ANSI NEIS 607-2011 Standard for Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding Planning and Installation Methods for Commercial Buildings.pdf

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1、 An AmericAn nA tionAl St And Ard NECA/BICSI 607-2011 Standard for Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding Planning and Installation Methods for Commercial Buildings Published by National Electrical Contractors Association Jointly developed with BICSI T tn+ !o+ e $n referen&es inform$tive S e&eo.n$

2、t$on, on$n“ n +o.n$n“ &nn$n“ n n,t&t$on et#o, !o+ oe+$& .$&$n“,/ ntrou&tion N+tion+l l/ctric+l n=t+ll+tion $t+nd+rd= N$ are desig=ed t ive c= af electrical c=struc ti= services They defi=e a f uality a=d wrkr i=stalli=g electrical ?rd ucts a=d syste be refere=ced i= c=tract dcur electrical c=structi

3、= ?r jects The fllwi=g la=guage is rec=s b=di=g a=d gru=di=g ?la=i=g a=d i=stallati=s shall be i=stalled i= accrda=ce with # S $t+nd+rd for onding +nd ro?nding “l+nning +nd n=t+ll+tion /thod= for omm/rci+l ?ilding= The #ati=al lectrical =tractrs ssciati= # asked S a T elec=s ssciati= tgether u=dertk

4、 the task f devel? i=g this gru=di=g a=d b=di=g sta=dard fr telec=s syste?ed withi= the T ech=ical f S a=d # Mef the res?ective clu=tarily a=d withut c= The ct =ecessarily f S r # The sta=dards devel?ed by these c=se=sus f the brad ex?ertise frse utside that have a= ex?ressed i=terest The view?i=t e

5、x?ressed at the tived was fr=tributrs ex?erie=ce a=d the state f the i=dustry at that tiuraged t c=fir= f this sta=dard # S reviews its sta=dards at the r revised accrdi=gly =y suggested revisi=s t be i=cluded i= the =ext editi= shuld be se=t t # r S This sta=dard has bee= ?re?ared by S # u=der the

6、ji=t jurisdicti= f S a=d # a=d a?rved by c=se=sus ballt i= accrda=ce with the reuiref the =al Sta=dards ssciati= #S *se f #S is vlu=tary a=d =either # =r S assubligati= r liability t users f this ?ublicati= xiste=ce f a sta=dard shall =t ?reclude a=y r = f either rga=izati= frr usi=g alter=ate c=str

7、ucti= ds ?er=s This ?ublicati= is i=te=ded t c= f the N+tion+l l/ctric+l od/ # i= effect at the tif ?ublicati= ecause they are uality sta=dards #S f the # t is the res?=sibility f users f this ?ublicati= t ccal regulati=s whe= i=stalli=g electrical ?rducts a=d syste=s fr revisi=s a=d ive this sta=da

8、rd shuld be addressed t # Sta=dards Safety ethesda Metr e=ter Suite ethesda M tele?h=e fax %ers=el safety a=d ?rtecti= f susce?tible elec tr=ic eui?u=d faults light=i=g gru=d ?te=tial rise a=d electrical surges is f the ut=s facilities lud t gru=d light=i=g discharges gru=d either dischargi=g direct

9、ly t the gru=d itself r t structures i= c=tact with gru=d orewor %hi= for/word i= not + :+rt of th/ =t+nd+rd /$ lectrical tra=sie=ts their surce llwi=g siu=d ?aths = either eve=t ?r?er b=di=g reduces the harciated with these electrical eve=ts Metallic c=e=ts fr ?wer distributi= syste=ded tgether t ?

10、rvide a= effective gru=d fault curre=t ?ath t allw ?r?er ?erati= f ver curre=t devices r telec=s syste=e=ts are b=ded t ?rvide a lw ir electrical surges a=d tra=sie=t vltages t retur= t their ?wer surce The earth is als i=vlved as a ?ath fr gru=ded earthed ?wer syster light=i=g eve=ts !ight=i=g faul

11、t cur re=ts circuit switchi=g rs starti=g a=d st? ?i=g a=d electrstatic discharge S are c= causes f surges a=d tra=sie=t vltages = effective b=di=g a=d gru=di=g syste f electrical surges %r?er b=di=g a=d gru=di=g f electrical a=d i=fr= tra=s?rt syste?erati= ?erly b=ded a=d gru=ded electrical systef

12、?wer uality issues which r= tech=lgy T syste?erati= $ther ?erfr b=di=g a=d gru=di=g fr telec=s withi= a buildi=g i=vlve ?wer systetective devices a=d electr=tai=s rec= these a=d related subjects urpose The ?ur?se f this sta=dard is t allw the desig=er a=d i=staller t e=ha=ce their k=wledge f effecti

13、ve telec=s b=di=g a=d gru=di=g syste strive fr i=stallati=s i= a =eat a=d wrkf this sta=dard are fcused u?= the #rth = Spe units The rity f the =s i= this sta= dard are sft c=versi=s f * S custft c=versi= f i=ches i= Wire diaw= i= brackets are a?rxicu= tai=ed i= this sta=dard are subject t revisi=s

14、a=d u?dati=g as warra=ted by adva=ces i= buildi=g c= structi= tech=iues a=d telec=s tech =lgy nnexes =ex is i=frt c=sidered a reuire f this sta=dard ?yright #ati=al lectrical =tractrs ssciati= ll rights reserved *=authrized re?rducti= ?rhibited N+tion+l l/ctric+l n=t+ll+tion $t+nd+rd= a=d N$ are tra

15、de f the #ati=al lectrical =tractrs ssciati= S is a registered tradef S T elec=s ssciati= Ta=al lectrical de a=d # are registered tradef the #ati=al ire %rtecti= ssciati= Qui=cy M “hoto= +nd +rt :roid/d by $ S e&eo.n$t$on, on$n“ n +o.n$n“ &nn$n“ n n,t&t$on et#o, !o+ oe+$& .$&$n“, This =al Sta=dard s

16、?ecifies as?ects f ?la=i=g a=d i=stallati= f telec=s b=di=g a=d gru=di=g syste e=ha=ce the ?la=i=g s?ecificati= a=d layut f a= effective telec=s b=di=g a=d gru=di=g syste=ally this sta=dard s?ecifies i=stalla ti= reuirer c=e=ts f the telec=s b=di=g a=d gru=di=g syste S&ope ig?r/ x+m:l/ ill?=tr+tion

17、of + t/l/comm?nic+tion= bonding +nd gro?nding =y=t/m The fllwi=g sta=dards a=d related a?licable adde=da c=tai= ?rvisi=s that thrugh refere=ce i= this text c=stitute ?rvisi=s f this sta=dard #+tion+l l/ctric+l $+f/ty od/ #S JST omm/rci+l ?ilding ro?nding +rthing +nd onding #/q?ir/m/nt= for %/l/comm?

18、nic+tion= #% N+tion+l l/ctric+l od/ #% $t+nd+rd for l/ctric+l $+f/ty in th/ Work:l+c/ t the tif ?ublicati= the editi=s listed abve were curre=t s sta=dards are subject t revisi= users f this sta=dard are e=curaged t review a=d a?ly the latest ?ublished editi= orm$tive eferen&es ener$l This clause c=

19、tai=s defi=iti=s f ter=s acr=yf r that are u=iue t the tech=ical c=te=t f this sta=dard S?ecific reuireu=d i= the =rf this sta=dard The ter=ly =e clause f that clause efinitions %one %onin* =ected t establish electri cal c=ti=uity a=d c=ductivity # %onin* ms “nits of e$surement telems ac alter=ati=g

20、 curre=t J authrity havi=g jurisdicti= #S =al Sta=dards =stitute W =di=g c=ductr fr telec=s cu?led b=di=g c=ductr # c= b=di=g =etwrk % electrical distributi= ?a=el M electr=static discharge gru=di=g eualizer =stitute f lectrical a=d lectr=ics =gi=eers T i=fr= tech=lgy TS i=fr= tra=s?rt syste=di=g =e

21、twrk # N+tion+l l/ctric+l od/ # #ati=al lectrical =tractrs ssciati= #S N+tion+l l/ctric+l $+f/ty od/ #% #ati=al ire %rtecti= ssciati= #RT! =ati=ally recg=ized testi=g labratry $S $ccu?ati=al Safety ealth d= R rack b=di=g c=ductr SR sig=al refere=ce grid SR% systete=tial ?la=e SRS sig=al refere=ce st

22、ructure T telec=s b=di=g backb=e T telec=s b=di=g backb=e i=terc=ecti=g b=di=g c=ductr =/ gro?nding /q?+liz/r * T telec=s eui?=di=g c=ductr T telec=s gru=di=g busbar TM telec=s u=di=g busbar TR telec=s r=di=g c=ductr “nits of me$surement ft ft feet i= i=ch i=ches eters illieters S e&eo.n$t$on, on$n“

23、 n +o.n$n“ &nn$n“ n n,t&t$on et#o, !o+ oe+$& .$&$n“, $tion$l requirements ll i=fr= i= this ?ublicati= is i=te=ded t c=fr the N+tion+l l/ctric+l $+f/ty od/ a=d N+tion+l l/ctric+l od/o onu&tor =ductrs shall be c?er are a=d i=sulated c= ductrs are ?err tecti= us%$r e&eoun$t$ons $n “,oun$n“ us, The TM s

24、hall be a ?redrilled c?er busbar ?r vided with hles fr use with sta=dard sized lugs =/ fig?r/ a=d shall be !isted by a =ati=ally recg =ized testi=g labratry #RT! The f the TM shall be f c=ecti=s i=cludi=g future grwth that will be reuired t be the busbar see #S JST The TM shall be i=sulated frrt att

25、achf ?er busbar ?rvid ed with hles fr use with sta=dard sized lugs =/ fig ?r/ a=d shall be !isted by a= #RT! The f the T shall be f c=ecti=s i=cludi=g future grwth that will be reuired t be the bus bar see #S JST The T shall be i=su lated frrt attachf = c=ectrs =/ fig?r/ are devices that use a c= tl

26、 that c the c=ectr ?err=ductr dur i=g i=stallati= ?rvidi=g a= irreversible c=ecti= e#n$& Mecha=ical c=ectrs =/ fig?r/ are devices that whe= i=stalled ?rvide a reversible c=ecti= omponents ig?r/ x+m:l/ of + % ig?r/ x+m:l/ of com:r/=ion conn/ctor= ig?r/ x+m:l/ of + % xot#e,$ = exther=ecti= =/ fig?r/ i

27、s a fusi= f high c=ductivity high c?er c=te=t ally that results i= a =d tn+ !o+ n,t&$n“ n $nt$n$n“ +.&t $+.$t nte+.*te+, , n +o.n.&t $+.$t nte+.*te+, , ig?r/ x+m:l/ of + m/ch+nic+l conn/ctor ig?r/ x+m:l/ of +n /xoth/rmic w/ld ener$l on$n“ to t#e e&et,$& *o0e, syste The telec= b=di=g a=d gru=di=g sys

28、 te=ded t the ?wer gru=di=g systeu=di=g busbar r the electrical gru=di=g electrde as described i= #S JST ,$,y *,oteto, %ritectrs fr telec=s e=tra=ce cabli=g shall be b=ded t the telec=s b=di=g a=d gru=di=g syste reduce differe=ces i= ?te=tial betwee= telec=s circuits a=d ther =e=ts iffere=ces i= ?te

29、=tial create ?ers=el hazards a=d ca= lead t catastr?hic failures es?ecially whe= elec trical surges a=d tra=sie=t vltages are ?rese=t The ?ritectr fr each i=c=s circuit shall be !isted a=d lcated as clse as ?racticable t the ?i=t f e=tra=ce The ?i=t f e=tra=ce shuld be lcated t f the i=tersyste=di=g

30、 c=ductr betwee= the ?wer systetectr onin* &onu&tor ene,& =di=g c=ductrs shall be i=sulated stra=ded c? ?er r flat braided c?er a=d shall be !isted fr the s?ace i= which they are i=te=ded t be ?laced accrd i=g t the # e g ?le=utherwise s?ecified Whe= c=ductrs are i=sulated the jacket shall be gree=

31、gree= with a yel lw stri?e r r a gree= adhesive label $ze =di=g c=ductrs used fr telec=s shuld be sized usi=g e=gi=eered calculati=s = lieu f ther e=gi=eered calculati=s %+bl/ shall be used fr =ductr sizi=g s“e !nn !n&!$ !$ &!n&!n% The T c=ects the telec=s u=di=g busbar TM t the buildi=gs electri cal gru=d !n&!n% !nn !n The T c=ects the TM t the telec=s gru=di=g busbars Ts The T shall be a c=ti=uus c?er c=ductr that shuld be sized = less tha= W a f W rda=ce t %+bl/ as a see #S JST l$nnin* ine$r len*t+ mft Sie # !ess tha= reater tha= !$%le onu&tor siin*

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