1、9038054 O006573 759 9 /NOTICEOF1 REINSTATEMENT A-A-1 733A NOTICE 2 30 March 2000 SUPERSEDING NOTICE 1 1 O August 1999 COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS (CIDS) STENCILBOARD A-A-l733A, dated 14 October 1993, is hereby reinstated and may be used for either new or existing design acquisition. CIVIL AGENCY CO
2、ORDINATING ACTIVITY: GSA-FSS Custodians: Army - AR Preparing Activity: Army - AR (Project 9310-0125) AMSC NIA FSC 93 10 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-