1、 INCITS/ISO/IEC 16382:20002010 (ISO/IEC 16382:2000, IDT) Information technology - Data interchange on 12,7 mm 208-track magnetic tape cartridges - DLT 6 formatReaffirmed as INCITS/ISO/IEC 16382:2000 R2015INCITS/ISO/IEC 16382:20002010PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In acco
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4、ng. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.Adopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standar
5、ds) as an American National Standard.Date of ANSI Approval: 9/29/2010Published by American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036Copyright 2010 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). All rights reserved.These materials are subject to copyright claims o
6、f International Standardization Organization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). Not for resale. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including an electronic ret
7、rieval system, without the prior written permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington DC 20005.Printed in the United States of Americaii ITIC 2010 All rights reserved ISO/IEC 16382:2000(E) ISO/IEC 2000 All rights rese
8、rved iiiContentsSection 1 - General 11 Scope 12 Conformance 12.1 Magnetic tape cartridges 12.2 Generating systems 12.3 Receiving systems 13 Normative references 14 Terms and definitions 14.1 Average Signal Amplitude 14.2 azimuth 24.3 back surface 24.4 Beginning-Of-Tape marker (BOT) 24.5 block 24.6 b
9、yte 24.7 cartridge 24.8 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) character 24.9 Early Warning (EW) 24.10 Error-Detecting Code (EDC) 24.11 End-Of-Tape marker (EOT) 24.12 Entity 24.13 Error-Correcting Code (ECC) 24.14 Envelope 24.15 Envelope size 24.16 flux transition position 24.17 flux transition spacing 24.18
10、 Group Record 24.19 logical track 24.20 magnetic tape 24.21 Master Standard Reference Tape 24.22 object 24.23 page 24.24 physical recording density 24.25 physical track 24.26 Record 24.27 Reference Edge 24.28 Reference Field 24.29 Secondary Standard Reference Tape 24.30 Standard Reference Amplitude
11、(SRA) 34.31 Standard Reference Current 34.32 Test Recording Current 34.33 Typical Field 35 Conventions and notations 35.1 Representation of numbers 35.2 Dimensions 35.3 Names 35.4 Acronyms 3ISO/IEC 16382:2000(E)iv ISO/IEC 2000 All rights reserved6 Environment and safety 36.1 Cartridge and tape testi
12、ng environment 46.2 Cartridge operating environment 46.3 Cartridge storage environment 46.4 Safety 46.4.1 Safeness 46.4.2 Flammability 46.5 Transportation 4Section 2 - Requirements for the unrecorded tape 47 Mechanical and electrical requirements 47.1 Material 47.2 Tape length 47.3 Width 47.4 Total
13、thickness 57.5 Discontinuity 57.6 Longitudinal curvature 57.6.1 Requirement 57.6.2 Procedure 57.7 Out-of-Plane distortions 57.8 Cupping 57.9 Roughness of the coating surfaces 57.9.1 Roughness of the back coating surface 57.9.2 Roughness of the magnetic coating surface 57.10 Coating adhesion 57.11 La
14、yer-to-layer adhesion 67.11.1 Requirements 67.11.2 Procedure 67.12 Modulus of elasticity 77.12.1 Requirement 77.12.2 Procedure 77.13 Flexural rigidity 77.13.1 Requirement 77.13.2 Procedure 77.14 Tensile yield force 77.14.1 Procedure 87.15 Electrical resistance 87.15.1 Requirement 87.15.2 Procedure 8
15、7.16 Inhibitor tape 87.17 Abrasivity 87.17.1 Requirement 87.17.2 Procedure 87.18 Light transmittance of the tape and the leader 97.19 Coefficient of dynamic friction 97.19.1 Requirements 97.19.2 Procedure for the measurement of the friction between the magnetic surface and the back surface 97.19.3 P
16、rocedure for the measurement of the friction between the magnetic surface or the back surface and calciumtitanate ceramic 10ISO/IEC 16382:2000(E) ISO/IEC 2000 All rights reserved v8 Magnetic recording characteristics 108.1 Typical Field 108.2 Signal amplitude 118.3 Resolution 118.4 Overwrite 118.4.1
17、 Requirement 118.5 Peak shift 118.5.1 Requirement 118.5.2 Procedure 119 Tape quality 129.1 Missing pulses 129.1.1 Requirement 129.2 Missing pulse zone 129.2.1 Requirement 129.3 Tape durability 12Section 3 - Mechanical specifications of the tape cartridge 1210 General 1210.1 Bottom side and right sid
18、e 1310.2 Back side and left side 1410.3 Tape reel 1410.4 Tape leader 1510.5 Front side 1610.6 Operation of the cartridge 1610.7 Tape winding 1710.8 Moment of inertia 1710.9 Material 18Section 4 - Requirements for an interchanged tape 2711 Method of recording 2711.1 Physical recording density 2711.2
19、Channel bit cell length 2711.2.1 Average Channel bit cell length 2711.2.2 Long-term average Channel bit cell length 2711.2.3 Short-term average Channel bit cell length 2711.3 Flux transition spacing 2711.4 Read signal amplitude 2711.5 Azimuth 2811.6 Channel skew 2812 Tape format 2812.1 Reference Edg
20、e 2812.2 Direction of recording 2812.3 Tape layout 2812.4 Calibration and Directory Area 2812.4.1 Scratch Area 2912.4.2 Guard Area G1 2912.4.3 Calibration Tracks Area 2912.4.4 Guard Area G2 3012.4.5 Directory Area 3012.4.6 Guard Area G3 3012.5 Data Area 3012.5.1 Physical tracks 3112.5.2 Logical trac
21、ks 32ISO/IEC 16382:2000(E)vi ISO/IEC 2000 All rights reserved13 Data format 3413.1 Data Bytes 3413.2 Data Blocks 3413.3 Types of Blocks 3413.4 Entities 3413.5 Envelopes 3413.6 Block format 3413.6.1 Preamble 3513.6.2 Sync 3513.6.3 Data Field 3513.6.4 EDC 3613.6.5 Control Field 1 (CF1) 3713.6.6 Contro
22、l Field 2 (CF2) 3813.6.7 CRC 3913.6.8 Postamble 3914 Use of blocks 3914.1 Data Blocks 3914.2 Filler Blocks 3914.3 End of Track Blocks (EOTR) 3914.4 End of Data Blocks (EOD) 4014.5 ECC Blocks 4015 Format of Entities 4016 Format of Envelopes 4017 Error handling 40AnnexesA - Measurement of light transm
23、ittance 41B - Generation of the Data Block CRCs 44C - ECC generation 45D - Generation of page CRCs 48E - Format of MAP entries 49F - Format of Control Field 1 50G - Format of Control Field 2 51H - Recommendations for transportation 52J - Inhibitor tape 53K - Recommendations on tape durability 54L -
24、Handling guidelines 55ISO/IEC 16382:2000(E) ISO/IEC 2000 All rights reserved viiForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form thespecialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO o
25、r IEC participate in thedevelopment of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal withparticular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Otherinternational organizations, gov
26、ernmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC J
27、TC 1. DraftInternational Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as anInternational Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements o
28、f this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights.ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.This International Standard was prepared by ECMA (as Standard ECMA-286) and was adopted, under a special “fast-trackprocedure”, by Joint Technical
29、 Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, in parallel with its approval by nationalbodies of ISO and IEC.Annexes A to G form a normative part of this International Standard. Annexes H to L are for information only.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 16382:2000(E) ISO/IEC 2000 All rights reserved
30、1Information technology Data interchange on 12,7 mm 208-track magnetic tapecartridges DLT 6 formatSection 1 - General1ScopeThis International Standard specifies the physical and magnetic characteristics of a 12,7 mm wide, 208-track magnetic tapecartridge, to enable physical interchangeability of suc
31、h cartridges between drives. It also specifies the quality of the recordedsignals, a format - called Digital Linear Tape 6 (DLT 6) - and a recording method, thereby allowing data interchange betweendrives. Together with a labelling standard, for instance International Standard ISO 1001 for Magnetic
32、Tape Labelling, it allowsfull data interchange by means of such magnetic tape cartridges.2 Conformance2.1 Magnetic tape cartridgesA magnetic tape cartridge shall be in conformance with this International Standard if it satisfies all mandatory requirements ofthis Standard. The tape requirements shall
33、 be satisfied throughout the extent of the tape.2.2 Generating systemsA system generating a magnetic tape cartridge for interchange shall be in conformance with this International Standard if allthe recordings that it makes on a tape according to 2.1 meet the mandatory requirements of this Internati
34、onal Standard.In addition, a claim of conformance shall state whether or not one, or more registered algorithm(s) are implemented within the system, and are able to compress datareceived from the host prior to collecting the data into blocks, and the registered identification number(s) of the implem
35、ented compression algorithm(s).2.3 Receiving systemsA system receiving a magnetic tape cartridge for interchange shall be in conformance with this International Standard if it isable to handle any recording made on a tape according to 2.1.In addition, it shall whether or not one, or more de-compress
36、ion algorithm(s) are implemented within the system, and are able to be applied tode-compress data prior to making such data available to the host, the registered identification number(s) of the implemented compression algorithm(s).3 Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provi
37、sions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of thisInternational Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do notapply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate
38、the possibility ofapplying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of thenormative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.ISO 1001:1986, Information pro
39、cessing File structure and labelling of magnetic tapes for information interchange.ISO 1302:1992, Technical drawings Method of indicating surface texture.ISO/IEC 11576:1994, Information technology Procedure for the registration of algorithms for the lossless compression ofdata.4 Terms and definition
40、sFor the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.4.1 Average Signal Amplitude: The average peak-to-peak value of the output signal from the read head at the physicalrecording density of 2 578 ftpmm measured over a minimum length of track of 25,4 mm, exclusi
41、ve of missing pulses.ISO/IEC 16382:2000(E)2 ISO/IEC 2000 All rights reserved4.2 azimuth: The angular deviation, in degrees of arc, of the mean flux transition line of the recording made on a trackfromalinenormaltotheReferenceEdge.4.3 back surface: The surface of the tape opposite the magnetic coatin
42、g which is used to record data.4.4 Beginning-Of-Tape marker (BOT): A hole punched on the centreline of the tape towards the end nearest to theleader.4.5 block: A set of contiguous bytes recorded on a physical track and considered as a unit.4.6 byte: An ordered set of bits acted upon as a unit.NOTE -
43、 In this International Standard, all bytes are 8-bit bytes.4.7 cartridge: A case containing a single supply reel of 12,7 mm wide magnetic tape with a leader attached at the outerend.4.8 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) character: A 64-bit character, generated by a mathematical computation,used for erro
44、r detection.4.9 Early Warning (EW): A signal generated by the drive indicating the approaching end of the recording area.4.10 Error-Detecting Code (EDC): A mathematical computation yielding check bytes used for error detection.4.11 End-Of-Tape marker (EOT): A hole punched on the centreline of the ta
45、pe towards the end farthest from theleader.4.12 Entity: A group of twenty blocks treated as a logical unit and recorded on a logical track, except Filler Blocks, if any.4.13 Error-Correcting Code (ECC): A mathematical computation yielding check bytes used for the correction oferrors detected by the
46、CRC and the EDC.4.14 Envelope: A group of Entities.4.15 Envelope size: The number of Entities in an Envelope.4.16 flux transition position: The point which exhibits the maximum free-space flux density normal to the tape surface.4.17 flux transition spacing: The distance on the magnetic tape between
47、successive flux transitions.4.18 Group Record: A Record consisting of a series of Records of equal size.4.19 logical track: A group of four physical tracks that are written or read simultaneously.4.20 magnetic tape: A tape that accepts and retains magnetic signals intended for input, output, and sto
48、rage purposes oncomputers and associated equipment.4.21 Master Standard Reference Tape: A tape selected as the standard for Reference Field, signal amplitude,resolution, peakshift, and overwrite characteristics.NOTE - The Master Standard Reference Tape has been established by the Quantum Corporation
49、.4.22 object: A Record or a page of type Tape Mark.4.23 page: A logical division of a block.4.24 physical recording density: The number of recorded flux transitions per unit length of track, expressed in fluxtransitions per millimetre (ftpmm).4.25 physical track: A longitudinal area on the tape along which a series of magnetic signals can be recorded.4.26 R