A-A-203CNOTICE 202 February 2000SUPERSEDINGNOTICE 127 October 1999COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONPAPER , KRAFT, UNTREATEDA-A-203C, dated 03 January 1996, is hereby reinstated and may be used for acquisition.Custodians: Preparing activity:Army-AR Army-ARAir Force-11Review activities:Army-EA, GL, MI, SMNavy-AS, CG, SAAir Force-99DLA-SS (Project 8135-0726)AMSC N/A FSC 8135DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A . Approved for public release ; distribution isunlimited.NOTICE OFREINSTATEMENTMETRICProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-