ANSI IEEE 1368-2006 Guide for Aeolian Vibration Field Measurements of Overhead Conductors《架空导线风成振动场测量指南》.pdf

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1、IEEE Std 1368-2006IEEE Guide for Aeolian Vibration FieldMeasurements of OverheadC o n d u c t o r sI E E E3 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10016-5997, USA6 June 2007IEEE Power Engineering SocietySponsored by theTransmission and Distribution CommitteeIEEE Std 1368-2006IEEE Guide for Aeolian Vibration Field

2、Measurements of Overhead ConductorsSponsorTransmission and Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Approved 6 December 2006IEEE-SA Standards BoardAbstract: Current practices related to field measurements of aeolian vibration of overhead conductors are covered in this guide. Keyw

3、ords: aeolian vibration, bending amplitude, overhead conductors, vibration measurement, vibration recorders _ The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA Copyright 2007 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All righ

4、ts reserved. Published 6 June 2007. Printed in the United States of America. IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent +1 978 750 8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center. ivCop

5、yright 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved. IntroductionThis guide has been prepared by the Task Force on Conductor Vibration Field Measurements of the Working Group on Conductor Dynamics of the Subcommittee on Towers, Poles, and Conductors of the Transmission and Distribution Committee of the Power Engi

6、neering Society. Notice to users ErrataErrata, if any, for this and all other standards can be accessed at the following URL: http:/ Users are encouraged to check this URL for errata periodically. InterpretationsCurrent interpretations can b

7、e accessed at the following URL: http:/ index.html.PatentsAttention is called to the possibility that implementation of this guide may require use of subject matter covered by patent rights. By publication of this guide, no position is taken with respect to the

8、 existence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying patents or patent applications for which a license may be required to implement an IEEE standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that a

9、re brought to its attention. ParticipantsAt the time this guide was completed, the Task Force on Conductor Vibration Field Measurements of the Conductor Dynamics Working Group had the following membership: Thomas J. Alderton, ChairLouis Cloutier Dale A. Douglass Terry Gardiner Asim Haldar Claude Har

10、dy Dave G. Havard Gerry A. Jackson John J. Olenik Craig J. Pon Charles B. Rawlins Jerry L. Reding Paul L. Springer Dave C. Sunkle William B. Zollars This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1368-2006, IEEE Guide for Aeolian Vibration Field Measurements of Overhead Conductors. vCopyright 2007 IEEE.

11、All rights reserved. The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this guide. Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention. Thomas J. Alderton Stuart H. Borlase Harvey L. Bowles Chris Brooks Gustavo A. Brunello William A. Byrd James S. Case Robert A. Chri

12、stman Patrick I. Clark Michael D. Clodfelder Tommy P. Cooper F. A. Denbrock Dale A. Douglass Donald G. Dunn Gary R. Engmann Waymon P. Goch Randall C. Groves Richard W. Hensel Lee S. Herron Werner Hoelzl Dennis Horwitz Gael Kennedy J. L. Koepfinger Jim Kulchisky William Lumpkins G. L. Luri Keith N. M

13、almedal John W. Martin Mark F. McGranaghan Gary L Michel Karl N. Mortensen Shantanu Nandi Michael S. Newman John J. Olenik Mr Carl I. Orde Chris L. Osterloh Donald M. Parker Craig J. Pon Percy E. Pool Douglas Proctor Charles B. Rawlins Jerry L. Reding Michael A. Roberts Frank H. Rocchio Stephen J. R

14、odick Bartien Sayogo Dennis B. Schlender Cameron L. Smallwood Frank R. Thrash, Jr James E. Timperley Daniel J. Ward John N. Ware, Jr Joe D. Watson James W. Wilson, Jr Eric V. Woods Luis E. Zambrano When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this guide on 6 December 2006, it had the following membersh

15、ip: Steve M. Mills, Chair Richard H. Hulett, Vice Chair Don Wright, Past Chair Judith Gorman, SecretaryMark D. Bowman Dennis B. Brophy William R. Goldbach Arnold M. Greenspan Robert M. Grow Joanna N. Guenin Julian Forster* Mark S. Halpin Kenneth S. Hanus William B. Hopf Joseph L. Koepfinger* David J

16、. Law Daleep C. Mohla T. W. Olsen Glenn Parsons Ronald C. Petersen Tom A. Prevost Greg Ratta Robby Robson Anne-Marie Sahazizian Virginia Sulzberger Malcolm V. Thaden Richard L. Townsend Walter Weigel Howard L. Wolfman *Member Emeritus Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board

17、 liaisons: Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC RepresentativeRichard DeBlasio, DOE RepresentativeAlan H. Cookson, NIST RepresentativeMichelle D. Turner IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development Matthew J. Ceglia IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development Contents1. Overview 11.1 Sc

18、ope . 21.2 Purpose 21.3 Conductor fatigue damage. 21.4 Damping systems. 21.5 When field measurement is indicated 22. Background 32.1 Bending amplitude as primary measured parameter 32.2 Location for measuring bending amplitude . 52.3 Assessing the risk of fatigue through measurements of bending ampl

19、itude 52.4 Possible sources of measurement inaccuracies 72.5 Effect of recorder mass 82.6 Other measurement techniques 93. General test arrangements 93.1 Measurement location 93.2 Scheduling and duration of tests 103.3 Recording instruments. 103.4 Measured data 113.5 Data sampling and reporting 113.

20、6 Choosing scales on the vibration recorder. 113.7 Documenting test conditions . 123.8 Access to data 124. Interpretation of field vibration measurements. 134.1 Introduction to interpretation of field vibration measurements . 134.2 Inspection program 144.3 Inspection based on measured vibration leve

21、ls 144.4 Cumulative damage considerations . 144.5 Criteria for bending amplitude limits. 145. Summary of common problems with field recording. 155.1 User objective 155.2 Practical considerations . 155.3 Design, manufacture, and quality control of recorders 165.4 Installation of recorders . 165.5 Cal

22、ibration of recorders . 165.6 Field performance 175.7 Primary factors to consider when selecting a vibration recorder. 176. Conclusions and summary 17viCopyright 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved. Annex A (informative) Vibration study data sheet. 19Annex B (informative) Typical amplitude versus frequen

23、cy recorder report. 20Annex C (informative) Estimated bending amplitude endurance limits for ACSR. 21Annex D (informative) Estimated bending amplitude endurance limits for various types of conductors. 23Annex E (informative) Bibliography 24viiCopyright 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved. IEEE Guide for

24、Aeolian Vibration Field Measurements of Overhead Conductors1. OverviewThe general intent of this guide is to recommend testing procedures, general data gathering formats, andgeneral data reduction formats for field monitoring of overhead conductor vibration. The guide alsoprovides some background in

25、formation on technical aspects of vibration field measurements for overheadconductors, techniques for evaluating the severity of conductor vibration including amplitude andfrequency, and some effects on conductor performance and life. The recommendations of this guide are intended to standardize dat

26、a gathering and reduction efforts so theuser can evaluate long-term effects of conductor vibration and develop mitigation schemes. Standardizingthe data gathering and reduction procedure allows comparison among vibration field monitoring programs.The guide is not intended to be a comprehensive treat

27、ment of conductor motion theory, or of the evaluationand prediction of vibration effects, or mitigation techniques. Such technical treatments are beyond thescope of this guide and the reader is referred to the bibliography in Annex E.Intended users of the guide are those who desire to gather and com

28、pile overhead conductor field vibrationdata.Typically, field vibration measurements gathered for overhead transmission lines are useful for one of thefollowing reasons:a) Determining the cause of visible conductor fatigue damageb) Identifying existing vibration levelsc) Assessing the likelihood of f

29、uture conductor fatigue damaged) Evaluating the damping performance of conductors and any attached vibration damping systemsEach application requires that field vibration data be gathered and compiled in a standard form that lendsitself to accepted analysis procedures and/or comparison with other da

30、ta.1Copyright 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved. IEEE Std 1368-2006IEEE Guide for Aeolian Vibration Field Measurements of Overhead Conductors guide provides current practices related to field measurements of aeolian vibration of overheadconductors.PurposeThe measurement of aeol

31、ian vibration of overhead conductors is currently being carried out by use of avariety of devices and methods. The only IEEE document published on this subject was written in 1966 by the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee B15 and is considered to be in need of review. In consultation with

32、CIGRE and CEA, we will endeavor to produce a document that will allow the averageutility engineer and the industry in general to improve their understanding of this important evaluationprocedure.Conductor fatigue damage When visible conductor fatigue damage is found on an overhead line, questions co

33、ncerning the source andextent of the damage are of immediate concern. Additionally, schemes to prevent further vibration damageand a determination of whether the damage is isolated to a single event or part of a larger systemic problemare also required. Identifying the damage source and mechanism, d

34、eveloping a mitigation scheme, anddetermining the necessary extent of its application are often challenging, with potentially large costimplications. Gathering and reducing conductor vibration data in the damage vicinity greatly aids in anyinvestigative effort, providing quantified data for analysis

35、 and “hard evidence” justification for applicationof any mitigation schemes.Damping systemsSome conductor vibration damping schemes are well understood and appropriately deployed. Occasionally,comparing the relative merits of various damping options or evaluating a new scheme may be of interest. Ade

36、sign engineer may have a unique situation to treat, or there may be large cost differences between variousdamping options. Such relative comparisons between damping options, or the evaluation of new or existingschemes, do not lend themselves to rigorous analytical treatment. Usually an empirical ana

37、lysis is the best,if not only way, to accomplish those evaluations. Empirical analysis commonly requires gathering and reducing conductor vibration data either in the field or on a test span.Deciding when field measurement is necessaryMeasurements collected with a typical vibration recorder (see Fig

38、ure 1) are made to determine the risk offuture fatigue damage, determine the likelihood of vibration damage already having occurred, or investigatethe mechanisms that caused damage that has been found.Generally speaking, field measurements are made to resolve uncertainty. Since they entail expense,

39、theremust be real concern about the condition of the line to justify testing. Doubt can arise from a review of thelines design within the context of experience with similar lines, especially within the utilitys operatingregion. Some information on the effect of design parameters upon experience with

40、 vibration fatigue isprovided in Aeolian Vibration, Wind Induced Conductor Motion B10 and its references.Doubt can also arise from “early warnings,” such as line-crew reports of vigorous vibration or visibledamage to tower members, support hardware, or dampers. Other signs of damage are discussed in

41、 WindInduced Conductor Motion B18 as part of a general discussion on tests and inspections.2Copyright 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved. IEEE Std 1368-2006IEEE Guide for Aeolian Vibration Field Measurements of Overhead Conductors Figure 12.2.1Typical clamp and recorder arrangementBackgroundThis guide r

42、ecommends methods for determining the risk of conductor fatigue through measurements thatcan be carried out on overhead lines. The guide recommends in particular the use of bending amplitude asthe measured parameter. Bending amplitude is defined as the peak-to-peak amplitude of conductordisplacement

43、 relative to the supporting clamp and measured 89 mm (3.5 in) from the last point of contactbetween conductor and clamp (see Figure 2). Some discussion about the reasons for this choice may beuseful.Bending amplitude as primary measured parameter It is well known that fatigue in conductors is caused

44、 mainly by the presence of alternating stresses (WindInduced Conductor Motion B18). In stranded conductors, the alternating stresses result from the bendingback and forth of the conductor at the supporting clamp during vibration. However, that bending alsocauses the strands of the conductor to slip

45、relative to each other in the vicinity of the clamp, and alsorelative to the clamp and armor rods. The slipping is opposed by friction forces, and that has two effects.First, the frictional forces induce shear stresses where the strands contact one another or the clamp seat or armor rods. Second, th

46、e frictional forces combine with the relative motion to cause fretting of the strandsurface at these contacts. 3Copyright 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved. IEEE Std 1368-2006IEEE Guide for Aeolian Vibration Field Measurements of Overhead Conductors Figure 2Distance from clamp and conductor contact to

47、Ybmeasurement point Figure 3Typical interlayer fatigue damage (outer layer removed)Because of the combined effects of bending and “surface shear” stresses and fretting, the most severe fatigue conditions occur at interstrand and strand-to-clamp contact points, and these points are the locationswhere

48、 fatigue fractures initiate. Most fatigue failures in strands of operating lines, and in conductors thathave been fatigue tested in the laboratory occur there (Fricke and Rawlins B8; Mcks B16). Typicalfatigue failures are shown in Figure 3 where it can be seen that the failures occurred where the in

49、ner strandsurface had been subjected to fretting. Metallographic analysis of a large number of failures has shown thatall cracks originated in fretted areas. It is impossible to measure directly the fatigue-inducing stressesbecause the locations where they occur are not accessible to measurement. Thus, for purposes of expressingthe severity of exposure to fatigue, it is necessary to represent the conditions at the contact points by meansof a related parameter that is accessible to measurement.Several practical parameters have been e

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