ARMY JAN-A-183-1945 ACID NITRIC (FOR ORDNANCE USE)《酸 硝石(兵器工业用途)》.pdf

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ARMY JAN-A-183-1945 ACID NITRIC (FOR ORDNANCE USE)《酸 硝石(兵器工业用途)》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY JAN-A-183-1945 ACID NITRIC (FOR ORDNANCE USE)《酸 硝石(兵器工业用途)》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY JAN-A-183-1945 ACID NITRIC (FOR ORDNANCE USE)《酸 硝石(兵器工业用途)》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY JAN-A-183-1945 ACID NITRIC (FOR ORDNANCE USE)《酸 硝石(兵器工业用途)》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY JAN-A-183-1945 ACID NITRIC (FOR ORDNANCE USE)《酸 硝石(兵器工业用途)》.pdf_第5页
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1、. -.- JAN-A-183 28 FEBRUARY 1945 JOINT ARMY-NAVY SPECIFICATION ACID, NITRIC (For Ordnance Use) Army Number Navy Number 50-1 13C 51k22 Tbls 8peclcatlon was approved by the War Department and the Naw Department for ure of procurement servtcee of the Army rod the Navy 6nd eupersedei the Lollowlng specl

2、cation : U. S. Amy 50-llSB 11 June 1941 A. APPUCABLE SPECIFICATIONS. A-1. The following specicatiom, of the Issue in effect oa the date of lnvitation for bids, form a part of thie 8yeciBcation : O. S. ARMP SPECIFICATION 100-2-Standard Specfflcatlon for Marking Shipments by ContractoiB. NAVY DEPARTME

3、NT SPECIFICATION Qeneral Specifications for Inspection of Material. B. CLASSEk B-l. This epeciflcation covers nitric acid furnlshe$ in the following clam (see par. H-1) : Class a-For use ln msnufacture of mercury iulmlnate. CIRES art shall be plnced in a glass- stoppered bottle and labeled to show t

4、he name of the material, claw, manufacturer, plant, contract or order number, lot number, and num- ber of pounds in the lot. All acceptance testa shall be made on the composite sample representative of the lot. F-2b. Carload lots.-A portion ofapproxlmately 1 quart from each tank car shall be removed

5、 by lowering a weighted, unstoppered bottle by means of a cord, chain, or rod to the bottom of the tank car shell and Immediately withdrawing to the surface. In order to obtain a representative cross sectlon sample, the speed of lowering and with- drawing shall be of uniform rate and so regulated th

6、at the bottle shall be just fllled as it reaches the surface of the liquid. AU samples shall be placed in glass-stoppered bottles show the name of the material, class, manufacturer, plant, contract or order number, lot number, and number of pounds in the lot. All acceptance tests shall be

7、 made on the sample representative of the lot. F-3. Inspectfon.-Inepection shall be made at the point of dellvery unless otherwise specified in the contract or order. F-4. Tests.-The following teste . i c Licensed by Information Handling Services. . . . . . -_ _._ ._. - 3 and 5.85 ml. of 31 percent

8、hydrochloric acid per liter. Place this tube containing the color standard on a white surface and place berrlde 3t a Nessler tube contaIning“0 mi. of the sample. The add ahall be no darker in color than the standard solution. F4b. dppearance.-Pour approximately 25 mL of the thoroughly mixed sample i

9、nto a clean test tube Allow to stand for at least 10 minutes. Examine for clarity, sediment, and suspended or separated material. FA. Nitric ucid content.-Determine the nitric acid content by either the method- described in paragraph F4c(l) or ilis method described in paragraph F+(2) escept that cla

10、ss b nitric acid content shall be determined by the method described in paragraph F-4c(l). Nitrometer method.- FJC (1) a. Standardization ot the nitrontcter.-Standardization shall be mnde by either of the following methods: F4c (1 1 a (1). Absolute method.-Assemble the nitrometer (du Pont or equival

11、ent) after thoroughly cleaning and drying all parts. The Tarious parts, with the erception of the reservoir bulbs, shall be completely filled with mercury. Place 25 mi. of 94.5+0.5 percent ealfuric acid in the generating bulb, drnw air into the bvlb to nearly the level of the lower shoiiler by lower

12、ing the mercury reservoir and opening both stopcocks. Close both stopcocks and shake vigor- oiisly for 3 minutes. Connect the generating bulb to the coinpen- sating tube. Draw the dry air from the generating bulb into the compensating tube by adjustment of the two mercury reservoirs, keeping open th

13、e stopcock of the measuring tube. Continue the introduction of the air until the mercury in the reading tube is nearly at the 12.50 mark. Seal the compensating tube by means of a small bhw pipe flame. Desiccate similnrlp in the generating bulb another portion of air anti.transfer this to the reading

14、 tube until the mercury in the reading tiibe, compensating tube, and their mercury reservoirs is at thejanie level, the mercury in the reading tube being approximntely rit the 12.50 mark. It is not necessary that these gas volumes k exact or equal. Fill a small U-tube manometer with su!furic acid an

15、d attach to the reading tube. Allow the apparatus to come to constant temperature an then adjust the mercury levels in thesreading tube, compensating tube, and their mercury reservoira so that the air in the reading tube is under atmospheric pressure, as shown by the acid lerels in the arms of the m

16、anornefer tube. Take the reading on the graduated scale of the calibrated reading tube, and at the same time note the temperature and barometrlc pressure. From these readings calculate the volume of air at 20“ C. and 760 millimeters pressure in the reading tuk by means of the following formiila : F4

17、ct2). - PX293X (1-0.00018t) =I“ 760X (!273/T) X (1-0.00018X20) where 7 =volume at 20. C. and 760 millimeter, barometer at 20“ G. Y=volume at the observed temperature (T) and pressure (P) f =temperature of the barometer. “he factor 0.00018 representa the qrrection to k applied for the aeedent of expa

18、nsion of mercury In the barometer. When V has JAX-A-l8a (na 7) c . c Licensed by Information Handling ServicesJAN-A-183 b M 77777Ob 0113951 O m. 4 been cacuated, adjut the heights of the read- tube, cornkWnEaW fribe, and their reseryoir8 IK) that, wlth the mercury Ln the mding and compeneatlng tubes

19、 on a level, the mercury in th% readlng tube marb the calculated volume of the air. Paste a strlp of paper on the tube BO as to.mark the helght of the mercury in the compensatlng tube. .Take thls as the standard volume of air with which every volume of KBB to he measured 1s comwred. Nora.-The rue o!

20、 dry rir tends to !orm a scum around the recidlng level oi the compencating tube, thus reqnirlng frequent reitandardlratlon o! the nltrometer. Thh scum lb caused by reactlon o! oxy n in the al? with mercury ur caused b impurities. Dry nltrogen ellminates having prevlously introduced desiccated air i

21、nto the compensating tube as described in the absolute method of paragraph FAc(l)a(l), Close the lower stopcock, and shake the ieneratlng bulb for an additlonal mlnute. .Transfer the gas to the reading tube, and adjust the lerds of the mercury in the readlng and compencntlng tubes to approximately t

22、he same height. Allow the gas to stand tor approximately 20 mlnutes to permit equalizatlon of the temperature. Wlth sulfurlc acid U-tube leveling device, make careful adjustment so that the mercury ln both tubes is at the same level and that ln the reading tube is at the 13.85 mark (the percentage o

23、f nitrogen ln potassium nltrate). Make a mark on the compensating tube to show the volume occupled by the alr equivalent to the volume of nitric oside gas llberated from exactly 1 gm. of potassium nftrate. This mark is nsually made on 8 strip of gummed paper attached to the compensatlng tube. NoTm l

24、.-h order to arold any doubt re rdlng the purity o! the otasslum nltrate it 1s dealrable to cheek the rtan8rdisatlon obtalned by te uae o! potasslhm nitrate by means o! the abaolute method. If the agreement is wlthin 1 or 2 hundredth# o! 8 percent, the potasalum nltrate can bQ considered as o!: antl

25、dacto quality dad nard In rubuequent perlodlc standardisatlona It has been !ounT by actual exuerimentntlon that the solbblllty of nltrlc oxlde in rulfuric ecld of the strength prescribed b mo small that no correction need be aDDiie to brliin the value in anreement with the mark net by the absolute f

26、or the Navy, in accordance with the requirements of the latest IseUe of the Navy Shipment Marking Handbook. E. NOTES. H-l. Requests, requisitions, SCbeddeB, and contracts or orders and the fact the Qovernment may bare formulated furnlshed. or ln any wa suppiled the said drawlnm, specl5- catloni, or

27、other da13 le not to he regarded by fmpllaitlon or otherwlae ai lo AY manner Ilcenalng the holder or any other person or corporation or conoey- ing any rights or permlaslon to manufacture, use, or rell any patented Invention that mny he in any way related thereto. f JAR-A-l$S J 8 I . . - - a-. . . .

28、 “ . . I. . ,I. . . . _. . . . . . . _ . *. ,._ . . . - -. - . - . .- . . . . . . I: , , . i. . -. . . . . . I .- -_- -.- . . . . . ,._ . . 1: . . . . I_._._ -. . l. - . ,*a. . -_ . - -.-.-.- _ . .-.-.-e. “.I. _- . . . t -.-. I- . I I. . . . . r.y . . r.:.:=:-: b- .“ - . :.;: ,*. “ . . ;: ;-y; t.:.:1:.:;:;:. “ _-_ .-. .- . i . I . . -_._ _ .- .-. . . t. . . . . . - . .-_ . -. - .-. . . Licensed by Information Handling Services


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