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1、k Is MIL-C-L4505D 83 9999906 037872b O W: MIL-C-14505D 21 December 1983 SUPERSEDING MIL-C-l4505C(ME )- 30 June 1975 MILITARY SPECIFICATION CLOTH, NYLON, POLYCHLOROPREm-COATED (FOR PNEUMATIC FLOATING EQUIPmNT) This specification is approved for use by all-Departments anL Agenc-rs of the Department of

2、 Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. The specification covers uncured and cured polychloroprene-coated nylon cloth for use as specified in 6.1. 1.2 Classification. The coated cloth shall be of the following types and classes, as specified (see 6.2): Type 3 - Single-ply cloth, 11.5 oz/sq yd (rnax). Type 4 -

3、 Single-ply cloth, 31.0 oz/sq yd (max). Type 6 - Single-ply cloth, 44.0 oz/sq yd (rnax). Type 7 - Single-ply cloth, 60.0 oz/sq yd (rnax). Type 10 - Pile cloth, 40.5 oz/yd (max). Type 11 - Single-ply cloth, 14.0 oz/sq yd (rnax). Each of the above types of coated cloth is further classified according

4、to extent of low temperature resistance as follows: Class A - crack-resistant to -28.9“ C (-20“ FI. Class B - crack-resistant to -40“ C (-40“ FI. Class C - crack-resistant to -54“ C (-65“ F). 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. 2.1.1 Specifications and standards. Unless otherwise speci

5、fied (see 6.2), the following specifications and standards of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document s

6、hould be addressed to: Belvoir Research and Development Center, ATTN: by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. USA STRBE-DS, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 FSC .8305 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproducti

7、on or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-L4505D 83 W 9999906 0378727 2 f MIL-C-14505D z specified in the solicitation, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. STANDARDS FEDERAL FED-STD-191 - Textile Test Methods. MILITARY MIL-STD-1188 MIL-STD-1487 - Com

8、mercial Packaging of Supplies and - Glossary of Cloth Coating Imperfections. Equipment . (Copies of specifications, standards, and drawings required by contractors in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the Contracting off

9、icer.) 2.2 Other publications. The following document(s) form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The issues of the documents which are indicated as DoD adopted shall be the issue listed in the current DoDISS and the supplement thereto, if applicable. MRICAN SOCIETY FOR TEST

10、ING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) ASTM D297 - Rubber Products - Chemical Analysis. ASTM D412 - Rubber Properties In Tension. ASTM D573 - Rubber-Deterioration In An Air Oven. ASTM D750 - Rubber-Deterioration In Carbon-Arc or Weathering Apparatus. ASTM D792 ASTM D3767 - Rubber-Measurement of Dimensions. ASTM G

11、23 - Specific Gravity and Density of Plastics by Displacement, Tests for. - Operating Light and Water Exposure Apparatus (Carbon Arc) for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials. (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia,

12、PA 19103.) (Industry association specifications and standards are generally available for reference from libraries. using Federal agencies. They are also distributed among technical groups and 2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the referenc

13、es cited herein, the text of this specification shall take precedence. 3, REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Description. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.21, the coated cloth shall be uncured polychloroprene-coated nylon cloth; when specified (see 6.21, 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking p

14、ermitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-14505D 83 7977906 0378728 = MIL-C-14505D the cloth shall be cured. Coatings shall be applied by either the spreader or calender process, except for type 10 materials, wherein only the spreader process shall be used. 3.1.1 First article. A sample shall be s

15、ubjected to first article inspection (see 4.3). 3.2 Materials. 3.2.1 Uncoated nylon cloth. The uncoated nylon cloth shall be pure finish, unbleached and shall have a pH (acidity factor) between 6 and 8; the nylon cloth shall be high-tenacity, improved heat- and light-resistant, heat-set, and may be

16、scoured. The total chloroform-soluble and water-soluble material content of the finished cloth shall not exceed 1.0 percent when tested as specified in Physical properties of the nylon cloth, after heat-setting and shrinking, shall conform to table I for the applicable class. 3.2.2 Primer.

17、The nylon cloth may be impregnated with a primer to insure adhesive bond to the coating compound. 3.2.3 Coating compound. The coating compound, as prepared or vulcanized (cured), shall contain not less than 50 percent by volume of chloroprene. coating compound shall contain no materials which are in

18、jurious to nylon cloth, which will result in a waxy finish, or which are water soluble. A compatible coloring agent shall be added to make the finished color black. After vulcanization, physical properties of the coating compound shall conform to table III. The 3.2.4 Coated cloth. The primed nylon c

19、loth (see 3.2.1 and 3.2.2) shall be coated with the compound specified in 3.2.3. The coating thickness, as specified in table II, shall be exclusive of the primer coat thickness. Physical properties of the coated cloth after vulcanization shall conform to table II. 3.3 Length and width. The length a

20、nd width of the cured coated cloth shall be as specified (see 6.2). 3.4 Workmanship. The nylon cloth and the coated nylon cloth shall contain none of the following defects: Nylon cloth a. Any hole, cut or tear. b. Weaving imperfections such as loose threads and clubs. c. Abrasion marks. d. Chronic w

21、rinkles or folds that affect coating. e. Oily spots that affect coating. f. Any other imperfections affecting strength, coating adhesion or coating thickness. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-14505D Coated cloth a. Any hole, cu

22、t or tear. b. Any blister or soft lump. c. Hard lumps exceeding 0.25 square inch in area. d. Pinholes. e. Chronic wrinkles or folds resulting in doubling or adhesion of surfaces. f. Imbedded foreign matter which, upon removal, leaves coating thickness not as specified. g. Abrasion marks affecting co

23、ating thickness. 3.4.1 Defects. Defects cited in 3.4 are defined and referenced in MIL-STD-1487. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requir

24、ements specified herein. the contract or order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the

25、specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. Except as otherwise specified in 4.1.1 Component and material inspection. The contractor is responsible for insuring that components and materials used are manufactured, exam

26、ined and tested in accordance with referenced standards. 4.2 Classificati.on of inspections. Inspections shall be classified as follows : a. b. c. First article inspection (see 4.3). Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4). Inspection of packaging (see 4.6). 4.3 First article inspection. 4.3.1 Exam

27、ination. Each linear yard of nylon cloth and coated cloth to be subjected to first article testing shall be examined as specified in 4.5.1. Nylon cloth. Nylon cloth containing defect shall have the defective Nylon area marked or tagged by a method that remains detectable after coating. cloth

28、 with marked defects may be coated; after coating, the marked defective areas shall be rejected. Coated cloth. Yardage containing one or more defects shall be cause for rejection. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-14505D

29、 83 7777706 0378730 2 MIL-C-14505D Coating compound. Specimens of the coating compound to be subjected to first article testing shall be cured in the form of 6 x 6 x .O80 inch test slabs under the conditions of time and temperature normally used to cure fabricated end items. Tests sheets sha

30、ll have no air bubbles, irregular surfaces or other visible defects. 4.3.2 Tests. Nylon cloth and coated nylon cloth. The nylon cloth and coated nylon cloth shall be subjected to all tests specified in table IV. If applicable, the chloroform extractable matter test of shall be cond

31、ucted on the nylon cloth. Non-conformance to tables I or I shall constitute failure of this test and rejection of the first article lot. Coating compound. Samples of the cured coating compound shall be subjected to all tests specified in table III. Non-conformance to table III shall constitu

32、te failure of this test and rejection of the first article lot. 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. 4.4.1 Examination. Each linear yard of nylon cloth and coated cloth shall be examined as specified in 4.5.1. Nylon cloth. Nylon cloth containing defects shall have defective area marked or tag

33、ged by a method that remains detectable after coating. cloth with marked defects may be coated; after coating, the marked defective areas shall be rejected. Nylon Coated cloth. Yardage containing one or more defects shall be cause for rejection. Coating compound. Preparation and exam

34、ination procedures as specified in shall be applicable to samples of coating compound prepared for quality conformance inspection. 4.4.2 Tests. Coating compound. Samples of coating compound shall be furnished from each batch or lot of 1000 pounds or less. Samples shall be tested as s

35、pecified in batch and of the yardage of coated cloth represented by the sample. Failure of any test shall be cause for rejection of the Nylon cloth and coated nylon cloth. Samples of nylon cloth and coated nylon cloth shall be furnished from each 500 linear yards or less. Samples sh

36、all be tested as specified in cause for rejection of the yardage of cloth represented by the sample. Failure of any test shall be 4.5 Inspection procedure. 4.5.1 Examination. The nylon cloth and both sides of the coated cloth shall be examined for the following defects: 5 Provided by IHSNot

37、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-14505D 3 W 7777706 0378731 4 MIL-C-14505D Nylon cloth 101. Weave not as specified. 102. Workmanship not as specified. Coated cloth 103. Color or finish not as specified. 104. 105. Workmanship not as specified. Leng

38、th or width of the cured coated cloth not as specified. 4.5.2 Tests. Nylon cloth. Chloroform extractable matter. A sample weighing approximately 10 grams shall be dried to constant weight at 105“ to 110“ C (221“ F to 230“ F) to obtain the dry weight. at least 20 extractions with ch

39、loroform. from the extract and the residue dried to constant weight at 105 C to 110 C (221“ F to 230F). following calculation: The sample shall be extracted in a Soxhlet apparatus for The chloroform shall be evaporated The result of the analysis shall be obtained by the Percent chloroform extractabl

40、e matter = Residue X 100 Weight of dry sample (Reference FED-STD-191, method 2611) Nonconformance to the requirement of 3.2.1 shall constitute failure and rejection of the lot of uncoated nylon cloth. Nylon cloth and coated nylon cloth. The nylon cloth and coated nylon cloth shall be subject

41、ed to the tests specified in table IV except that test procedures 12 (crease reisitance at low- temeprature), 13 (oven aging), and 14 (accelerated weathering) are not required for quality conformance inspection. Nonconformance to the applicable requirements of tables I and II shall constitute failur

42、e of this test. Coating compound. The coating compound shall be tested as specified in table III, except that the oven aging and accelerated aging procedures are not required for quality conformance inspection. applicable requirements of table III shall consitute failure of this test. Noncon

43、formance to the 4.6 Inspection of packaging. Each shipping container of cloth shall be examined for the following defects as applicable: a. b. Marking not in accordance with MIL-STD-1188. c. Precautions not taken to prevent blocking of coated cloth. Special marking not placed on shipping containers

44、when applicable. Any defects shall be corrected before shipment is made. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-C-14505D 3 U 9799906 0378732 b MIL-C-145 05D 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Preservation. 5.1.1 Level A and B. Not applicable (see 6.3).

45、5.1.2 Commercial. Uncured and cured cloth shall be preserved in accordance with the contractors recommended procedures and MIL-STD-1188. precautions shall be taken to prevent blocking of the coated cloth. Special 5.2 Packing. 5.2.1 Levels A and B. Not applicable (see 6.3). 5.2.2 Commercial. Both unc

46、ured and cured cloth shall be packed in containers Quantities per container of each type of cloth in accordance with MIL-STD-1188. shall be compatible with the production, handling, and storage capabilities of the receiving organization. 5.3 Marking. Marking of commerical packaged cloth shall be in

47、accordance with MIL-STD-1188. In addition, special precautionary marking related to shelf life and exposure to high temperatures shall be applied to shipping containers when applicable. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use. This specification covers uncured polychloroprene coated nylon cloth which will be vulc

48、anized (cured) during fabrication of pneumatic floating equipment. The cured coated cloth is intended for use in repair kits. 6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the following: a. Title, number, and date of this specification. b. Type and class of cloth required (see 1.2). c. Dat

49、e of issue of DoDISS applicable and exceptions thereto (see 2.1.1). d. When the coated cloth shall be cured (see 3.1). e. Length and width of vulcanized coated cloth (see 3.3). 6.3 Preservation levels. it is anticipated that the coated and uncoated cloth will not require shipment other than from the contractor to the ponton fabricator or repair kit contractor and therefore will not encounter the hazards defined for levels A and B, overseas shipment and indeterm


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