ANSI INCITS 246-1994 Information Processing Systems - Test Methods for Media Characteristics of 90mm Read Only and Rewritable M.O Optical Disk Data Storage Cartridge with Discrete .pdf

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1、ANSI INCITS 246-1994 (R1999)(formerly ANSI X3.246-1994 (R1999)for Information Processing Systems Test Methods for Media Characteristics of90mm Read Only and Rewritable M.O.Optical Disk Data Storage CartridgeWith Discrete Block Format (DBF)ANSI X3.246-l 994 American National Standard for Information

2、Processing Systems - Test Methods for Media Characteristics of 90mm Read Only And Rewritable M.O. Optical Disk Data Storage Cartridge With Discrete Block Format (DBF) Secretariat Information Technology Industry Council Approved August 18, 1994 American National Standards Institute, Inc. AmericanNati

3、onalStandardApproval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that therequirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval havebeen met by the standards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of StandardsReview, substantial agre

4、ement has been reached by directly and materiallyaffected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simplemajority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views andobjections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward theirresolution.The use of Americ

5、an National Standards is completely voluntary; their existencedoes not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standardsor not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes,or procedures not conforming to the standards.The American National Standards In

6、stitute does not develop standards and will inno circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation ofan American National Standard in the name of the American National StandardsInstitute. Requests f

7、or interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat orsponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken pe

8、riodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdrawthis standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive currentinformation on all standards by calling or writing the American National StandardsInstitute.CAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may

9、be required for theimplementation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However, neither the developers nor the publisherhave undertaken a patent search in order to identify which, if any, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date ofpublication of this standard and followi

10、ng calls for the identification of patents that may be required for the implementationof the standard, no such claims have been made. No further patent search is conducted by the developer or publisher inrespect to any standard it processes. No representation is made or implied that licenses are not

11、 required to avoidinfringement in the use of this standard.Published byAmerican National Standards Institute11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036Copyright 1995 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an

12、electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written permission of ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW,Washington, DC 20005.Printed in the United States of AmericaContents Page Foreword . ii 1 Scope, purpose, and conformance . 1 2 Normative references . 1 3 Definitions .2 4 Testing environment 2 5 Tes

13、t items . .4 6 Test conditions 5 7 Test methods . 7 Figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Particle size distribution (class 100 000) . 5 Block diagram . .7 Typical servo system control loop . 8 Actuator signal method block diagram . .9 Error signal test method block diagram .9 Optical sy

14、stem with position sensor 10 Position sensor method block diagram . .l 1 Resolution 13 Write cycle test . .16 Read cycle test 17 Amplitude of embossed marks . .19 Full-width half-maximum amplitude of embossed marks . .20 Tracking error signal . .21 Tracking error amplitude . 22 Jitter of clock marks

15、 . 23 Test pattern for recorded mark jitter measurement 23 Test pattern for total edge shift measurement .24 Annexes A Optical system for measuring write, read, .and erase characteristics (reference drive) . 25 B Measurement setup for embossed marks 26 C Measurement setup for recorded MO signal . .2

16、7 D Signal imbalance and figure of merit, theory, and definitions . 2 8 E Write pulse definitions 29 _ ._, _. - r-.-.Ti -:.I-r(ruii- ; . / ., L k AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI X3.246-l 994 American National Standard for Information Processing Systems - Test Methods for Media Characterist

17、ics of 90mm Read Only And Rewritable M.O. Optical Disk Data Storage Cartridge With Discrete Block Format (DBF) 1 Scope, purpose, and conformance 1.1 Scope This standard specifies test methods for media characteristics of optical disks used for informa- tion processing systems and for information sto

18、rage (go-mm rewritable optical disk cartridges, using discrete block format (DBF). 1.2 Purpose This standard provides methods and procedures for testing media characteristics. Unless otherwise noted, these procedures are required to verify conformance with the related media standards. 1.3 Conformanc

19、e Interchange parties complying with the media standard, American National Standard for information technology - 90-mm (3.54 in) optical disk cartridge rewritable and read only using discrete block for- mat (DBF) method for digital information interchange, ANSI X3.213-1 9941, and this standard shoul

20、d be able to achieve compatibility without the need for additional exchange or technical information. Any specification included in the analysis of this document is included for the convenience of the opera- tor. The operator shall refer to the media standard, American National Standard for informat

21、ion technol- ogy - go-mm (3.54 in) optical disk cartridge rewritable and read only using discrete block format (DBF) method for digital information interchange, ANSI X3.213-1 994, for the actual specification values. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through re

22、ference in this text, constitute provi- sions of this American National Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this American National Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of

23、applying the most recent edi- tions of the standards indicated below. ANSI X3.21 3-l 994, information technology - 90-mm (3.54-in) optical disk cartridge rewritable and read only using discrete block format (DBF) method for digital information interchange) IEC 950, Safety of information technology e

24、quipment including electrical business equipment I) This standard is currently undergoing the publication procedure. Contact Secretariat for more recent infor- mation. *) Available from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. 1 ANSI X3.246-l 994 IS0 663-13

25、, Heat treatable steels, alloy steels, and free cutting steels - Wrought stainless stee/s2) USA Federal Standard 209D, October 7, 1987 Measurement system evaluation, Automotive division of the American Society for Quality Control (ISBN o-87389-024-8) A. Futamata, M. Moritsugu, F. Abe, and K. Ogawa;

26、Optimization of the Magneto-optic Head, : Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd., Japan. P. Bergthold, A. Mendez; Observation of Therm0 Magneto-Optical (TMO) Domain Reversal by Read during Write Techniques, University of Southern California, Center for Laser Studies; R. Krenik; Verbatim Corporation. 3 Definitio

27、ns 3.1 Kerr rotation: The rotation of the plane of polarization of an optical beam upon reflection from the recording layer. In the case of elliptical polarization, the Kerr rotation is the rotation of the major axis of the ellipse. 3.2 polarization: The direction of polarization of an optical beam

28、is the direction of the electric field vector of the beam. The plane of polarization is right-handed; to an observer looking in the direction from which the light is coming, the end point of the electric vector would appear to describe an ellipse in the clockwise sense. 3.3 prerecorded information:

29、Nonalterable information that can be read from the disk but can- not be changed once the disk is manufactured. 3.4 tilt: The angle between the normal to the entrance surface and the normal to the disk refer- ence plane. 4 Testing environment 4.1 General Unless otherwise specified, tests and measurem

30、ents made on the optical disk shall be carried out in an environment where the air surrounding the optical disk is under the following conditions: - temperature: 23C zt 2C; - relative humidity: 45% to 55%; - atmospheric pressure: 60 kPa to 105 kPa; - air cleanliness: Class 100 000; - conditioning be

31、fore testing: 48 hours minimum. No condensation on or in the optical disk shall occur. NOTE - The class 100 000 is specified in USA Federal Standard 209D dated October 7, 1987. 4.2 Recording 4.2.1 Optical Unless otherwise specified, tests and measurements made on the optical disk shall be carried ou

32、t with an equipment whose optical parameters are under the following conditions: - wavelength: 780 nm +15/-10 nm; - ratio of Lambda/NA: 1.44 pm to 1.51 pm; 2 ANSI X3.246-l 994 - D/W(see note): 1 .O maximum; - variance of the wavefront: Lambda*/1 80 maximum; - detection method: Differential method; -

33、 extinction ratio: 0.01 maximum; - polarization direction: Parallel or perpendicular to the radial direction. NOTE - D is the diameter of the lens aperture. Wis the l/e2 beam diameter of the Gaussian beam. 4.2.2 Read Marks on the disk are read with a constant optical power. The read power shall not

34、exceed 1.3 mW. 4.2.3 Erase The erase power is the power required to erase marks written at a specific rotation frequency and radial position. The erase power for erasing conditions shall be specified in the control tracks. The actual erase power shall be within 10% of that specified in the control t

35、racks. The required power shall not exceed 10mW in case of DC erasing or shall not exceed: where Tp is the pulse width from 10 to 91 ns. For pulse widths exceeding 91 ns the erase power shall not exceed 7 mW. The magnetic field intensity shall be between 16 000 A/m and 32 000 A/m. The erase magnetic

36、 shall be normal to the recording surface. The direction of the magnetic field shall be from the recording layer to the entrance surface. The residual signal after erasure shall be -40 dB relative to the original signal level of the written marks. 4.2.4 Write Written marks shall be made by optical p

37、ower superimposed upon a specific bias power of 1.5 mW * 10%. The pulse shape is defined in annex E. Testing shall be carried out at either: - a constant pulse width and power appropriate to the radius given in bytes 22-24 or 25-27 or 28-30 of the SFP zone (part 2 of ANSI X3.213); or - a constant pu

38、lse power given in byte 31 and a pulse width appropriate to the radius given in bytes 32-34 of the SFP zone. For radii other than 24, 32, or 40 mm, the values shall be linearly interpreted. The actual power and pulse width shall be within 5% of those selected. The required power shall not exceed: Gl

39、(l/Tp+llfi)mW The pulse width shall be between lo-91 ns. For a pulse width exceeding 91 ns, the power shall not exceed 7 mW. The magnetic field intensity shall be between 16 000 A/m and 32 000 A/m. The write field shall be normal to the recording surface and shall be in the direction from the entran

40、ce surface to the recording layer. 4.2.5 Disk rotation The rotation frequency of the optical disk shall be 30.0 Hz * 0.3 Hz. The direction of rotation shall be counter-clockwise when viewed from the objective lens. 3 ANSI X3.246-l 994 5 Test items 5.1 General The following subclause shows a list of

41、test items. The number (1) header represents the associ- ated clauses in ANSI X3.213. The number (2) header refers to A.I.P., an accepted industry prac- tice; no test procedure for those characteristics will be included in this document. T.M. # refers to the test method number found later in this do

42、cument or other industry standard test procedures, and the number (3) header denotes the clause of this standard. 5.2 List of test items 90-mm DBF Standard (1) Test items 6.4.3 Moment of inertia 6.4.4 imbalance 6.4.5 Axial deflection 6.4.6 Axial acceleration 6.4.7 Dynamic radial runout 6.4.6 Radial

43、acceleration 6.4.9 Tilt Drop test 6.2.1 Refraction index 6.2.2 Thickness 6.3.1 Reflectance Resolution 6.2.3 Imbalance of the magneto-optic signal 8.4.4 Erase characteristics 8.4.3 Write characteristics 64.2 Read characteristics 8.3.3 Figure of merit 12.2 Amplitude of embossed marks 12.3 Half maximum

44、 amplitude of embossed marks 12.4 Tracking error signal 12.5 Tracking error amplitude 12.6 Jitter of clock marks Recorded mark jitter Total edge shift A.I.P. (2) X X X X X T.M.#(3) 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.2

45、2 7.23 7.24 ANSlX3.246-1994 i z n $ 3 s a 6 G 2 2 a 3 B = a E z .- 8 100000000 10000000 1000000 100000 10 000 0.1 0.5 1 510 100 1000 Particle size in urn Figure 1 - Particle size distribution (class 100 000) 6 Test conditions 6.1 Testing environment - Air cleanliness 100 000 Classification of air cl

46、eanliness is based on a particular count with a maximum allowable number of minimum sized particles per unit volume and on statistical average particle size distribution. Class 100 000 is defined in Federal Standard 209D. In summary, it states that there shall be no more than 100 000 particles of 0.

47、5 micrometer in size per cubic foot and no more than 700 parti- cles of 5.0 micrometers in size per cubic foot. In metric system, the maximum allowable number of particles per m3 of 0.5 micrometer and larger is 3 500 000 and for 5.0 micrometers and larger is 25 000. See figure 1. 6.2 Measurement set

48、up 6.2.1 General test equipment Test methods for 90-mm optical media contain setup parameters that are listed for both the tester and the support equipment. The test equipment should be of high reproducibility and repeatability and shall conform to the following description of the Performance Tolera

49、nce Ratio (P/T) where: P/T = 6 x SD/TOLERANCE c 0.2 with SD being the standard deviation of the measurement system and tolerance the upper limit minus the lower limit of the system specification. The resolution of the instrument shall be less than 10% or one tenth of the tolerance band. In the case of single-ended specifications, the measurement system shall be capable of resolving to the number of significant digits in the parameter specification. 5 I., 1 , , 2kHz . I Phase margin 40” i _-_-_*- Optical system Figure 6 - Optical system with pos

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