1、 An Americ An nA tion Al St And Ard NECA 90-2009 Standard for Commissioning Building Electrical Systems Published by National Electrical Contractors AssociationT +n) f) %#*#n#n! u#$#n! $+)#$ /*+%* n mer*$“n “t*/n“, t“n%“r% #n+$/ v$( w#+“ nv#)n!%n+ *)“ n u$#*“ / +#n$ $+)#$ n+)+)* *#+#n p*ge intention
2、*lly left +l*nk# /rew/r% v $/pe ?;icati=s I=c;uded ?;icati=s xc;uded Regu;atry a=d Other Reuireme=ts e*n*t*/ns /mm*ss*/n*ng r/$ess mmissi=i=g I=te=t R;es a=d Res?=sibi;ities f the mmissi=i=g uthrity mmissi=i=g uthrity ua;ificati=s R;es a=d Res?=sibi;ities f Other Parties Test*ng equ*rements * est ui
3、?me=t Verificati= a=d Pre fu=cti=a; Perfrma=ce * esti=g u=cti=a; Perfrma=ce a=d =diti= #=itri=g * ests Medi=m *nd igh Volt*ge #o?e: *+le; *+ove V o? Volt*ge #o?e: *+le +elo? V lect:ic*l eede:; *nd :*nch i:c=it; V o: +elo? iq=idilled fo:me:; :yfo:me:; n;t:=ment fo:me:; %?itchge*: *nd %?itch+o*:d ;em+
4、lie; $*ted o: :e*te: Met*lnclo;ed =; =ct Moto: ont:ol ente:; Medi=mVolt*ge i:c=it :e*ke:; o?Volt*ge i: i:c=it :e*ke:; igh *nd Medi=mVolt*ge i: %?itche; #:otective $el*y; Molded*;e i:c=it :e*ke:; %e:vice :o=nd :o=nd*=lt #:otection %y;tem; #*nel+o*:d; $ecepticle; *nd evice; ngine ene:*to:; =tom*tic fe
5、: %?itche; V*:i*+le :eq=ency :ive; $ot*ting M*chine:y *tte:y %y;tem; ninte:=pti+le #o?e: %=pply #% %y;tem T“#,e / /ntents ighting %y;tem ting eferred * esti=g Seas=a; * esti=g e$/r%*ng “n% /$ument*ng er/rm“n$e cume=tati= $= c=frma=ce rms “nu“,s Tr“*n*ng nnex Test “n% e“surement qu*pment Vibrati= #=i
6、tri=g I=frarad *hermgra?hy IR* I=su;ati= Pwer actr attery Im?eda=ce reaker *imi=g I=su;ati= Resista=ce nnex eeren$e t“n%“r%s +n) f) %#*#n#n! u#$#n! $+)#$ /*+%* #vv !*tion*l lect:ic*l n;t*ll*tion %t*nd*:d; are i=te=d ed t im?rve cmmu=icati= am=g s?ecifiers ?ur chasers a=d su?;iers f e;ectrica; c=stru
7、cti= ser vices*hey defi=e a mi=imum base;i=e f ua;ity a=d wrkma=shi? fr i=sta;i=g e;ectrica; ?rducts a=d systems!% are i=te=ded t be refere=ced i= c=tract dcume=ts fr e;ectrica; c=structi= ?r jects*he f;wi=g ;a=guage is recmme=ded ; e;ectrica; systems sha; be cmmissi=ed i= accrda=ce with $ %t*nd*:d
8、fo: ommi;ioning =ilding lect:ic*l %y;tem; $SIUse f !% is v;u=tary a=d the $ati=a; ;ectrica; =tractrs ssciati= assumes = b;igati= r ;ia bi;ity t users f this ?ub;icati=xiste=ce f a sta=dard sha; =t ?rec;ude a=y member r = member f $ frm s?ecifyi=g r usi=g a;ter=ate c=structi= methds ?ermitted by a?;i
9、cab;e regu ;ati=s*his ?ub;icati= is i=te=ded t cm?;y with the edi ti= f the $ati=a; ;ectrica; de $ i= effect at the time f ?ub;icati=ecause they are ua;ity sta=dards !% may i= sme i=sta=ces g bey=d the mi=imum reuireme=ts f the $It is the res?=sibi;ity f users f this ?ub;icati= t cm?;y with state a=
10、d ;ca; e;ectrica; cdes whe= i=sta;i=g e;ectrica; ?rducts a=d systemsSuggesti=s fr revisi=s a=d im?rveme=ts t this sta=dard are we;cme*hey shu;d be addressed t $ Sta=dards Safety ethesda #etr e=ter Suite ethesda # * e;e?h=e ax nei;nec*neto:g ?nec*nei;o:g * ?urchase !*tion*l lect:ic*l n;t*ll*tion %t*n
11、d*:d; c=tact the $ Order esk at te; fax r o:de:de;knec*neto:g !% ca= a;s be ?urchased i= ?df dw=;ad frmat frm ?nec*nei;o:g;t*nd*:d; ?yright $ati=a; ;ectrica; =tractrs ssciati=; rights reservedU=authrized re?rducti= ?rhibited!*tion*l lect:ic*l n;t*ll*tion %t*nd*:d; !% a=d the !% ;g are trademarks f t
12、he $ati=a; ;ectrica; =tractrs ssciati=$ati=a; ;ectrica; de a=d $ are trademarks f the $ati=a; ire Prtecti= ssciati= ui=cy #assachusettsove: photo co=:te;y of l=ke o:po:*tion /rew/r% fo:e?o:d i; not * p*:t of the ;t*nd*:d p*ge intention*lly left +l*nk pp,*$“t*/ns n$,u%e% *his sta=dard describes i=sta
13、;ati= ?rcedures fr cmmissi=i=g cmm= =ew;y i=sta;ed r retrfit ted bui;di=g e;ectrica; systems a=d eui?me=tIt defi=es the ?rcess f cmmissi=i=g bui;di=g e;ec trica; systems a=d ?rvides sam?;e guide;i=es fr attai=i=g ?timum system ?erfrma=ces that c= frm t desig= s?ecificati= a=d i=dustry acce?ted cdes
14、a=d sta=dards*his sta=dard is =t i=te=ded t cver cmmissi=i=g ?rcesses fr every ty?e f e;ec trica; system a=d refere=ces ther s?ecific !% dc ume=ts where such i=frmati= is ?rvided pp,*$“t*/ns x$,u%e% *his sta=dard des =t cver ?rcedures fr cmmis si=i=g systems such as fire a;arm systems te;ecm mu=icat
15、i=s =etwrks c;sed circuit te;evisi= sys tems access c=tr; systems a=d ther ;imited e=er gy systems*his sta=dard ?rvides sme refere=ces t ther !% dcume=ts that i=c;ude cmmissi=i=g a=d testi=g reuireme=ts fr these systemsI=sta;ers shu;d f;w a; a?;icab;e ma=ufacturer reuire me=ts re;ated t acce?ta=ce a
16、=d ?erfrma=ce testi=g f such systemsegu,“t/ry “n% ther equ*rements ; i=frmati= i= this ?ub;icati= is i=te=ded t c=frm t the $ati=a; ;ectrica; de $ $SI $P O=;y ua;ified ?ers=s fami;iar with the cmmissi= i=g f bui;di=g e;ectrica; systems a=d eui?me=t shu;d ?erfrm the wrk described i= this ?ub;ica ti=*
17、he defi=iti= f the term “ua;ified ?ers=” is ?rvided i= rtic;e f the $Other !*tion*l lect:ic*l n;t*ll*tion %t*nd*:d; ?r vide additi=a; guida=ce fr i=sta;i=g ?articu;ar ty?es f e;ectrica; ?rducts a=d systems cm?;ete ;ist f !% is ?rvided i= =ex $/pe $ept“#,e Perfrma=ce f systems er/rm“n$e subsystems a=
18、d cm?=e=ts that meets s?ecified desig= ?er frma=ce ?arameters u=der actua; ;ad a=d res?=ds t cha=gi=g c=diti=s a=d ?ara meters a?r?riate;y as ex?ect ed a=d s?ecified“s*s / es*gn dcume=t that recrds the desig= criteria a=d assum?ti=s u?= which the desig= is basedes*gn ntent =arrative descri?ti= f sys
19、 tems eui?me=t a=d their i=te=ded mdes a=d seue=ces f ?erati= as dcume=ted i= the ?rject drawi=gs a=d s?eci ficati=s/mm*ss*/n*ng systematic ?rcess fr verify i=g that bui;di=g e;ectrica; sys tems ?erfrm i= accrda=ce with the desig= i=te=t a=d the w=ers ?erati=a; reuire me=ts/mm*ss*/n*ng I=dividua; r
20、cm?a=y res?= uth/r*ty sib;e fr deve;?i=g a=d crdi =ati=g the executi= f a cm missi=i=g ?;a= bservi=g a=d dcume=ti=g ?erfrma=ce a=d e=suri=g that bui;di=g systems a=d eui?me=t fu=cti= i= accrda=ce with the desig= i=te=t a=d the w=ers ?era ti=a; reuireme=ts/mm*ss*/n*ng dcume=t that ut;i=es the ,“n rga
21、=izati= schedu;i=g a=d a;cati= f resurces a=d dc ume=tati= fr the vera; cm missi=i=g ?rcessun$t*/n“, fu; ra=ge f checks a=d tests er/rm“n$e carried ut t determi=e if a; Tests systems subsystems a=d cm ?=e=ts fu=cti= i= accrda=ce with the desig= i=te=t!er*$“t*/n *he fu; ra=ge f checks a=d tests carri
22、ed ut t determi=e if a; cm?=e=ts subsystems sys tems a=d i=terfaces betwee= systems ?erate i= accrda=ce with the desig= i=te=t a=d Ow=ers reuireme=tsI= this c=text “?erate” i=c;udes a; mdes a=d seue=ces f c=tr; ?erati= i=ter;cks a=d c=di ti=a; c=tr; res?=ses a=d s?ecified res?=ses t ab=rma; r emerge
23、=cy c=diti=s e*n*t*/nsmmissi=i=g f bui;di=g e;ectrica; systems is a systematic ?rcess f e=suri=g that a; systems ?er frm i= accrda=ce with the desig= i=te=t a=d the w=ers reuireme=ts*his is achieved by verifyi=g that the ?erfrma=ce meets r exceeds the desig=ers i=te=t as dcume=ted i= the ?rject draw
24、i=gs a=d s?ecificati=s*he e;ectrica; cmmissi=i=g ?rcess i=c;udes the traditi=a;y se?arate fu=cti=s f eui?me=t startu? c=tr; system ca;ibrati= testi=g a=d ba;a=ci=g i=c;udi=g e;ectrica; ;ad ba;a=ci=g as reuired i= the $ fu=cti=a; ?erfrma=ce test i=g system dcume=tati= a=d trai=i=g /mm*ss*/n*ng ntent
25、;ectrica; system cmmissi=i=g shu;d achieve the f;wi=g bjectives a =sure that a; e;ectrica; eui?me=t subsystems a=d systems are i=sta;ed accrdi=g t the fi=a; ?;a=s s?ecificati=s a=d reuireme=ts the c=tract dcu me=ts the ma=ufacturers recmme=dati=s a=d t i=dustry acce?ted mi=imum sta=dards=sure that a
26、; i=sta;ed e;ectrica; eui?me=t subsystems a=d systems are cm?;ete a=d that they receive adeuate ?erati=a; checkut as we; as detai;ed testi=g ca;i brati= a=d adjustme=t by the i=sta;i=g c=tractrb Verify a=d dcume=t ?r?er ?erfrma=ce f a; e;ectrica; eui?me=t a=d systemsc =sure that e;ectrica; system ?e
27、rati=s a=d mai= te=a=ce O# dcume=tati= as reuired by the c=tract dcume=ts is cm?;ete a=d ;eft = sited =sure that the Ow=ers ?erati=g ?ers=e; are adeuate;y trai=ed = a; e;ectrica; eui?me=t as reuired by the c=tract dcume=ts /,es “n% esp/ns*#*,*t*es / the /mm*ss*/n*ng uth/r*ty *he mmissi=i=g uthrity i
28、s res?=sib;e fr deve;?i=g a=d crdi=ati=g the executi= f a cmmissi=i=g ?;a= bservi=g a=d dcume=ti=g ?erfrma=ce a=d e=suri=g that e;ectrica; systems are fu=cti=i=g i= accrda=ce with the dcume=ted desig= i=te=t a=d c=tract dcume=ts*he des =t have authrity t a?rve materia;s methds a=d systems but ca= re
29、cmme=d their a?rva; t the w=er ?rject ma=ager r c=tracti=g fficer*he shu;d be a= e;ectrica; c=tractr the e;ec trica; desig= e=gi=eer r a third ?arty c=tracted t ?erfrm the cmmissi=i=g ?rcessI= ge=era; the is res?=sib;e fr the f;wi=g tasks a Obtai= a=d review actua; desig= dcume=ts a=d “?re bid” desi
30、g= dcume=ts where avai;ab;e fr ver a; desig= i=te=t a=d the vera; reuired system c= figurati=sb Reviewi=g sh? drawi=gs a=d submitta;s fr i=sta;ati= criteria a=d c=structi= detai;s as they su?rt a=d defi=e system featuresc rdi=ati=g a=d directi=g cmmissi=i=g activi ties i= a ;gica; seue=tia; a=d effi
31、cie=t ma=er usi=g sta=dard frms a=d ce=tra;ized dcume=ta ti=d Prvidi=g a; fie;d tech=ica; services i=c;udi=g but =t ;imited t s?ecia;ized t;i=g eui?me=t i=stru me=tati= a=d tech=ica; su?ervisi= t ?erfrm a; tests a=d i=s?ecti=se Prvidi=g s?ecific ?wer reuireme=ts fr test eui?me=t /mm*ss*/n*ng r/$essf
32、 Reviewi=g a=d verifyi=g acce?tabi;ity f O# materia;s c=tr; seue=ces a=d i=ter;cks c=trac tr start u? ?rcedures a=d checkut ?rcedures fr cm?;ete=ess a=d accuracyg eve;?i=g a=d distributi=g the reuired e;ectrica; ?re fu=cti=a; test frmsh Perfrmi=g site visits as =ecessary t bserve cm?=e=t a=d system
33、i=sta;ati=si rdi=ati=g wit=essi=g a=d verifyi=g acce?tabi; ity f fu=cti=a; ?erfrma=ce tests ?erfrmed by the i=sta;i=g c=tractrsrdi=ati=g re testi=g as =ecessary u=ti; satisfactry ?erfrma=ce is achievedj $tifyi=g the w=ers re?rese=tative a=d ther c=cer=ed ?arties f the cmmissi=i=g schedu;e a=d f deficie=cies a=d f;w u? services u=dertak e= t crrect a=d re test deficie=t itemsk Prvidi=g a detai;ed data drive= re?rt f a; test recrds testi=g resu;ts a=d recm