1、INCITS/ISO/IEC 14545:19982008 (ISO/IEC 14545:1998, IDT) Information technology Office equipment Method for measuring copying machineproductivityINCITS/ISO/IEC 14545:19982008(ISO/IEC 14545:1998, IDT)INCITS/ISO/IEC 14545:19982008 ii ITIC 2008 All rights reserved PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contai
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4、eters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. Adopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee fo
5、r Information Technology Standards) as an American National Standard. Date of ANSI Approval: 6/19/2008 Published by American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036 Copyright 2008 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). All rights reserved. These materia
6、ls are subject to copyright claims of International Standardization Organization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). Not for resale. No part of this publication may be reproduced in a
7、ny form, including an electronic retrieval system, without the prior written permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. Printed in the United States of America iiiForewordISO (the International Organization for St
8、andardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission)form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IECparticipate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by therespective organizat
9、ion to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committeescollaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, inliaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.In the field of information technology, ISO
10、 and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.I
11、nternational Standard ISO/IEC 14545 was prepared by ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, SubcommitteeSC 28, Office equipment.Annex A of this International Standard is for information only.INCITS/ISO/IEC 14545:19982008 ITIC 2008 All rights reservedAMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD INCITS/ISO/IEC 14545:199
12、820081Information technology Office equipment Method formeasuring copying machine productivity1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies a method for measuring the real output speed or “productivity” of copyingmachines. This International Standard is applicable to plain paper copying machines equi
13、pped with automaticdocument feeder or handling capability. This International Standard can be used for such machines run in eithersimplex or duplex copying modes. It is specifically intended for use with non-digital copiers, generally referred to aslight-lens or analog devices. This International St
14、andard allows comparison of the throughput copy rates for amachine operated in its various available duplexing modes.Most copying machines produce duplex copies at a different rate than their nominal speed1when automaticallyfeeding originals, and sorting and/or finishing the copies.Duplex copy modes
15、 (1:2,2:1,2:2) are often used. In those modes, a reduction of effective copying speed isfrequently clearly noticed.The degree to which a reduction in productivity is experienced depends significantly on the type of documenthandler used on a machine. A document handler which presents originals to a c
16、opier platen in collated order for asingle copy of each page to be made in sucession (precollating) can be provide a very different productivity fromone which presents originals for copying of the full number of desired pages before the next original page insequence is advanced to the platen for cop
17、ying (postcollating). In addition, the effective productivity of a machinecan be influenced by job related parameters, the most dominant of which are the number of originals in a set to becopied, and the run length, or number of copied sets to be produced. Existing standards, as well as commoncontem
18、porary practices for measuring and reporting copying machine productivity do not adequately take intoaccount these important machine and job related factors.This International Standard provides a common method for measuring the real output speed or “productivity” whenthe above mentioned duplexing mo
19、des are used, and it allows manufacturers and buyers of copying machines todescribe and compare the “productivity” of various copying machines equipped with such features.2 Normative referencesThe following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
20、thisInternational Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject torevision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate thepossibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated
21、 below. Members of IEC and ISO maintainregisters of currently valid International Standards.ISO/IEC 11159:1996, Information technology Office equipment Minimum information to be included inspecification sheets Copying machines.American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM F 1318-90 “Standard Test
22、Method for Determination ofProductivity Using Electrostatic Copy Machines with Various Configurations“._1Nominal copying speed as used herein refers to copies per minute produced in a continuous copying mode with an originalstationary on the machine platen. Measurement of nominal copying shall be ac
23、cording to ISO/IEC 11159-2, parameter 5.1Copying speed. ITIC 2008 All rights reserved23 Test conditions3.1 EnvironmentThe test(s) shall be performed in the following environment: Temperature: 18oC to 25oC Relative humidity: 30% to 70%The copying machine shall be fully enclosed in its normal operatio
24、n cover set. The machine and its full complementof supplies shall have been acclimated in this environment prior to conduct of the test(s). All supplies used in thetest(s), including copy paper, shall be those specified by the manufacturer.3.2 VoltageThe copying machine shall be connected to a volta
25、ge supply which remains within 10% of the nominal value of thespecified operating voltage for the copying machine under test.3.3 Copy paperThe paper used shall have the following characteristics: cutsheet A4 size weight: 60 g/m2to 90 g/m24 Measuring method4.1 Definitions“Simplex copying”: This term
26、is generic, and while less often used, it is the logical counterpart to the common term“duplexing” (see below). It describes the single most common specific operating mode:1:1 mode: Simplex to simplex, or single-sided originals to single-sided copies.“Duplexing”: This term is used to describe uses i
27、n which a copier can make a number of copies for a given numberof originals, with information on one or both sides of the originals, and the copying being done to one or both sidesof the copies. There is a one to one correspondence between originals and copies with regard to page content, butthe thr
28、ee specific operating modes are each associated with more or less sheets of copied paper than originalsheets of paper as follows:1:2 mode: Simplex to duplex, or single-sided originals to two-sided copies2:2 mode: Duplex to duplex, or two-sided originals to two-sided copies2:1 mode: Duplex to simplex
29、, or two-sided originals to single-sided copies4.2 Measurements4.2.1 GeneralThe machine under test shall be preconditioned as in clause 3. The orientation of copy paper shall correspond tolong edge feed, except in the instance when this feed orientation is not an attribute of the machine. In this la
30、ttercase, short edge feed must be used, and this fact must be reported with the results of these tests.The test(s) shall be done in the following modes, insofar as they are available on the machine of interest: 1:1, 1:2,2:2, 2:1. Each test generates multiple sets of copies, as set forth in the follo
31、wing matrix table (Table 1, ProductivityRun Matrix) of defined test conditions. The test requirements differ depending on the nominal speed of the copyingmachine. Examples of these test requirements and results are shown in Annex A.INCITS/ISO/IEC 14545:19982008 ITIC 2008 All rights reserved3Table 1
32、Productivity Run MatrixOriginal Set Copying Run Length (Number of copied sets)Size, N55(number of sides)mode1n50(5 or 10 or 20)n954 1:1 R R R4 1:2 R R R4 2:2 R R R4 2:1 R R R10 1:1 R R R10 1:2 R R R10 2:2 R R R10 2:1 R R R20 1:1 R R R20 1:2 R R R20 2:2 R R R20 2:1 R R R 20 1:1 O O O 20 1:2 O O O 20
33、2:2 O O O 20 2:1 O O OR = required; O = optionalThe following additional considerations apply to the use of Table 1.Use of original set sizes, N55, greater than 20, is optional, but may be employed if desired to demonstrate thecharacteristics of high productivity machines where the use of large sets
34、 is necessary to do so.In general, a minimum of three run lengths is always required, according to these criteria:a) Rung length = 1 is mandatory for any machine, regardless of nominal copy rate and / or productivity;b) a Run length, n50, near the 50% productivity point for the machine in each of it
35、s selected operating mode isrequired; whichever of the three designated Run lengths (5, 10 or 20 copied sets) most closely matches this 50 %point must be used;c) a Run length, n95, sufficiently long to measure the productivity point of the machine at 95% of maximum mustbe selected for each operating
36、 mode. If 95 % of maximum productivity is not attained within the Run length range of5 - 20 copied sets, a longer Run length must be selected to achieve this condition.The application of these three criteria to the selection of productivity data points are illustrated by the followingadditional cons
37、iderations and reference to Annex A:For each set size and copying mode,1. measurement at Run length = 1 and 10 is required2. if data at Run length = 10 is equivalent to n95, then data at Run length = 5 is required;3. if data for Run length = 10 is not equivalent to n95, then data for Run length = 20
38、 is required;4. if highest productivity is achieved at Set Size N, and Run length n both 20, data for these conditions is notrequired.Copies shall be made continuously, and shall not include special features as reduction, enlargement, automaticexposure or other output copy handling or finishing func
39、tions such as sorting or stapling. (The methods set forthhere may be extended for assessment of the productivity impact such additional functions, by repeating theprescribed tests with those funcions activated.)INCITS/ISO/IEC 14545:19982008 ITIC 2008 All rights reserved4The time required in each mod
40、e to product the completed copies is measured in seconds and recorded. For copierswhich run in precollation mode, i.e., those equipped with a recirculating document handler, these time intervals maybe measured sequentially during the course of a single run for a given original set size. For example,
41、 during a singlerun of 20 sets of a 10 page single-sided original, the lapsed time to produce 1, 10 and 20 sets of a 10 page single-sided original, the lapsed times to produce 1, 10 and 20 sets (or any number of sets within the run length range)may be measured sequentially as the run progresses. For
42、 copiers which run in a postcollatin mode, e.g., thoseequipped with automatic document handlers of feeders, it is necessary to conduct indepently and measure tocompletion each copy job for each of the required original set sizes. See the following sections 5 and 6 for datarecording formats, treatmen
43、t of data and presentation of results.First copy out time (FCOT, as defined in ISO/IEC 11159) is included inherently in the measurements of overallmulticopy speed to reflect the actual effective copy speed of a machine under test.The time measurement is started when the “print” button is pressed, an
44、d is concluded when the last copy is fullyejected from the machine. These measurements are repeated, sufficient to assure that timing is reproducible within 5%. The measured intervals of time may be rounded off to the first place of integer accuracy.5 Calculations and Treatment of DataThe time inter
45、vals measured to at least two significant figures during the course of a given run are recorded. Aspreadsheet format which replicates Table 1, and shown below as Table 2. Time (secs) per Job, is useful for thispurpose, but not required.Table 2 Time (secs) per JobOriginal Set Copying Run Length (Numb
46、er of copied sets)Size, N55(number of sides)mode1n50(5 or 10 or 20)n954 1:110 1:120 1:1 20 1:14 1:210 1:220 1:2 20 1:24 2:210 2:220 2:2 20 2:24 2:110 2:120 2:1 20 2:1For each data element in the foregoing spreadsheet of measured data, an effective copy rate is calculated using therelationship:S = 60
47、 x (N/T)whereS = copies per minuteN = the total number of copy pages produced, andT = measured time in seconds.Copy rates so calculated are recorded in Table 3 below.INCITS/ISO/IEC 14545:19982008 ITIC 2008 All rights reserved56 Presentation of ResultsThe minimum required presentation of results is t
48、hat displayed in Table 3, Copier Productivity (cpm).Table 3 Copier Productivity (cpm)Original Set Copying Run Length (Number of copied sets)Size, N55(number ofsides)mode1n50(5 or 10 or 20)n954 1:110 1:120 1:1 20 1:14 1:210 1:220 1:2 20 1:24 2:210 2:220 2:2 20 2:24 2:110 2:120 2:1 20 2:1The recommend
49、ed, but not required, presentation is graphical, as shown below by example for one original set sizein the Figure PRODUCTIVITY GRAPH. This mode of presentation allows rapid visual inspection and comparison ofthe performance differences within a given machine, and greatly facilitates the process of machine to machinecomparison, when such are desired.INCITS/ISO/IEC 14545:19982008 ITIC 2008 All rights reserved6INCITS/ISO/IEC 14545:19982008 ITIC 2008 All rights reserved7Annex A(informa