ANSI INCITS ISO IEC 18013-1-2005 Information technology Personal identification ISO-compliant driving licence Part 1 Physical characteristics and basic data set.pdf

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1、INCITS/ISO/IEC 18013-1-2005 (ISO/IEC 18013-1:2005, IDT) Information technology Personal identification ISO-compliant driving licence Part 1: Physical characteristics and basic data setINCITS/ISO/IEC 18013-1-2005(ISO/IEC 18013-1:2005, IDT)INCITS/ISO/IEC 18013-1-2005 ii ITIC 2006 All rights reserved P

2、DF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, p

3、arties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relati

4、ve to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. Adopted

5、 by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards) as an American National Standard. Date of ANSI Approval: 13/1/2006 Published by American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036 Copyright 2006 by Information Technology Industry Council (IT

6、I). All rights reserved. These materials are subject to copyright claims of International Standardization Organization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). Not for resale. No part of t

7、his publication may be reproduced in any form, including an electronic retrieval system, without the prior written permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. Printed in the United States of America iiiContents For

8、eword.iv 0 Introductionv 1 Scope 1 2 Conformance 2 3 Normative references .24 Terms and definitions2 5 Human-readable data elements on IDL .6 Annex A (normative) Card Design .9 Annex B (normative) Coding System and Pictograph Descriptions27 Annex C (normative) Document Security Elements.31 Annex D (

9、informative) Procedures for securing the issuance and use of IDLs41 Annex E (informative) Card durability.43 Annex F (informative) Distinguishing Signs of Countries 44 Annex G (normative) IDL Booklet 48 Bibliography 73 INCITS/ISO/IEC 18013-1-2005 ITIC 2006 All rights reservediv Foreword ISO (the Int

10、ernational Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees establ

11、ished by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the

12、field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Dr

13、aft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of thi

14、s document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/IEC 18013-1 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 17, Cards and personal identification. ISO/IEC 180

15、13 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology Personal identification ISO-compliant driving licence: Part 1: Physical characteristics and basic data set The following part is under preparation: Part 2: Machine readable technologies INCITS/ISO/IEC 18013-1-2005 ITI

16、C 2006 All rights reservedv0 Introduction ISO/IEC 18013 prescribes requirements for an ISO compliant driving licence (IDL). The intent of ISO/IEC 18013 is to allow the issuance of one document to serve the purpose of both an international driving permit (IDP) and a domestic driving permit (DDP). Iss

17、uing authorities issuing domestic driving licences (DDLs) that do not conform to ISO/IEC 18013 can benefit from using parts of ISO/IEC 18013 for their own domestic purpose. These issuing authorities should continue to issue a second document that follows the requirements of the IDP for international

18、 use. 0.1 Definition, Function however, the current system does not facilitate that. The IDP holder may circumvent disqualifications entered on their original IDP by obtaining a new IDP. Validity of the IDP is currently limited to a maximum of 1 to 3 years, depending on the UN Convention followed. I

19、NCITS/ISO/IEC 18013-1-2005 ITIC 2006 All rights reservedvi 0.4 Replacement of International Driving Permit (IDP) with ISO compliant Driving Licence (IDL) At one time, the conventions contained specifications in regard to a mandatory “model” data element set (particulars) and a mandatory design layou

20、t of defined dimensions for both DDP and IDP. Subsequently, in 1990, the Conventions mandatory requirement for the defined design layout of the DDP was rescinded as some countries made preparations for issuing the DDP in the form of an ISO ID-1 size card. ISO/IEC 18013 similarly provides for the mig

21、ration of the current mandatory design layout of defined dimensions for the IDP paper document to an ISO ID-1 size card. This allows the use of ISO machine-readable technologies at the option of motor vehicle authorities. Additionally, it provides the potential integration of the two documents (DDP

22、a common layout for ease of recognition; minimum security requirements. At the discretion of national/community/regional motor vehicle authorities, it allows for inclusion of supplementary optional data elements to meet the needs of specific national/community/regional requirements apart from the mi

23、nimum common mandatory data element set; allows for the incorporation of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 machine-readable technologies including magnetic stripe, integrated circuit with contacts, contactless integrated circuit and optical memory technology, and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC31 1-dimensional / 2-dimensional bar

24、codes, at the option of national/community/regional authorities; allows for the incorporation of current and future technologies (including biometrics, cryptography, data compression) at the option of national/community/regional authorities; allows for additional document physical security elements

25、at the option of national/community/regional authorities, and facilitates international procurements. A major benefit of these design premises is that a single card may serve a dual purpose of both a national/community/regional licence as well as an internationally recognized licence. Therefore, one

26、 card, in some cases, can replace the need for two documents. Alternatively, those countries that choose to maintain their individual domestic design can issue a second card with or without ISO machine-readable technologies to replace the current IDP paper document. Information technology Personal i

27、dentification ISO-compliantdriving licence AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD INCITS/ISO/IEC 18013-1-2005 ITIC 2006 All rights reserved2 This new IDL design yields a document that is more secure from counterfeiting and alteration than the previous IDP document; allows authorities to verify the authenticity

28、of the document; integrates the personal data into a secure ID-1 size medium; allows a more reliable identification of the licence holder; allows for machine-readable technologies; facilitates information exchange and mutual recognition among motor vehicle authorities; allows the domestic driving li

29、cence (DDL) that meets this Standard to serve simultaneously as an ISO compliant driving licence (IDL). 2 Conformance A driving licence is in conformance with this part of ISO/IEC 18013 if it meets all mandatory requirements specifieddirectly or by reference herein. 3 Normative references The follow

30、ing referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO/IEC 7810:2003, Identification cards Physical characteri

31、stics 4 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 4.1 alphabetic character A hexadecimal ranges 41 5A (Latin capital letters), 61 7A (Latin small letters), C0 D6, D8 F6 and F8 FF of ISO/IEC 8859-1 4.2 country distinguishing sign abbreviation

32、for issuing country identified to the UN Secretary General in accordance with the UN Conventions (1949 and 1968) for vehicles in international traffic (see annex F), on the driving licence (human-readable) 4.3 card document with nominal dimensions in conformance with ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1 4.4 data eleme

33、nt item of data that may appear on the driving licence in either human or machine-readable form NOTE A distinction is made between static data elements and dynamic data elements. 4.4.1 static data element data element associated with the issuing authority, and which is the same for all DLs issued on

34、 behalf of or by that issuing authority INCITS/ISO/IEC 18013-1-2005 ITIC 2006 All rights reserved34.4.2 dynamic data element data element associated with the licence holder and thus varies from one DL to the next for a particular licensing authority, thus specifically excluding the issuing authority

35、 data element 4.5 document recognition educational knowledge and ability to recognize the validity of the driving licence of both national and international jurisdictions including data elements, formatting, visual biometrics (e.g. portrait, signature), electronic readable features and document secu

36、rity features 4.6 driving licence DL document issued to a driving licence holder by an issuing authority granting the individual the privilege to operate a motor vehicle within its jurisdiction NOTE 1 The document may facilitate driving licence transactions and provide input data for such transactio

37、ns. This issued document incorporates several elements and qualifications regarding the licence holder: positive identification of the individual; evidence of knowledge of laws and practices; practical driving proficiency in specific motor vehicle class categories; and, the individuals health restri

38、ctions (e.g. corrective eye lenses). NOTE 2 Driving licences are classified into four types of documents, namely domestic driving licence, domestic driving permit, ISO compliant driving licence and international driving permit. 4.6.1 domestic driving licence DDL document conveying driving privilege

39、for operating motor vehicles within country/community of issuance, and which may or may not be issued in conformance with ISO/IEC 18013 4.6.2 domestic driving permit DDP driving licence issued in conformance with the UN Convention Geneva 1949, annex 9 or the UN Convention Vienna 1968, annex 6 NOTE T

40、his is the UN terminology for a domestic driving licence. 4.6.3 ISO compliant driving licence IDL driving licence card issued in conformance with ISO/IEC 18013, which may be used for both domestic and international use 4.6.4 international driving permit IDP driving licence issued in conformance with

41、 the UN Convention Geneva 1949, annex 10 or the UN Convention Vienna 1968, annex 7 4.7 first line inspection cursory examination without tools or aids that involves easily identifiable visual or tactile features for rapid inspection at point of usage 4.8 human-readable data / information data or inf

42、ormation that is printed or engraved that is visually present on a driving licence and designed to be interpreted by a human INCITS/ISO/IEC 18013-1-2005 ITIC 2006 All rights reserved4 4.9 image representation of the visual likeness of a subject EXAMPLE Portrait, finger print, or signature. NOTE Imag

43、es may be collected and stored digitally or otherwise, and rendered for visual inspection using a variety of systems. 4.10 issuing authority licensing authority, or issuing country if separate licensing authorities have not been authorised 4.11 issuing country country according to annex F which issu

44、ed the DL or within which the licensing authority is located 4.12 jurisdiction territory (country, state, province) within which the licensing authority has the mandate and responsibility to apply motor vehicle laws/directives 4.13 licence holder individual to whom a DL is issued i.e. the legitimate

45、 holder of the driving privileges reflected on a DL 4.14 licensing authority authorised agent organisation that issues a DL EXAMPLE National, federal, state, provincial, regional, territorial or local Ministry of Transport, Department of Motor Vehicles, or Police Agency. 4.15 machine-readable data /

46、 information data or information that is encoded into a machine-readable medium, such as a magnetic stripe, bar code, optical memory, or integrated circuit 4.16 mandatory element element that is required 4.17 mutual recognition privilege of citizens from two jurisdictions to drive an eligible vehicl

47、e under specified conditions/restrictions in each others jurisdictions without the requirement of undergoing additional practical and/or written testing NOTE Mutual recognition is administered by way of agreements between the governments of the jurisdictions. 4.18 non-portrait side of card opposite

48、face from the portrait side 4.19 numeric character N hexadecimal range 30 39 (digits 0 to 9) of ISO/IEC 8859-1 INCITS/ISO/IEC 18013-1-2005 ITIC 2006 All rights reserved54.20 optional element element that may be used, but that is not mandatory 4.21 pictograph graphical representation associated with

49、a specific value or instance of a predefined classification or restriction, such as a vehicle category or medical condition NOTE See annex B. 4.22 portrait two dimensional representation of the face of a person in a full-face frontal pose NOTE See annex A. 4.23 portrait side of card face of the card carrying visual information containing the reproduction of the portrait of the licence holder 4.24 second line inspection examination by trained inspectors with simple equipm

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