1、* 1lIL-C-20109 21 September 1951 Tha specificatian waa apprcmed by the Depart- menta of the Amy, the Navy, and the Air Fome for um? of procuremat services of the respective Departmenta, arid supersedes the fouung specification: Army 52-1-5lA 15 August 1944 Thie apecifiaation consista of this cover e
2、heet gether with Pinmenment-2, aM 2 December 1947, attached hereto, without modif icatian. and SpecificatiOn 52-1-5lA, daw 15 Amt 1944, to- Cupiee of this specification my be obtained upon application to the Office, Chief of rdnance, Umm 25, Da Ca When a request for this specifioaticm is received by
3、 a suppyng activity it wiU be necessary to attach this oover eheet to the pertinent specification before 38SlIee , THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS (n PAGES - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-C YlTW ANO WOPIEY*HBHD. Q.I. Ta material nseb !or the
4、 mantuabare of the copper premmre cyllndera and copper preosure sphere8 the standard deviatlon o! the diameters shll iiat excee 0.000o0 Inch: and the facee o! the Indivldual copper -re cyHndera shall be parallel to each other within O.OO6 inch. i!L2.lh copper pressure upheres R-Am may be qmc8ed in t
5、he contract. Tas sundrd deviation of the diameters shall not aced 0.00 and arter anneainrr, the physical state of the copper cylindere shal be sach that, upon appllca- tion o! an lnltlal load o! 46,ooO pounde per epuare inch o! the face of the cyllnder, the resultlag remaining length if not the lot
6、shall be returne to the contractor for reanneallog. Copprr pressure cylinders : of ao copper# Copper pressure spheres: SIS A- 20 NOTs.-In general, the polnts listed In table I hereafter are momclent for constructlnp a compreseion curve. If, however, the cone thus obtained ln- dude too many Dointa of
7、 lntlectlon. or if it be otherwine onaatiafactorp. an many more noch-points a8 may be deeired may be determlne and ud In constructing the cbmpreeslon curve and the tarage table. F4b (1). These point8 having bwn tlius deterrnlnetl; the inter- mediate points shnll be obtnined by interpolation at ench
8、200 pound per square inch over the entire range OC obsrrved points. These flgures, when tabulated, shall consttut the tarnge tahle. F-4b (2). acb tnrage table shall show : Rod : Copper pressure cyllnders, and coppw pressure spheree : The manufacturer. The year of manufacture. The manufacturer. The d
9、nte or dates of annealing. The average length, uncompressed. The. date or dates on whlch the compressions were made. The number of the drawlng showlng the compresston curve. H4b (3). The compresslon curve shail Show the eame data a# the i tarage table. NO. 52-1-5lA Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo re
10、production or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-U F-6. Rsteste+If a lot rdn the coppers iseuded under. YWa, be returned to the contractor, aa provided ia IF-8b (i), F-8.b.a), or F4b, and if the lot, mlnw thoae discarded under Bcsp be rembnth by the cantractor, the visual lnewtion In
11、the retest ehall be llmlted tu the detection and removal of cmra baylng burre, etc., cawed by croriwtlng the lengths of the copper presSiire cyllndera; the sample fop gtiglng and for the tarage table &all he me ame ui as for the ht teat. *I . . TIBLEI . L I O. PACPINO UD LURKING. Q-l. Packing.-!Che
12、copper preaffuve cylinders, wlth amrop&,& tnrnge tnbles whlch shnll i= furnished by the contracting o-r, ohall be packed in accordance with Ordnance drawlng M747, and each box shall be Inbeled In nwordunce wlth Ordnance drawing Bl29626. Q-2. Marking.-The packing boxea contalning the cowr premre cyli
13、nders shall be mnrktxl in awordance wlth Ordnance drawing B129B28. H. NOTES. H-l. The use of this speeiflcatlon, whenever eppllcable, 1 mendatory . No. 6!4-1-6141 on the procuring agenclea of the Amy. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- I _- - MIL-C-20107 10 = 339790b 0300578 b Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-