ARMY MIL-C-46652-1962 COMPOSITION B4《B4的组成成分》.pdf

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1、flIL-C-4b652 33 3999906 O333839 7 I MIEC-46652 (Ora) 16 April 1962 MILITARY SPECIFICATION COMPOSITION B4 1. SCOPE 1.1 des2gnated as Composltion B4 for use in Ammunition. TRis specification covers one type of high explosive 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on

2、 date of Invitation for bids form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL RR-S-366 - Sieves; Standards, FOP Testing Purposes. MILITARY MIL-R-00398 - RDX, JAN-T-248 - TiPinitrotoluene (TNT) ML-C-51077 - Calcium Silicate, Technical, STANDARDS FEDERAL Fedenoa

3、l Test Method-STD-791 - Lubricants, Liquid Fuels, and Related Products. Methods of Inspection, Sampling, and Testing. MILITARY MIESTD-105 MIESTD-109 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for - Inspection Terms and Definitions. Inspection by Attributes. FSC: 1375 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproducti

4、on or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-46852 13 H 777970b 0333840 3 E MIL-C-46652 (OPd) DRAWINGS ORDNANCE CORPS - 7548644 - BOX, Packing for High Explosives, Assembly Details, Packing and Marking. for High Explosives., Assembly, Details, Packing and Marking. 7548645 - Carton,

5、Packing Reusable-Collapsible 81-3-148 - Efflux Viscosimeter for Explosives. PUBLICATIONS ORDNANCE CORPS ORD-M608-11 - Procedures and Tables for Continuous Sampling by Attributes. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publacations required by contractors in connection with specific procu

6、rement functions should be obtained frsom the procuring aetlvlty OF aa directe by the contracting officer). 3. REQUIREIVIENTS 3.1 Material.-The constituent materials used in the manufacture of Composition B4 shall camply with the following specifications: Constituent Material Conforming to : RDX Tri

7、nitmtoluene (TNT) Calcium Silicate MIL-Ra00398 me B JAM-T-248 Grade I MIL-C-53.097 3,2 Composition,-The composition of Cornpositton B4 shall be as specified in Table I when tested as specified in 4,3.1, RDX, percent TNT, percent e c_ Caleium Silicate c- 2 r- 60,O pus or minus 2.0 39.5 plus or minus

8、2.0 0.5 plus or minus 0.1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-46652 13 m 7777706 03134L 5 m MIEC-46652 (Ord) 3,3 Msistux?e.-The moisture content shall be 0.25 percent 3,4 3.5 maximum (max. ) when ir,eetied as-specified in 4.3.2. max

9、., when tested as specified in 4,3,3, shall be Petained on a number 60 United States Standard (US) sieve, when tested as specified in 4$J04. 3.6 Fsm.-UnSess stheavwise specifia in the contract or pwchase BPDPD, Composition B4 shall be su plied in the foPm of bucle, OP as strips appmximately f 12 P i

10、nches wide and 3 inches long when teated as specified in 4.3,5, Viscosity.-The viscosi6y shall be 7,O efflux seconds, Insoluble particles,-Na$ more than five particles 4, QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4ol 1s respsnsbls FOP the perfsmance of all inspection require- menta specified herein. Except as oI

11、;bex?wise specified, the supplier“ may utiPfzs his own or any ectori shall be brought to the attention of“ tihe supplier. Disposition of the product and toemedial action shall be as dfrecte by the Government in speto and9 depening on the natuuge of ehe deviation, may consist of lot redection, screen

12、ing, resampling, re-instruction of the supplieros employees, OP other appropriate action: accomplished at unscheduled intrpvala in accordance with an 4.P,3.2, acconaanee with 4. P. 3 2. a. Veaification at the point of manufacture shall be b. Vex4ficaLion at the point of delivery shall be in

13、 Sveiflance.-Swvilnce shall include, but is not limited to: a. baarvatfon of procewes concerning lot formation an ident if i cat ion. b. Obsemation of sampling proceures and application c. Determination that all required examinations and a, Revfew of pocedures fop con.$rsl and disposition of

14、 acceptance criteroia. teats am perTorrned in accordance with the prescribed pro- ceeirea of this specification, OF appoved equivalents thepew of non-csnforJming material. 4,1,3,2 Podluct inspectien,-P.muct inspection shall consist of Government inspection af product which has been peviousPy inapse$

15、;ed by the contac=to and f0m to-meet the qual$y assurance provisions of this specification, The Inspection “by %he Govemerid shall be pepformed to the degree necessary in mde $0 etemins t:h of ferr-lc ammonium sulfate used to titrate the the blank. sample. V3 = ml. of femic ammonium sulfate used to

16、titrate the blank fop TNT. sample for TNT. percent moistwe in material, expressed as 8 decimal V4 = ml. of ferpic ammonium sulfate used to titrate the N w =E weight of sample. M = 4.3*1.6 Calcium silicate, Code No, 06002.-A weighed portion of 5,OO gm. of the sample shall be placed ln a 500 ml. beake

17、r and 50 mP, of acetone shall be added. The beaker ahall be covered with a watch ;Pass and placed on a steam bath and wwmed, Decant %he toiolutfen thmugh a f“ll$erlng crucible and treat the maideie in the beakep with 28 mP. more sf acetone. the aoktion through the crucible, Transfer the insoluble ra

18、sidlue completeby %o the crucible and wash IL with acetone. The crucible and residue shall be dried in an oven at 110 degrees Co for hour, cos1 in a esiccator and weigh, percent calcium ailieate shaP1 be calculated as follows: = Normality of ferpic ammonium sulfate solution. (See 4-3.2). The Pumps s

19、hall be broken up with a rrone OP the specimen remains on the ground surfaces, then the bott3.e shall be stoppered with the glass stopper, and the contenta of Lhe bottle agitated until all of the TNT is dissolve, attached immediately to Lhe rubber stopper assembly. The solution shall be titrated and

20、 the numher of ml. of solution “B“ equivalent to the end-point of the titration determined in a manner similar to that used in the standardization of solution nBn as specified in be calculated as follows; The progress The end-point is shown in theneye“ by a slight opening 4.3.2,2.3 Proc

21、edure.-A specimen shall be crushed to a A weighed The glass stopper shall be Pernoved and the bottle The percentage of moisture in the specimen shall 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-46652 33 777970b 0333852 T m MIL-C-46652 (O

22、Pd) Percent moisture = ,100E (V-v) -W where : V -u ml. of“ solution “B“ mquired to titrate the specimen. v = ml. of solution “Bst required to titrate blank. E = gm. of water equivalent to 1 ml, of solution “B“ W = gm, of specimen. 4,3.3 Determination of viscosity (Efflux method), Code No, 0800P,-An

23、efflwr vismsimeter shall be prepared In accordance with Drawing 81-3-148 or approved equal, approximately 500 gm, of the sample material shall be placed in a melt pot and %he agitator started, The Jacket of the melt pot shall be heated with ateam at i0 pounds per square inch, No control of temperatu

24、re need be maintained in the pot other than that obtained by contmlling the steam pxssme. The temperature of the water circulating through the Jacket on the viscosimeter cone shall be thermostatically controlled at 85 degrees Ce As the sample malts it will flow into the viscosimeter cone. The materi

25、al fn the cone,shall be stimed by hand with a thersmornetesi until the tempemtwe of the entire sample is 85 degrees C. Stirping of the molten sample shall be continued with occasional vertical movement, until it is entirely free of lumps and there is na segregation of RDX. The temperature of the sam

26、ple shall be adjusted to 85.0 degrees C. and then the thePmomeLeP an rubber stopper removed from the bottom of the cone to pwmft the molten sample to flow freely into a pan. The time reqeiied fop the supface of the molten sample to fall from the tip of the upper maiaketa to the tip of the lower mark

27、er shall be measured with a atop watch graduated in tenths of a second. The timing shall be started at the instant the upper indicating pointer pierces the surface of the molten sample and stopped when the swface is broken by the Powef? indicating, This time in$ePva Is the efflux viscosity

28、of the sample, and ahall be recorded to the neayest2 tenth of a second, portion os“ the sample shall be weighed in a 4CO ml. beaker. One-hunred ml, of acetone shall be added and the beakes and .cont;en%s heated on a steam bath untfl all the Pumps are broken down and all soluble material. 1s dissolve

29、d. The mixing shall be poured thaough 8 ama11 US Standard Number 60 sieve complying with the mquipements of Specification RR-S-366. Care should be taken to wash al1 the irmssltAL!=e mattep from the beaker with acetone, The residue on the sieve shall be washed with acetone to Femowe the RDX and dry t

30、he sieve. The particles Petained shall be counted, 14 4,3.4 Inolble partilas, Code NO. 0900f.-A 50 gm. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-qbb52 33 m 9979906 0333853 I i MIL-C-46652 (ord) . _. . .n. fi , 4.3.5 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY

31、Fom, Code No, 10001.-The form shall be determined vi 8 ual 1 y , 5.1 Packing (see 6.1) 5.1.1 5,1.2 6. NOTES 6.1 the following: Level A.-Composition B4 shall be packed and Level C.-Composition B4 shall be packed and marked marked in accordance with Drawing 7548644. in accordance with drawing 7548645.

32、 Ordering data,-Procurement documents should specify a. title, number and date of this specification. b. level of protection required. 6.2 assigned to the inspection herein are to facilitate future data collection and analysis by the Government- of 0,ZN chromous chloride solution may be found in Pic

33、atinny Arsenal Technical Memorandum No. ACS-3-60 “Determination of Nitrogenous Compounds of Ordnance Interest by Chromous Chloride Reduction (i) Compound containing Nitro and Nitramine Groups“ by Charles C. Jamlson dented May 1960 which may be obtained from Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N, J. Notice,-Wh

34、en Govesnment drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a definitePy ?elated Government procurement opeaation, the United States Government thereby Lncws no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may have fo

35、rmulated, furnished, or ln any way supplied said drawings, specifications, OF othela data is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise as In any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invent

36、ion that may in any way be related thereto. Inspection code numbers.-The five digit code numbers 6.3 Chromous ChloFlde solution.-Method for the pregaration Custodian: Army- Ordnance Corps Preparing activity: Army-Ordnance Corps 15 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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