ANSI TIA EIA-455-171A-2001 FOTP-171 Attenuation by Substitution Measurement for Short-Length Multimode Graded-Index and Single Mode Optical Fiber Cable Assemblies.pdf

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1、TIA/EIA STANDARD ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-171A-2001 Approved: May 16, 2001 FOTP-171 Attenuation by Sub st itut ion Measurement for Short-Length Multimode Graded-Index and Single Mode Optical Fiber Cable Assemblies TIAIEIA-455-171A OJpgrade and Revision of TIAIEIA-455-171) JUNE 2001 TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUST

2、RY ASSOCIATION Tlie Telecoininiiiiicatioiis Industry Association represents tlie Communications Sector of Eleeltronk Industiies Alliance NOTICE TMIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandmgs between manufacturers and purchas

3、ers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of TIA/EIA fr

4、om manufacturing or selling products not codorming to such standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than TIA/EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Standards and

5、 Publications are adopted by TIA/EIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such actio% TMIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Standard or Publication. This Standard doe

6、s not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use. (Fro

7、m Standards Proposal Nos. 458 1 and 458 1 - 1, formulated under the cognizance of the TIA FO-6.3 Subcommittee on Fiber Optic Interconnecting Dervices.) Published by TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 200 1 Standards and Technology Department 2500 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 2220 1 PRICE: Ple

8、ase refer to current Catalog of EIA ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ALLIANCE STANDARDS and ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS or call Global Engineering Documents, USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179) International (303-397-7956) All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. TINEIA-455-1 71A FOTP-171 Attenuation By Substitution Mea

9、surement For Short Length Multimode Graded Index And Single-Mode Optical Fiber Cable Assemblies Contents 1 .I Intent 1 1.2 Test methods 1 1.2.1 Methods AI, A2, A3 - Concatenation test for cable assemblies with like or unlike connectors on each end using launch cable and adapter of optional reference

10、 quality . 2 1.2.2 Methods BI, B2, B3 - Screening test for cable assemblies with like connectors on each end using reference quality launch connector and adapter and reference quality receive connector and adapter . 2 1.2.3 Methods CI, C2, C3 - Screening test for cable assemblies with unlike connect

11、ors on each end using reference quality launch connector and adapter and reference quality receive connector and adapter . 3 1.2.4 Methods DI, D2, D3 - Screening test for cable assemblies with a connector on only one end or for testing each connector individually on assemblies with like or unlike co

12、nnectors on both ends using reference quality launch connector and adapter . 4 2 Normative Documents 5 3 APPARATUS . 5 3.1 Light source 5 3.1 .I Light source spectral characteristics 6 3.1.2 Multimode source output 3.1.3 Source stability . Source monitoring equipment (Optional) . 6 3.1.4 Sou

13、rce power level . 6 3.2 Single-Mode and multimode cladding mode stripper 3.3 Single-Mode high order mode filter . 3.4 Multimode mode filter 7 3.5 Detection equipment 7 8 3.6 Reference components . 8 3.6.1 Reference quality launch cable . 8 3.6.2 Reference quality receive cable 8 3.6.3 Special hybrid

14、 reference cable 4 SAMPLING AND SPECIMENS . 3.5.1 Large core/large numerical aperture (NA) receive cable 4.1 Sample 9 4.2 Specimen 9 4.3 Test sample length 4.4 Test sample deploy 5 PROCEDURES . 10 5.1 Methods AI, A2, A3 . 10 Concatenation test for cable assemblies with like or unlike connectors on e

15、ach end using launch cable 10 5.1 .I Establish zero reference level . 10 5.1.2 First cable assembly loss measurement . 11 5.1.3 First cable assembly loss calculation . 12 and adapter of optional reference quality I TINEIA-455-1 7 1 A 5.1.4 Concatenated cable assembly loss measurement 5.1.5 Concatena

16、ted cable assembly loss calculation 5.1.6 Additional concatenations 13 5.1.7 Concatenated cable assembly loss statistics . 13 5.2 Methods BI, B2, B3 Screening test for cable connector and adapter. reference quality receive connector and adapter 5.2.1 Establish zero r 5.2.2 Cable assembly loss measur

17、ement . 15 5.3 Methods CI, C2. C3 17 Screening test for cable assemblies with unlike connectors on each end using reference quality launch connector and adapter. reference quality receive connector and adapter 17 5.3.1 Establish zero reference level . 17 5.3.2 Cable assembly loss measurement . 20 5.

18、4 Methods DI. D2. D3 22 Screening test for cable assemblies with a connector on only one end or for testing each individual connector of assemblies with like or unlike connectors on both ends using reference quality launch connector and adapter . 22 23 . 23 6 CALCULATIONS OR INTERPRETATION OF RESULT

19、S 25 7 DOCUMENTATION 25 8 SPEC I FI CAT I ON I N FOR MAT I ON ANNEX A (Normative) A.l INTRODUCTION . 28 A.l . 1 Intent 28 A.l . 1 Test methods A.l . 1 . 1 Qualification A.l . 1 . 2 Qualification when starting with known reference components . 28 A.2 REFERENCE COMPONENT REQUIREMENTS . 29 A.2.1 Refere

20、nce connector parameters 29 A.2.1 . 1 Ferrule outside dimension . 29 A.2.1.2 Connector end face geometry . 29 A.2.1.3 Polish length 29 A.2.1.4 Reference connector loss A.2.1.5 Fiber type . A.2.1.6 Additional parameters for angled connectors and non-cylindrical ferrule connectors (optional for non-an

21、gled cylindrical ferrule connectors) 29 A. Position of fiber hole in ferrule . 30 A. Fiber diameter 30 A. Ferrule inside diameter exit angle A. Fiber core position A. Beam exit angle . 30 A.2.2 Recommended reference connector requirements . 30 A.2.2.1 Multim 5.4.1

22、Establish zero reference level 5.4.2 Cable assembly loss measur A.3 SAMPLING AND SPECIMENS . 31 A.3.1 Sample . 31 A.3.2 Specimen 31 A.4 PROCEDURES . 33 A.4.1 Qualification when starting without known reference components . 33 A.4.1 . 1 Two reference candidate method . 33 A.4.1 . 1 . 1 Zero reference

23、 level 33 A.4.1 . 1 . 2 First reference connection loss measurement 34 A.4.1 . 1 . 3 Additional reference connection loss measurements . 34 II TINEIA-455-1 71A A.4.1 .I .4 Additional reference connection loss measurements with connector and alignment sleeve rotation 35 A.4.1 .I .5 Reference connecti

24、on loss calculation . 35 A.4.1.2 Large offset connector method 35 A. Zero reference level . 35 A. First large offset connection loss measurement 36 A.4.1 .2.3 Additional large offset connection loss measurements 36 A. Additional large offset connection loss measurements with con

25、nector and alignment sleeve rotation 37 A. Large offset connect . 37 A. Zero reference level A. First reference conn A. Additional loss measurements 38 A. Additional reference connectio nts with connector and alignment sleeve rotation 38 A. O Connection loss

26、 calculation . . 38 A.4.2 Qualification when starting with known reference comp A.4.2.1 Qualifying a reference . 39 A.4.2.2 Qualifying a reference adapter with known reference connectors . 41 ANNEX B (Informative) . . 43 .43 B.l IEC B.2 ITU-T . 43 . 111 TINEIA-455-1 7 1 A FOREWORD (This Foreword is

27、not part of this Standard.) This document comes from TIA Project No. 4725 and was formulated under the cognizance of TIA FO- 6.3, Subcommittee on Fiber Optic Interconnecting Devices. There are two annexes to this Standard. Annex A is normative and is considered part of this Standard and Annex B is i

28、nformative and is not considered part of this Standard iv TINEIA-455-1 71A FOTP-171 ATTENUATION BY SUBSTITUTION MEASUREMENT FOR SHORT OPTICAL FIBER CABLE ASSEMBLIES LENGTH MULTIMODE GRADED INDEX AND SINGLE-MODE 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Intent These test methods describe procedures for measuring the attenu

29、ation by substitution of short length multimode graded index and single-mode optical fiber cable assemblies. The cable assemblies have a connector on only one end of the cable (pigtail) or have connectors on both ends of the cable (patch cord). The connectors on the patch cord may be identical or di

30、fferent from each other. These tests are primarily used for multimode cables of 100 meters or less in length and for single-mode cables of any length. These tests primarily evaluate connector loss since the fiber loss is usually a small portion of the total loss. For those assemblies that are long e

31、nough for the fiber loss to be a significant portion of the loss, the fiber loss will have to be taken into account when specifying limits for the measured loss. It is important to emphasize that measurement of the loss of a given cable assembly during a factory test will not necessarily be the same

32、 as a loss measurement of the same cable assembly in actual field use. The actual loss of the cable assembly depends on the properties of all of the mating components, the orientation of the components, and the launch condition of the light as it enters the connection. In a factory test only the com

33、ponents that are part of the cable assembly to be tested are accessible. The connector(s) that will be mated to the cable assembly in actual field use are not. Even though factory loss measurements are not necessarily the same as loss measurements in actual field use, the concatenation test is prese

34、nted here as a suitable alternative which provides an estimate of average system loss performance. NOTE - The results of this test method are not directly comparable with those of FOTP-34, which is an interconnection device insertion loss test. This FOTP tests cable assemblies and FOTP-34 tests a co

35、mplete connection (splice, device, connector set, etc.) installed between two like fibers. 1.2 Test methods This FOTP contains twelve methods for testing connectorized cable assem blies. The methods are designated AI, A2, A3, BI, B2, B3, CI, C2, C3, DI, D2, D3. The letter in the method designation d

36、ifferentiates the general test approach. The numerical 1 TINEIA-455-1 7 1 A character indicates whether the test is for multimode with mode filter (1) or without mode filter (2), or single-mode (3). Note - Some of the following test method descriptions refer to systems with or without transient cond

37、itions. Transient conditions are present when high order modes are propagating in the launch fiber. An overfilled launch condition will cause high order modes to be present in the launch fiber. If a cable assembly is tested using an overfilled launch condition the connection under test will pass the

38、 high order modes with more loss than the lower order modes. Until the high order modes are filtered out, they will produce a transient effect on loss measurements. For a more detailed explanation see TIA/EIA-455-50B Annex A (I nform at ive). 1.2.1 Methods AI, A2, A3 - Concatenation test for cable a

39、ssemblies with like or unlike connectors on each end using launch cable and adapter of optional reference quality 1.2.1 .I Method AI - Multimode with mode filter This concatenation test method provides an estimate of the expected performance of a group of multimode cable assemblies that will be used

40、 in systems where transient conditions are not present. An overfilled launch condition is used along with a mode filter which is included in the launch cable to produce restricted launch conditions (remove the transient conditions). The use of reference quality connectors and adapters for the launch

41、 cable is optional. Method A2 - Multimode without mode filter This concatenation test method provides an estimate of the expected average loss of a group of multimode cable assemblies that will be used in systems where transient conditions are present. An overfilled launch condition is used

42、without a mode filter. The use of reference quality connectors and adapters for the launch cable is optional. Method A3 - Single-Mode with high order mode filter before the cable assembly(s) under test This concatenation test is used to estimate the expected performance of single-mode cable

43、assemblies when placed in a system environment. A high order mode filter is included in the launch cable before the cable assembly(s) under test. The use of reference quality connectors and adapters for the launch cable is optional. 1.2.2 Methods BI, B2, B3 - Screening test for cable assemblies with

44、 like connectors on each end using reference quality launch connector and adapter and reference quality receive connector and adapter Method BI - Multimode with mode filter This method tests multimode cable assemblies with like connectors on each end that will be used in systems where transi

45、ent conditions are not present. This method should be used to screen out product that is likely to produce a system loss above some 2 TINEIA-455-1 71A threshold value. An overfilled launch condition is used along with a mode filter which is included in the launch cable to produce restricted launch c

46、onditions (remove the transient conditions). The use of reference quality connectors and adapters for both launch and receive is required. Method B2 - Multimode without mode filter This method tests multimode cable assemblies with like connectors on each end that will be used in systems wher

47、e transient conditions are present. This method should be used to screen out product that is likely to produce a system loss above some threshold value. An overfilled launch condition is used without a mode filter. The use of reference quality connectors and adapters for both launch and receive is r

48、equired. Method B3 - Single-Mode with high order mode filter before the cable assembly under test This method tests single-mode cable assemblies with like connectors on each end to screen out any product likely to produce a system loss above some threshold value. A high order mode filter is

49、included in the launch cable before the cable assembly under test. The use of reference quality connectors and adapters for both launch and receive is required. 1.2.3 Methods CI, C2, C3 - Screening test for cable assemblies with unlike connectors on each end using reference quality launch connector and adapter and reference quality receive connector and adapter Method CI - Multimode with mode filter This method tests multimode cable assemblies with unlike connectors on each end that will be used in systems where transient conditions are not present. This method should be used to scr

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