1、 INCITS/ISO/IEC 10747:19942010 (ISO/IEC 10747:1994, IDT) Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Protocol for exchange of inter-domain routeing information among intermediate systems to support forwarding of ISO 8473 PDUs Reaffirmed as INCITS/ISO/IEC 10
2、747:1994 R2015INCITS/ISO/IEC 10747:19942010 PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer perfor
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4、 file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Se
5、cretariat at the address given below. Adopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards) as an American National Standard. Date of ANSI Approval: 11/17/2010 Published by American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036 Copyright 2010
6、by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). All rights reserved. These materials are subject to copyright claims of International Standardization Organization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Indust
7、ry Council (ITI). Not for resale. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including an electronic retrieval system, without the prior written permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington DC 20005. P
8、rinted in the United States of America ii ITIC 2010 All rights reserved INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 10747 First edition 1994-I o-01 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Protocol for exchange of inter-domain routeing information among intermediate
9、systems to support forwarding of IS0 8473 PDUs Technologies de /information - T6l6communications et Bchange dinformation entre systkmes - Protocole pour Bchange dinformation inter-domaine de routage parmi /es syst all other internal operations of each routeing domain are outside the scope of this pr
10、otocol. That is, this Inter-domain routeing protocol does not mandate that a routeing domain run a par- ticular intra-domain routeing protocol: for example, it would be a local choice as to whether a domain implements a standard intra-domain protocol (such as ISOllEC 10589) or a private protocol. Th
11、e methods of this protocol differ from those gener- ally adopted for an intra-domain routeing protocol because they emphasize the interdependencies between efficient route calculation and the preserva- tion of legal, contractual, and administrative concerns. This protocol calculates routes which wil
12、l be efficient, loop-free, and in compliance with the domains local routeing policies. IDRP may be used when routeing domains do not fully trust each other; it imposes no upper limit on the number of routeing domains that can participate in this protocol; and it provides iso- lation between its oper
13、ations and the internal oper- ations of each routeing domain. vii ISO/IEC 10747: 1994 (E) 0 ISOAEC . . . VIII INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 0 SO”EC ISO/IEC 10747: 1994 (E) Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Protocol for exchange of inter- domain routeing
14、information among intermediate systems to support forwarding of IS0 8473 PDUs 1 Scope This international Standard specifies a protocol to be used by Boundary Intermediate systems (defined in 3.6) to acquire and maintain information for the purpose of routeing NPDUs between different routeing domains
15、. Figure 1 illustrates the field of application of this International Standard. This International Standard specifies: - the procedures for the exchange of inter-domain reachability and path information between BlSs the procedures for maintaining inter-domain routeing information bases within a BIS
16、the encoding of protocol data units used to dis- tribute inter-domain routeing information between BlSs the functional requirements for implementations that claim conformance to this International Standard The procedures are defined in terms of: - interactions between Boundary Intermediate systems t
17、hrough the exchange of protocol data units - interactions between this protocol and the under- lying Network Service through the exchange of service primitives - constraints on policy feasibility and enforcement which must be observed by each Boundary Inter- mediate system in a routeing domain The b
18、oundaries of Administrative Domains are real- ized as artifacts of the placement of policy constraints and the aggregation of network layer reachability information; they are not manifested explicitly in the protocol. The protocol described in this International Standard operates at the level of ind
19、ividual routeing domains. The establishment of administrative domains is outside the scope of this International Standard. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this international Standard. At the time of pub
20、lica- tion, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain regis
21、ters of cur- rently valid International Standards. IS0 7498: 1984, information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model. IS0 7498lAdd. 1: 1984, Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model - Addendum 1: Connectionless-mode tra
22、nsmission. IS.0 7498-3:1989, Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model - Part 3: Naming and addressing. ISOllEC 7498-4:1989, information processing Systems - Open Systems interconnection - Basic Reference Model - Part 4: Management framework. ISOllEC 8208:
23、1990, information technology - Data communications - X.25 Packet Layer Protocol for Data Terminal Equipment. ISO/IEC 8348:1993, Information technology - Network Service Definition. IS0 8473:1988, Information processing systems - Data communications - Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode ne
24、twork service. IS0 8648: 1988, information processing systems Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Internal organization of the Network Layer. IS0 9542:1988, Information processing systems - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - End system to intermed
25、iate system routeing exchange protocol for use in conjunction with the Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service (/SO 8473). 1 ISOAEC 10747: 1994 (E) 0 ISOAEC :psc=apa Figure 1 - Field of Application: The Inter-domain Routeing Protocol operates between routeing domains; intra do
26、main routeing is not within its scope. ISO/IEC TR 9575:1990, information technology - Te/e- communications and information exchange between systems - OS/ Routeing Framework. ISO/I EC TR 9577: 1993, Information technology - Tele- communications and information exchange between systems - Protocol iden
27、tification in the Network Layer. ISOllEC 10030:1990, Information technology - Tele- communications and information exchange between systems - End System Routeing Information Exchange Protocol for use in conjunction with IS0 8878. ISOllEC 10589:1992, information technology - Te/e- communications and
28、information exchange between systems - intermediate system to intermediate system intra-domain routeing routine information exchange protocol for use in conjunction with the protocol for providing the connectionless-mode Network Service (IS0 8473). lSo/lC 10165-4: 1992, information technology - Open
29、 Systems interconnection - Structure of management information: Guidelines for the definition of managed objects. ISOllEC 10165-2:1992. Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of management information: Definition of management information. 3 Definitions For the purposes of
30、 this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 Reference model definitions This International Standard uses the following terms defined in IS0 7498: a) Network entity b) Network Layer c) Network Protocol d) Network Protocol Data Unit 8) Network relay f) Network Service hcess Poin
31、t g) Network Service Access Point Address h) Real system i) Routeing This International Standard uses the following term defined in IS0 7498-3: a) (N)-entity title 2 0 ISOAEC 3.2 Network layer architecture definitions This International Standard uses the following terms defined in IS0 8648: a) End s
32、ystem b) Intermediate System c) Subnetwork 3.3 Network layer addressing definitions This International Standard uses the following term defined in ISO/IEC 8348: a) Subnetwork point of attachment 3.4 Routeing framework definitions This International Standard uses the following terms defined in IS0 95
33、75: 4 b) c) 4 3.5 Administrative Domain Common Domain Fire wall Routeing Domain Intra-domain routeing definitions This International Standard uses the following terms defined in IS0 10589: a) Adjacency b) Link 3.6 Additional definitions For purposes of this International Standard, the fol- lowing de
34、finitions apply: 3.6.1 Intra-domain IS-IS routeing protocol: A routeing protocol that is run between Intermediate systems in a single routeing domain to determine routes that pass through only systems and links wholly contained within the domain. NOTE 1: Unless reference is made to a specific protoc
35、ol, this term is used as a general designator, encom- passing both private and internationally standard- ized protocols. 3.6.2 Inter-domain link: A real (physical) or virtual (logical) link between two or more Boundary Interme- diate systems (see Figure 2). A link between two BlSs in the same routei
36、ng domain carry both intra- domain traffic and inter-domain traffic; a link between two BlSs located in adjacent routeing domains can carry inter-domain traffic, but not intra-domain traffic. ISOAEC 10747: 1994 (E) 3.6.3 Boundary Intermediate system: An intermediate system that runs the protocol spe
37、cified in this Interna- tional Standard, has at least one inter-domain link attached to it, and may optionally have intra-domain links attached to it. 3.6.4 End Routeing Domain: A routeing domain whose local policies permit its BlSs to calculate inter-domain path segments only for PDUs whose source
38、is located within that routeing domain. There are two varieties of End routeing domains: stub and multi-homed. A stub ERD has inter-domain links lo only one adjacent routeing domain, while a multi-homed ERD has inter- domain links to several adjacent routeing domains. For example, the domains labell
39、ed as multi-homed ERDs in Figure 2 have policies which prohibit them from providing relaying functions; it is these policies, not the topology of their interconnections, that make them ERDs. 3.6.5 Transit Routeing Domain: A routeing domain whose policies permit its BlSs to calculate inter- domain pa
40、th segments for PDUs whose source is located either in the local routeing domain or in a dif- ferent routeing domain. That is. it can provide a relaying service for such PDUs. See Figure 2 for an illustration of TRDs. 3.6.6 Adjacent RDs: Two RDs (“A” and “B”) are adja- cent to one another if there i
41、s a at least one pair of BISs, one located in “A“ and the other in “B”, that are attached to each other by means of a real subnet- work. 3.6.7 RD Path: A list of the RDls of the routeing domains and routeing domain confederations through which a given UPDATE PDU has travelled. 3.6.6 Routeing Domain
42、Confederation: A set of routeing domains which have agreed to join together and to conform to the rules in 7.13 of this Interna- tional Standard. To the outside world, a confeder- ation is indistinguishable from a routeing domain. 3.6.9 Nested RDCs: A routeing domain confederation “A” (RDC-A) is nes
43、ted within RDC-B when all of the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: a) all members of RDC-A are also members of RDC-B b) there are some members of RDC-B that are not members of RDC-A 3.6.10 Overlapping RDCs: A routeing domain confed- eration (RDC-A) overlaps RDC-B when all the fol- l
44、owing conditions are satisfied simultaneously: a) there are some members of RDC-A that are also members of RDC-B, and b) there are some members of RDC-A that are not members of RDC-B, and c) there are some members of RDC-B that are not members of RDC-A. ISOAEC 10747: 1994 (E) 0 ISO/IEC I I 3 3 Multi
45、-homed Multi-homed Stub ERD ERD TRD ERD ERD Stub ERD I -.I Multi-homed ERD Links between BISo in Links between BISo in adjacent routsing domains adjacent routsing domains - Links between BISa in - Links between BISa in the same routeing domain 0 Boundary IS irdsrd Figure 2 - Intermediate Routeing Do
46、mains and End Routeing Domains: The classification of a routeing domain as an TRD or an ERD depends upon its relaying policies. 3.6.11 Disjoint RDCs: Two routeing domain confeder- ations, RDC-A and RDC-B, are disjoint from one another when there are no routeing domains which are simultaneously membe
47、rs of both RDC-A and RDC-B. 4.1 Data unit abbreviations BISPDU Boundary Intermediate System PDU DT PDU IS0 8473 Data Protocol Data Unit ER PDU IS0 8473 Error Protocol Data Unit 3.6.12 Policy Information Base: The collection of routeing policies that a BIS will apply to the routeing information that
48、it learns using this International standard. It is not required that all routeing domains use the same syntax and semantics to express policy; that is, the format of the Policy Information Base is left as a local option. 3.6.13 Route Origin: Each route or component of an aggregated route has a singl
49、e unique origin. This is the RD or RDC in which the routes destinations are located. NPDU Network Protocol Data Unit NSDU Network Service Data Unit PDU Protocol Data Unit 4.2 Addressing abbreviations AFI Authority and Format Identifier DSP Domain Specific Part IDI Initial Domain Identifier 4 Symbols and abbreviations IDP Initial Domain Part LSAP Link Service Access Point NET Network Entity Title NPAI Network Protocol Address Information The symbols, acronyms, and abbreviations