1、MIL-B-530L 54 97977Ob 0222Lb 4 W MIGB-53081 (ME) 29 July 1938 SUPERSEDING (see 6.14) Tl-Ls specificaticln is approved for use within the USA Belvoir Research, Development and Engineering center, Department of the Army, and is available for use by all Departments and Agacies of the Department of Defe
2、nse. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Sa=. This specification covers six sizes of berm liner assemblies for use as seco- contahment systems; with 3k, lOk, 20k, 50k gallon; and 5000 barrel (bbl) collapsible fabric fuel tade. ach bem liner assembly shall consist of a berm liner, and associated valves, drains, and hoses.
3、1.2 Classification. Bemi liners shall be of the follawing sizes, as specified (see 1.3 and 6.2b). size 1 - for use with 3k gallon collapsible fabric fuel tank. size 2 - for use with 10k gallon collapsible fabric fiel tank. size 3 - for use with 20k gallon collapsible fabric fuel tank. size 4 - for u
4、se with 50k gallon collapsible fabric fuel tank. size 5 - for use with 5000 barrel eollapsiblefabric fuel tank. size 6 - for use with 20k gallon collapsible fabric fuel tank (Marine Corps). See figure 1 for dimensions of berm liners. Beneficial, a-ts (recormnendat.ons, additions, delet ions) and any
5、 pertinent data which may be of use in improving this damnent should be addresced to: SA Belvoir Research, Development, and Engineerhg Center, ATIN: STREB-TSE, Fork Belvoir, VA 22060-5606 by using the Se.lf-ad distribution is unlimited. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 4 “/ PAGES. Licensed by Information Hand
6、ling ServicesMIL-B-53083 54 W 777770b 0222387 b 9 MIL-B-53081 (ME) 1.3 Sbec ification mrt number. The specification part number is fornnilated to The part number identify each benn liner assembly mered by this specification. shall be fomnilated as follms: 53081 Specif icatio -T Prefix Size classific
7、ation (see 1.2) Example: M53081-4 indicates a benn liner assembly for use with a 50,000 gaiion collapsible fabric fuel tank. 2.1 Government documente. 2.1.1 mec! ifications and standards. The following specifications and standarac form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unl
8、ess otherwise specified, the issues of these dccumnts shall be thce listed in the issue of the =partment of Defense Index of Specifications and Standardc (DDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation. SPECIFICATIONS GP-378 FF-E561 FF-B-584 FI?-N-836 FF-W-92 NN-P-530 WW-572 W-F-800 PPI?-B
9、-6 O 1 PPFC-795 PPFC-843 PPFC-1797 PPP-P-40 - Plastic Sheet and Strip, Thin Gauge, Polyolefin. - Bolt, Fbxd Neck, Key Head, Machine, Ribbed Neck, -Nut, Square, Hexagon Cap, Slotted, Castellated, - Washer, Metal, Flat (Plain). - Plywood, Flat Panel. - Wood F?Reservative; Water-Repellant. - Fuel Oil;
10、Diesel. - Eioxes, wood, Cleated Plywood. - cushioning Material, Packaging (Flexible Cellular - cushioning Materiai, Cellulosic. - Cuskioning Material, Packaghg, Resilient, icw - Bolt, Iag. SquareNeck, TeeHead. Clinch, Knurled, and Welding. Plastic Film) for Packaging -1ications. Density, Unicellular
11、, Polypropylene Foam. - Packaging and Packing of Hand Tools. x P I* Licensed by Information Handling ServicesPPP-T-60 mm-97 MILITARY MIM-104 MIGP-116 MIGB-121 MIL-H-370 MIL-G-3056 MI-5624 MIL-T-2 2 085 MIGB-2 6195 FEDERAL FED-STD-191 FD-STD-595 FFD-STD-601 MILITARY MIGSTD-105 MIGSTD-129 MIGSTD-130 M
12、IGSTD-731 MIGSTD-889 MIGSTD-1186 MIGsII)-1472 E27023 E27027 E27028 E27029 MIGB-53081 (ME) - Tape, Packaging, Waterproof. - Tape, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Filamnt Reinforced. - Crates, Wood; Lrmiber and Plywood Sheathed, Nailed - Precewation, Methods of. - Ehrrier Wterial, Greasproofed, Flexible.
13、 - Hoses and Hose Assemblies, Nometallic: - Gasoline, Autamotive, cambat. - Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Grades JE14 an -5. - Tape, Pressure Sensitive, Adhesive, miesesvation and - Boxes, Wood Cleated, Skidded, md Bearing Base. and Bolted. Whr, Liquid Fuel. Sealing. - Textile Test Meth MIL-B-53081 59 m 9
14、99990b 0222191 4 m MIGB-53081 (ME) 3.4.3 Identification of materials and finishes. The contractor shall identify the specific material, material finish or trdxnent for use with cosrqpnents and Cub-ocnrp?onents, and shall make information available to the contractiq officer or designated representati
15、ve. 3.4.4 appearance aftex unfolding. Fungue resistance Blocking Ozone resistance Coating adhesion (initial) Coating adhesion after immersion in distilled water at 160 f2 OF for the follming duration: (lJ=/in see 1.2) For use with (specify size of) collapsible fabric fuel tank Part number (specify;
16、see 1.3) Manufacturer (specify) Manufactumrdate (specify) Contract No. (specify) UtNo. (specify) 3.11 Workmanship. Worlananshi p shall permit no defd adversely affecting sewiceability of the berm liner assembly. delamhtions shall remain in the completed berm liner assembly. factors engineering desig
17、n criteria as described in MIL-STD-1472. emphasis shall be given to general requirements (4) , labeling (5.5) , and hazards and safety (5.13) of MGSTB1472, as applicable. No bald spots, holidays, pinholes, or 3.12 Human factors ensineering. The berm liners shall conform to human Special design 4.1 R
18、esmnsibilitV for ion. unless otherwise specified in the contract or pmhase order, the contractor is responsible for the perf0z-mnc.e of ail inspeCtion -ts as cpcified herein. Esrcept as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suit
19、able for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Govenmient. The Gcmmment -es the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification were such inspections are deeme nececcary to assure supplies and services conform to preccribed
20、-tS. 4.1.1 Reswnsibilitv for corm iance. Ali items must meet all requirements of The inspection set forth in this specification shall became a sections 3 and 5. part of the contractors overall inspection system or quality program. absence of any inspection requirements in the specification shall not
21、 relieve the contractor of the responcibility of assurig that all produdc or supplies The 10 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-9-53081 54 9999906 0222396 7 MIGB-53081 (ME) cubinitted to the Govesnment for acceptance conply with all requirements of the contract. Sampling in quality confonn
22、ance does not authorize sulmission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government to acceptance of defective material. rand ensuring that ccarrponents and materials used are manufacture, examined tested in accorance with referenced specifications and stand
23、ards, as applicable. 4.1.2 COlnDo nent and material inmect ion. Tlle contractor is responsible for 4.1.3 ProceCs i.nmect ion. Inspection shall be accomplished by the contractor to assure carpliance with the approved documented work instructions coverhq processing and fabricating procectures. Any pro
24、cess or fabricating procedure not in accordance with the approved procedures shall be cause to withhold acceptane or berm liner assemblies detemuned to have been manufactured using the mproved process or fabricating procedure. 4.2 Classification of insmeck ions. nie inspection requirements specified
25、 herein are classified as follawc: a. First article inspection (see 4.3). b. quaiity confonmxe inspection (see 4.4). c. Inspection corciparison (see 4.6). d. Inspection of packaging (see 4.7). 4.3 First article insmeck ion. nie first article inspection will be pe.rfonnd by the contractor. exclude th
26、e remaining berm liners fram the quality confomance inspection and acceptance provisions specified in sedion 4. specified as part of the first article inspection, the Government reserves the right to corduct any an ali inspections contained in this specification as part of the first article inspecti
27、on and failure of such additional.inspections shall have the came effect as failure of those inspections specified as first article inspection. Rejetion of any first article bem liner shall be cause for refusal by the Gavenrment to continue acceptance of production bem liners until evidence has been
28、 provided by the contractor that corrective action has been taken to eliminate the deficiencies. accmpiished by the contractor at no cost to the Gavenmient on tanks previously accepted and pmduced urder the contract. Any deficiencies found as a result of the first article inspection will be consider
29、ed prh facie evidence that all tanks accepte prior to the ccsrrpletion of first article inspection are similarly deficient unless evidence to the contrary is furnished by the contractor and such evidence is acceptable to the contracting officer. 4.3.1 Examina tion. The first article berm liner assem
30、bly shall be examined as Acceptance of a first article berm liner assembly shall not in addition ta any inspection Correction of such deficiencies shall be specified in table III. rejection. Preseme of one or more defects shall be cause for 4.3.2 Tests. The first article berm liner shall be subjecte
31、d to tests marked llX1l in column 1 of table V. Failure of any test shall be cause for rejection. 11 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIGB-53081 (ME) 4.4 iilx conformance insmer and sequence prescribed by the contractor. The first article pack shall have failed the test should the prescribed
32、 manner and sequeme be ineffective, or should any of the contents fall free of the package. . 4.7.2 Qua litv conforniance inmetzt ion of mckaqinq. Unit of roduct. For the purpoce of inspection, a conplete pack prepam for shipnent shall be considared a Unit of proctuCt. 18 Licensed by Informa
33、tion Handling ServicesMIL-B-53081 5Li 7777706 02222OLi 2 MIGF3-53081 (ME) Smling. Sampling for examination shall be in accorance with MIGSTD-105. EE BOLES = FF-B-584, type I, class 1, style A WG SCREWS/BOL(Ts = FF-3-561, type I, grade B Nurs = FF-N-836, type I or II, style I or 4 lmS
34、HER3 = FF-W-92, type A, grade I, class A Plwood. All plywod shall be in acconlame with NN-P-530, groiip B. me pywoa shall be interior type, glue, grade CD. with exterior (waterproof) Cleats. All 1- for the cleats shall comply with the quality -ts of MIGSTW731 for class 2 - Struct
35、ural (memberc with moderate stress) , except that wane is not acceptable. !the cleat sizes shall be nomina i inch x 4 inches and naminal 2 inches x 4 inches with minimum dbmsions for each as shm therein. Skids, an as amlicabe. rubbins StriE. All limiber for the skids, an as applicable the
36、rubbing strips, shall cmpiy with the quality requirements of MGSTP731 for class 2 - Structural (memberc with moderate stress) , exqept that wane is not acceptable. skids shall be nominal 4 inches x 4 inches, the 22 a P a a 1 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-E53081 (ME) rubbing strips , w
37、hen required, shall be numinai 4 inches x 4 inches or namina 4 inches x 5 inchec with minimum dimensions for each as sham therein. wood cpecies shall not be used for the skids. Group I - Fabrication. Fach panel of the shipping container shall be double sheathed with plywood. inches thick o
38、r 0.375 inches thick and the outside plywood sheathing shall be 0.50 inches thick. nie outside sheathing shall be attached to the applicable cleats with the fasteners driven through the C side of the plywood and clinched on the expc6e side of the cleat. The inside sheathing shall then be attached to
39、 the panel with the fasteners driven through the wood parts in the sequeme of the C side of the 0.25/0.375 inch plywood, to cleat, to 0.50 inch plywood. nie sizes of the fasteners, the positioning of the fasteners and the clinching of the fastmers shall be as specified in PPP-E3-601; huwever, care s
40、hall be exercised so that the positioning of such fasteners does not interfere with the lag screwc/bolts and carriage bolts required to accemble the top, sides, endc an bottan panels wether. Clinching of the fasteners shall not be permitted on any hide surface of the container panels. nie inside ply
41、wood shall, as specified, be either 0.25 Side pane Is. inch lumber for the cleats (see The side panels shall utilize nominal 1 inch x 4 Top, end and bottom pane 1s. The top, end and bottan panels shall 2 imh x 4 inch 1- for the cleats (see utilize nami
42、nal 0. Anti-abrasion movisions. Tb prevent abrasion, all interior surfaces of the shipping container that will contact the bemi liner, including any applicable outer, surface of the consolidation container(s), shall be lined with a layer of scrap tank fabric, cxichioning material confo to
43、PPP-C-1797, or polyethylene film conforming to GP-378, type I, class 1, with a mhhum thickness of 6 mils. not interfere with the removal of the container topl sides an endc as a joined one piece accembly or as individual panels. shall nat create a hazard within the container that could possibly dama
44、ge the contents. As an altemative, each bem liner, preserved as required in 5.2.7 through, shall be individually loocely wrap with the anti-abrasion material. The manner of wrapping shall provide a minimum of one layer of material around the berm liner to prevent dird contact with other camp
45、onents and the hide surfaces of the shipping containers. nie material shall be applied in such a manner that it does The mans of attaching the material Filled consolidation containers2. nie filled consolidation container(s) shall be positioned within the shipping container in a manner to p
46、revent mavement. bottoan only; it shall not be dependent upon the application of devices to the sides, top or ends of the container. nie positioning mthcd shall utilize the shipping container Conta- with an outside lenqth dimencion of 96 inches or less. Containers with an outside length di
47、mension of 96 inches or less shall be snug- fitting boxes confonnhq to PPP-B-601, averseas type, style A, type 3 load, 23 Licensed by Information Handling Services_. MIL-B-53081 59 a 7777b 0222209 1i MIGB-53081 (ME) except that each panel shall be double sheathed with the cleats sandwiched between t
48、wo sheets of plywocd (see imA-2 thick and the outside plywcc shall be 0.50 inches thick. exceptions are as folawc: nie inside plywood shall be 0.25 other Side pane Is. nie positioning of the edge cleats, and in- ate The size The width of the side panel shall be such cleats wh
49、en required, shall be as specified for the sides in PPPB-601. of the side panel shall be such that its length (the longest dimencion) is the same as the outside length of the box. that it is the came as the hide depth of the box plus the thickness of the double sheathe bottm panel, (see figure 3). TD ml. nie positioning of the edge cleats, and in- ate cleats when required, shall be as specified for the top in PPP-B-601. The size of the top panel shai.1 be as specified therein for style A; that is, the length and width of t