ANSI ISO IEC 14417-1999 Information technology - Data recording format DD-1 for magnetic tape cassette conforming to ISO IEC 1016 (Adopted by INCITS)《信息技术.被INCITS采用的与ISO IEC 1016一致.pdf

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ANSI ISO IEC 14417-1999 Information technology - Data recording format DD-1 for magnetic tape cassette conforming to ISO IEC 1016 (Adopted by INCITS)《信息技术.被INCITS采用的与ISO IEC 1016一致.pdf_第1页
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ANSI ISO IEC 14417-1999 Information technology - Data recording format DD-1 for magnetic tape cassette conforming to ISO IEC 1016 (Adopted by INCITS)《信息技术.被INCITS采用的与ISO IEC 1016一致.pdf_第2页
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ANSI ISO IEC 14417-1999 Information technology - Data recording format DD-1 for magnetic tape cassette conforming to ISO IEC 1016 (Adopted by INCITS)《信息技术.被INCITS采用的与ISO IEC 1016一致.pdf_第3页
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ANSI ISO IEC 14417-1999 Information technology - Data recording format DD-1 for magnetic tape cassette conforming to ISO IEC 1016 (Adopted by INCITS)《信息技术.被INCITS采用的与ISO IEC 1016一致.pdf_第4页
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ANSI ISO IEC 14417-1999 Information technology - Data recording format DD-1 for magnetic tape cassette conforming to ISO IEC 1016 (Adopted by INCITS)《信息技术.被INCITS采用的与ISO IEC 1016一致.pdf_第5页
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1、B CReference numberISO/IEC 14417:1999(E)INTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO/IEC14417First edition1999-03-15Information technology Data recordingformat DD-1 for magnetic tape cassetteconforming to ISO/IEC 1016Technologies de linformation Format denregistrement des donnesDD-1 pour cassette bande magntique confor

2、me lISO/CEI 1016Adopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards) as an American National Standard.Date of ANSI Approval: 9/20/99Published by American National Standards Institute,25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036Copyright 2002 by Information Technology Ind

3、ustry Council (ITI).All rights reserved.These materials are subject to copyright claims of International Standardization Organization (ISO), InternationalElectrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Industry Council(ITI). Not for resale.

4、 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including an electronic retrieval system, withoutthe prior written permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW,Washington, DC 20005.Printed in the United States of AmericaISO/IE

5、C 14417:1999(E) ISO/IEC 1999All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.ISO/IEC Copyright Office

6、 Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genve 20 SwitzerlandPrinted in SwitzerlandiiContents1 Scope.11.1 Purpose.12 Conformance .12.1 Magnetic tape cassettes12.2 Generating systems 12.3 Receiving systems13 Normative References 14 Definitions14.1 Auxiliary data.14.2 Annotation record 24.3 Annotation tracks.24.4 Ave

7、rage Signal Amplitude (ASA).24.5 azimuth.24.6 block.24.7 byte.24.8 Codeword Digital Sum (CDS).24.9 Data area 24.10 Data area reference line .24.11 Data area reference point.24.12 Data field24.13 Digital Sum Variation (DSV)24.14 Dropout 24.15 Erase.24.16 Erasing field.24.17 Equivalent reference edge2

8、4.18 flux transition spacing34.19 Helical (data) record 34.20 Helical track.34.21 Home track ID .34.22 Inner code 34.23 Leader 34.24 Logical volume 34.25 magnetic tape .3 ISO/IECISO/IEC 14417:1999(E)iii4.26 Master Standard Reference Tape.34.27 Outer code34.28 physical recording density .34.29 Postam

9、ble.34.30 Preamble.34.31 reference edge 34.32 reference field.34.33 Resolution 34.34 Secondary Standard Reference Tape.44.35 Sector44.36 Sector recording tolerance .44.37 Standard Reference Amplitude44.38 Standard Reference Current.44.39 Sync pattern44.40 Tape mark 44.41 Tolerance zones .44.42 track

10、44.43 track angle 44.44 Track Set 44.45 Track Set ID (TSID) 44.46 Volume set .45 Conventions and notations.55.1 Representation of numbers.55.2 Names.55.3 Acronyms .56 Environmental and safety 66.1 Testing environment.66.2 Operating environment 66.3 Cassette conditioning .66.4 Storage environment 66.

11、5 Safety67 Cassette.77.1 General description 77.2 Dimensions.77.3 Identification holes.78 Tape mechanical and electrical properties.88.1 Materials.88.2 Tape width and tolerance.88.3 Delta width.88.4 Reference edge straightness.88.5 Tape thickness8ISO/IEC 14417:1999(E) ISO/IECiv8.6 Magnetic recording

12、 surface coating thickness.88.7 Tape length 88.8 Discontinuity98.9 Longitudinal curvature.98.10 Out-of-plane distortions.98.11 Leaders, trailers and splices.98.12 Tape wind 98.13 Tensile yield force .98.14 Inhibitor tape98.15 Electrical resistance of the magnetic coating and back surface 108.16 Laye

13、r-to-layer adhesion .118.17 Coating adhesion128.18 Residual elongation128.19 Tape cupping .128.20 Light transmittance of the tape and the leader.139 Magnetic properties139.1 Magnetic coating139.2 Ease of erasure.139.3 Average signal amplitude 139.4 Resolution 139.5 Typical field.139.6 Tape quality .

14、1310 Format for helical tracks .1410.1 General description of the write data path (figure 4) 1410.2 Formation of a Logical Track Set1610.3 Data structuring1610.4 Track types.1810.5 Subcode generation2310.6 Information processing 2410.7 Error protection of data2511 Formation of a sector .3211.1 Overv

15、iew3211.2 Sector details3311.3 Recording method3511.4 Record optimization.3511.5 Helical tracks .3511.6 Longitudinal tracks 3811.7 Recorded information4111.8 Write retry sequence4411.9 Append file operation 45 ISO/IECISO/IEC 14417:1999(E)vAnnexesA Measurement of light transmittance 46B Tables.49C Ap

16、pend file and file termination.57D Examples of subcode data fields in sequences of track type63E Recommendations for transportation65F Error management systems.66G Secondary reference tape user procedure .74H Example of data record termination76I Physical to logical data structure mapping .77Bibliog

17、raphy .78ISO/IEC 14417:1999(E) ISO/IECviForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form thespecialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in thedevelopment of I

18、nternational Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal withparticular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Otherinternational organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liais

19、on with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. DraftInternational Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as anIntern

20、ational Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.International Standard ISO/IEC 14417 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,Subcommittee SC 11, Flexible magnetic media for digital data interchange.Annexes A to C form

21、an integral part of this International Standard. Annexes D to I are for information only.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IECISO/IEC 14417:1999(E)1Information technology - Data recording format DD-1 for magnetic tapecassette conforming to IEC 610161 ScopeThis International Standard specifies the media cha

22、racteristics, the recorded tape format and file structure requirements toenable information interchange between information processing systems using 19,0 mm wide magnetic tape and cassetteconforming to IEC 61016 Section 2.1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this International Standard is to define the format

23、necessary to ensure information interchange at acceptableperformance levels.The interchange parties complying with the applicable standards should be able to achieve compatibility without the need foradditional exchange of technical information.2 Conformance2.1 Magnetic tape cassettesEach size / cap

24、acity of magnetic tape cassette shall be in conformance with this International Standard if it satisfies all mandatoryrequirements of this International Standard and IEC 61016 Section Two. If both Standards specify the same subjects differently,then this International Standard shall prevail. The tap

25、e requirements shall be satisfied throughout the extent of the tape.2.2 Generating systemsA system generating a magnetic tape cassette for interchange shall be entitled to claim conformance with this InternationalStandard if all the recordings that it makes on a tape according to 2.1 meet the mandat

26、ory requirements of this InternationalStandard. If there is a choice, e.g. cassette size, at least one shall meet the mandatory requirements of this InternationalStandard.2.3 Receiving systemsA system receiving a magnetic tape cassette for interchange shall be entitled to claim conformance with this

27、 InternationalStandard if it is able to handle any recording made on the tape according to 2.1. If there is a choice, e.g. tape thickness, at leastone shall meet the mandatory requirements of this International Standard.3 Normative ReferencesThe following normative documents contain provisions which

28、, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of thisInternational Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply.However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibi

29、lity of applying themost recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normativedocument referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.ISO/IEC 646:1991, Information technology

30、ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange.ISO 1001:1986, Information processing File structure and labelling of magnetic tapes for information interchange.IEC 61016, Helical-scan digital component video cassette recording system using 19 mm magnetic tape (format D-1),Section 2 Videot

31、ape cassette.4 Definitions4.1 Auxiliary dataOptional information of secondary importance.ISO/IEC 14417:1999(E) ISO/IEC24.2 Annotation recordThe magnetization pattern or associated information recorded in the annotation track.4.3 Annotation tracksTwo longitudinal tracks one each at each tape edge.4.4

32、 Average Signal Amplitude (ASA)The average peak-to-peak value of the signal output of the read head measured over a minimum of 280 000 flux transitions,exclusive of dropouts.4.5 azimuthThe angular deviation, in degrees and minutes of arc, of the recorded flux transitions on a track from the line per

33、pendicular tothe track centerline.4.6 blockA group of bytes transported between host and controller as a unit and considered a minimum locatable unit; containing one ormore logical records or portions of logical records.4.7 byteAn ordered set of 8 bits acted on as a unit.4.8 Codeword Digital Sum (CD

34、S)The digital sum variation from the beginning to the end of a NRZI(1) symbols waveform. The CDS is calculated assuming thatthe NRZI(1) waveform starts at a negative level, the binary -1 and +1, and the waveform transitions are centred relative to thecorresponding bit cells.4.9 Data areaAn area on t

35、ape that is defined by the end points of all possible helical track center lines.4.10 Data area reference lineA basic dimension which shall be exactly 1,8075 mm from the tape reference edge (no tolerence).4.11 Data area reference pointThe point on the centreline of a helical track at the boundry bet

36、ween preamble run-up and preamble sync pattern.4.12 Data fieldA continuous string of bits that is error protected.4.13 Digital Sum Variation (DSV)The accumulated sum of the CDS values of the NRZI(1) symbols.4.14 DropoutThe point of read signal amplitude below a given threshold.4.15 EraseThe removal

37、of all magnetically recorded information from the tape.4.16 Erasing fieldAn a. c. magnetic field of sufficient strength to remove the recorded signals from the tape.4.17 Equivalent reference edgeFor measurement of the recorded track format, the average location of the reference edge over a given len

38、gth. ISO/IECISO/IEC 14417:1999(E)34.18 flux transition spacingThe distance along a track between successive flux transitions. The spacing is derived from the inverse of flux transitions permillimeter (ftpmm) (See physical record density.)4.19 Helical (data) recordThe magnetization pattern or associa

39、ted information recorded in all possible helical tracks.4.20 Helical trackAn area on tape, inclined at a small angle to the reference edge of the tape.4.21 Home track IDA recorder manufacturer defined field used to identify the scanner head recording the first track of a track set.4.22 Inner codeOf

40、the sequential error detection and correction codes, the first encountered on playback from tape (C1).4.23 LeaderA nonmagnetic length of transparent tape joined to each end of the magnetic tape to provide strength and convenience. At thebeginning of the tape, it identifies the storage position of th

41、e tape. At the end of the tape, it indicates that the permissiblerecording area has been exceeded.4.24 Logical volumeA collection of related files, without regard to physical container size.4.25 magnetic tapeA tape which will accept and retain the magnetic signals intended for input, output, and sto

42、rage purposes on computers andassociated equipment.4.26 Master Standard Reference TapeThe tape selected to establish the standard for tape properties essential to data interchange.Note - A master standard reference tape has been established. It has been agreed that Sony Corporation will maintain the

43、 master standardreference tape. (See secondary standard reference tape.)4.27 Outer codeOf the sequential error detection and correction codes, the second encountered on playback from tape (C2).4.28 physical recording densityThe number of recorded flux transitions per unit length of track, e.g., flux

44、 transitions per millimeter (ftpmm).4.29 PostambleA sequence of bits recorded at the end of each helical track on a magnetic tape to provide flux transitions and special paddingarea to clear the decoding circuitry and provide tolerance area.4.30 PreambleA sequence of bits recorded at the beginning o

45、f each helical track on a magnetic tape to provide electronic synchronization.4.31 reference edgeThe lower edge of the tape when viewing the recording surface with the supply reel to the observers right.4.32 reference fieldThe typical field of the master standard reference tape.4.33 ResolutionThe ra

46、tio of the average signal amplitude at the physical recording density of 2252 ftpmm to that at the physical recordingdensity of 280 ftpmm.ISO/IEC 14417:1999(E) ISO/IEC44.34 Secondary Standard Reference TapeA tape, the performance of which is known and stated in relation to that of the master standar

47、d reference tape.Note - A master standard reference tape has been established. The Sony Corporation will make available for purchase, secondary standardreference tapes that can be ordered (P/N C2B-D1) until the year 2007. For information contact:Sony Corporation, Magnetic Products Group, Major Custo

48、mer Sales Division,6-7-35 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan,Tel: 81-3-5448-3560, Fax: 81-3-5448-7701, Tlx: SONYCORPJ222624.35 SectorThe helical record pertaining to a single helical track.4.36 Sector recording toleranceThe maximum allowable distance of the data area reference point from

49、the intersection of track center line and data areareference line.4.37 Standard Reference AmplitudeThe average peak-to-peak signal amplitude output from the master standard reference tape when it is recorded with the standardreference current. The signal amplitude shall be averaged over at least 280 000 flux transitions. Traceability to the standardreference is provided by the secondary standard reference tape.4.38 Standard Reference CurrentThe current required to produce the reference field.4.39 Sync patternA magnetization pattern defining the start of

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