ANSI UL 746B BULLETIN-2015 UL Standard for Safety Polymeric Materials - Long Term Property Evaluations.pdf

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1、UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULSubject 746A (94, 746B, 746C, 746D, 1692,1694) April 6, 2015SUMMARY OF TOPICSThe following topics were discussed at the meeting of the Standards Technical Panel forPolymeric Materials:1. Inclined

2、 Plane Tracking Test (746A)2. Fixed Temperature Evaluation for Exceptionally Durable Materials (746B)3. Clarification Between Short Term Properties (UL746A) and Long Term Properties(UL746B) within Table 9.1 (746A)4. Starting Test Voltage for CTI (746A)5. Increase Generic Relative Thermal Index for P

3、EI (746B)6. Inclusion of UV and Water Immersion Testing in Table 9.1 for Addition, Deletion, orChange in Level of Colorant/pigment Loading (746A)7. Clearance Gauge for 50W (20 mm) Vertical Burning Test; V-0, V-1, or V-2 (94)8. Concentrations of UV-Stabilizer in Table 9.1 (746A)9. Accelerated Heat Ag

4、ing Evaluation by Thermal Analytical Tools In Accordance withIEC TS 60216-7-1 (746B)10. ANSI Reaffirmation Balloting During 2015 (1694)11. Publishing Cycles for Standards Covered Under the 746 STP12. Improvements Being Considered for the HAI Test Method (746A)13. HWI Test Procedures (746A)14. How th

5、e 746 STP Evaluates Proposals for New or Higher Generic RTIsA meeting of the Standards Technical Panel of UL for Polymeric Materials was held on March 25, 2015at 8:30 AM at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Florida, USA. The purpose of the meeting was todiscuss items of interest with regard to UL 9

6、4, UL 746A, UL 746B, UL 746C and UL 1694 (there wereno proposal/discussion items received for UL 746D or UL 1692).The purpose of the STP meeting report is to briefly summarize discussions held during the meeting,and to document any resulting outcomes, including planned future action.UL COPYRIGHTED M


8、 After asking if anyone had additional topics they would likediscussed at the end of the meeting, two additional items were requested. There was enough time toinclude them and they are shown in this report as Topics 12 and 13.The STP Chair reminds STP members that the ANSI STP Regulations that guide

9、 this process can befound at this link:http:/ AND REPORTS FROM THE STP PROJECT MANAGERProject Manager Ray Suga, requested that the attendees fill out a brief survey at the end of the meetingto indicate how the meeting went and areas for improvement. Also, the UL Patent Policy was brieflyexplained an

10、d attendees were reminded that they can find more-detailed information on the website:http:/ Project Manager and the STP Chair also made the STP aware of ULs Anti-trust Policy. Additionalinformation on this policy can be found at http:/ was also indicated that all standards development activities ta

11、ke place through ULs CSDS(Collaborative Standards Development System) and the website address for that is www.ul.csds.STP members were reminded that they should vote regularly on all proposals. If they dont considerthemselves to be experts on a particular subject matter it is preferable that they ca

12、st an Abstain voterather than not to vote at all. Specifically, above 50% of the membership must vote on each proposal (inorder to be in compliance with the STP Regulations regarding consensus).Members were reminded that, currently, two of the standards covered under this STP are coveredunder the Co

13、ntinuing Certification process. This explains why the format of proposals for UL 94 and UL746C might appear to be significantly different from that of UL 746A, UL 746B, UL 746D, UL 1692and UL 1694. The Continuing Certification process enables aspects, such as the impact of a proposal,to be discussed

14、 along with the safety aspects.It was noted that a staffing change is occurring at UL. The UL representative on the STP will now bePrasad Shankarappa and he will replace No Navarro who has served on this STP for many years. TheSTP Roster will be revised shortly to accomplish this. As a result, any f

15、uture Proposal Requests thatare submitted into CSDS by UL will be authored by Prasad Shankarappa.The current balance of the STP was discussed at the meeting and is shown in the following table:APRIL 6, 2015SUBJECT 746A -2-UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION

16、 WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULInterest Category Number of Members Interest Category Number of MembersProducers 13 Government 0Testing V-0, V-1, or V-2 (94)DISCUSSIONProposal item submitted by: Koji Inoue, Teijin LimitedA proposal was introduced that would allow for the optional use of a clearance gauge

17、 attached to theburner for the Vertical burning test. The clearance gauge would enable the technician to consistentlymaintain the distance between the burner and the test specimen. The visual appearance of the blueflame may vary depending on the person or the degree of darkness in the test chambers.

18、 Thus, thatcould be one of the factors for the data deviation. It was suggested that use of the clearance gaugecould minimize the deviation between various technicians and between different laboratories. Currently,IEC Standard (IEC 60695-11-10) allows the optional use of a clearance gauge.The STP ge

19、nerally supported the proposal provided its use will be optional; however, it suggestedseveral areas for improvement. One such area is that current requirements in 5.2 of UL 94 (and alsoASTM standards) might currently prohibit burner barrel attachments. Possibly, such a gauge couldbe used (without c

20、onflict) if it was not attached to the barrel itself. Other member suggested that the useof the attachment would be a hindrance to technicians performing the V-2 tests: making it harder toavoid the flaming and dripping of the sample. Some people suggested that a study may be needed toaddress heat si

21、nk and other factors related to using an attachment.Koji Inoue will consider whether any revisions to his proposal are necessary based on the STPdiscussions and then can submit a Proposal Request in CSDS. The proposal will then be presented toSTP 746 for preliminary review and comment.8. Concentrati

22、ons of UV-Stabilizer in Table 9.1 (746A)DISCUSSIONDiscussion item submitted by: Jochen Endtner, Lanxess Deutschland GmbHThe technical background on polymer stabilization is a very difficult and complex scientific area and ofcourse cant be reduced to a short rationale. However, there are some basics:

23、 many stabilizers inpolymers work by quenching radicals and/or transforming aggressive hydroperoxides into more stableproducts. These kind of aggressive species may be created by both, heat, oxygen or UV-radiation. So,a differentiation between pure UV-stabilizers, pure heat-stabilizers, or pure anti

24、oxidants is only possiblefor some special species of stabilizer. As a consequence, it would make a lot of sense to align thethresholds for all kind of stabilizers that finally interact by avoiding aggressive radicals orhydroperoxides, independently from the method.Conversely, there are some UV-stabi

25、lizers that work exclusively by absorption of UV light therebypreventing the generation of free radicals or other aggressive species at a very early stage. Infull contrast to other heat-stabilizer and antioxidants, these species wont actively take part in darkprocesses typical for heat aging and the

26、refore should be excluded from program Code D. Typicalexamples are species based on hydroxybenzotriazole, hydroxybenzophenone or hydroxyphenyl-triazines.In addition, from all historical data and from all scientific logic, heat and UV-aging properties wontbecome worse if you increase the amount of st

27、abilizers. Thats why it makes a lot of sense to delete allCode D and Code E requirements, if you add or increase stabilizers.At the meeting, a proposal was introduced that might accomplish the objectives stated above.APRIL 6, 2015SUBJECT 746A -7-UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REP

28、RODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULThe STP generally supported the proposal. Overall, it was suggested that the proposal appeared overlycomplex although the submitter was only trying to make three small individual changes. Jochen Endtnerwill consider whether any modifications to his

29、proposal are necessary based on the STP discussionsand he can then submit a Proposal Request in CSDS. The proposal will then be presented to STP 746for preliminary review and comment.9. Accelerated Heat Aging Evaluation by Thermal Analytical Tools in Accordance with IEC TS60216-7-1 (746B)DISCUSSIOND

30、iscussion item submitted by: by Jun Haruhara, Polyplastics Co., LtdIEC Technical Committee 112, Working Group 1 (IEC/TC112/WG1), has been working on thedevelopment of a technical specification that considers the use of both (1) activation energy determinedthrough thermal analytical tools plus (2) 1-

31、point temperature conventional heat aging to determine thethermal index for a polymeric compound. At the same time, the UL LTTA Forum has been discussingalternative methods that could speed up the determination of a thermal index evaluation. Members of theIEC/TC112/WG1 and of the UL LTTA Forum have

32、joined efforts to determine whether the technicalspecifications developed by IEC/TC112/WG1 can be used to offer an alternative method of evaluatingpolymeric compounds for a thermal index.Members of IEC/TC112/WG1 and the UL LTTA Forum recently decided to conduct a Round Robin Testusing Thermogravimet

33、ric Analysis per ISO 11358-2 on a known compound, with a known activationenergy determined through conventional aging, as a first step in evaluating the acceptability of the newtechnical specification, IEC TS 60216-7-1 (112/298/DTS), to determine whether a similar thermal indexcould be calculated.Ju

34、n Haruhara, the leader of the round robin testing in IEC/TC112/WG1 and also a member of the STP,presented to the participants in the STP meeting, the final report of the first round robin test results. Thiswas done to achieve a better understanding of the values and of the boundaries of feasibility,

35、 inanticipation of future proposals using this methodology that would be proposed to be added to UL 746Band UL 746A (compound variation portions) through CSDS when IEC TS 60216-7-1 is published andvalidated.Discussions noted that, although only one compound had been tested so far, they expect to exp

36、and theRound Robin testing to include other types of materials. Currently, they are trying to identify thecompounds that should be used for the next Round Robin evalutions.The STP thanked Jun Haruhara and noted his report.10. ANSI Reaffirmation Balloting During 2015 (1694)DISCUSSIONDiscussion item s

37、ubmitted by: Raymond M. Suga, Underwriters Laboratories Inc.In the next few months, UL will be sending out a ballot to reaffirm the ANSI approval of UL 1694. ANSIregulations require that balloting be performed when an approved standard has not been otherwiseupdated in the consensus process during th

38、e preceding five years.APRIL 6, 2015SUBJECT 746A -8-UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULSince this is not a widely used standard, UL wants to remind STP members that, if they are not expertsin a particular subject matter that is be

39、ing balloted, they should cast an Abstain vote. Since every ballotfor an ANSI proposal requires a participation of more than 50% of the STP membership, UL hopesthat all STP members will review the proposal and cast a ballot.11. Publishing Cycles for Standards covered under 746 STPDISCUSSIONDiscussio

40、n item submitted by: Raymond M. Suga, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.Some standards employ Publishing Cycles (such as every two or three years) to reduce the number oftimes that revision pages have to be issued for a particular standard. In many cases, especially whenthe manufacturing of specific pr

41、oducts involves product design and replacement cycles, it is beneficial tonot have a standard in a constant state of change. Some of the benefits and drawbacks of havingPublishing Cycles were discussed with the STP. In general, there is current widespread support for thecurrent approach (called Cont

42、inuous Maintenance) that does not limit the frequency with which thestandards under STP 746 can be revised. Many attendees at the meeting voiced the opinion that, in theplastics industry, it is important to get new requirements into the standard as quickly as possible sothat the requirements keep pa

43、ce with the rapidly changing technology in the field. UL expressed awillingness to look into Publishing Cycles further at the next meeting if enough people express aninterest beforehand.12. Improvements Being Considered for the HAI Test Method (746A)DISCUSSIONDiscussion item submitted by: Thomas Fab

44、ian, UL LLCAn extensive presentation was given regarding on-going research that has been directed towardsdeveloping improvements to make the current High Arc Ignition test more repeatable. Current researchefforts are looking at the following variations of this test method: Pulsed AC, Continuous AC,

45、PulsedDC, and Continuous DC and are trying to determine which of them should be the focus of futureresearch efforts. The presentation highlighted various advantages and disadvantages of each of thesetest method variations.Although some STP members questioned whether this is a worthwhile test, others

46、 indicated that theythought that it was important test to retain because it represents actual field conditions wherein ACarcing has been determined to be responsible for starting reported fires (rather than exposure to hotwires or other scenarios). It was further suggested that the AC test method sh

47、ould not be replaced witha DC test method unless it proven to be fully equivalent to the current AC test. Discussions with theSTP also indicated their desire that the end result needs to be a highly repeatable test.Other input suggested that there is a lot of industry interest in DC applications (an

48、d the development ofan appropriate test method for it).The STP thanked Thomas Fabian for his presentation. The STP is interested in hearing more as theresearch progresses.A copy of the presentation made at the meeting will be attached in the Meeting Area for anyone that isinterested in the on-going

49、research. As an alternative, you can E-mail Ray Suga to obtain a copy.APRIL 6, 2015SUBJECT 746A -9-UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL13. HWI Test Procedures (746A)DISCUSSIONDiscussion item submitted by: Daniel Francke, BASF SEDaniel mentioned that, p

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