ANSI IEEE 1175.3-2004 CASE Tool Interconnections Reference Model for Specifying Software Behavior (IEEE Computer Society)《CASE工具互连用标准.规定软件性能的参考模型》.pdf

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ANSI IEEE 1175.3-2004 CASE Tool Interconnections Reference Model for Specifying Software Behavior (IEEE Computer Society)《CASE工具互连用标准.规定软件性能的参考模型》.pdf_第1页
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1、IEEE Std 1175.3-2004IEEE Standards1175.3TMIEEE Standard for CASE ToolInterconnectionsReference Modelfor Specifying Software Behavior3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USAIEEE Computer SocietySponsored by theSoftware and Systems Engineering Standards CommitteeIEEE Standards8 September 2004Print:

2、 SH95222PDF: SS95222Authorized licensed use limited to: IHS Stephanie Dejesus. Downloaded on February 4, 2010 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Recognized as anAmerican National Standard (ANSI)The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5

3、997, USACopyright 2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Published 25 September 2004. Printed in the United States of America.IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent +1 978 750 8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standar

4、d for educationalclassroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center.Authorized licensed use limited to: IHS Stephanie Dejesus. Downloaded on February 4, 2010 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. iiiIntroduction(This introduct

5、ion is not part of IEEE Std 1175.3-2004, IEEE Standard for CASE Tool InterconnectionsReferenceModel for Specifying Software Behavior.)The 1175 family of standardsThis standard is a member of the 1175 family of IEEE standards. The members of this family are listed below.NOTEReferences to “P1175.x“ in

6、 this standard refer to members of the 1175 family of standards that were not yetapproved at the time that this standard was balloted.This family of standards replaces IEEE Std 1175TM-1991, IEEE Standard Reference Model for Computing System ToolInterconnections.1IEEE Std 1175-1991 was advanced to a

7、full-use standard in 1994. It covered a number of closelyrelated subjects, and the scope of material contained was able to serve a number of divergent interests.This revision restructures and substantially augments the material in IEEE Std 1175-1991. It has been divided into sev-eral individually us

8、eful documents in order to facilitate its use by different communities of interest. These guides,recommended practices, and standards generally address issues involved in characterizing the kinds of interconnectionsthat exist between a computing system tool and its environment. Although particularly

9、 intended to address the imple-mentation and use of Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools, the discussion of interconnections in thisfamily actually has wider applicability to computing system tools in general, beyond only CASE tools.Four kinds of interconnections with a computing system

10、tool are addressed: interconnections with organizations, users,platforms, and other computing system tools. Consideration of interconnections is important to understanding, selecting,implementing, and using computing system tools. Also, although most computing system tools do not need to communi-cat

11、e behavior descriptions of subject systems, their creators need to develop such descriptions for them.A brief summary overview of each of the members of this family of standards is given below. A more complete over-view is available in IEEE Std 1175.1TM-2002, which provides an integrated overview of

12、 the members of the 1175 familyof standards, and it describes the fundamental concepts that provide a basis for organizing the material.Standard number TitleIEEE Std 1175.1TM-2002 IEEE Guide for CASE Tool InterconnectionsClassification and DescriptionIEEE P1175.2 Draft Recommended Practice for CASE

13、Tool InterconnectionsCharacterization ofInterconnectionsIEEE Std 1175.3-2004 IEEE Standard for CASE Tool InterconnectionsReference Model for SpecifyingSoftware BehaviorIEEE P1175.4 Draft Standard for CASE Tool InterconnectionsReference Model for SpecifyingSystem BehaviorIEEE P1175.5 Draft Standard f

14、or CASE Tool InterconnectionsSyntax for Transferring BehaviorSpecificationsNOTEThe products listed in this table are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.1Although approved in 1991, IEEE Std 1175-1991 was actually published in 1992, and it is sometimes fo

15、und referenced as IEEE Std 1175-1992. It appears in the standards listing on the IEEE Xplore website (http:/ as “IEEE Std 1175, 17 Aug. 1992,” with the title “IEEE trial-use standard reference model for computing system tool interconnections.” In 1994, the term “trial-use” was r

16、emoved from the title when the standard was approved for full-use status. The 1994 version, which was identical to the 1992 publication except for the title and minor editorial corrections, is not available on the IEEE website.Authorized licensed use limited to: IHS Stephanie Dejesus. Downloaded on

17、February 4, 2010 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. iv Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.IEEE Std 1175.1-2002 Guide for CASE Tool InterconnectionsClassification and DescriptionIEEE Std 1175.1-2002 is a guide to the IEEE 1175 family of standards. It describes how these standards ar

18、e intended tobe used to accomplish the effective integration of computing system tools into a productive engineering environmentand sets forth the fundamental concepts on which these standards are based. These concepts establish the integratingframework for the other members of this family of standa

19、rds. IEEE Std 1175.1-2002 describes the scope of applicationof each member standard, the various issues addressed in that standard, and the interrelationships between the familymembers.IEEE P1175.2 Recommended Practice for CASE Tool InterconnectionsCharacterization of InterconnectionsIEEE P1175.2 pr

20、esents four perspectives on a computing system tools interconnections that offer insight into the opera-tional problems of interconnecting computing system tools with their environment. IEEE P1175.2 establishesrecommended collections of standard contextual attributes describing relationships between

21、 a computing system tooland its organizational deployment, its human user, its executable platform, and its peer tools, as illustrated in the figurebelow. These contextual attributes are of the “news-story” form: who, what, when, where, why. The values of these con-textual attributes are references

22、to organizational, industrial, and professional standards. By assisting users to reach aclear understanding of the context of operation for a computing system tool, IEEE P1175.2 contributes to the effectiveimplementation and application of computing system tools.SubjectToolOtherToolPlatformOrganizat

23、ionUserAuthorized licensed use limited to: IHS Stephanie Dejesus. Downloaded on February 4, 2010 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. vIEEE Std 1175.3-2004 Standard for CASE Tool InterconnectionsReference Model for Specifying Software Behavior (thi

24、s standard)This standard is an expansion of Part 3 of IEEE Std 1175-1991. It focuses specifically on a common set of modelingconcepts found in commercial CASE tools for describing the operational behavior of a software product, and it providesa formal, logical model for describing this behavior. Thi

25、s standard also defines a Semantic Transfer Language (STL) forcommunicating software behavior descriptions from one tool to another. A notable feature of the STL is its design forhuman readability, which makes STL text files suitable for use in software design reviews by users unfamiliar with com-pu

26、ting system tool diagramming notations. In addition, the design of the STL syntax readily permits analysts to prepareand edit STL descriptions using a text editor or word processor.To permit backward compatibility with Part 3 of IEEE Std 1175-1991, this standard makes no changes to the STL syntaxor

27、to the rules for conformance to this syntax as originally defined in Part 3 of IEEE Std 1175-1991. However, someaspects of the 1991 syntax that were previously left as user defined have now been specified in order to increase the con-sistency and reliability with which the STL may be used for exchan

28、ging software specification information. In addition,improvements have been made in how the STL syntax is defined and explained. Finally, the STL Interconnection Profilehas been replaced with more straightforward, more “user-friendly” tabular and comma-separated-value formats to definea Tool Interco

29、nnection Profile that can serve the same purpose as the original form of the Profile.IEEE P1175.4 Standard for CASE Tool InterconnectionsReference Model for Specifying System BehaviorIEEE P1175.4 encompasses the description of other computing systems supported by IEEE 1175.3-2004, but it goes fur-th

30、er, providing a basis for representing a wider variety of computing systems. Specifically, IEEE P1175.4 provides thenecessary semantic elements for describing general hardware/software systems, including hardware-only, software-only,or mixed system components, and it allows these different types of

31、components to be treated in a consistent manner.IEEE P1175.5 Standard for CASE Tool InterconnectionsSyntax for Transferring Behavior SpecificationsIEEE P1175.5 provides a structured syntax and a specific set of data elements that can be exchanged as a text stream ortext file with users or other tool

32、s. This syntax permits describing a systems operational behavior as an instance of the ref-erence meta-model in IEEE P1175.4. The figure below illustrates the relationship between the IEEE P1175.4 meta-modeland the IEEE P1175.5 XML syntax in the context of the tooltool exchange of a computing system

33、 description.IEEE P1175.5 also provides a logically equivalent human-readable syntax.XML Transfer FormatPlatform and TransportDestination ToolXML ParserDestination Model DataSource ToolBehavior Specification Meta-ModelXML GeneratorSource Model DataDestination Tool Meta-ModelSource Tool Meta-ModelDes

34、tination UserSource UserAuthorized licensed use limited to: IHS Stephanie Dejesus. Downloaded on February 4, 2010 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. vi Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.Organization of this standardThis document contains 11 Clauses and 6 Annexes. The annotations b

35、elow provide a roadmap to the contents.1 OverviewThis clause describes the purpose and scope of this standard.2 ReferencesThis clause lists the references necessary for implementing this standard.3 DefinitionsThis clause provides definitions of terms.4 Introduction to Software Behavior Representatio

36、n ConceptsThis clause provides an introductoryoverview of software behavior concepts as used within this standard.5 Conventions for Software Behavior Concept SpecificationsThis clause describes a structuredrepresentation format for software concepts.6 Specification of Software Behavior Representatio

37、n ConceptsThis clause provides a reference forsoftware concepts. Each subclause in this clause provides a textual description of a software concept,followed by one or more tables specifying the concept definition template for the concept.7 Specification of Transfer Syntax for Software Behavior Repre

38、sentation ConceptsThis clause providesa syntax for representing, and transferring, in a computer-processable manner, a descriptive model of asoftware component that is based on the software concepts presented in Clause 6.8 STL Transfer FileThis clause defines the contents and structure of an STL Tra

39、nsfer File, constructedusing the STL, containing a software behavior description.9 Tool Interconnection ProfileThis clause defines the format of, and provides instructions for preparing,a Tool Interconnection Profile. This Profile may be used to document the degree to which a toolsincoming and outgo

40、ing STL interchange files can support the full scope of coverage of the STL.10 Transfer Language ExtensibilityThis clause describes how to define and document additional transferlanguage clauses, comparable with and compatible with the STL, to provide for the exchange of user-defined application inf

41、ormation that is not addressed within the breadth and depth of coverage of thestandard STL.11 ConformanceThis clause defines conformance to the Semantic Transfer Language.AnnexA(informative) Entity-Relationship Diagrams of the STLThis annex provides diagrammatic illustrationsof the major STL concept

42、s and their interrelationships.AnnexB(informative) STL Entity-Relationship Diagram ExampleThis annex provides an illustrative example ofhow the STL may be used to represent the contents of an entity-relationship diagram.AnnexC(informative) STL Data Flow Diagram ExampleThis annex provides an illustra

43、tive example of how theSTL may be used to represent the contents of a data flow diagram.AnnexD(informative) STL ESML and StateTransition Diagram ExampleThis annex provides an illustrativeexample of how the STL may be used to represent the contents of a state transition diagram.AnnexE(normative) STL

44、Clause ListingThis annex provides a complete but succinct summary listing of eachdifferent kind of STL clause that may be used within an STL sentence.aAnnexF(informative) BibliographyThis annex provides references for other standards whose potential usage isidentified within this standard.aAn except

45、ion is the special S_Packet Identification Sentence, defined in Clause 8, which is not included in Annex E.Authorized licensed use limited to: IHS Stephanie Dejesus. Downloaded on February 4, 2010 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. viiNotice to u

46、sersErrataErrata, if any, for this and all other standards can be accessed at the following URL: http:/ Users are encouraged to check this URL forerrata periodically.InterpretationsCurrent interpretations can be accessed at the following URL:

47、 http:/ is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject mattercovered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence orvalidity of any

48、 patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifyingpatents or patent applications for which a license may be required to implement an IEEE standard or forconducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention.Par

49、ticipantsThe following is a list of participants in the 1175.3 Working Group.Carl A. Singer, ChairThe following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may havevoted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.Jimi ArvidssonAbby BeifeldBakul BanerjeePeter L. Eirichlvaro Francisco de CastroMedierosSubramanya R. JoisPaul C. JorgensenSohel Majid KhanDwayne L. KnirkAshraf KottilungalHorace H. LawrenceLou PintoRobert M. PostonRobert WesselyBakul BanerjeeEdward BartlettRichard BiehlJuris BorzovsJoseph ButchkoLaw

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