ANSI T 519 OM-2011 Diffuse opacity of paper (d 0 paper backing).pdf

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1、 T 519 om-11 SUGGESTED METHOD 1970 OFFICIAL STANDARD 1978 OFFICIAL TEST METHOD 1980 REVISED 1986 REVISED 1991 REVISED 1996 REVISED 2002 CORRECTION 2002 REVISED - 2006 REVISED - 2011 2011 TAPPI The information and data contained in this document were prepared by a technical committee of the Associati

2、on. The committee and the Association assume no liability or responsibility in connection with the use of such information or data, including but not limited to any liability under patent, copyright, or trade secret laws. The user is responsible for determining that this document is the most recent

3、edition published. Approved by the Standard Specific Interest Group for this Test Method TAPPI CAUTION: This Test Method may include safety precautions which are believed to be appropriate at the time of publication of the method. The intent of these is to alert the user of the method to safety issu

4、es related to such use. The user is responsible for determining that the safety precautions are complete and are appropriate to their use of the method, and for ensuring that suitable safety practices have not changed since publication of the method. This method may require the use, disposal, or bot

5、h, of chemicals which may present serious health hazards to humans. Procedures for the handling of such substances are set forth on Material Safety Data Sheets which must be developed by all manufacturers and importers of potentially hazardous chemicals and maintained by all distributors of potentia

6、lly hazardous chemicals. Prior to the use of this method, the user must determine whether any of the chemicals to be used or disposed of are potentially hazardous and, if so, must follow strictly the procedures specified by both the manufacturer, as well as local, state, and federal authorities for

7、safe use and disposal of these chemicals. Diffuse opacity of paper (d/0 paper backing) 1. Scope 1.1 This method provides a measure of diffuse opacity (paper backing) of white and near-white papers, previously known as “printing opacity.” 1.2 The method may be employed for colored papers on condition

8、 that their reflectance (paper backing) is greater than 20% and their diffuse opacity (paper backing) is greater than 45% (1). 1.3 The method is not suitable for highly transparent papers such as glassine. 1.4 This method employs d/0 geometry, illuminant C, and paper backing whereas TAPPI T 425 “Opa

9、city of Paper” employs 15/d geometry, illuminant A, both 89% reflectance backing and paper backing. 1.5 This method is similar to ISO 2471. 2. Summary Diffuse opacity, expressed as a percentage, is given by the ratio of the diffuse luminous reflectance factor of a single sheet with black backing (Y0

10、) to that with a backing consisting of a pad of the same paper (Y), multiplied by 100, i.e., (100 Y0/ Y). NOTE 1: Light absorption coefficients K and light scattering coefficients S may also be determined from these reflectances if either the grammage of a sheet or its thickness is known (2,3). 3. S

11、ignificance 3.1 This method indicates the extent to which a single sheet of paper hides (obscures) printed matter on underlying sheets of similar paper. T 519 om-11 Diffuse opacity of paper (d/0 paper backing) / 2 3.2 This method should not be confused with the opacity, white backing (TAPPI T 425) m

12、ethod, which assesses different optical properties (see section 15.3). 4. Definitions 4.1 Diffuse luminous reflectance factor. The diffuse luminous reflectance factor is the ratio of the luminous flux from a body diffusely illuminated (and viewed by the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer) to th

13、e luminous flux from the perfect diffuse reflector, identically illuminated and viewed. 4.2 Diffuse luminous reflectance factor, Y0. The diffuse luminous reflectance of a single sheet backed with a black cavity. 4.3 Diffuse luminous reflectance factor, Y. The diffuse luminous reflectance factor of a

14、 pad thick enough such that doubling its thickness does not affect its reflectivity. 4.4 Diffuse opacity (paper backing) of paper. The diffuse opacity (paper backing) of paper is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the diffuse reflectance factor, Y0to the diffuse reflectance factor, Y, of the s

15、ame paper, both values being measured with a reflectance meter or spectrophotometer in accordance with this method. 5. Apparatus 5.1 Reflectance meter or spectrophotometer1, an instrument having the same geometric, photometric, and spectral characteristics described in Appendix A.1. 5.2 Matched filt

16、ers or equivalent device for modifying the spectral characteristics of the optical system, providing the measuring instrument with an overall response equivalent to the CIE tristimulus value, Y, for CIE (1931) standard illuminant C, 2 standard observer. 5.3 UV-cutoff filters, required for instrument

17、s with strongly UV-emitting light source(s) to be interpositioned between the light sources and the d/0 integrating sphere to avoid the occurence of UV-excited fluorescence in the Y() spectral region from papers treated with fluorescent agents. 5.4 Standard black cavity, consisting of a cylindrical

18、hollow body lined with black velvet or similar material, having a luminous reflectance less than 0.5%. 5.5 Reference Standard, traceable to IR2 or IR3 as described in Appendix A.2. 5.6 Two working standards, one for control purposes and one for regular use, calibrated in advance for luminous reflect

19、ivity against a reference standard supplied by an approved laboratory, as described in Appendix A.2. 6. Sampling Sample representative test specimens in accordance with TAPPI T 400 “Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard, Fiberboard, or Related Product.” 7. Preparation of test spec

20、imens 7.1 From each test unit, cut rectangular specimens about 75 150 mm, free of watermarks, creases, dirt, holes, or other imperfections. 7.2 Place specimens in a stack with top sides up. Form a pad (stack) of such thickness that doubling the number of sheets does not affect the reflectance factor

21、 of the pad. Condition all test specimens. NOTE 2: If the top side can be distinguished from the wire side (TAPPI T 455 “Identification of Wire Side of Paper”), turn the top side uppermost. If this distinction cannot be made, as may be the case for papers manufactured on double wire machines or for

22、papers coated on both sides, turn the same side of all sheets in the pad upwards to ensure that diffuse opacity values can be evaluated separately for each side of the paper. 7.3 Protect the pad with additional specimen sheets on the top and bottom. 7.4 Avoid contamination and exposure to light and

23、heat of both specimens and pad (specimen stack). 1Names of suppliers of testing equipment and materials for this method may be found on the Test Equipment Suppliers list, available as part of the CD or printed set of Standards, or on the TAPPI website general Standards page. 3 / Diffuse opacity of p

24、aper (d/0 paper backing) T 519 om-11 NOTE 3: When daylight fluors, such as fluorescent yellow, green, etc. are present in paper, their effect on the diffuse luminous reflectance factor cannot be removed using UV-cut off filters. This may lead to significant measurement differences on diffuse opacity

25、 of paper between different instruments. Thus the existence of daylight fluors on measured paper and preferably their estimated quantity (i.e. kg/T) should be stated in the final report. 8. Procedure for calibration of working standards 8.1 The working standards are calibrated according to the follo

26、wing procedure: 8.1.1 Check the instrument and bring it to stable operating conditions. 8.1.2 Clean the working standards as described in Appendix A.2. 8.1.3 Set the instrument to read CIE Y reflectance (see A.1.2.1). 8.1.4 Place the black cavity against the measuring aperture and adjust the instrum

27、ent to read zero, or the assigned value in accordance with instrument manufacturers instructions. 8.1.5 Place the approved standards laboratorys reference standard (traceable to ISO reference standard of level 2 or 3) against the measuring aperture, with the marked (or numbered) edge facing the oper

28、ator, and adjust the instrument to read the value(s) assigned to this standard. 8.1.6 With the reflectance meter standardized as in 8.1.5, measure and record the reflectance (diffuse luminous reflectivity) of at least two working standards. 9. Procedure for checking the instrument 9.1 Check that the

29、 instrument is set to measure CIE Y, 2 standard observer. 9.2 Adjust the zero setting in accordance with 8.1.4. 9.3 Place working standard (evaluated in 8.1.6) against the aperture, check calibration, and adjust as necessary. 10. Procedure for measurement of diffuse opacity 10.1 Determine Y0and Yas

30、follows: NOTE 4: Where instruments are equipped with continuous illumination source emitters, make all reflectance measurements quickly to minimize potential color reversion. 10.1.1 Place a single specimen sheet against the measuring aperture of the instrument, supported by the black cavity, with th

31、e top side of the sheet towards the aperture. 10.1.2 Determine the reflectance, Y0. 10.1.3 While holding the specimen sheet in place, replace the black cavity with an opaque pad of specimen sheets as the backing. 10.1.4 Determine the reflectance, Y. 10.1.5 Repeat the measurement on the opposite side

32、, if required, and record data for five specimen sheets. 10.1.6 If the range of values for Y0is greater than 0.5%, measure ten specimens to obtain a value that is representative of the paper. 10.1.7 Repeat this measurement on the opposite side. Record data for five specimen sheets. NOTE 5: To avoid

33、errors due to formation differences, measurements of Y0and Yshould be made on the same sheets and in the same positions. 11. Calculation 11.1 Average the Y0and Ymeasurements for the five specimens, taking each side separately, and calculate the average diffuse opacity (paper backing) to the nearest

34、0.1%, according to: Diffuse opacity (paper backing), % = 100 Y0/Y12. Report 12.1 Report the average high and low opacity to the nearest 0.1%, stating the method used. T 519 om-11 Diffuse opacity of paper (d/0 paper backing) / 4 12.2 If the measured opacity from each side differs by 0.5% or more, rep

35、ort the opacity for each side separately. 13. Precision 13.1 The following estimates of repeatability and reproducibility are based on data from the CTS-TAPPI Interlaboratory Program from 1997 through 2000. Samples on which this data is based were uncoated printing and xerographic grades and standar

36、d 30# newsprint. Participants were asked to follow TAPPI Official Test Method T 519 om-96 to conduct this testing. Testing is based on 10 determinations per test result and 1 test result per lab, per material. Repeatability = 0.4% Reproducibility = 0.6% The following chart shows representative data

37、on which the figures above are based. Opacity Measurements Material description Grand Mean Stnd Dev Btwn Lab Results Repeatability r and %r Reproducibility R and %R Labs Included 30# Newsprint 96.27 0.25 0.28 0.3% 0.68 0.7% 37 70# Offset 94.34 0.11 0.17 0.2% 0.30 0.3% 34 60# Offset 92.61 0.20 0.37 0

38、.4% 0.55 0.6% 41 20# Xerographic 89.65 0.20 0.49 0.5% 0.55 0.6% 36 13.2 Repeatability and reproducibility are estimates of the maximum difference (at 95%) which should be expected when comparing test results for materials similar to those described above under similar test conditions. These estimate

39、s may not be valid for different materials or testing conditions. 13.3 The user of these precision data is advised that it is based on actual mill testing, laboratory testing, or both. There is no knowledge of the exact degree to which personnel skills or equipment were optimized during its generati

40、on. The precision quoted provides an estimate of typical variation in test results which may be encountered when this method is routinely used by two or more parties. 14. Keywords Opacity, Paper, Reflectance, Diffuse reflection. 15. Additional information 15.1 Effective date of issue: September 27,

41、2011. 15.2 To reduce the opacities of different kinds of paper to relate to a common grammage, application of the Kubelka-Munk theory (4) provides the following formula: Opacity = 100 (A -1) / (A -R2) where A = R(1 - Y0Y) / (Y0- Y)x/wY0and Yremain as measured, w is the conditioned grammage of the sp

42、ecimen in accordance with TAPPI T 410 “Grammage of Paper and Paperboard (Weight per Unit Area),” and x is the common grammage to which the diffuse opacity (paper backing) is reduced. 15.3 The diffuse opacity (white backing) corresponding to the diffuse opacity (paper backing) may be calculated from

43、the equations in TAPPI T 425 or from the larger charts contained in TAPPI T 1214 “Interrelation of Reflectance, R0; Reflectivity, R; TAPPI Opacity, C0.89; Scattering, s; and Absorption, k.” The diffuse luminous 5 / Diffuse opacity of paper (d/0 paper backing) T 519 om-11 reflectance factors Y0and Yo

44、f this method relate to CIE standard illuminant C. The bluer light from illuminant C is scattered more than that from illuminant A. Therefore, the value of diffuse opacity (white backing), either measured directly or obtained by use of the graph, may be as much as 1.0 point higher than the value obt

45、ained for the same paper according to TAPPI T 425. 15.4 Related methods: TAPPI T 425; ASTM D 589-94; ISO 2471 (1977); PAPTAC E.2; DIN 53 146; AFNOR Q 03-040; SCAN P-8. Appendix A.1 Instrument specifications A.1.1 Instruments for the measurement of diffuse opacity are similar to those described in TA

46、PPI T 525, except for their overall spectral characteristics. A.1.2 Spectral characteristics. A.1.2.1 The overall spectral response of the reflectance meter or spectrophotometer shall be matched to the CIE tristimulus function Y() and 2 standard observer (1931), for CIE standard illuminant C. A.1.2.

47、2 An infrared absorbing filter must be located between the light source and specimen to eliminate specimen heating. A.1.3 Geometric characteristics. A.1.3.1 The specimen and reference are illuminated diffusely via an integrating sphere, 150 5mm in diameter, covered on the inside with a stable highly

48、 reflecting and diffusing coating. A.1.3.2 The sum total of the areas of all apertures in the sphere (for the specimen, the reference, two lamps, and two emerging light beams and any specimen observation aperture window) does not exceed 13% of the area of the sphere. A.1.3.3 A gloss trap in the shap

49、e of a black annulus of internal diameter equal to that of the receptor aperture and of external diameter subtending a half angle of 15.0 0.5 at the center of the sample aperture surrounds the aperture of the emerging specimen beam. No rays may be allowed to strike the specimen directly without first being reflected from the white inner lining of the sphere. A.1.3.4 The specimen aperture is circular with a diameter of 34.0 0.5 mm and a circumferential edge rim thickness not exceeding 1.5 mm. The effective test area viewed

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