ANSI T 453 SP-2013 Effect of Dry Heat on Properties of Paper and Board.pdf

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1、TAPPI/ANSI T 453 sp-13 TENTATIVE STANDARD 1941 OFFICIAL STANDARD 1948 SUGGESTED METHOD 1970 PROVISIONAL METHOD 1985 STANDARD PRACTICE 1997 REVISED 2004 REAFFIRMED 2008 REVISED 2013 2013 TAPPI The information and data contained in this document were prepared by a technical committee of the Associatio

2、n. The committee and the Association assume no liability or responsibility in connection with the use of such information or data, including but not limited to any liability under patent, copyright, or trade secret laws. The user is responsible for determining that this document is the most recent e

3、dition published. Approved by the Standard Specific Interest Group for this Test Method TAPPI CAUTION: This Test Method may include safety precautions which are believed to be appropriate at the time of publication of the method. The intent of these is to alert the user of the method to safety issue

4、s related to such use. The user is responsible for determining that the safety precautions are complete and are appropriate to their use of the method, and for ensuring that suitable safety practices have not changed since publication of the method. This method may require the use, disposal, or both

5、, of chemicals which may present serious health hazards to humans. Procedures for the handling of such substances are set forth on Material Safety Data Sheets which must be developed by all manufacturers and importers of potentially hazardous chemicals and maintained by all distributors of potential

6、ly hazardous chemicals. Prior to the use of this method, the user must determine whether any of the chemicals to be used or disposed of are potentially hazardous and, if so, must follow strictly the procedures specified by both the manufacturer, as well as local, state, and federal authorities for s

7、afe use and disposal of these chemicals. Effect of dry heat on properties of paper and board 1. Scope 1.1 This practice specifies the procedure for dry heat treatment of paper or board, and the general procedure for testing the heat-treated materials. The purpose is to obtain, by an accelerated agin

8、g test, inferences regarding the aging qualities of the paper (1, 2). 1.2 The practice is based on work that has been done with printing and writing papers, but it may be used with discretion on other types of papers and boards. 2. Summary Selected test properties of paper or board are compared befo

9、re and after accelerated aging in a forced ventilation oven at 105C. 3. Significance 3.1 Exposure of paper or board to a hostile environment, such as some types of radiation, elevated temperature, or chemical attack over a period of hours or days, may provide information concerning 1) the natural ch

10、anges that may occur in the material over a period of years and 2) the ranking of similar papers with respect to long term stability. 3.2 Hostile environments that have been used include exposure to heat, to heat and moisture, to visible and ultraviolet radiation, and to sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dio

11、xide, and ozone gas. 3.3 Properties that may be compared before and after exposure include, but are not limited to, mechanical properties, such as burst, tensile properties, folding endurance and tearing resistance; optical properties, such as brightness, yellowness and opacity; and chemical propert

12、ies, such as pH and alkali solubility. 3.4 Research suggests that, except for color changes, the results of heating under the prescribed conditions roughly correlate with those of natural aging (3, 4, 5, 6, 7). 3.5 It has been determined that the degradation rate of cellulose is very sensitive to th

13、e moisture content of the sample (8, 9, 10). T 453 sp-13 Effect of dry heat on properties of paper and board / 2 3.6 TAPPI T 544 “Effect of Moist Heat on Properties of Paper and Board” is available for estimating the effect on paper of aging at 90C and 50% relative humidity. 3.7 Dry aging of paper i

14、s much less sensitive than moist aging, and may not rank papers in order of stability as well as moist aging, but it is much simpler to use. Caution must be exercised in applying either method to a wide variety of paper grades. 4. Apparatus 4.1 Oven, forced ventilation, that will maintain a uniform

15、temperature of 105 2C in the region of the specimens, with means of shielding them from direct radiation from the heating elements (ASTM E 145, Type II, Grade A). Do not place the oven in an area of high humidity as high exterior humidity can affect the results. 5. Test methods 5.1 TAPPI Test Method

16、s: one or more of the following methods may be used for estimating the effect of dry heat treatment on papers. 5.1.1 TAPPI T 212 “One Percent Sodium Hydroxide Solubility of Wood and Pulp.” 5.1.2 TAPPI T 400 “Sampling and Accepting A Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard, Containerboard, or Related Product

17、.” 5.1.3 TAPPI T 402 “Standard Conditioning and Testing Atmosphere for Paper, Board, Pulp Handsheets, and Related Products.” 5.1.4 TAPPI T 550 “Determination of Equilibrium Moisture in Paper and Paperboard for Chemical Analysis.” 5.1.5 TAPPI T 414 “Internal Tearing Resistance of Paper (Elmendorf-Typ

18、e Method).” 5.1.6 TAPPI T 423 “Folding Endurance of Paper (Schopper-Type Tester).” 5.1.7 TAPPI T 430 “Copper Number of Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard.” 5.1.8 TAPPI T 452 “Brightness of Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard (Directional Reflectance at 457 nm).” 5.1.9 TAPPI T 456 “Wet Tensile Breaking Strength of

19、Paper and Paperboard (“Wet Tensile Strength”).” 5.1.10 TAPPI T 494 “Tensile Properties of Paper and Paperboard (Using Constant Rate of Elongation Apparatus).” 5.1.11 TAPPI T 509 “Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) of Paper Extracts (Cold Extraction Method).” 5.1.12 TAPPI T 511 “Folding Endurance of Pap

20、er (MIT Tester).” 5.1.13 TAPPI T 553 “Alkalinity of Paper as Calcium Carbonate (Alkaline Reserve of Paper).” 5.1.14 TAPPI T 524 “Color of Paper and Paperboard (45/0 Geometry).” 5.1.15 TAPPI T 1200 “Interlaboratory Evaluation of Test Methods to Determine TAPPI Repeatability and Reproducibility.” 5.2

21、Other methods. 5.2. 1 Zero-span tensile strength: Although there is a TAPPI procedure for zero-span breaking length of pulp (TAPPI T 231 “Zero-Span Breaking Length of Pulp”), there is none for paper. Commercial instruments are available for measuring the zero-span tensile strength of paper. 5.3 Some

22、 general guidelines. 5.3.1 Always determine pH for all aging periods. 5.3.2 Tensile energy absorption is especially valuable, for it is an index of the capacity of a paper to hold up during use. 6. Sampling To determine conformance to product specifications, select a sample of paper according to TAP

23、PI T 400 “Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard, Containerboard, or Related Product.” Otherwise, obtain a sample appropriate to the reason for testing. Use any special directions given in the specific test method used for evaluation. 7. Test specimens 7.1 Select at random and prep

24、are seven sets, or whatever number is agreed upon, of test specimens in accordance with TAPPI test methods relevant to the required tests. 3 / Effect of dry heat on properties of paper and board T 453 sp-13 7.2 Protect the specimens as much as possible from exposure to light. 7.3 Avoid (as much as p

25、ossible) handling the specimens with the fingers, and avoid undue exposure to the atmosphere of a chemical laboratory. 8. Procedure for heat treatment 8.1 Suspend the sets of test specimens in the oven so that the specimens do not touch the walls of the oven, or are exposed to radiation from the hea

26、ting coils. Retain one set untreated as a control. 8.2 Remove one set of test specimens at each of the following times (in hours) or as agreed upon: 24 0.25, 48 0.5, 72 0.75, 144 1.5, 288 3, and 384 4.0. Keep the oven door open the shortest time possible when removing specimens. 8.3 Place only one k

27、ind of paper in the oven at any time in order to prevent the possibility of contamination by distillation or sublimination of paper components. NOTE 1: By agreement between vendor and purchaser, all or some of the specified times may be used and the data plotted, or the data from only one time obtai

28、ned and compared with the control. 9. Conditioning for subsequent testing 9.1 Precondition the untreated set of test specimens at least overnight at 23C at 10 to 35% relative humidity, preferably in circulating air (TAPPI T 402). 9.2 Transfer the preconditioned specimens and the aged specimens to th

29、e testing facility maintained at 23C and 50% relative humidity (TAPPI T 402). If the transfer requires exposure to non-conditioned atmospheres, the specimens should be enclosed in moisture-resistant envelopes. Condition for 24 hours before testing. 9.3 Recondition as described in TAPPI T 402. 10. Pr

30、ocedure for testing Test each set of test pieces as described in the relevant TAPPI, or appropriate, method. 11. Treatment of data 11.1 The following are some of the ways that the data may be presented. 11.1.1 Plot the data, or the log of the data, as a function of time and calculate the slope. The

31、slopes of various papers can then be compared. 11.1.2 Based on the control value as 100%, calculate the percent retention of the property. Retentions may also be plotted. 11.1.3 Based on plots of the degradation of selected properties as a function of time, a half-life of the paper can be calculated

32、. Half-life is that point at which properties have been reduced to half of their original value when the paper was freshly made. 11.4 A test for statistical significance of change in properties due to accelerated aging should be made. 12. Report 12.1 Include the following particulars in the test rep

33、ort: reference to this TAPPI method and reference to the TAPPI method, if any, or another method to which the testing procedure conformed. 12.2 Include also in the test report, as specified by the method to which the testing procedure conformed, the following particulars: 12.2.1 Complete identificat

34、ion of the sample. 12.2.2 Date and place of testing. 12.2.3 The time, temperature, and relative humidity of testing. 12.2.4 The mean value and precision of the measured value of the appropriate property of the untreated material. 12.2.5 The mean value and precision of the measured value of the appro

35、priate property of the treated material. 12.2.6 Any other treatment of data agreed upon between vendor and purchaser. 12.2.7 Any deviations from the relevant TAPPI methods or other methods used or any circumstances or T 453 sp-13 Effect of dry heat on properties of paper and board / 4 influences whi

36、ch might have affected the test results. 13. Precision 13.1 This practice does not have a precision value. 13.2 The precision of the individual test methods will be found in the relevant TAPPI method. Use these individual test method precision statements for relative comparison only, as the effect o

37、f heat treatment on precision is unknown. 14. Statistical significance 14.1 When comparing the sample means from test results of two test specimens (in this case, unaged, A, and aged paper, B), it is assumed that the variability in performance of each is unknown but, for first approximation, can be

38、assumed to be about the same (11). After the arithmetic means (XAand XB) and the standard deviations of test results (sAand sB) are calculated, a pooled value spfor the standard deviation is calculated: where nA= number of test specimens of unaged papers, and nB= number of test specimens of aged pap

39、ers. 14.2 Then a value for u, the test criterion for detecting a difference at 95% confidence, may be calculated: 14.3 The value of t is obtained from a statistical table of t distribution and depends on the number of observations and the 95% confidence level. 14.4 If the difference between XAand XB

40、is larger than u, one can conclude, with 95% confidence, that there is a true difference between the performances of A and B. 15. Additional information 15.1 Effective date of issue: April 30, 2013. 15.2 This method was revised and reclassified as a Standard Practice in 2003. In 2013, several editor

41、ial changes were made, and the references to several ASTM standards that are no longer active were deleted. 15.3 The following procedures have been adopted as official standards for the accelerated aging of paper: 15.5 The aging condition 90C and 50% relative humidity is widely used. 2-n+ns1)-n(+s1)

42、-n(=sBA2BB2AApnnn+nst=uBABAp5 / Effect of dry heat on properties of paper and board T 453 sp-13 Temperature, C R.H., % TAPPI T 453, and ISO 5630-1 105 Low TAPPI T 544 90 50 ISO 5630-3 80 65 16. Keywords Aging, Accelerated tests, Paper properties, Heat, Heat treatment, Stability, Paper, Paperboard Li

43、terature cited 1. Rasch, R. H., “Accelerated Aging Test for Paper,” J. Res Natl. Bur. Standards 7: 466 (1931). 2. Rasch, R. H., and Stone, C. D., “Estimating Stability of Paper by Heating,” Paper Trade J. 95 (4): 28 (1932). 3. Wilson, W. K., et al., “Accelerated Aging of Record Papers Compared with

44、Normal Aging,” Tappi 38 (9): 543 (1955). 4. Wilson, W. K., and Parks, E. J., “Comparison of Accelerated Aging of Book Papers in 1937 with 36 Years Natural Aging,” Restaurator 4: 1 (1980). 5. Van Royen, A. H. H., “Comparison of the Accelerated Aging of Pulps with Their Normal Aging at Room Temperatur

45、e,” Papierwereld 12 (9): 219-225 (1958). 6. Kaminska, E., Bgin, P., Grattan , D., and Blow, A., “ASTM / ISR Research Program on the Effects of Aging on Printing and Writing Papers: Accelerated Aging Test Method Development,” Canadian Conservation Institute, January 2001. 7. Shahani, C., Lee, S.B., H

46、eggemille, F.H., Harrison, G., Song, P., Sierra, M. L., Ryan, O.C., and Weberg, N., “Accelerated Aging of Paper: I. Chemical Analysis of Degradation Products, II. Application of Arrhenius Relationship. III. Proposal for a New Accelerated Aging Test: ASTM Research Program into the Effects of Aging on

47、 Printing and Writing Papers,” Preservation Research and Testing Division, Library of Congress, February 2001. 8. Graminski, E. L., Parks, E. J., and Toth, E. E., “The Effects of Temperature and Moisture on the Accelerated Aging of Paper,” ACS Symposium Series No. 95, Durability of Macromolecular Ma

48、terials, R. K. Eby, Editor. 9. Graminski, E. L., Parks, E. J., and Toth, E. E., “The Effects of Temperature and Moisture on the Accelerated Aging of Paper,” NBSIR 78-1443, Report to the National Archives and Records Service; available from National Technical Information Services (NTIS), Springfield,

49、 VA 22151. 10. Du Plooy, A. B. J., “The Influence of Moisture Content and Temperature on Aging of Paper,” Appita 34, No. 4, 287, (1981). 11. Natrella, Mary Gibbons, NBS Handbook No. 91, Experimental Statistics, 1966. Your comments and suggestions on this procedure are earnestly requested and should be sent to the TAPPI Standards Department.

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