ARMY MIL-C-48758-1975 CARTRIDGE 90MM TP-T M764 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M764型90MM曳光教练弹的装卸 组装和安装》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-C-48758-1975 CARTRIDGE 90MM TP-T M764 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M764型90MM曳光教练弹的装卸 组装和安装》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-C-48758-1975 CARTRIDGE 90MM TP-T M764 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M764型90MM曳光教练弹的装卸 组装和安装》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-C-48758-1975 CARTRIDGE 90MM TP-T M764 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M764型90MM曳光教练弹的装卸 组装和安装》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-C-48758-1975 CARTRIDGE 90MM TP-T M764 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M764型90MM曳光教练弹的装卸 组装和安装》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-C-48758-1975 CARTRIDGE 90MM TP-T M764 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M764型90MM曳光教练弹的装卸 组装和安装》.pdf_第5页
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1、- * MIL-C-475 13 7999906 032418q b MIL-C-48758 (PA) 5 May 1975 MILITARY SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGES, 90MM: TP-T, XM7649 LOADING9 ASSEMBLING AND PACKING This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers the loading

2、, assembling and packing for one type of Cartridge designated as Cartridge TP-T, XM764 for use with 9OMM Guns M36, M41 and M54 (Made from M71 projectiles or new projectiles). 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for prop

3、osal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATION MI LI TA RY MIL-A-2550 - Ammunition and Special Weapons, -,_ General Specification for Assurance Provisions, General . Specification for MIL-A-48078 - Ammunition, Standard Quality STANDARD MILITARY MIL-STD-105 - Sa

4、mpling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes FSC: 1315 THIS DWMENT CONTAINS I!- PAGES. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-q758 13 MIL-C-4875g (PA) MIL-STD-109 MIL-STD-414 MIL-STD-1168 MIL-STD-1235 DRAWINGS ARMY 6518063

5、 7548301 7548306 9297850 3. REQUIREMENTS Quality Assurance Terms and Definit ions Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables for Percent Defective Lot Numbering of Ammunition Single and Multilevel Continuous Sampling Procedures and Tables for by Attributes. Profile and Alignment Ammo

6、. Container, Fiber, M53A3 Box, Packing, Ammo by 90MM Gun Ammo in Fiber Container M53A3 Assembly, Detaii and Packing Cartridge, 90MM, TP-T, XM764 3.1 Material.-Materials and parts shall be in accordance 3.2 with applicable drawing and specification. Cartridge.-The cartridge shall comply with all requ

7、ire- ments specified on Drawing (dwg.) 9297850 and with all require- ments specified in applicable specification. 3.3 Propellant weight.-The weight of the propellant shall not differ by more than plus or minus 0.25 ounce from that desig- nated by the loading authorization for the particular lot of p

8、ropellant used. 3.4 Cartridge case.-When the primer is removed from the case, the primer hole and counterbare along with mouth of case shall be gaged to assure compliance with the dwg requirements. +,he projectile at a load between 5,000 and 11,000 pounds, when tesbed as specified in 4.3.2. the foll

9、owing requirements when test as specified in 4.3.1. 3.5 Bullet pull.-The cartridge case shall separate from 3.6 Proving ground test.-The cartridges shall comply with -. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-48758 (PA) 3.6.1 Muzzle v

10、e.locity.-The corrected muzzle velocity at 70 degrees shall be not more than 2430 feet per second (fps) nor less than 2370 fps and the standard deviation shall not .exceed 8,s feet A. per second. 3.6.2 Tracer furicti0ning.-The tracer shall ignite and there shall be visible evidence of the burning of

11、 t.he tracer composition to the target. 3.6.3 Extraction.-The cartridge case shall extract freely 3.6.4 Safety.-There shall be no premature separation of . - from the gun after firing. metal parts gun bore or in flight before impact. 3.7 Primers.-The primers shall have the required number.of- flash

12、holes. 3.8 Workmanship I 3.8.1 General.-All parts shall be free from chips, dirt, grease, rust, burrs, and other foreign material. The cleaning method shall not be injurioiis to any of the parts nor shall the - parts be contaminated by the cleaning agents. The cartridge or components shall not Be da

13、maged in any manner during the renova- tion or loading operation. be restored by the loading and assembling contractor on any compo- nent furnished him when such painting or marking has been marred or obliterated. of any roughness, scratches, rust, cracks, splits or dents which will adversely affect

14、 their serviceability. 3 . 8 . 2 Pairiting arid Marking. The painting and marking ahall 3.8.3 Cartridge case.- The cartridge case shall be free 3.8.4 Rotating Band.-Care shall be exercised at all times . so that the rotating band of the projectile is not nicked, burred, or otherwise damaged. 4 . QUA

15、LITY ASSURANCI3 PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for Inspectin and Standard Quality Assurance Provisions.-Unless otherwise specified herein. or in the contract, the provisions of MIL-A-48078 shall apply and are hereby made a part of this detail specification, 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct

16、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-48758 13 7777706 0324187 L MIL-C-48758 (PA) .- 4.2 Quality Conformance Inspection 4.2.1 Inspection Lot Formation.Inspection lots shall comply with the lot formation provision of MIL-A-48078. In addition, inspection lots of Cartridge, goM

17、M, TP-T,XM764 shall contain: a. Projectile of one zone weight. b. Propellant from not more than one lot. c. Loaded tracers from one lot interfix number from one manufacturer. d. Loaded primers from one lot interfix number from one manufacturer. e. Cartridge cases of one lot interfix number from one

18、manufacturer or one lot of previously complete cartridges (prior to renovation). f. Windshields of one lot interfix number from one manufacturer. 4.2.2 Examination.-See MIL-A-48078 a. Sampling Plans. Unless otherwise specified in the classification of Defects and Tests Tables, sampling plans for maj

19、or and minor defects shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1235. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-q8758 13 I 7777706 0324188 3 - rl O rl IL i c o. . O000 o O00 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted

20、without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-4B758 13 I 797770b 0324187 5 m . 6 ki I- 8 z I- C E o? m Q: a, (II v a .,-I s ; 3 O 3 k O O a k O . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-q758 23 W 7977706 0324372 5 II 1 ! C U O c O a r - c W W I Ln

21、 * -1 I W rn x a W I I t- Y W z !? - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. _. NIL-C-q75 13 3993306 032q333 7 I A Y E3 1 ! * -I 5 W m v1 K W I I l- x W z 2 rl LL O 4 c W W I v) m m . p. m . 8N. ulw . K O c - -I B W 4 K W I I I- x W z m 3 2

22、 - d 4 b 8 3 13 “3“3u.v.c! mmmm “3 m Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1 4= oc? mz g; r-z n O E z I- U W 2 * 2 m r Zf v) Z aw W v) K W lL W I P 4 K W 4 0. 4 d c, I4 I- W I v) u B Id rl d cp 14 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproductio

23、n or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-Li758 13 7777906 032q378 b - n O E P z c u W 2 WL um ZI 2 W II. W I L U -2 0: c a o. - i- Zt WL KU E2 * K W c 5 .;1.;1 .a .;i 33 N. m N.N.N. mmm a O00 rn O00 O ?p. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

24、out license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-48758 (PA) 4.2.3 Testing Check test for deterioration of primer.-If the total time between original acceptance of any primer lot and the assembly of that lot into complete round cartridges extends two years, or if the primers have been subject to adverse condit

25、ions, however brief, at any time since previous tests, the primer lot shall be subjected to, and must satisfactorily pass the check test, specified in the applicable primer loading specification immedi- ately before the primer lot is assembled into the cartridges, The test shall be performed by the

26、contractor on primers selected by the Government inspector at the facility assembling the primers into the cartridges. Proving ground. (See 6-51. Muzzle velocity Beginning with the first lot produced and con- tinuing until three consecutive lots have complied with the

27、 ap- plicable requirements specified the sampling plan shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-414, Section B, Table B-3, Code letter I and AQL of 1.0 percent. In addition, if the standard deviation of the muzzle velocity multiplied by the factor 0.75 exceeds the applicable lot requirement, the lot shal

28、l be rejected. After the three consecutive lots have met the criteria of, the sampling plan shall be in accord- ance with MIL-STD-414, Section B, Table B-3, Code letter F and AQL of 1.0 percent, in addition, if the standard deviation of muzzle velocity multiplied by the factor

29、0.65 exceeds the ap- plicable lot requirement, the lot shall be rejected. Premature bursts and security of parts. If any of the sample projectiles used in any of the tests fail to com- ply with the applicable requirements, the lot shall be rejected, Tracer function. T

30、he sample cartrdges used in the test for muzzle velocity (see shall be tested for function- ing. ment, the lot shall be rejected. If more than two projectiles fail the specified require- a6 -. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-

31、,-,- MIL-C-48758 13 m 9777906 0324200 O m MIL-C-48758 (PA) The sample cartridges used in the test for muzzle velocity (see shall be tested for functioning, If more than one projectile fails the specified requirement, the lot shall be rejected. Safety Begi

32、nning with the first lot produced and con- .- tinuing until three consecutive lots have complied with the ap- plicable requirements, ten sample cartridges StiLll be randomly selected from each lot for this test. If any projectile fails to comply with the requirements, the lot shall be rejected. shal

33、l be observed for compliance with extraction requirements. Failure of any cartridge shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Retest.-If for any reason the proof director considers that the test-conditions have detrimentally affected the test results, he shall declare the results invalid an

34、d per- form a new test on additional sample rounds are required. be in accordance with MIL-STD-414, Section B, Part I Table B3, Code letter F and AQL 1.5 percent. Extraction.-The cartridges fired in the tests Bullet pull.-The sampling plan for this test shall Propellant wei

35、ght.-The propellant shall be weighed and check-weighed 100 percent . The check-weighing shall be ccomplished independently of the original weighing, using a different balance from that used to conduct the original weighing and, if performed manually, shall be performed by another operator. Any charg

36、e which fails to comply with the applicable requirement shall be classed defective and removed from the lot. Equipment shall be in accordance with 4.2.4. Profile and alignment.-The cartridges shall be gaged 100 percent for profile and alignment. Any cartridge which fails to meet the applicab

37、le requirement shall be classed defective and removed from the lot. Equipment shall be in accordance with 4.2.4. Inspect ion Equipment .-The inspection equipment is described in the “paragraph reference/inspection method“ column in the tables starting with paragraph The contractor shall sub

38、mit for approval inspection equipment de- I 4.2.4 ,required to perform the examinations and tests prescribed herein Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-aNIL-C-475 13 7777706 0324201 2 MIL-C-48758 (PA) signs in accordance with the terms of

39、 contract. of MIL-A-48078 and 6.3 herein. See Section 6 ! 4.3 Test Methods and Procedures 4.3.1 Proving ground.-These tests shall be conducted at a Government proving round in accordance with the applicable Acceptance Test Procedure. fired in a gun for which the cartridge is standard. The cartridge

40、shall be fired at a target 1000 meter down range and observation shall be made for velocity, tracer function and extraction. In addition accuracy shall be taken for information only. The sample cartridges shall be Muzzle velocity, tracer function and accuracy.- Safety.-Assemble the r

41、ounds with a charge ad- justed to give a pressure 112 percent of the average pressure for the particular lot of propellant. used to observe the projectile in flight in order to record any possible malfunction. ridge case to the projectile shall be determined by applying a load in the axial direction

42、 with a rate of travel of the testing machine head of 0.100 to 0.125 inch per minute. vcbion shall be made for compliance with the applicable require- ment. A smear camera shall be 4.3.2 Bullet pull.-The security of the crimp of the eart- Obser- -_ * 1 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preservation an

43、d Packaging 5.1.1 Level A.-The cartridge shall be preserved and packaged in accordance with dwg. 7548301. 5.2 Packing 5.2.1 Level A.-The fiber container shall be packed in accordance with dwg 7548306. 5.3 Markin .-The box shall be marked in accordance with dwg. 75483d e fiber container shall be mark

44、ed in accord- ance with dwg. 7548301. a 18 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- -MIL-C-Li758 13 7777906 0324202 Y I MIL-C-48758 (PA) 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use.-The cartridges covered by this specifica- tion are intended for use in the M36

45、 and M41 Gun. 6.2 Ordering Data.-See MIL-A-48078. 6.3 See 6.2.3 of MIL-A-48078. to Commander, Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN: Jersey 07801. Submission of Inspection Equipment Design for Approval.- Submit equipment designs, as required SARPA-&A-T-T, Dover, New 6.4 Proving Ground Test Summary Press Sample Si

46、ze Vel FPS Ac Re. PSI Quality Conformance First 3 consecutive acceptable lots. Velocity Tracer Functioning Safety Extraction Subsequent Lots Velocity Tracer Functioning ixtraction 25 2370-2430 2-3 0-1 10 50,40 0- 5 O O 10 2 370-24 30 1- 2 0-1 6.5 Submission of test data.-In addition to the normal di

47、stribution of records, when the cartridge is procured by the Department of the Army one copy of all ballistic test data will be forwarded to the following: Commander Picatinny Arsenal ATTN: SARPA-&A-A-A, SARPA-AD-E-A and SARPA-AD-EP Dover, New Jersey 07801 Custodian: Army-PA Project Number: 1315-AO66 I Preparing Activity: Army-PA *US. COVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1976-6b3-76?/286 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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