1、 _ MIL-C-4070 NOTICE 2 W 9999906 20Lq169 157 NOTICE OF INACTIVATION FOR NEW DESIGN MIL-C-48070 (AR) NOTICE 2 6 February 1996 MILITARY SPECIFICATION CASE, CARTRIDGE ASSEMBLY, 40MM, M169, INERT METAL PARTS FOR This notice should be filed in front of MIL-C-48070 (AR) dated 9 May 1972 MIL-C-48070 dated
2、9 May 1972 with Amendment 1, dated 12 October 1993 and Validation Notice 1, dated 9 May 1990 is inactive for new design and is no longer used, except for replacement purposes. Preparing Activity: Army-AR AMSC N/A FSC 1310 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling Services