ANSI INCITS ISO IEC 7350-1991 Information Technology - Registration of Repertoires of Graphic Characters from ISO IEC 10367《信息技术.ISO IEC 10367图形字符表的登记》.pdf

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ANSI INCITS ISO IEC 7350-1991 Information Technology - Registration of Repertoires of Graphic Characters from ISO IEC 10367《信息技术.ISO IEC 10367图形字符表的登记》.pdf_第1页
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ANSI INCITS ISO IEC 7350-1991 Information Technology - Registration of Repertoires of Graphic Characters from ISO IEC 10367《信息技术.ISO IEC 10367图形字符表的登记》.pdf_第2页
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ANSI INCITS ISO IEC 7350-1991 Information Technology - Registration of Repertoires of Graphic Characters from ISO IEC 10367《信息技术.ISO IEC 10367图形字符表的登记》.pdf_第3页
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ANSI INCITS ISO IEC 7350-1991 Information Technology - Registration of Repertoires of Graphic Characters from ISO IEC 10367《信息技术.ISO IEC 10367图形字符表的登记》.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISOIIEC 7350 Second edition 1991-12-15 Information technology - Registration of repertoires of graphic characters from ISO/IEC 10367 Technologies de /information - Enregistrement des r or: cl the characters of the GO set, and 4 the characters of any number of the supplementary

2、 sets chosen from the Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew or Basic Box Drawings supplementary sets, and e) a subrepertoire of the repertoire associated with the supplementary set of IS0 6937, NOTE - The subrepertoires of ISO 6037 already registered in accordance with the first edition of ISO 73511 are n

3、ot in accordance with the above definition. They are retained for reasons of continuity. A repertoire may, after registration, be identified by a single IGS selective parameter value. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction

4、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISOiIEC 7350:1991 (E) The character SPACE is deemed to be always available with any repertoire and, therefore, is not to be specified in the tables of repertoires submitted for registration. The numeric identifier assigned to a repertoire in acco

5、rdance with this International Standard shall serve as an identification of the repertoire. Apart from such identification, registration shall not affect the status of the repertoire. 4 Registration Authority ) 4.1 The Registration Authority shall maintain a register of graphic character repertoires

6、 and of their assigned numeric identifiers. The contents of this register shall be available to ISO/IEC National Bodies and organizations having liaison status with ISO/IEC or with any of their technical committees or sub- committees. 4.2 With regard to the assignment of numeric identifiers to reper

7、toires and of subsequent additions of repertoires to the register, the responsibilities of the Registration Authority shall be 4 to receive from Sponsoring Authorities proposals of graphic repertoires to be assigned numeric identifiers ; b) to ascertain that each proposal complies with clause 3, cl

8、to circulate proposals to the National Bodies of the sub-committee concerned with coding for a 3- month period for information and comments; d) to take into account the comments received and where possible to integrate them in the final documents; d to assign the next available number to be used as

9、a numeric identifier when the proposal complies with the rules, unless the list of characters in the repertoire is identical to an already registered repertoire in which case the existing numeric identifier shall be assigned; f 1 to promulgate to all National Bodies and liaison organizations of ISO/

10、IEC the graphic character repertoires and the numeric identifier that has been assigned to each repertoire; g) to inform the appropriate Sponsoring Authority when a proposal does not comply with the rules. A critical concept in the registration process is that the contents of an individual registrat

11、ion is never changed or deleted once it has been registered (except for editorial errors). This is contrasted with a standard which must be reviewed and/or revised periodically. When a standard is revised that has been used as the basis for a repertoire, the repertoire is not changed in the register

12、. If the Sponsoring Authority desires recognition of such a revision, a new registration proposal shall be made by following the normal procedures. 4.3 If the set of characters of a proposal is identical with an already registered repertoire, the name of the applicant shall be added in the register

13、on the cover page of the already registered repertoire. 5 Sponsoring Authorities 5.1 Proposals for registration of repertoires may be made only by the following, which for the purposes of this International Standard are Sponsoring Authorities: 4 any ISO/IEC technical committee or sub-committee; 1) I

14、S0 and IEC Councils have designated ECMA, the European Computer Manufacturers Association, 114 Rue du Rhone, CH-1205 Geneva, Switzerland, to act as Registration Authority. 2 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networ

15、king permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/IEC 7350:1991(E) b) any group within the ISO/IEC sub-committee concerned with coding in information processing, appointed by the sub-committee for purposes connected with text communication or the use of repertoires and their numeric identifiers; c any

16、 National Body of ISO/IEC ; 4 any international organization having liaison status with ISO/IEC or with any of their technical committees or sub-committees. 5.2 The responsibilities of the Sponsoring Authorities shall be a) to receive proposals concerning graphic character repertoires from within th

17、eir respective countries or organizations; b) to make certain that proposals follow the rules for definitions outlined in clause 6; cl to effect such rationalization or coordination of these proposals as they may desire; 4 to forward to the Registration Authority those proposals that have their supp

18、ort; e) to make known within their respective countries or organizations the results of the registration procedure as transmitted to them by the Registration Authority. 5.3 Proposals shall be forwarded to the Registration Authority on Form No. 1 or Form No. 2, as appropriate, see annex 13. 6 Rules f

19、or proposals 6.1 Proposals shall adhere to the rules for defining repertoires contained in clause 3. 6.2 If the proposal is based on an approved standard of an ISOlIEC National Body or of an international organization, the proposal shall include the title of that standard as well as the name of the

20、standards body that approved it and the date of its approval. 6.3 The proposal shall include an indication of the application area, typically the name of a country and/or the name of a natural language. 6.4 More than one repertoire may be registered relating to a natural language, country, or standa

21、rd. 6.5 If a proposal contains graphic characters from the repertoire of the supplementary set of IS0 6937 (see 3c to 3e), it shall list these graphic characters using the names they have in the list of Form 2 (see annex B). Additional names or descriptions for a character may be included in a separ

22、ate part of the registration form if they occur in the standard on which the proposal is based. 6.6 The characters pertaining to the repertoire associated with the supplementary set of IS0 6937 shall be specified in the same order as in the list of annex B, so that it is easier to determine if two r

23、epertoires are identical. 6.7 A proposal shall not specify coding or any other information not listed in these rules. 7 Appeal procedures Appeals against decisions of the Registration Authority can be made as follows 7.1 Appeal by a Sponsoring Authority can be made if it disagrees with the Registrat

24、ion Authority on whether the application meets the requirements of clause 3. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/IEC 7350:1991 (E) 7.2 If at least four National B

25、odies of the sub-committee concerned with coding, object to a forthcoming publication of a registration by the Registration Authority, but solely on the ground that the requirements of clause 3 are not met. 7.3 Appeals shall be filed with the Registration Authority by registered mail - either within

26、 30 days of reception of the refusal of the Registration Authority; - or before the end of the circulation period. 7.4 Appeals shall be submitted by the Registration Authority within 30 days after reception in the case of 7.1 or at the end of the circulation period in the case of 7.2 to the members

27、of the Advisory Group (see annex A). If the matter cannot be resolved by the Advisory Group, the appeal will be submitted to the P- members of the sub-committee for vote according to 3.4.2 of the Directives for the technical work of ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee I (JTC I) on Information Technolo

28、gy. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/IEC 7350:1991(E) Annex A (normative) Advisory Group of the Registration Authority (AG) A.1 The sub-committee concerned wit

29、h coding shall set up an Advisory Group of the Registration Authority of five members. A.2 The Advisory Group shall consist of ;I representative of the Registration Authority and four other members elected by the P-members of the sub-committee. They shall be elected or re-elected at each plenary mee

30、ting of the sub-committee. A.3 The task of the Advisory Group shall be as follows: - to consider appeals received by the Registration Authority; - to act as mediator between the Registration Authority and the appealing parties; - if four-fifths of the members of the Advisory Group consider the appea

31、l justified, the Registration Authority shall yield; - when required, to edit documents to be submitted to a vote in accordance with 7.4. 5 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fro

32、m IHS-,-,-ISO/IEC 7350:1991 (E) Annex B (informative) Forms for proposal for a graphic character repertoire The following pages show a sample of forms to be used for the submission of a proposal for registration of a graphic character repertoire. 6 Copyright American National Standards Institute Pro

33、vided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISOLIEC 7350:1991(E) FORM No. 1 Graphic character repertoire from IS0 10367 Numeric identifier : Date of registration : Application area : Standards : Name of applicant : Checklist


35、LLIC SUPPLEMENTARY SET 144 GREEK SUPPLEMENTARY SET 126 HEBREW SUPPLEMENTARY SET 138 SUPPLEMENTARY SET FOR LATIN ALPHABETS No 1 OR 5, AND 2 154 BASIC BOX DRAWINGS SET 155 * Rtgismrion nutnber in rhe lnwnurionul Regiswr of Coded Character Scls to be nsd wilh Escape Sequences. The repertoire consists o

36、f the characters of the GO set and of those of the supplementary sets indicated in the above table. 7 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/IEC 7350:1991 (E) FORM N

37、o. 2 Graphic character repertoire from IS0 10367 Numeric identifier : Date of registration : Application area : Standards : Name of applicant : Checklist according to 3 c), 3 d) and 3 e) of ISOllEC 7350. ISO-IR* ARABIC SUPPLEMENTARY SET 127 CYRILLIC SUPPLEMENTARY SET 144 GREEK SUPPLEMENTARY SET 126

38、HEBREW SUPPLEMENTARY SET 138 I I BASIC BOX DRAWINGS SET I I 155 * Regisvalion tuttnber in ihe lnrernulionul Regisler of Coded Characier SCLS 10 be used with Escape Sequences. The repertoire consists of the characters of the GO set, of those of the supplementary sets indicated in the above table and

39、of those characters of the repertoire of the Supplementary Set of IS0 6937 marked in the enclosed list. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/I.EC 7350:1991(E) Copy

40、right American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/IEC 7350:1991 (E) 10 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo repro

41、duction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/IEC 7350:1991(E) 11 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/lEC 7350:1991 (E) 12 Copyright American N

42、ational Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/IEC 7350:1991(E) I I RIGHTWARDS ARROW I RING ABOVE SECTION SIGN SOFT HYPHEN I I SUPERSCRIPT ONE I I I SUPERSCRIPT THREE I SUPERSCRIPT TWD TRADE MA

43、RK SIGN UPWARDS ARROW I I VULGAR FRACTION FIVE EIGHTHS I I I VULGAR FRACTION ONE EIGHTH I ml VULGAR FRACTION SEVEN EIGHTHS VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS YEN SIGN 13 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking per

44、mitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/IEC 735o:i 991 (E) UDC 661.3.04:681.327.1 Descriptors: data processing, information interchange, text communication, character sets, coded character sets, coded representation, international identification number. Price based on 13 pages - . . _ - - -_ Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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