ANSI INCITS 414-2006 For Information Technology - Fibre Channel C Backbone - 3 (FC-BB-3).pdf

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1、American National StandardDeveloped byfor Information Technology Fibre Channel Backbone - 3 (FC-BB-3)ANSI INCITS 414-2006ANSIINCITS414-2006ANSIINCITS 414-2006American National Standardfor Information Technology Fibre Channel Backbone - 3 (FC-BB-3)SecretariatInformation Technology Industry CouncilApp

2、roved July 25, 2006 American National Standards Institute, Inc.AbstractThis standard defines the functions and mappings necessary to tunnel Fibre Channel links, or bridge Fi-bre Channel networks, across Wide Area Networks.Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that therequ

3、irements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval havebeen met by the standards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgement of the ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly andmaterially affected interests. Substantial agreemen

4、t means much more thana simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that allviews and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be madetowards their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; theirexistence does not in any respect pr

5、eclude anyone, whether he has approvedthe standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or usingproducts, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards andwill in no circumstances give an interpretation of

6、 any American NationalStandard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue aninterpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the AmericanNational Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should beaddressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears o

7、n the titlepage of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, orwithdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National

8、 Standards mayreceive current information on all standards by calling or writing the AmericanNational Standards Institute.American National StandardPublished byAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc.25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036Copyright 2006 by Information Technology Industry Council

9、(ITI)All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written permission of ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. Printed in the United States of AmericaCAUTION: The developers of this standard have re

10、quested that holders of patents that may be re-quired for the implementation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However, nei-ther the developers nor the publisher have undertaken a patent search in order to identify which, ifany, patents may apply to this standard. As of the dat

11、e of publication of this standard, followingcalls for the identification of patents that may be required for the implementation of the standard,notice of one or more such claims has been received. By publication of this standard, no positionis taken with respect to the validity of this claim or of a

12、ny rights in connection therewith. The knownpatent holder(s) has (have), however, filed a statement of willingness to grant a license underthese rights on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions to applicants desiring to ob-tain such a license. Details may be obtained from the publishe

13、r. No further patent search is con-ducted by the developer or publisher in respect to any standard it processes. No representation ismade or implied that this is the only license that may be required to avoid infringement in the use ofthis standard.iContentsPageForeword vIntroduction . viii1 Scope.

14、12 Normative References . 52.1 Overview. 52.2 Approved references. 52.3 References under development 52.4 ATM references 62.5 ITU-T references 62.6 IETF references 73 Definitions and conventions . 83.1 Common definitions . 83.2 FC-BB-3_ATM definitions . 93.3 FC-BB-3_SONET definitions . 113.4 FC-BB-3

15、_IP definitions 123.5 FC-BB-3_GFPT definitions . 143.6 Editorial Conventions 153.7 List of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations . 163.7.1 General 163.7.2 FC-BB-3_ATM . 173.7.3 FC-BB-3_SONET. 173.7.4 FC-BB-3_IP 183.7.5 FC-BB-3_GFPT . 183.8 Symbols 183.9 Keywords . 184 FC-BB-3 Structure and Concep

16、ts 204.1 FC-BB-3 backbone mappings 204.2 FC-BB-3 reference models 204.3 FC-BB-3 models overview . 234.3.1 FC-BB-3_ATM . 234.3.2 FC-BB-3_SONET. 234.3.3 FC-BB-3_IP 244.3.4 FC-BB-3_GFPT . 244.4 FC-BB-3 requirements. 254.4.1 Fibre Channel Class support . 254.4.2 Payload transparency FC-BB-3_AT

17、M, FC-BB-3_SONET, FC-BB-3_IP 25iiPage4.4.2.2 FC-BB-3_GFPT 254.4.3 Latency delay and timeout value 264.4.4 QoS and bandwidth . 264.4.5 In-order delivery 264.4.6 Flow control 264.5 FC-BB-3 SW_ILS codes 275 FC-BB-3_ATM and FC-BB-3_SONET Messages and Formats 285.1 Message formats . 285.1.1 LLC/SNAP head

18、er format 285.1.2 BBW_Header format 285.1.3 BBW message payload format for SFC. 295.1.4 BBW message payload format for SR . 305.1.4.1 SR_Header formats 305.1.4.2 SR_BBW messages 325.1.4.3 Format field parameters 335.1.4.4 SR commands and responses. 345.1.4.5 Exception condition reporting and recover

19、y 386 SR and SFC Protocol Procedures . 416.1 Applicability 416.2 SR protocol overview. 416.3 Description of the SR procedure 426.3.1 SR mode of operation 426.3.2 SR procedure for addressing. 426.3.3 SR procedure for the use of the P/F bit . 426.3.4 SR procedure for data link set-up and disconnection

20、 436.3.4.1 Data link set-up. 436.3.4.2 Information transfer state. 436.3.4.3 Data link disconnection. 446.3.4.4 Disconnected state . 446.3.4.5 Collision of unnumbered commands . 456.3.4.6 Collision of SR_DM response with SR_SM or SR_DISC command . 456.3.4.7 Collision of SR_DM responses . 456.3.5 Pro

21、cedures for information transfer using multi-selective reject 456.3.5.1 Procedures for SR_I messages. 456.3.5.2 Sending new SR_I messages. 456.3.5.3 Receiving an in-sequence SR_I message. 466.3.5.4 Reception of invalid messages . 466.3.5.5 Reception of out-of-sequence SR_I messages . 466.3.5.6 Recei

22、ving acknowledgement . 476.3.5.7 Receiving an SR_SREJ response message . 476.3.5.8 Receiving an SR_RNR message. 486.3.5.9 BBW busy condition 496.3.5.10 Awaiting acknowledgement . 496.3.5.11 Receiving an SR_RR response messages with the F bit set to 1 . 506.3.5.12 Responding to command messages with

23、the P bit set to 1 . 506.3.6 SR conditions for data link resetting or data link re-initialization 516.3.6.1 Condition 1 516.3.6.2 Condition 2 51iiiPage6.3.6.3 Condition 3 516.3.6.4 Condition 4 516.3.7 SR procedures for data link resetting. 516.3.7.1 Overview 516.3.7.2 Procedure 1. 516.3.7.3 Procedur

24、e 2. 526.3.8 List of SR system parameters 526.3.8.1 Timer T1. 526.3.8.2 Parameter T2 . 536.3.8.3 Maximum number of attempts to complete a transmission N2 536.3.8.4 Maximum number of outstanding SR_I messages k 536.4 Simple Flow Control (SFC) 547 FC-BB-3_ATM Structure and Concepts. 557.1 Applicabilit

25、y 557.2 FC-BB-3_ATM overview 557.3 FC-BB-3_ATM B_Access functional model . 567.3.1 Protocol layers . 567.3.2 B_Port FC interface 567.3.3 ATM network interface . 577.3.4 FC-BB-3_ATM protocol interface . 577.3.4.1 Major components. 577.3.4.2 FC Entity and FCATM Entity . 577.3.4.3 FC Entity . 587.3.4.4

26、 FCATM Entity 597.3.4.5 FCATM_DE. 597.3.4.6 B_Access Virtual ISL and FCATM Links. 607.3.4.7 CSM 617.3.4.8 PMM 617.3.5 B_Access Virtual ISL exchanges 637.3.5.1 Exchange B_Access Parameters (EBP) SW_ILS. 637.3.6 B_Access initialization state machine 667.4 FC-BB-3_ATM network topologies. 697.5 Mapping

27、and message encapsulation using AAL5 707.5.1 Overview 707.5.2 Mapping BBW messages to AAL5. 707.6 FC-BB-3_ATM service considerations . 747.6.1 ATM service type . 747.6.2 Latency delay and timeout value 747.6.3 Bandwidth sharing and allocation 747.6.4 Quality of Service (QoS) 757.6.5 Delivery Order 7

28、57.6.6 Loss and Flow Control . 768 FC-BB-3_SONET Structure and Concepts . 778.1 Applicability and related clauses . 778.2 FC-BB-3_SONET overview. 778.3 FC-BB-3_SONET functional model 78ivPage8.3.1 Fibre Channel network interface 788.3.2 SONET network interface 798.3.3 Mapping and encapsulation. 808.

29、3.4 FC-BB-3_SONET forwarding. 808.3.5 Call handling 808.3.6 Frame handling 818.4 Mapping and Message encapsulation using HDLC-like framing . 818.4.1 Overview 818.4.2 Mapping of BBW messages to HDLC format 818.4.3 Mapping HDLC frames to SONET/SDH 838.5 FC-BB-3_SONET service considerations 888.5.1 Lat

30、ency delay and timeout value . 888.5.2 Delivery order 888.5.3 Loss and flow control . 889 FC-BB-3_IP Structure and Concepts. 899.1 Applicability. 899.2 FC-BB-3_IP overview 899.3 VE_Port functional model 909.3.1 FC-BB-3_IP interface protocol layers 909.3.2 E_Port/F_Port FC interface . 909.3.3 FC Swit

31、ching Element (SE) with FC routin 909.3.4 FC-BB-3_IP protocol interface. 919.3.4.1 Major components 919.3.4.2 FC and FCIP Entities 939.3.4.3 VE_Port Virtual ISL exchanges 959.3.4.4 Control and Service Module (CSM) . 969.3.4.5 Platform Management Module (PMM). 969.3.5 IP network interface . 989.4 B_A

32、ccess functional model. 989.4.1 FC-BB-3_IP interface protocol layer 989.4.2 B_Port FC interface 999.4.3 FC-BB-3_IP protocol interface. 999.4.3.1 Major components 999.4.3.2 FC and FCIP Entities 999.4.3.3 B_Access Virtual ISL exchanges 1029.4.3.4 B_Port Control and Service Module (CSM) . 1069.4.3.5 B_

33、Port Platform Management Module (PMM). 1069.4.4 IP Network Interface . 1069.5 FC-BB-3_IP Network Topologies. 1079.6 Mapping and message encapsulation using TCP/IP . 1099.6.1 Encapsulated frame structures 1099.6.1.1 FC frame encapsulation structure 1099.6.1.2 Encapsulated FCIP Special Frame (FSF) str

34、ucture 1109.6.2 TCP/IP encapsulation 1119.7 FC-BB-3_IP Protocol Procedures 1129.7.1 Overview 1129.7.2 Procedures for platform management . 112vPage9.7.2.1 Function 1129.7.2.2 Procedures for discovery . 1129.7.2.3 Procedures for extending FC-SP security 1129.7.3 Procedures for connection management .

35、 1149.7.3.1 Function 1149.7.3.2 Procedures for link setup 1159.7.3.3 Procedures for data transfer . 1169.7.3.4 Procedures for FCIP Link disconnection 1169.7.3.5 Procedures for multiple connection management 1169.7.4 Procedures for error detection recovery. 1169.7.4.1 Procedures for handling invalid

36、FC frames 1169.7.4.2 Procedures for error recovery 1179.7.5 FC-BB-3_IP system parameters 1179.7.5.1 FC timers. 1179.7.5.2 TCP timers 1189.7.5.3 Maximum number of attempts to complete an encapsulated FC frame transmission. 1189.7.5.4 Maximum number of outstanding encapsulated FC frames 1189.8 FC-BB-3

37、_IP service considerations . 1189.8.1 Latency delay 1189.8.2 Throughput 1189.8.2.1 How timeouts affect throughput 1189.8.2.2 How loss affects throughput 1199.8.2.3 Other factors that affect throughput 1199.8.3 Reliability. 1199.8.3.1 Loss of connectivity. 1199.8.3.2 Loss of synchronization. 1199.8.3

38、.3 Loss or corruption of TCP segments. 1199.8.3.4 Loss or corruption of FC frames 1209.8.3.5 FCIP error reporting 1209.8.4 Quality of Service (QoS) . 1219.8.5 Delivery order 1219.8.6 IP multicast and broadcast 1219.8.7 Security and authentication. 12110 FC-BB-3_GFPT Structure and Concepts. 12210.1 A

39、pplicability . 12210.2 FC-BB-3_GFPT overview 12210.3 FC-BB-3_GFPT functional model 12310.3.1 FC-BB-3_GFPT initialization 12310.3.2 FC-BB-3_GFPT initialization state machine. 12310.3.2.1 Initialization state machine keywords. 12310.3.2.2 Initialization state machine. 12310.3.3 Login Exchange Monitors

40、. 12810.3.4 Port initialization parameter observation and modification. 13210.3.5 Handling of BB_SCs, BB_SCr, and R_RDY Primitive Signals andBB_Credit initialization 13210.3.6 FC-BB-3_GFPT flow control and WAN Primitive Signals . 13410.3.7 Overview . 13410.3.7.1 Alternate Simple Flow Control (ASFC).

41、 134viPage10.3.7.2 PING and PING_ACK Primitive Signals 13510.3.8 Adaptation of FC information for GFPT transport in FC-BB-3_GFPT 13610.3.9 WAN Holdoff Timeout Value (WAN_HOLDOFF_TOV) . 137Annexes A Encoded SOF and EOF Ordered Sets 138B ATM Traffic Management and Signaling . 140C SR Protocol Paramete

42、r Guidelines and State Diagram. 151D FC-BB-3_GFPT Interoperability Guidelines. 154Tables1 FC-BB-3 Organization . 12 ISO and American Conventions 163 Models and resident FC_Port types 214 FC-BB-3 SW_ILS codes 275 FC-BB-3 ELS codes 276 BBW message structure 287 LLC/SNAP header . 288 BBW_Header. 299 Fl

43、ow control protocol type encodings 2910 BBW message payload structure for SFC . 3011 BBW message payload structure for SR . 3012 SR_Header format. 3113 SS bits encoding 3114 MMMMM bit encoding . 3115 SR_BBW messages 3216 SR_I message format 3417 SR_SREJ payload format example . 3518 SR_FRMR payload

44、format. 3719 EBP request payload . 6420 EBP accept payload 6521 EBP reject reason code explanation 6622 Mapping of BBW messages to AAL5 CPCS 7123 ATM VBR-NRT service specification . 7524 SONET/SDH data rates. 8025 Mapping of BBW messages to HDLC format 8226 FC-BB-3_SONET protocol ptack . 85viiPage27

45、 EBP request payload . 10328 EBP accept payload. 10329 EBP reject reason code explanation 10430 TCP/IP Segment structure carrying encapsulated FC frame . 10931 Encapsulated FC frame structure 10932 TCP/IP Segment structure carrying encapsulated FSF . 11033 Encapsulated FSF structure. 11034 ASF reque

46、st payload 11435 ASF accept response payload . 11436 FC-BB-3_GFPT initialization state machine keywords 12337 Login Exchange Monitor (LEM) state machine 13138 Values of FC-BB-3_GFPT ASFC_PAUSE and ASFC_RESUME Primitive Signals 13439 Values of FC-BB-3_GFPT PING and PING_ACK Primitive Signals 135Figur

47、es1 Scope and components of FC-BB-3_ATM/SONET models. 22 Scope and components of FC-BB-3_IP model 33 Scope and components of FC-BB-3_GFPT model 44 FC-BB-3_ATM reference model. 215 FC-BB-3_SONET reference model 226 FC-BB-3_IP reference model. 227 FC-BB-3_GFPT reference model. 238 SR flow control prot

48、ocol between two BBWs . 419 FC-BB-3_ATM network configuration 5510 FC-BB-3_ATM protocol layers . 5811 FC-BB-3_ATM B_Access functional model . 6212 FCATM_LEP and FCATM_DE. 6313 Scope of B_Access Virtual ISL 6414 B_Access initialization state machine 6715 FC-BB-3_ATM network topologies. 6916 AAL5 Mapp

49、ing of a BBW message with SFC 7217 AAL5 Mapping of a BBW message with SR 7318 Recommended ATM bandwidth allocation for multiple VCs 7419 FC-BB-3_SONET network configuration 7720 FC-BB-3_SONET functional block diagram . 79viiiPage21 SONET SPE HDLC mapping example 8422 Path signal label: C2 8423 Encapsulation of BBW message into HDLC frame using SFC 8624 Encapsulation of BBW message into HDLC frame using SR 8725 FC-BB-3_IP network configuration 8926 FC-BB-3_IP VE_Port functional model 9227 FC-BB-3_IP Protocol Layers . 9328 Scope of VE_Port Virtual ISL. 9529 Securi

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