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1、MILITARY SPECIFICATION 57-208-1 I 23 November 1949 L 3 BRAZING, OXYACETYLEff E: OF BU I LT-UP METAL STRUCTURES 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification applies to the oxyacetylene brazing of built-up mtai structures fabricated either fron ferrous or nonferrous base netal or conbina tion thereof as accomplish

2、ed by the use of suitably qualified flu WU filler meta. 2. 2.1 The following specifications and standards, of the issue in effect on APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARDS, DRAWINGS AND CEHEXl PUBLICATIONS the date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification. SPECIFICATIONS QQ-M-151, Met

3、als; General Specification for Inspection of MILITARY JM-STD-19 - Welding; Symbols MIL-STD-20, Welhing; Tem and Definitions (Copies or specifications and standards required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be ob- tained from the procuring agency or as directed

4、by the contrac- ting officer. should be stipulated when regues tlng copies. ) Both the title and identifying number or symbol r r -. !C . I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIGB-1267.i ORD ) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Contractor Is recordedi

5、mocediuie for brazinp joint. (See 6.3 and APP. Ad 3.1.1 General rttch o$ the structure show- ing the location of each joint to be brazed, and shall establish the brazing procedure required to cover di brazing to be performed under this specification. 3.1.2 Form and contents.- Zach contractors record

6、ed brazing proce- dure shall contain a reference to the location o$ the joint as shown in the drawing, a detailehross-section sketch of the joint, the factors listed in table I for the type of brazing being performed, and. shell be in accordance with a form appoved by the chief of the supply service

7、 involved. 3.1.3 Review.- Before starting qualification of procedures and bra- Zers for the brazing of joints under this specification, recorded brazing procedures and drawings (see 3.1.1 and 3.1.2) shall be submitted in dupli- cate for review though the contracting officer to the chief of the suppl

8、y service involved. 3.2 Procedure cwalification.U brazing performed on structures shall be in accordance with the brazing procedure which has been quali- fied by the contractor as specified in 4.2. made in any factor included in the qualified brazing procedure, the pro- cedure shaU be requalified as

9、 indicated in table I. When a major change has been 3.3 Brazer qua1ikication.- nly brazers qualified by the contrac- tor in accordance with the requirements of 4.2.2 of this specification shall be permitted to braze on structures being fabricated under this spec- ification. Then a major change has b

10、een mad0 in any factor included in the qualification brazing procedure, the brazer shall be requalified as indi- cated in table I. I 3.4 R-ocedure control.- 3.4.1 Gas ress su re.- Each gas line serving each torch shall be SO fitted with a direct-reading pressure gage that the pressure on each line m

11、y be determined at any time. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-12673 TH 77777b 0453575 3 TABLE I FOR ,REQUALIFICATION I Procedure Factor When Factor is Changed, Brazing Procedure to be Revised and Requalif ied a8 Indicated -_-_-

12、4-c- 1. composition of Yes: For change of basic base netal, type of base metal, i.e. Ferrous to Nonferrous of Vice Versa 2. Thickness of Yes: For change outside base metaJ., 3. ype of joint pes: For any change in (including dinensions joint type. and tolerances there- 4.Filler metal Yes: For change

13、of class the range of thickness for which qualified of *) - (class or type) I or type. 5. Filler-metal I Yes: For change of form - fom (wire, rod, strip, granuar) . b. Flux (brand or Yes: For change of brand trie) or type or for addition 1 or elimination of use of flux 7. Holding fixtures, I Yes: Fo

14、r any change in the type of fixtures used to hold parts in place during brazing operation which pro- duces a difference in cl8nq)- ing either in direction or I force applied. 8. Size of torch tip. i Yes: For channe in tiD (Torch style, model No. or mfr.) size exceeding one siLe 1 a8 manufactured by

15、the I same manufacturer. 9. Nunber offlame tips Yes: For changes in the I number of tips being used I from that qualified. I Yes: With each tip size 10. Gas pressure qualified, when the pressure used varies .more than plus or minus i$ from the average used for each I diameter qualified. I Yes: For a

16、ny chme of 11; Typ e of Flane I - (neutral, oxidizing flame type. or reducing). 12. Method of cleaning joint surfaces. Yes: When nethod is changed from that used when qualified Wnen Factor is Changed, Brazer to be Requali- fied as Indicated - - - - - Yes: For change requir- ing procedure requali- f

17、ication. NO Yes: For change requiring procedure sequalif ication, Yes: For change of type. NO. NO NO NO mo. Yes: For any change requiring procedure requalif ication. NO Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.5 Dlmensions,-!Phe contractor s

18、hall furnish structures which will finish 3.6 Base-metal preparation.-AU. metal surfaces that are to be brazed shall to the dime nsions shownin the drawings within the tolerances shown thereon without further straightening. be smooth and free from grease, oil, dirt, or any other material which might

19、 have a harmful effect on the brazed joint. 3.7 Repairs.-Structures rejected because of unacceptable soundness condi- tions mepaired and shall then comply with the applicable requirements of this specification. 3.8 Soundness,-(See 6.2) 3.8.1 Pressure tightness.-When tightness fram ei0her external or

20、 internal pressure is required of brazed joints, they shall withstand the pressure speci- fied by the contracting officer for the procedure qualification 3.8.2 Mechanical properties of brazed joints .-When mechanical properties are required of brazed joints, they shall meet the requirements specifie

21、d by the contracting officer. 3.8.3 Visible characteristics.-The appearances of ail brazed joints shBL1 be equal to or better than that shown by acceptable workmanship specimens selected in accordance with samples. 4. 4.1 General Inspection shall be macie in accordance with Q2-M-15I.4 4.1.1

22、. inspection.-All brazed structures requiring repair after In- 4.1.2 Data form.-A complete record of each inspection shall be made on SAMPLING, INSPECTION, AND TEST PROCEMIRES spection shall b e reinspected after the repairs have been completed to determine compliance with the applicable requirement

23、s. fonns provided b y the contractor and approved by the contracting officer. These forms shall provide spaces for all pertinent data relating to identifi- cation of brazed structures, defects found, aad repairs made. 4.2 malif ication tests. - 4.2.1 Quslif ication of brazing procedure.-unless other

24、wise specified, the qualification test of brazing procedures to be used In the manufacture of brazed structures under this specification shall consist of the making of at least three of each type of etructure that is to be manufactured in production using the same type of materials and the same braz

25、ing technique that is to be used in production. factured shall be selected by the inspector from the acceptable procedure qualification test specinens as a worlrnanship specimen, shall be available to the inspector for examination at all times. 4.iber, pd such other marking as may be specified by th

26、e contratzting officer. 6. NOTES 6.1 intended use.-This specification is intended to cover a method constituWng a grow of mm processes whereby coalescence is produced by heating to 8 suitable teersture above 8009 by using nonferrous filler metal havlng a meltlng pc“c below the ferrous or nonferrous

27、base metal. so that the filler metal will be distributed between cloeely fitted surface by capillary action aa can be noted from the sketches shown ia figures attached to but it should be representative of the built-up stnrcture to be meaufactured, showing adsguafely the locaticm of Joints. (See she

28、eta 4 and 5 of Agp. AS 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NPICE:-When Goverment drawings, specifications, or other data ar6 used for any prpose other than in connection with a definitely related Government procurement operation, the Ut

29、edStates Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Governoent may have formulated, furnished, or In any way supplied the said drawings? specifications, or other data is not to be regared by inplica%iOn or otherwise as in any maMer licensing the

30、holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or pernission to nanwacture, use or sen any patented invention that may in ray be related thereto. CUSTODIAN: -Ordnance Corps Other I nterest: Brmy - CEQT 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

31、 license from IHS-,-,- MIL-B-12673 TH W 9937706 0453600 3 MIL+ -12673 ( ORD ) Appendix A SKEET 145 RECORDED BRAZING PROCEDURE FOR - DESIGN NO* T19 ?O-cu.f%* Purifying mit MODEL M4B Intake Pipe Manutacturea by: kte of submittal 5 June, 1945 Manutac tuml undier : Military Specification MIL-B -12673 RD

32、) FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-/ 0 (For details, see sheets 3, 4, & 5) FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-LZb73 TH

33、 m 777770b 0453602 7 m * F Reference Designaticm A Sheet 3 of 5 Typo of Material Monel Metal SUMMARY Reference Designation X Y I. MaterialTypes I Erana Qualified Under Mfgr. Na2-E 3 c 86E Boston Bronze Co. Hyperstrength c-876 III 1 BBB Weld Material Statuff c-959 V 2 Filler Metal Dimensions B Torch

34、Tip Size cas Pressure . Copper 60 lbs . /sq. in. I I Fleme Type Reducing Reducing FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MILITmY Brazhg Procedure SFECIFICATION Record No. 1 A UL-B-12673 (Om) II -.O02 7-0.005 Joint 5 Jme

35、 1945 -0peluINGI I)ak Revision I E3 MATERIAL-” 4 Joint Sketch 1 Showing Setup I“ Din. l. 2, 3. 4. 5. ob 7. Torch Tip Size 1/16. GaS PressUre 50 lbS./Sq.h, Flam Type Reducing Joint Preparation None Flux Suebraze Filler-Metal Reference Designation X Diciension l/&I dia. rod Wthod of Joining brazing Po

36、sition of Brazing Flat Joint Sketch Showing ,Finished Braze FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY I1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-12673 TH a 7777906 0453b04 O M +.F - MIL+ -12673( ORD) mndix A .- Sheet 5 +f Military Spec If i cat ion MIL-B-J

37、Z673 ID) Joint Sketch 1 Sharing Setup ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Brazipg Procedure Record No. 2 Joint B Date 3 We 1942 Revision Ho. 1 I T Torch Tip Size 3/32“ Gall Preeeurs 60 p.0.i. -TYP Reducing Joint Preparatian Planed Flux Neverfail HO. 2 Filler Metal DiPension 3116- dia. rd Method of Join- Brazing Position of Brazing Flat Joint Sketch 2 Showing Finished Braze FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY 12 GPO 864405 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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