ARMY JAN-A-179-1945 ACID SULFURIC AND OLEUM《酸 硫酸和发烟硫酸》.pdf

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1、 - 76- - JAN-A-179 81 JANUARY 1US ACID, SULFUBIC, AND OLEUM JOINT ARMY-NAVY SPECXFICATXON I N8 Nuirrbw tlA2S Amy Numkr N-11-18 Thh rpecldatioa WU approved by the Wm Department ud the Narr Dopartmeat for OIC of procuremeat wrrlm of tb! Arm? and tho Nav and mpentd.i the !oiioWn# rp.ctdaon. U. 8. Army

2、Navy Department w11-lA - 16 mrch 1988 L UCULE IPLCLIICAIIONB. of invitation for bid.t actual H,E3O4 Y=totn aCJditg pucent ao. Percent free R08=0.8168 (I-C) X=total acldlty am percent tor the Navy in accordance wlth the requirements of the latait lurie of the Navy Shfpment Marking Hindhk. E. NTBS. H-

3、1. Ekqiiesh, nqoidtions, Icheolm, rad contncta or orden shonlb conta!n fte tle of the specidcation, the number and &ate. H-2. Requeab, requeltlom, achedolee and contract or order Ihould slec!tp the frade of add, and type of contalner derlred (mee parr. E-1 and (3-1). HZ. rer.43rhde I meterlal covere

4、d by thlr qmicatlon in- tended for nee in mfXtni2 with nitric add in the manufacture of varlous explosives, In varlou sulfonatlng procesen, and for other chemlal processa. Tbl. tPrm oleum. 88 used 1n this epecifeatlon, refers to nbydrou sulirlric acld containing an CxceM of iulfurlc anhydrlde (SO,).

5、 Qnd II materlal corered by thin ipeclation is Intended for nee in the manufacture of nltric add and thonyl chlorlde and for speclei naes. HA. The sulhirlc acid covered by thi spedciiton 111 not adapted for use In storage batterlm or a8 a pickllng acid. For theee types, bee Navy DeDsrtmeni speclflca

6、tione EU!2 and 51A6. Hb. Pouring of oleum luto water Is a dangerans procedure due to the large heat of nolu?ion. Instead of using water aa rpecled in paragraphe F4 and F-4e (dliutlons), a better method would be to pour the oleum Into cool dliute (I: 1) C. P. sulfuric acld on which r blank hfie been

7、run to iasare the absence of nitrobodies and arsenfc. H-6. Care mut be taken to Wal the Inspection mmples from the outside air at al! tim-, as wYnric acid and oleum are bygrmpk. H17. Tank cam ahall no Re emptied into Government itorage tanks until the rnalysfs to determine compliance with the requir

8、e menta of this specification has been made. Ha. Coptes of Jolnt Army-Navy apeciflcntione (requlred for Army purchasee) and . S. Army lcatlons may be obtained, an lndl- cated ln the “Index of Dnlted%tes Army and Federal Specificatlone Weed by the War Department”. Copies of tble Index may be obtained

9、 from the SuperIntendent of Document% Government Printlng Omce, Washington 25, D. C. Agencles wlthln the War Department will obtain coplee of Joint Army-Naw. and United Btotes Army mpedilcr- tlons through eetabllshed War Department chonnela. Both the tle and ldentlfylag symbol number should be stlpa

10、lrted when reqnseting eoplen of rpecicationr. H-0. Copies of Jolot Army-Navy speclficatlons (required for Navy purchases) and Navy Dernrtment specincatlono may be obta!ned opon application to the Burern of Snppliea and Acconnta, Navy Depart. ment, WIngton 25, D. Ca, except that Naval actlvltlw abouid make appllaation to the Soyply Omcer In Oommand, Naval Bnppb Depot, JAN-A-170 J Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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