1、B CReference numberISO/IEC 10026-3:1998(E)INTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO/IEC10026-3Third edition1998-12-15Information technology Open SystemsInterconnection Distributed TransactionProcessing Part 3:Protocol specificationTechnologies de linformation Interconnexion de systmes ouverts(OSI) Traitement transac
2、tionnel rparti Partie 3: Spcification du protocoleAdopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards) as an American National Standard.Date of ANSI Approval: 11/25/2002Published by American National Standards Institute,25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036Copyrig
3、ht 2002 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI).All rights reserved.These materials are subject to copyright claims of International Standardization Organization (ISO), InternationalElectrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology I
4、ndustry Council(ITI). Not for resale. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including an electronic retrieval system, withoutthe prior written permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW,Washington, DC 20005.Printed
5、in the United States of AmericaISO/IEC 10026-3 : 1998 (E) ISO/IEC 1998All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced orutilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and micro-film, without permission in writing
6、from the publisher.ISO/IEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genve 20 SwitzerlandPrinted in SwitzerlandiiContents. PageForeword . xiIntroduction. xii1 Scope.12 Normative references 13 Definitions24 Abbreviations.35 Conventions.36 Model of the PM.36.1 Overview.36.1.1 Principles of association
7、usage46.1.2 Functional unit capabilities and selection.46.1.3 Dialogue establishment56.1.4 Soliciting dialogue establishment .66.1.5 Channel management66.1.6 Channel utilization76.1.7 Token control .76.1.8 Collisions of Ready Signals86.1.9 Concatenation/separation 86.1.10 Embedding .96.2 OSI TP Prot
8、ocol structure.96.2.1 Components of the PM 97 Execution Rules.127.1 Operation of the PM127.1.1 Relationship of SAO(s) to MACF(s) .127.1.2 Input events to the PM .127.1.3 Action sequences.127.1.4 SACF queuing137.1.5 Input event blocking at the PSAP.137.1.6 PM error conditions 147.2 Procedure rules.14
9、7.3 Definitions .167.4 Log records used by the PM.277.4.1 Log-ready record277.4.2 Log-commit record .277.4.3 Log-heuristic record .277.4.4 Log-damage record287.5 Recovery-context-handle288 Use of ACSE, CCR and the Presentation Layer .288.1 Introduction .28ISO/IEC ISO/IEC 10026-3 : 1998 (E)iii8.2 Use
10、 of ACSE Service primitives288.2.1 Use of the A-ASSOCIATE parameters 298.2.2 Use of the A-RELEASE parameters 298.2.3 Use of the A-ABORT and A-P-ABORT parameters.308.3 Use of CCR Service primitives308.4 Use of the Presentation Layer 328.4.1 Use of Presentation Service primitives 328.4.2 Mapping of C-
11、ROLLBACK-RI to Presentation .328.5 Association Management328.5.1 Introduction.328.5.2 Association/dialogue compatibility338.5.3 Association/channel compatibility.338.5.4 Initiating an association establishment.348.5.5 Receiving an association establishment indication 358.5.6 Responding to associatio
12、n establishment368.5.7 Receiving confirmation of association establishment.378.5.8 Initiating an association release .388.5.9 Aborting an association388.5.10 Initiating a dialogue solicitation.388.5.11 Responding to a dialogue solicitation.388.5.12 Receiving a rejection of a dialogue solictation .39
13、8.5.13 Successful dialogue solicitation399 TP-ASE description .399.1 Introduction .399.2 AF Service Definition 409.2.1 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE 409.2.2 AF-BID419.2.3 AF-END-DIALOGUE 419.2.4 AF-U-ERROR.419.2.5 AF-ABORT .419.2.6 AF-GRANT-CONTROL419.2.7 AF-REQUEST-CONTROL .419.2.8 AF-HANDSHAKE .419.2.9 AF-HAN
15、d TP APDUs: parameters and field Mappings439.3.1 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE request/indication/response/confirm, TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE-RI/-RC APDU439.3.2 AF-BID request/indication/response/ confirm, TP-BID-RI/-RC APDU469.3.3 AF-END-DIALOGUE request/ indication/response/confirm, TP-END-DIALOGUE-RI/-RC APDU .479.3
16、.4 AF-U-ERROR request/indication/response/confirm, TP-U-ERROR-RI/-RC APDU.479.3.5 AF-ABORT request/indication, TP-ABORT-RI APDU489.3.6 AF-GRANT-CONTROL request/ indication, TP-GRANT-CONTROL-RI APDU.499.3.7 AF-REQUEST-CONTROL request/ indication, TP-REQUEST-CONTROL-RIAPDU499.3.8 AF-HANDSHAKE request/
17、indication/ response/confirm, TP-HANDSHAKE-RI/-RCAPDU49ISO/IEC 10026-3 : 1998 (E)ISO/IECiv9.3.9 AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL request/indication/response confirm,TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL-RI/-RC APDU 499.3.10 AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION request/indication, TP-BEGIN-TRANSACTION-RIAPDU .499.3.11 AF-DEF
18、ER request/indication, TP-DEFER-RI APDU 509.3.12 AF-PREPARE request/indication, TP-PREPARE-RI APDU 509.3.13 AF-REPORT request/ indication, TP-REPORT-RI APDU509.3.14 AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT request/indication.529.3.15 AF-NOCHANGE request/indication, TP-NEXT-TID-RI APDU .539.3.16 AF-EARLY-EXIT request/ind
19、ication/ response/confirm, TP-EARLY-EXIT-RI/-RCAPDU .539.3.17 AF-RECOVER request/indication, TP-RECOVER-RI APDU.549.3.18 AF-TOKEN-GIVE request/indication, TP-TOKEN-GIVE-RI APDU 549.3.19 AF-TOKEN-PLEASE request/ indication, TP-TOKEN-PLEASE-RI APDU 559.3.20 AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE request/indication/respo
20、nse/confirm559.4 Procedures559.4.1 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE request .569.4.2 TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE-RI TP APDU.569.4.3 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE response.569.4.4 TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE-RC TP APDU .569.4.5 AF-BID request 569.4.6 TP-BID-RI TP APDU 569.4.7 AF-BID response569.4.8 TP-BID-RC TP APDU 569.4.9 AF-END-DIALOGUE reques
21、t.569.4.10 TP-END-DIALOGUE-RI TP APDU.569.4.11 AF-END-DIALOGUE response 569.4.12 TP-END-DIALOGUE-RC TP APDU.569.4.13 AF-U-ERROR request569.4.14 TP-U-ERROR-RI TP APDU .579.4.15 AF-U-ERROR response.579.4.16 TP-U-ERROR-RC TP APDU579.4.17 AF-ABORT request579.4.18 TP-ABORT-RI TP APDU579.4.19 AF-GRANT-CON
23、79.4.28 TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL-RI TP APDU 579.4.29 AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL response589.4.30 TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL-RC TP APDU 589.4.31 AF-DEFER request 589.4.32 TP-DEFER-RI TP APDU589.4.33 AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION request 589.4.34 C-BEGIN indication 589.4.35 AF-PREPARE request .58
24、9.4.36 C-PREPARE indication 589.4.37 AF-REPORT request .589.4.38 TP-REPORT-RI TP APDU.589.4.39 AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT request.589.4.40 TP-ABORT-AND-REPORT-RI TP APDU.599.4.41 AF-EARLY-EXIT request .599.4.42 AF-EARLY-EXIT response.599.4.43 AF-RECOVER request.59ISO/IEC ISO/IEC 10026-3 : 1998 (E)v9.4.44 C
25、-RECOVER indication599.4.45 A-ABORT indication .599.4.46 C-ROLLBACK indication 599.4.47 C-ROLLBACK confirm .609.4.48 AF-NOCHANGE request609.4.49 C-NOCHANGE indication 609.4.50 C-NOCHANGE confirm609.4.51 C-COMMIT indication.609.4.52 C-COMMIT confirm 619.4.53 C-RECOVER confirm.619.4.54 P-TOKEN-GIVE (s
26、ync-minor) indication 619.4.55 AF-TOKEN-GIVE request 619.4.56 P-TOKEN-PLEASE (sync-minor) indication.619.4.57 AF-TOKEN-PLEASE request.619.4.58 AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE request.619.4.59 TP-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE-RI TP APDU 619.4.60 AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE response619.4.61 TP-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE-RC TP APDU.629.5 Mappin
27、g 6210 SACF description.6310.1 Introduction .6310.2 SACF states6310.3 Service definitions for SAF services .6410.3.1 SAF-DETACH-ASSOCIATION request .6410.3.2 SAF-ASSOCIATION-LOST indication6510.3.3 SAF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE request/indication/response/confirm .6510.4 Procedures for SAF primitives 6510.4.
28、1 SAF-DETACH-ASSOCIATION request .6510.4.2 SAF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE request 6610.4.3 SAF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE response .6610.5 Procedures for TP-ASE, CCR, ACSE, and Presentation Service Primitives6610.5.1 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE request .6610.5.2 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE indication 6810.5.3 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE response.69
29、10.5.4 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE confirm6910.5.5 AF-BID indication .6910.5.6 AF-BID confirm.7010.5.7 AF-END-DIALOGUE request.7110.5.8 AF-END-DIALOGUE indication7110.5.9 AF-END-DIALOGUE confirm .7110.5.10 AF-U-ERROR request7110.5.11 AF-U-ERROR indication 7110.5.12 AF-U-ERROR confirm7110.5.13 AF-ABORT request
30、 7210.5.14 AF-ABORT (provider, abortRI) indication.7210.5.15 AF-ABORT (user, dataRI) indication7210.5.16 A-ABORT request 7210.5.17 A-RELEASE (Result=affirmative) response.7210.5.18 A-P-ABORT indication or A-RELEASE (Result=affirmative) confirm.7310.5.19 AF-GRANT-CONTROL request.7310.5.20 AF-GRANT-CO
31、NTROL indication7310.5.21 AF-REQUEST-CONTROL request 7310.5.22 AF-REQUEST-CONTROL indication.7310.5.23 AF-HANDSHAKE request 7310.5.24 AF-HANDSHAKE indication.7410.5.25 AF-HANDSHAKE confirm 7410.5.26 AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL request 7410.5.27 AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL indication .74ISO/IEC
32、 10026-3 : 1998 (E)ISO/IECvi10.5.28 AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL confirm.7410.5.29 AF-DEFER request 7410.5.30 AF-DEFER indication .7510.5.31 AF-PREPARE request .7510.5.32 AF-PREPARE indication 7510.5.33 AF-REPORT (commitRC) indication, or AF-REPORT (recoverDoneRC)indication 7510.5.34 C-BEGIN reque
33、st or AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION request.7510.5.35 C-BEGIN indication or AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION indication.7510.5.36 C-BEGIN confirm .7610.5.37 C-READY indication.7610.5.38 C-COMMIT indication or C-COMMIT+C-BEGIN indication7610.5.39 AF-ABORT (user, commitRI) indication or AF-ABORT (user, commitRC)indication
34、 7610.5.40 C-COMMIT confirm7610.5.41 AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (commitRC) indication7610.5.42 C-ROLLBACK request .7710.5.43 C-ROLLBACK indication 7710.5.44 AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT request or AF-REPORT request7810.5.45 AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (dataRI) indication or AF-REPORT (user, dataRI)indication 7810.5.46 AF-A
35、BORT (user/provider,rollbackRI) indication, AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT(rollbackRI) indication, AF-REPORT (rollbackRI) indication or AF-EARLY-EXITindication 7810.5.47 C-ROLLBACK confirm, AF-REPORT (rollbackRC) indication, AF-ABORT(user/provider, rollbackRC) indication or AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT(rollbackRC) indi
36、cation .7910.5.48 AF-NOCHANGE request or C-NOCHANGE request.7910.5.49 C-NOCHANGE indication or AF-NOCHANGE indication 7910.5.50 C-NOCHANGE confirm7910.5.51 AF-EARLY-EXIT confirm7910.5.52 AF-RECOVER indication .7910.5.53 C-RECOVER request or AF-RECOVER request.8010.5.54 C-RECOVER indication .8010.5.5
37、5 C-RECOVER confirm.8010.5.56 U-ASE request .8010.5.57 U-ASE indication 8010.5.58 AF-TOKEN-GIVE (regular) indication 8010.5.59 AF-TOKEN-GIVE (keep) indication8110.5.60 AF-TOKEN-GIVE (two-way-recovery) request 8210.5.61 AF-TOKEN-GIVE (two-way-recovery) indication .8210.5.62 P-TOKEN-GIVE (sync-minor)
38、indication 8210.5.63 AF-TOKEN-PLEASE request.8310.5.64 AF-TOKEN-PLEASE indication8310.5.65 P-TOKEN-PLEASE indication8310.5.66 AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE indication .8410.5.67 AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE confirm.8410.5.68 Protocol error .8410.5.69 Other service primitives8410.6 SACF internal events8510.6.1 Unsolici
39、ted BID reject.8510.7 Concatenation.8510.7.1 Mapping precedence8510.7.2 Concatenation rules .8510.8 Routeing8711 MACF description 8711.1 Introduction .8711.2 CAF service definition.88ISO/IEC ISO/IEC 10026-3 : 1998 (E)vii11.2.1 CAF-PLEASE request8811.2.2 CAF-GIVE indication 8811.2.3 CAF-FAIL indicati
40、on .8911.2.4 CAF-DETACH request .8911.2.5 CAF-RECOVER indication.9011.3 Main procedures .9011.3.1 TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE request .9011.3.2 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE indication (TPPM and CPM).9111.3.3 TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE response.9211.3.4 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE (accepted) confirm on a Dialogue 9311.3.5 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE
41、 (rejected, dataRI) confirm on a Dialogue9411.3.6 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE (rejected(user), rollbackRI) confirm9511.3.7 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE (rejected(user), rollbackRC) confirm 9611.3.8 AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE confirm (CPM) 9611.3.9 SAF-ASSOCIATION-LOST indication9611.3.10 SAF-ASSOCIATION-LOST indication (CPM) 971
42、1.3.11 TP-END-DIALOGUE request.9711.3.12 AF-END-DIALOGUE indication9811.3.13 AF-END-DIALOGUE indication (CPM) 10011.3.14 TP-END-DIALOGUE response 10011.3.15 AF-END-DIALOGUE confirm .10011.3.16 TP-U-ERROR request10011.3.17 AF-U-ERROR indication 10011.3.18 AF-U-ERROR confirm10111.3.19 TP-U-ABORT reque
43、st 10111.3.20 AF-ABORT (user, dataRI) indication10511.3.21 Protocol error, internal error, A-P-ABORT indication, AF-ABORT (provider,abortRI) indication, A-ABORT request, A-RELEASE (Result=affirmative)response, or A-RELEASE (Result=affirmative) confirm on a dialogue.10711.3.22 Protocol error, interna
44、l error, A-P-ABORT indication, AF-ABORT (provider,abortRI) indication, A-ABORT request, A-RELEASE (Result=affirmative)response, or A-RELEASE (Result=affirmative) confirm on a channel .10911.3.23 Protocol error, internal error, A-P-ABORT indication, AF-ABORT (provider,abortRI) indication, A-RELEASE (
45、Result=affirmative) response, or A-RELEASE(Result=affirmative) confirm (CPM)11011.3.24 TP-GRANT-CONTROL request.11011.3.25 AF-GRANT-CONTROL indication11011.3.26 TP-REQUEST-CONTROL request 11111.3.27 AF-REQUEST-CONTROL indication.11111.3.28 TP-HANDSHAKE request 11111.3.29 AF-HANDSHAKE indication.1111
46、1.3.30 TP-HANDSHAKE response .11211.3.31 AF-HANDSHAKE confirm 11211.3.32 TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL request 11211.3.33 AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL indication .11211.3.34 TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL response11311.3.35 AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL confirm.11311.3.36 TP-BEGIN-TRANSACTION re
47、quest 11311.3.37 C-BEGIN indication or AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION indication.11411.3.38 C-BEGIN confirm .11511.3.39 TP-DATA request.11511.3.40 U-ASE indication 11511.3.41 TP-DEFERRED-END-DIALOGUE request11611.3.42 TP-DEFERRED-GRANT-CONTROL request11611.3.43 AF-DEFER indication .11611.3.44 TP-PREPARE reque
48、st .11711.3.45 TP-COMMIT request11711.3.46 AF-PREPARE indication 11811.3.47 C-READY indication.119ISO/IEC 10026-3 : 1998 (E)ISO/IECviii11.3.48 C-COMMIT indication or C-COMMIT+C-BEGIN indication11911.3.49 AF-ABORT (user, commitRI) indication .12011.3.50 TP-DONE request12011.3.51 C-COMMIT confirm or A
49、F-REPORT (commitRC) indication .12111.3.52 AF-ABORT (user, commitRC) indication or AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT(commitRC) indication 12211.3.53 TP-ROLLBACK request .12311.3.54 C-ROLLBACK indication or AF-REPORT (rollbackRI) indication 12311.3.55 C-CANCEL indication.12411.3.56 AF-ABORT (user/provider, rollbackRI) indication or AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT(rollbackRI) indication.12411.3.57 C-ROLLBACK confirm or AF-REPORT (rollbackRC) indication 12611.3.58 AF-ABORT (user/provider, rollbackRC) indication or AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (rollbackRC) indication .12711.3.59 AF-REPORT (dataR