ANSI INCITS ISO IEC 10026-5-1998 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 5 Application context proforma and guidelines when us.pdf

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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISOAEC 10026-5 First edition 1998-I l-1 5 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 5: Application context proforma and guidelines when using OSI TP Technologies de Iinforma tion - lnterconnexion de syst b) under differen

2、t management; c) of different levels of complexity; and, d) of different technologies. ISOllEC 10026 defines a Model, and Service, and specifies a Communication Protocol within the Application Layer of the OSI Reference Model. 1 Scope This part of ISO/IEC 10026 specifies requirements specific to OSI

3、 TP that should be contained in an application context definition, in addition to the general requirements for an ap- plication context definition. It does not specify individual implementations or products, nor does it constrain the im- plementation of entities or interfaces within a computer syste

4、m. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO/IEC 16026. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on th

5、is part of ISO/IEC 10026 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IS0 9545:1993, information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnec

6、tion - Application Layer structure. ISO/I EC 10026-l :1998, information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 1: 0.57 TP Model. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this part of ISOllEC 10026, the definitions given in ISOllEC 10026-l and the following def

7、initions apply. 3.1 Application Layer Structure definitions This International Standard makes use of the following terms defined in ISOllEC 9545: a) application-context-definition; and 4 control-function. 4 Abbreviations For the purposes of this part of ISOllEC 10026, the abbrevi- ations given in IS

8、OllEC 10026-l and the following abbrevi- ations apply. FU Functional Unit 5 Overview of the TP application context proforma This part of ISOllEC 10026 specifies what must be contained in an application context where use is made of the facilities of OSI TP. Such an application context may define rule

9、s for the correct interaction of the various ASEs (ACSE, the TP-ASE, possibly CCR, and one or more User-ASEs) con- trolled by the TP MACF and SACF, in addition to listing the ASEs which are used. The remainder of this part of ISOllEC 10026 provides guidelines for the specification of such rules and

10、options. lSO/lEC 10026-5:1998(E) 0 ISOAEC 6 TP application context contents This clause contains guidelines for defining an application context which contain;OSI TP, together with gene;1 guide- lines which would apply to any application context. (These general guidelines are included for completenes

11、s, and ap- pear in italics.) An application context proforma is contained in annex A; this annex includes information which always appears in the definition of an application context which contains OSI TP. The subclauses in this clause correspond to clauses which would be included in an application

12、context definition (as listed in annex A). If any other applicafion contexts are referenced as part of this context they shall be listed, along with their Object Identifier names. This list will include application contexts that will be used on other associations if there are dialogue trees within w

13、hich this association and one of the other associations are adja- cent at either end of this association. Other application contexts need only be included if the semantic exchanges under this application context require the use of the other application contexts. 6.5 Component ASEs Such an applicatio

14、n context definition always includes the information described in 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.9 and 6.11 of this clause. Information described in the other subclauses (6.4, 6.6-6.6, 6.10, 6.12) should be included when necessary. This section lists the ASEs required for the application con- text being defi

15、ned. For each ASE in the application context, include subclauses as follows: OSI TP does not state where the modules responsible for maintaining the MACF rules for User-ASEs (if there are such rules) are located. The understanding here is that the MACF rules for User-ASEs are implemented inside the

16、TPSUI (which for this purpose is subdivided into a User-MACF and a multiple association service user invocation (MASUI), which is the receiver of the genuine multiple association service). Application specific control functions which include OSI TP are constrained by the very strict control which OS

17、I TP ex- ercises on the PSAPs (choosing presentation services; clos- ing, opening PSAPs; etc). 6.5.n name 6.5.n.l reference (eg /SO/EC standard number) 6.5.n.2 version number 6.5.n.3 brief description with a value n for each specific ASE. In addition to the two mandatory ASEs (TP-ASE and ACSE), othe

18、r ASEs (eg CCR), and the User-ASEs incorporated in the application context are to be listed. Note - At least one User-ASE will always be required, unless the context only applies to a TP Channel. 6.1 Application context name A globally unambiguous name of ASN.l datatype OBJECT IDENTlFlER which ident

19、ifies the application context defi- nition. 6.6 Use of other related ASEs If the application context requires the knowledge of the use of other ASEs on other associations in the AEls at one or both ends of the association, this clause lists them. An application context name has to be registered to e

20、nsure that the name is unambiguous, in accordance with ISO/IEC 7498-3. This registration may be done by recording the de- finition and the allocated name in a Standard. Alternatively, a name may be obtained by applying to a Registration Au- thority that has the authority to assign application contex

21、t names in accordance with the procedures of ISO/IEC 9834-l. Note - Obtaining an appropriate object identifier requires using the 18s of ISO/IEC 9834-l. Registration Authorities, and IS0 8805, Basic Encoding Rules. If this application context is lo be standardised internationally or nationally, then

22、 its name should be taken from the registration authority for the international or national name space. If it is to be a private name, it can be taken from a private name space, but still fo/owing the basic rules of object identifiers. 6.2 Purpose and scope A brief outline of the purpose of the appl

23、ication context, to- gether with a brief scope statement. 6.3 Referenced standards A lisist of those standards which are referenced by the appli- cation context being defined. This will include ASEs whose services will be invoked on other associations to support the semantics of the ex- changes on t

24、he association using this application context. For an application context which contains OSI TP, these other associations may include those supporting dialogues of a dialogue tree, one of whose dialogues is supported by an association with this application context. Note - In a particular instance, a

25、 real system using this application context may use on other dialogues of the dialogue tree ASEs that are not listed here. ASEs are only listed here if the semantics of exchanges under this application context necessarily require the use of the ASE on another association. 6.7 Persistent application

26、context rules This section defines any additional rules to be enforced by this application context, that supplement and impose re- strictions in addition to those specified in the referenced base standards, concerning information fhat has a lifetime that is greater than that of an association. The O

27、SI TP SACF procedures defined in clause 10 of ISOllEC 10026-3 relating to association establishment and release should be noted. 6.4 Referenced application contexts 6.6 Control function (SACFIMACF) rules 2 ISOAEC ISOIIEC 10026-5: 1998(E) 6.8.1 objecNves/summary 6.8.2 temporal ordering rules 6.8.3 co

28、ncatenation rules 6.8.4 mapping rules 6.8.5 references to base standard rules 6.8.6 other rules This section defines rules to be enforced by the control functions in support of this application context, thaf supple- ment and impose restrictions additional fo those specified in the base standards. (A

29、 reference to the base standards rules should be included.) If is important fo note rhar the application context definition specifies, where necessary, how the events of the component ASEs are to be ordered. Any other invocation dependencies between fhe ASEs are specified. The control function rules

30、 may need to specify where a state transition by one ASE re- quires other ASEs fo change state also. In addition, the use of several ASEs together on an associ- ation, or the sequential use of different ASEs on an associ- ation should be described in this clause. For an application context which con

31、tains OSI TP, a dis- tinction must be made between rules relating to the SACF and MACF. (SACF and MACF rules for OSI TP are defined in clauses 10 and 11 of ISO/IEC 10026-3.) In particular, this clause must specify which User-ASE services, if any, replace TP-Data for each state in which the invocatio

32、n or reception of TP-Data is a valid event. 6.9 Optional features The rules and restrictions on the selection of any optional features of each component ASE should be stated. In par- ticular, for each referenced standard, the required functional units and options must be specified, noting dependenci

33、es between individual ASEs; it should be noted whether a par- ticular functional unit or option is mandatory, is not sup- ported, or may optionally be provided. A brief rationale for their selection may be given. Note - No rules specified in the base standard shall be subject lo relaxation. 6.10 Err

34、or handling This section defines what action should be taken (for exam- ple, to abort the association) if the rules and constraints of fhe application context are violated. Unless special error handl- ing facilities are available, the following text may be suffi- cien 1: “For this application contex

35、t, if the rules and constraints of the application context are violated, an A-Abort request shall be issued.” In an application context which contains OSI TP, consider- ation should be given to rolling back the transaction, abort- ing the association, aborting the dialogue, and/or invoking the TP-U-

36、Error service primitive. 6.11 Conformance This clause specifies all rules which must be followed by an implementafion in order to be conformanf to this application context. As most standards and ASEs already contain their own conformance requirements, referencing these require- ments with fhe follow

37、ing text will often be sufficient for the application contexrs conformance clause: “A conformant implemenfation shall exhibit external behaviour which conforms to the requirements implied by or stated in the other clauses of this application context definition.” Note - The concept of conformance to

38、an application context defi- nition is somewhat new, and is subject to further work by the JTCl/SCPl/WGl Conformance Rapporteur Group; this standard may therefore change accordingly. 6.12 Collision handling Any additional rules concerned with the prevention and re- solution of the collision of servi

39、ces (eg A-Release and P- Resynchronise) should be specified in this clause. Unless special collision handling is necessary, the following text may be sufficient: “No additional collision handling rules beyond those of ISO/IEC 10026-3 are required.” 3 lSO/lEC 10026-5: 1996(E) 0 ISOAEC Annex A (normat

40、ive) Application context proforma when using OSI TP This annex provides a proforma for an application context which contains TP. and includes text which must always be included in the definition of such an application context. In this annex, text in italics (except for the references in clause A.3)

41、is provided for guidance only, and should not be included in any application context definition. A.1 Application context name The OBJECT IDENTIFIER name for this application context is A.2 Purpose and scope A.3 Referenced standards This application context definition references in whole or in part t

42、he following specifications: IS0 8650: 1988, Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol specification for the As- sociation Control Service Element. IS0 8650lCor.l: 1991, Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol specification for the Asso

43、ciation Control Service Element - Technical Corrigendum 1. ISOIIEC 9805: 1990, Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol specification for the Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Service Element. ISOllEC 9805IAmd.2, Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interc

44、onnection - Protocol specification for the Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Service Element - Amendment 2: Session Mapping Changes. ISO/IEC 10026-3: 1992. Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 3: Protocol Specification. A.4 Refe

45、renced application contexts A.5 Component ASEs The following ASEs shall be contained in any OS1 TP appli- cation context: ACSE TP-ASE Sample text for these two ASEs, and also for CCR, is pro- vided below. Other ASEs should be listed as required. A.5.1 Association Control Service Element (ACSE) A.5.1

46、.1 Reference IS0 8650: 1988 and IS0 8650 Technical Corrigendum 1: 1991. A.5.1.2 Version number Version . . . of the Association Control protocol shall be used. A.5.1.3 Brief description The Association Control protocol is used to establish and release the association. A-5.2 Distributed Transaction P

47、rocessing ASE (TP-ASE) A.5.2.1 Reference ISO/IEC 10026-3: 1992 clause 9. A.5.2.2 Version number Version . . . of the OSI TP protocol shall be used. A.5.2.3 Brief description A TP-ASE provides for TP APDU generation and reception. A.5.3 Commitment, Concurrency, and Recovery (CCR) ASE A.5.3.1 Referenc

48、e ISOllEC 9805: 1990 etc. A.5.3.2 Version number Version . . . of the CCR protocol shall be used. A.5.3.3 Brief description CCR provides two phase commitment facilities for OSI TP. Note - Clause A.5.3, which provides a reference to the CCR protocol, need only be included if the fP commit FU is to be

49、 used. Additional ASEs must be included, as follows: A.5.n Additional component ASEs 4 0 ISOAEC lSO/lEC 10026-5:1998(E) A.5.n.l reference A.5.n.2 version number A.5.n.3 brief description with a value n for each specific ASE. A.6 Use of other related ASEs A.7 Persistent application context rules A.8 Control function rules A.8.1 SACF rules A.8.1.1 objectives/summary A.8.1.2 temporal ordering rules A.8.1.3 concatenation rules A.8.1.4 mapping rules A-8.1.5 references to base rules A.8.1.8 other rules A-8.2 MACF rules A.8.2.1 objectives/summary A.8.2.2 temporal ordering rules A-8.2.3 re

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