1、 2015UNIFORMSOLARENERGY ANDHYDRONICSCODEan american national standardIAPMO/ANSI USEHC 1 2015Copyright 2015 International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials All Rights ReservedNo part of this work may be reproduced or recorded in any form or by any means, except as may be expressly perm
2、itted in writing by the publisher.Fourteenth Edition First Printing, August 2015 ISSN 1081-3772Published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials4755 E. Philadelphia Street Ontario, CA 91761-2816 USA Main Phone: (909) 472-4100 Main Fax: (909) 472-4150Important Notices an
3、d DisclaimersThe 2015 edition of the Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Codeis developed through aconsensus standards development process approved by the American National StandardsInstitute. This process brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints andinterests to achieve consensus on
4、solar energy and hydronic issues. While the InternationalAssociation of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) administers the process andestablishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus, it does notindependently test, evaluate, or verify the accuracy of any information or th
5、e soundness ofany judgments contained in its codes and standards.IAPMO disclaims liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any naturewhatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectlyresulting from the publication, use of, or reliance
6、 on this document. IAPMO also makes noguarantee or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information publishedherein.In issuing and making this document available, IAPMO is not undertaking to renderprofessional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity. Nor is IAPMOunde
7、rtaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyoneusing this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate,seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonablecare in any given circumstances.Updating IAPM
8、O CodesUsers of IAPMO codes should be aware that IAPMO codes may be corrected from time totime by Errata. IAPMO codes consist of the current edition of the document together withany Errata in effect.In order to determine whether an IAPMO code has been corrected by Errata, please visitthe IAPMO Group
9、 codes information pages on IAPMOs website (www.iapmo.org). Thecodes information pages provides a list of IAPMO codes with up-to-date specificinformation including any Errata.To access the code information pages for a specific code, go to http:/codes.iapmo.org toselect from the list of IAPMO codes.
10、For Errata, select the archived revision information.iiiOrigin and DevelopmentThe industry has long recognized the advantages of a statewide adopted solar energyand hydronics code. The first edition of the Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code(USEHC) was adopted by IAPMO in 1976. The widespread us
11、e of this code over thepast three decades by jurisdictions throughout the United States and internationally istestament to its merit.Publishing the 2009 Uniform Solar Energy Code (USEC), is a significant milestonebecause it is the first time in the history of the United States, a solar energy code w
12、asdeveloped through a true consensus process. Beginning with the development of the2015 edition, the Uniform Solar Energy Code (USEC) will expand to include sustainableenergy sources and hydronic provisions, and will serve to coalesce and integrate thehydronics industry. The 2015 edition represents
13、the most current approaches in the solarenergy and hydronics field, and is the third edition developed under the ANSI consensusprocess. Contributions to the content of this code consists of diverse interests asconsumers, enforcing authorities, installers/maintainers, labor, manufacturers,research/st
14、andards/testing laboratories, special experts, and users.The Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code (USEHC) provides consumers withcomplete requirements for the installation and maintenance of solar thermal energy,hydronics, geothermal energy, and solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, while, at the same
15、time, allowing latitude for innovation and new technologies. The public at large is invitedand encouraged to take part in IAPMOs open consensus code development process.This code is updated every three years. The Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Codeis dedicated to all those who in working to achi
16、eve “the ultimate solar energy andhydronics code,” have unselfishly devoted their time, effort, and personal funds to createand maintain this, the finest solar energy and hydronics code in existence today.The Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code updates every three years in revisioncycles that ta
17、kes two years to complete. Each revision cycle advances according to a published schedule that includes finaldates for all major events and contains three basic steps as follows:1. Public and Committee Proposal Stage;2. Comment Stage;3. Executive Appeals and Issuance of Code.IAPMO develops “full con
18、sensus” codes built on a foundation of maximum participationand agreement by a broad range of interests. This philosophy has led to producingtechnically sound codes that promote health and safety, yet do not stifle design ordevelopment. It is important to stress that, the process remains committed t
19、o the principles ofconsensus code development where consensus Technical Committees and CorrelatingCommittees revise codes. The public and membership is offered multiple opportunities todebate, provide input and raise concerns through Amending Motions at TechnicalCommittee meetings. Anyone may submit
20、 an appeal related to the issuance of adocument through the Executive Committee.The 2015 Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code is supported by the MechanicalContractors Association of America (MCAA), the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling ContractorsNational Association (PHCC-NA), the United Association (UA
21、), and the World PlumbingCouncil (WPC). The presence of these logos, while reflecting support, does not imply anyownership of the copyright to the USEHC, which is held exclusively by IAPMO. Further,the logos of these associations indicate the support of IAPMOs open consensus processbeing used to dev
22、elop IAPMOs codes and standards.ivFOREWORDThe addresses of the organizations are as follows:MCAA 1385 Piccard Drive Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 869-5800PHCC-NA PO Box 6808 Falls Church, VA 22046 (800) 533-7694UA Three Park Place Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 269-2000WPC World Plumbing Council Secretariat,
23、 353 Shepperton Road East Victoria Park6101 Western Australia +61 (439) 943-098AdoptionThe Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code is available for adoption and use byjurisdictions in the United States and Internationally. Its use within a governmentaljurisdiction is accomplished through adoption by
24、 reference in accordance withapplicable jurisdictional laws. At adoption, jurisdictions should insert the applicableinformation in bracketed words in the sample ordinance. The sample legislation foradoption of the Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code on page ix provides keycomponents, regulations
25、 and resolutions.Revision MarkingsSolid vertical lines in the margins indicate a technical change from the requirements of the2012 edition. An arrow ( )in the margin indicates where an entire section, paragraph,exception or table has been deleted, or an item in a list of items or a table has been de
26、leted.A double right angle()in the margin indicates that the text or a table has been relocatedwithin the code. The table found on page xi points out the relocations in the 2015 edition ofthe Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code.A reference in brackets following a section or paragraph indicates m
27、aterial that has beenextracted from another document. This reprinted material is not the complete and officialposition of the source document on the referenced subject that is represented by thestandard in its entirety. Text that is extracted pursuant to IAPMOs Extract Guidelines, but outside of the
28、 regularrevision process is denoted with the use of the source document in the margin. This text isnot fully processed by IAPMO in accordance with ANSIs public announcement consensusrequirements for an American National Standard (ANS) nor approved by ANSIs Board ofStandards Review. The next revision
29、 cycle processes such text in accordance with thoserequirements. vFOREWORDThe format of the Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code (USEHC) arranges each chapter inaccordance with a specific subject matter. However, Chapter 3 is dedicated to generalrequirements that are applicable to every chapter.
30、The subject matters are divided as follows:CHAPTERS SUBJECTS1 Administration2 Definitions3 General Regulations4 Hydronics5 Solar Thermal Systems6 Thermal Storage7 Geothermal Energy Systems8 Duct Systems9 Solar Photovoltaic Systems10 Referenced StandardsAppendix A Engineered Solar Energy SystemsAppen
31、dix B Solar Photovoltaic System InstallationGuidelinesAppendix C Supplemental Checklist for SolarPhotovoltaic SystemsviFORMAT OF THE UNIFORM SOLAR ENERGY AND HYDRONICS CODEThe following is a summary of the scope and intent of the provisions addressed within the chapters and appendices of theUniform
32、Solar Energy and Hydronics Code:Chapter 1 Administration. Chapter 1 regulates the application, enforcement, and administration of subsequent requirements of the code. As well asestablishing the scope of the code, this chapter is concerned with enforcing the requirements contained in the body of thec
33、ode. A solar energy and hydronics code, as with any other code, is intended to be adopted as a legally enforceabledocument to safeguard health, safety, property and public welfare. The code cannot be effective without satisfactoryprovisions for its administration and enforcement. The Authority Havin
34、g Jurisdiction is to review the proposed and completedwork and to decide whether a system conforms to the code requirements. As a public servant, the Authority HavingJurisdiction enforces the code in an unbiased, proper manner. The design professional is responsible for the design of asafe system. T
35、he contractor is responsible for installing the system in accordance with the plans. Chapter 2 Definitions. To maintain consistency and encourage the use of common terminology, Chapter 2 establishes definitions to provide clarityof terms and promote the use of a common language throughout the code.
36、Understanding definitions within the context oftheir application enables greater collaboration, efficiency, standardization and interpretation in applying and enforcing termsused throughout the code. Codes are technical documents, and every term can impact the meaning of the code text. Termsnot defi
37、ned have a normally accepted meaning.Chapter 3 General Regulations. Chapter 3 regulates the general requirements, not specific to other chapters, for installing solar energy, hydronics orgeothermal systems. Many regulations are not specific solar energy, hydronics or geothermal requirements, but rel
38、ate to theoverall system. This chapter contains safety requirements for appliance location and installation, appliance and systemaccess, condensate disposal, and clearances to combustibles. Listing or labeling method of approval, based on applicablenationally recognized standards, for the safe and p
39、roper installation of solar energy, hydronics or geothermal systems isessential to ensure protection of public health, safety, and welfare. The safety requirements provide protection for piping,material, and structures, with provisions for installation practices, removing stress and strain of the pi
40、pe, sleeving, andhanger support. The buildings structural stability is protected by the regulations for cutting and notching of structuralmembers. Chapter 4 Hydronics.Chapter 4 regulates hydronic systems that are part of heating, cooling, ventilation, and conditioning systems. Such pipingsystems inc
41、lude steam, hot water, chilled water, steam condensate, and the ground source heat pump systems. The groundsource heat pumps provisions in this chapter apply to the hydronics portions of the system. It is worth noting Chapter 7address added provisions for ground source heat pumps. Materials for pipi
42、ng and tubing must meet the working temperature and pressure of the system. In addition, materials mustbe compatible with the transfer medium to prevent deformation, bursting, or any chemical action between the material andthe transfer medium. The allowable joining methods for piping or tubing are p
43、rovided for application and enforcementpurposes.Chapter 5 Solar Thermal Systems. Chapter 5 regulates the design, installation, and construction requirements of solar thermal systems. This chapter providesthe minimum safety requirements for all types of solar thermal systems, such as draindown, drain
44、back, thermosiphon, open-loop and closed-loop systems.Materials for piping and tubing must meet the working temperature and pressure of the system. In addition, materials mustbe compatible with the transfer medium to prevent deformation, bursting, or any chemical action between the material andthe t
45、ransfer medium. The allowable joining methods for piping or tubing are provided in Chapter 4 for application andenforcement purposes.viiFORMAT OF THE UNIFORM SOLAR ENERGY AND HYDRONICS CODEChapter 6 Thermal Storage. Chapter 6 regulates the design, installation, construction and location of thermal s
46、torage. Pressure-type storage tanks storelarge amounts of energy and, when the pressure exceeds 15 psi, the tank must comply with ASME Boiler Pressure VesselCode (BPVC) Section VIII. The stored energy must be contained to prevent disastrous failures. Installing a safety relief valveand expansion tan
47、k prevents pressures in the tank from exceeding the design threshold. Chapter 7 Geothermal Energy Systems. Chapter 7 regulates the design, installation, construction and location of geothermal energy systems. In order to properlydesign a geothermal system, it is important to know the seasonal variat
48、ion in the soil temperature, as well as the soilsinherent capability to store and transmit heat, namely its heat capacity and thermal conductivity.Materials for piping and tubing must meet the working temperature and pressure of the system. In addition, materials mustbe compatible with the transfer
49、medium to prevent deformation, bursting, or any chemical action between the material andthe transfer medium. The allowable joining methods for piping or tubing are provided for application and enforcementpurposes.Chapter 8 Duct Systems. Chapter 8 regulates requirements for ducts and plenums that are portions of a heating, cooling, absorption or evaporativecooling systems. This chapter contains material and installation requirements for metal, gypsum, factory-made, f