 5. Explanation of Recommended Require- ments for Conductor Resistance 5.1 The maximum cable average values shown in Table 2 are 96 percent of the maximum individuai ASTM. Specification for standard metric sizes of electric con- ductors, ASTM B 682-81a, (part 6 of the 1982 book of

25、ASTM standards). Copies are available from ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. I AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI/ICEA S-77-528-1983 values and the “desired average” values are 93 percent of the maximum individual values. 5.2 The maximum individual values Gere derived using the method spe

26、cified in IEC Publication 344.2 The cal- culation for the 0.64-mm size was based on a nominal diameter of 0.645 mm, which results in the same de- sired average value that is widely used for 22 AWG con- ductors. The use of the 0.645-mm value rather than 0.643 mm makes it possible to use the same plan

27、t de- sign practices for PCM Carrier or voice frequency as have been used for 22 A a International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Guide to the calculation of resistance of plain and coated copper con- ductors of low-frequency cables and wires, IEC Publication 344. 2d ed. 1980. Copies are availab

28、le from the American National Standards Institute, Inc. TABLE 1 Nominal Conductor Diameters Conduotor Size (-1 0.32 0.4 0*6 0.64 0*9 Approx. AWO RBF . 28 26 24 22 19 0.320 0.0126 0.400 0.0167 0.600 0.0197 0.643 0.0253 o . 900 0.0354 Table 2 dc Conductor Resistance (at 2OoC) Conductor Size (mm) 0.32

29、O .4 0.5 0.64 0.9 Desired Average Values (nlitm) (n/mi) 219.9 353.9 139.5 224.5 89.2 143.6 53.1 86.4 27.0 43.5 Maximum Cable Average Values* (szlitrn) (n/mi) 227.0 365.3 144.0 231.1 92.1 148.2 55.4 89.2 27.8 44 .I Maximum Individual Values (nFm) (n/mi) 236.5 380.6 150.0 241.4 95.9 154.3 51.1 92.9 29.0 46.7 R 1990 8 *Average values are not applicable for cables with fewer than twelve pairs. 7

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