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ARMY MIL-C-46915-1963 CAP BLASTING ELECTRIC M6 INERT ASSEMBLY《M6型惰性电气爆破雷管装配》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-C-46915-1963 CAP BLASTING ELECTRIC M6 INERT ASSEMBLY《M6型惰性电气爆破雷管装配》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-C-46915-1963 CAP BLASTING ELECTRIC M6 INERT ASSEMBLY《M6型惰性电气爆破雷管装配》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-C-46915-1963 CAP BLASTING ELECTRIC M6 INERT ASSEMBLY《M6型惰性电气爆破雷管装配》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-C-46915-1963 CAP BLASTING ELECTRIC M6 INERT ASSEMBLY《M6型惰性电气爆破雷管装配》.pdf_第5页
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1、MILG469.15 (MU) IO MAY 1963 -. .- * MIUTARY SPECIFICATION . *. . CAP, BLASTING,. ELECTRIC, M6 . .INERS ASSEMBLY . a. . . Thhis limited coordination mililary specification ha8 been prepared by the Army Munitions . Caminand based on currently available technical inlormation and w mbject to modifica- t

2、im, and shall be used jot procurement purposes by the Army Munitions Command, 1. SCOPE MIL-1-45208 -Inspection Require. 1,l Titis speoification contains requirements ments; General Speci- - not normally required by the drawings and pro- fication for. MIL-1-45601 - Inspection Equipment, Supply and Ma

3、inte- vides for quality assurance provisions for the fabrication, assembling and packing for two types of hlasting caps designated as Cap, Blast- ing, Electric, M6, Inert Assembly and Cap, Blasting, Electric, h16, Inert Assembly (Alter- * nance of. STANDARDS . nativa), MILITARY MIL-STD-106. - amplin

4、g Prooeduree . . . -. 2. APPLICABLE. DOCWMENTS and Tablca for In- spcctioi, by Attri- butes. MIGSTD-lw : -Inspection Teim and Definitions. MIL-STD-1235 II Simple and Multilevel Continuoue Sampling Procedures and . Tables for Inspection I . 2.1 Tho idlawing dscumcnts of tho irieiiu iir .offcot on dat

5、o of iiivitntion for Wde, or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein, . . SPECIFICATIONS , . hhLITARY MIL-A-2550 -Ammunition and Spe- . by Attributes. DRAWINGS MZLEr10025 - Packaging, Packing and ORDNANCE cia1 Weapons; Gen- eral Spccifcation for. Markin

6、g for .Inter- 8858445 -Cap, Blasting, Electric, plant Shipment of . Inert, h16, Assembly. Inert Ammunition . 8864682 - Cap, Blasting, Electric, Components; General . Inert, M6, Assembly Specification for. (Alternative). Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

7、ense from IHS-,-,-. MW6915(MU) PUBLICATIONS 4.1.2 $iibm88We?tfl asaurarice sgatem, verity overnment inspection of ndivid +i11 be directly mlated to Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MItC4.6915 (Mu) be accepted solely on tho bmis of the

8、contractors records. _. 4.2 nitial production inrpccton. 4.2.1 Subtiii8sio;i. Frior to norxnnl production the contractor shall submit an initial production sample consisting of (fifty) consecutively pro- duccd rissciiibiics find completo scts .of parts (Le. 50 cclr of cvcry individual coiiipoiwnt nn

9、d. cvcry siibnssciiibly) , wliicfi iinvc been produccd by. tho production process wliicli tlic contractor will UYC in fulfilling tlic contrnct, to 8 Covcrn- mcnt-approved - fnciiity dcaignfnated by the con- fects shall be in accordance with MIGSTD-105 except that inspection for critical defects, whe

10、n listed, shall be 100 percent. Continuous anm- pling plans in accordancc with MIL-STD-1235 may be uscd if approved by the procuring ac- tivity. Also, at, the option of the procuring ac- tivity, AQLs and sampling pIans may be applied to tlic individual clinrnctcristice listcd using an . AQL of 028 p

11、crccnt for each iiinjor dcfcct arid an AQL of 0.40 pcrcciit for encl; minor dcfcct. Equipinciit ricccssary for tlic pcrforiniincc of ttie inspcctions listcd liall be in accordancc with 4.3.3. tractng officer. All parts and materi rupeetian Code No. 104. Protectiva coeting incom- plete or inadequate

12、Visual 105. Inert filler incomplete . , . . . .Visual 106. Lend wire broken or loose Visual- 03004 03005 Manual 03008 4.3.3 Inspection equipment. Index of Inspec- tion Equipment Lists Number IEGSS5445 identifies the inspection equipment required to perform the examinations and tests prescribed in th

13、is section. The contractor shall design in- . spcction equipment in nccordnnce with the in- striictions in ynrngrnpli 6,3. 4,3.3.1 Government rights to dommkntation. , Inspection equipment drawings and lists pro- vided and revised in accordance with tlie require- ments of the IEL may be used by DOD

14、activi- . tics for tlcsign, prociircnicnt, nmttfnctiirc, test- jig, oviiliiation, production and rccciviiig, inspcc- tion, ovcrhnul, shipping, storiige, identification of stock, ordering and storage of replacement pnrts, inepcction of items at overhaul, general naintcnnnce of cquipmcnt, construction

15、, survey and whcncvcr inspection equipment drawings arc necdcd, maintennncc of the equipment list4 on the IEL ehnll be in nccordance with MIL-1-45607. 5. PREtDARhTION FOR RELIVERY li. 1 Icrcknping, picking rriicl marking. Packaging, packing and marking shall be as pccificd in XIIL-P-10026, 5.2 Data

16、cards. Data card information shnll hc n Ppccificd in 1.IIL-A-25AO. 4.3,3,2 Supply and hain:enunce. Supply and . 6. NOTES 6,X Orclering clnta, Procurcinent docuinenfs (a) Title, nutnber, and date of thiR spccifi- 62 Inapcction code numbers, “lie five- digit codo numbers assigned to tho inspcctione li

17、ekin are to facilitate future data collection and analysis by the Government. 63 Inspection cqaiipmzrnt The contractor shall design inspection equipmeat a8 required ahirll spceify tho following: cation. by tho retercnccd Inspection Equipment Lists in accordnnce with the instructions of pnrngrnphs 6.

18、3.1 through 6.3.7, 6.3.1 Inspection equtpment lists. Inspection equipment lists (TEL) indicntc the avnilnbility of inspection equipment design by showing in tlie “ntiinber” column of the list of inspection equipment (O0 Form 1242-3) the numhcrs of drawings of cxisting equipment designs or codcs indi

19、cnting “cornnierciai item” or “contractor de- sign.” Dceign notion required of the contractor with rcspcct. to tlie dicrcnt typcs of drawings tht tnny be listed is described in parirgraphs 6,3,2 and 6.3.3, Action rcquircd by the con- trirrtor with respect to “cominercinl item” in- spcction cquipinen

20、t is described in parngrnph 6,3,4. Thc contractor will 1)e rcqiiircd ta prcpnro dinwitigs for nll tlic cqiripmciit catlcd ns “con- triidor cesigti” in tlic nutiibcr eolutnii. The code will further indicntc whether dctnilcd or spccifi- cation control drawings are required. These contractor dcsigns mu

21、st be approved by the Gov- ernmcnt prior to fabricntion or procuring of the cqiiipiicnt, Dcsigns slinl1 bo submittcd for ap- proval ns spccified in 6.3.7. 6.3.2 Ordnance Designs. nce dcsigns arc dctniled draaings which etcly depict dl tlie information necessary for the fnbricntion of tlic itcin of i

22、nspcction cqiiipmont. Tho con= t riwftir iircd provido no dcrcipln wlicn tin (rd- ImCe dcsign is listcd for nn item of inspcction equipment. Ordnance designs fall into two bask c1nssificntions;- mnndntory and nonmnndatory. When an IEL references mnndntory Ordnance ticsigno, tlic contractor phnll com

23、ply with, iind tisc t Iicec dcsigii nccorditigly, The corit.rnctor may, howcver, in connection with nonmandatory designs nnd with the approval of tho Govern- ment, tiesign altcrnntc inspection cquipmcnt tu fncilitnte his opcrations, Such contractor prom pared designs must be approved by tho Govern-

24、ment prior to fabrication or procuring of the equipment. Dcsians shall bo proval na specified 6.3.3 SpEcifica ti cation control drawings depict line, descriptive, .diaDa . . I I -._ - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-other characterist

25、ics. Contractors must prepare . ODMU - Ordnance design, mandatory for drawings of their designs in support of specifi- Use. cation control drawings. The IEL code will in- dicate whether drawings must be detailed. These contractor prepared designs must be approved by the Government prior to the fabri

26、cation or. procuring of the equipment. Commercial equip- ment meeting the rcquiremcnt of specification control drawings may be approved if described in siifficicnt detnil to pcrmit identification and evaliintion by thc Govcrnmcnt, Designs shnll bo siilmiitted for npprovnl ns spccificd in 6.3.7. - CE

27、 - Commercial equipment. SCD - Specificntion control drawing. 6.3.6 Use of standard measilring equipment. If the contractor desires to use standard measur- ing equipment, in lieu of government or contractor designed gages, diagrammatic sketches or other descriptions of the use of such equipment shnl

28、i be submitted for approval as spccificd in 6.3.7. . 6.3.7 SubmGsion of contractor designs. De- signs shnll be submitted for approval to the Commanding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal, AM“: SMUPA-ND. Design rcvicw will normally be irwoiiipinlicti witliin one itioiiti nftcr rcccil,t by Picatitiiiy hraciin

29、l. Pnrtiiil submission of inspec- tion cquipment designs is permissible. However, the Arscnnl completion date for design review will bc based on the date of the final submission of designs. Notice. When Government drawings, epcrificntions, or other data nre used for any purpose other than in arement

30、 operation, the United 8hta Government thereby incurs no reswmibilitv nor any obliaation whit 6.3.4 Commercial items. Cominercinl item in- spcrtion cquipment is equipment that has n uni- vereril npplication for a specific function. It is compriscd of items commonly used by industry arid ppvcriiincnt

31、. Contrnctoru arc not rcquircd to ftirnidt drawings of coinmcrcinl item inspcc- tion equipmcnt but a list of such equipment must bc approved by the Government. Lists shall be submitted for approval to the inspection elemeut of the agency administering the contract. 6.3.5 IESi codea. The inspection e

32、quipment 6.3.4 will be desigmted in the IEL by the fol* lowing codcs: . . refcrenccd in paragraplis 631 t 6*3*2, 63.3, ana coqncction with a definitely related Government pro- - mever-; and the fact that the Govekmeni may have formulntrd, furnished, or in eny way siipplicd the mid drrwinKri, 8pcc!iBcntionn, or othar dnta is not to bo rcaerdcd by iini)licntion or othowae RR ia tiny manner CDoF -. Contractors design responsibiity on h“hN format; ORDM- OOS-la, CDCF II Contr.MU Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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