1、American National StandardDeveloped byfor Information Technology North American Profile ofISO 19115:2003 Geographic Information Metadata(NAP - Metadata)INCITS 453-2009INCITS 453-2009Canada Content-Identical Dcoument: CAN/CGSB-171.100-2009INCITS 453-2009American National Standardfor Information Techn
2、ology North American Profile ofISO 19115:2003 Geographic Information Metadata(NAP - Metadata)SecretariatInformation Technology Industry CouncilApproved May 21, 2009American National Standards Institute, Inc.Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that therequirements for du
3、e process, consensus, and other criteria for approval havebeen met by the standards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgement of the ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly andmaterially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much mo
4、re thana simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that allviews and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be madetowards their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; theirexistence does not in any respect preclude anyone,
5、whether he has approvedthe standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or usingproducts, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards andwill in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American N
6、ationalStandard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue aninterpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the AmericanNational Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should beaddressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the titlepage
7、 of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, orwithdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards mayr
8、eceive current information on all standards by calling or writing the AmericanNational Standards Institute.American National StandardPublished byAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc.25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036Copyright 2009 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)All rights
9、 reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written permission of ITI, 1101 K Street, NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20005. Printed in the United States of AmericaCAUTION: The developers of this standard have request
10、ed that holders of patents that may berequired for the implementation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However,neither the developers nor the publisher have undertaken a patent search in order to identifywhich, if any, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date of publ
11、ication of this standardand following calls for the identification of patents that may be required for the implementation ofthe standard, no such claims have been made. No further patent search is conducted by the de-veloper or publisher in respect to any standard it processes. No representation is
12、made or impliedthat licenses are not required to avoid infringement in the use of this standard.i Contents Page Foreword vIntroduction . ix1 Scope .1 2 Normative References2 3 Terms and Definitions 3 4 Using this profile.8 4.1 Introduction .8 4.2 Notation.10 4.3 Symbols and Abbreviated Terms .12 5 M
13、etadata Content15 5.1 Introduction .15 5.2 Metadata Record Information .16 5.3 Identification Information.22 5.4 Constraint Information 49 5.5 Data Quality Information.53 5.6 Maintenance Information 97 5.7 Spatial Representation Information 101 5.8 Reference System Information .111 5.9 Content Infor
14、mation 115 5.10 Portrayal Catalogue Information.123 5.11 Distribution Information.125 5.12 Application Schema Information.133 5.13 Extent Information.135 5.14 Citation141 5.15 Date 145 5.16 Responsible Party.147 5.17 Contact149 5.18 Telephone.153 5.19 Address.155 5.20 Online Resource.159 5.21 Series
15、161 5.22 Identifier 163 6 Cultural and Linguistic Adaptability .165 6.1 Metadata language and CharacterSet165 6.2 Locale and free text attributes 165 6.3 NAP Metadata register 167 7 Code Lists168 8 Extending the Profile169 Bibliography .171 Annex A Metadata Schemas .172 Annex B Data Types 193 Annex
16、C Conformance Clauses .197 Annex D List of NAP Metadata Code Lists.199 ii Annex E Metadata Implementation 202 Annex F Transformation from/to NAP Metadata288 List ofFigures Figure 1: Presentation of diagrams10 Figure 2: Metadata record information.16 Figure 3: Data identification .22 Figure 4: Servic
17、e identification.28 Figure 5: Spatial resolution 33 Figure 6: Representative fraction.35 Figure 7: Browse graphic .37 Figure 8: Keywords 39 Figure 9: Aggregation information41 Figure 10: Coupled resource43 Figure 11: Operation metadata 45 Figure 12: Parameter .47 Figure 13: Constraint information.49
18、 Figure 14: Data quality information 53 Figure 15: Scope57 Figure 16: Completeness commission.59 Figure 17: Completeness omission61 Figure 18: Conceptual consistency63 Figure 19: Domain consistency65 Figure 20: Format consistency.67 Figure 21: Topological consistency69 Figure 22: Absolute positional
19、 accuracy 71 Figure 23: Gridded data positional accuracy .73 Figure 24: Relative positional accuracy .75 Figure 25: Thematic classification correctness77 Figure 26: Qualitative attribute accuracy .79 Figure 27: Quantitative attribute accuracy .81 Figure 28: Accuracy of a time measurement .83 Figure
20、29: Temporal consistency.85 Figure 30: Scope description .87 Figure 31: Quantitative result.89 Figure 32: Conformance result.91 Figure 33: Source.93 Figure 34: Process step .95 Figure 35: Maintenance information 97 Figure 36: Spatial representation information101 Figure 37: Dimension .107 Figure 38:
21、 Geometric objects.109 Figure 39: Reference system information111 Figure 40: Reference system identifier 113 Figure 41: Content information.115 Figure 42: Portrayal catalogue information123 Figure 43: Distribution information .125 Figure 44: Standard order process 129 Figure 45: Medium .131 Figure 4
22、6: Application schema information133 Figure 47: Extent information.135 Figure 48: Citation141 Figure 49: Date 145 Figure 50: Responsible party .147 Figure 51: Contact149 Figure 52: Telephone .153 Figure 53: Address.155 Figure 54: Online resource.159 iii Figure 55: Series161 Figure 56: Identifier 163
23、 Figure 57: Locale .165 Figure 58: CharacterString, LocalisedCharacterString, and FreeText 166 Figure 59: LocalisedCharacterString .166 Figure 60: Examples of NAP Metadata code list 168 Figure 61: UML notation.172 Figure 62: Role and cardinality 173 Figure 63: Metadata record information.174 Figure
24、64: Identification information.175 Figure 65: Data identification information 176 Figure 66: Service identification information177 Figure 67: Constraint information.178 Figure 68: Legal constraint information179 Figure 69: Data quality information 180 Figure 70: Lineage information 181 Figure 71: Da
25、ta quality classes and subclasses182 Figure 72: Maintenance information 183 Figure 73: Spatial representation information184 Figure 74: Reference system information185 Figure 75: Content information 186 Figure 76: Portrayal catalogue information187 Figure 77: Distribution information .188 Figure 78:
26、 Metadata extension information189 Figure 79: Application schema information190 Figure 80: Extent information.191 Figure 81: Citation and responsible party information .192 Figure 82: Metadata hierarchy .205 Figure 83: Logical implementation of a dataset series level, dataset level and feature level
27、 metadata record .206 vForeword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard INCITS 453-2009.)This American National Standard - North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geo-graphic Information - Metadata and its sister profile the National Standard of Canada- North American Profile of
28、ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic Information - Metadata isthe first publication of this content-identical document. This Profile is a subset of theISO 19115 - Geographic Information - Metadata, Edition 1 complying with ISO 19106- Geographic Information - Profiles. The goal of this Profile is to provide a
29、 mecha-nism for organizations producing geographic information to describe datasets in de-tail. The Profile helps users to better understand geographic metadata, theassumptions and limitations of geographic information, and facilitates the search forproper information to fit users needs. The North A
30、merican Profile of ISO 19115:2003- Geographic Information - Metadata was prepared to meet the specific geographicneeds of data producers and users in the U.S. and Canada. This standard was developed by Technical Committee INCITS L1 of AccreditedStandards Committee INCITS and the Committee of Geomati
31、cs of the CanadianGeneral Standards Board under agreement between both technical committees be-ginning in September 2005 and continuing to adoption 2009. The Profile has eight clauses and six annexes. It also includes a Bibliography, whichcontains a list of informative references. Clause 1 sets the
32、scope of the Profile.Clause 2 identifies the normative references. Clause 3 provides terms and defini-tions. Clause 4 provides information to use the Profile. Clause 5 describes the meta-data content and its structure. Clause 6 give the details on the handling cultural andlinguistic adaptability. Cl
33、ause 7 gives details on code lists. Clause 8 provides the de-tails on extending the profile. Annex A, Metadata Schemas, provides normative dia-grams describing metadata element of this profile in the Unified Modeling Language(UML). These diagrams are based on those of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic inf
34、or-mation - Metadata. They provide “views,“ which are portions of the complete model,that defines a metadata section (UML package) of related entities, elements, datatypes, and code lists. Annex B, Data Types, a normative annex, provides definitionsfor the 26 data types used in the Profile. Annex C,
35、 Conformance Causes, a norma-tive annex, provides the tests, for metadata instance documents, for consideration ofconformance with the Profile. Annex D, List of NAP-Metadata Code Lists, an infor-mative annex, lists the code lists and enumerations that are referred by metadata el-ements. Annex E Meta
36、data Implementation, an informative annex, provides anoverview and some examples of how to encode the metadata elements listed in thisProfile. Annex F, Tranformation from/to NAP-Metada, an informative annex, pro-vides information on the three major metadata standards that were the foundationsfor the
37、 U.S. and Canada implementations prior to the North American Profile. Users of this standard are encouraged to determine if there are standards in develop-ment or new versions of this Profile that may extend or clarify technical informationcontained in this Profile.Requests for interpretation, sugge
38、stions for improvement or addenda, or defect re-ports are welcome. They should be sent to the National Committee for InformationTechnology Standards (INCITS), ITI, 1101 K Street, NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC20005.This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by INCITS. Com-mittee a
39、pproval of this standard does not necessarily imply that all committee mem-bers voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, INCITS had thefollowing members:viDon Wright, ChairJennifer Garner, SecretaryOrganization Represented Name of RepresentativeAdobe Systems, Inc Scott FosheeSt
40、eve Zilles (Alt.)AIM Global, Inc. Dan MullenCharles Biss (Alt.)Apple Computer, Inc. Kwok LauHelene Workman (Alt.)David Singer (Alt.)Distributed Managment Task Force Tony DiCenzoJeff Hilland (Alt.)Winston Bumpus (Alt.)Electronic Industries Alliance Edward Mikoski, Jr.EMC Corporation Gary RobinsonFara
41、nce, Inc Frank FaranceTimothy Schoechle (Alt.)Google Zaheda BhoratRobert Tai (Alt.)GS1 US. Ray DelnickiFrank Sharkey (Alt.)James Chronowski (Alt.)Mary Wilson (Alt.)Hewlett-Packard Company. Paul JeranKaren Higginbottom (Alt.)Scott Jameson (Alt.)IBM Corporation Ronald F. SillettiRobert Weir (Alt.)IEEE
42、 Judith GormanTerry DeCourcelle (Alt.)Bill Ash (Alt.)Jodie Haasz (Alt.)Bob Labelle (Alt.)Susan Tatiner (Alt.)Intel. Philip WennblomDave Thewlis (Alt.)Grace Wei (Alt.)Lexmark International . Don WrightDwight Lewis (Alt.)Paul Menard (Alt.)Microsoft Corporation . Jim HughesDave Welsh (Alt.)Mark Ryland
43、(Alt.)National Institute of Standards - to improve the organization and management of geographic information meta-data;- to provide information about an organizations geographic data holdings withingeographic data catalogues, clearinghouses, and brokerages, geographic infor-mation discovery portals;
44、 and- to provide information needed to process and interpret data to be receivedthrough a transfer from an external source.The information included in the standard supports the following uses:- discovery - data needed to identify and locate the sets of geographic data thatexist for a geographic loca
45、tion;- access - data needed to acquire an identified set of geographic data;- fitness for use - data needed to determine if a set of geographic data meetsthe users need and to support the user in applying the geographic informationappropriately; and- transfer - data needed to obtain a copy of a set
46、of geographic data.xThe North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information - Metadata isorganized as follows:a) Scope (clause 1);b) Normative references (clause 2);c) Terms and definitions (clause 3);d) Notation, symbols and abbreviated terms (clause 4);e) Metadata content (clause 5);f)
47、 Cultural and linguistic adaptability (clause 6);g) Code lists (clause 7)h) Extending the profile (clause 8).AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD INCITS 453-2009American National Standard for Information Technology North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 Geographic Information Metadata (NAP Metadata) 1 1 Sco
48、pe The North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003, Geographic information Metadata, is intended to identify geospatial metadata that are needed for North American organizations to describe their geospatial data, including dataset and dataset series, and related Web services. It is based on ISO 19115:2
49、003, Geographic information Metadata, and ISO 19106:2004, Geographic information Profiles. It also includes service metadata from ISO 19119:2005, Geographic information Services, and implementation perspectives from ISO/TS 19139:200,7 Geographic information Metadata XML schema implementation. As outlined in ISO 19106:2004, Geographic Information Profiles, it satisfies conformance Class 1 since it defines a pure subset of ISO 19115:2003, Geographic information Metadata, and ISO 19119:2005, Geographic information Services. Retained metadat