1、CCC-C-43OF VALID NOTICE 3 83 W 799977q 0053783 T a INotice 1 (a+ Validation1 Notice 1 Augut i i, 1989 FEDERAL SPEC IF I CAT I ON CLOTH, SHEATING, COTTON AND POLYESTER AN COTTON CCC-C-4-SOF dated March 19, 1984 has been reviewed and determined tu be valid 1: or use i n acqui si ti an. Custodians: Pre
2、par i ng Act i vi t y: Army - GL Navy - NU Air Force - 99 Review Activities: Army - MD,EA Navy - MS98H Air Force - 82 DLA -* CT User Activities: Navy - MC Air Farce - 45 Army - GL AMSC N/A FSC 8305 DISTRIEUTIQN STATEMENT A: Approved #ar public: release; distribution i% un 1 i mi t ed . .- THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 1 PAGES. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-