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1、3 *- .% MIL-C-5LiBOB 42 W 9979706 0458072 7 bIILC-5128OB( EA) IIIL-C-51280A( bV i9 January 1973 MILITARY SPECIFICATION This specification is approved for use by US Army Armament Research and Development Command, Department of the Army, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the

2、Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification describes one type of molded cover for the voicemitter-outlet valve of the Mi.r(A1. field chemical-biological mask. 2 . APPLICABLE DOCbBIiTS - 2.1 Government documents, The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bid

3、s or request for proposal form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: STANDARE FED-STD-123 - Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies) . MILSTD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes. FSC 4240 : Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions)

4、and any : : pertinent data which may be of use in improving this docwent should : : be addressed to: Commander, US Army Armement Research and Develop- : : ment Cormnand, Attn: DRDAR-TSC-S, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Nil 21010 : : %y using the self-addressed Standwization Document Improvement Pro-: : p

5、osal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by let-: : ter. r- 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-E5-$1-113 - Cover, Voiceritter-Outlet Valve, C13Rl. A5-2-794 - Xe rial35 on - D136-19-lk - Fimcture Tester, iatural Rubb

6、er, Q.36, Assembly. Z136-19-22 - Ylexiility Tester, datura1 Iiubber, Q37, Assembly. Bo. 616 - Ozone Resistance Test of iatural Rubber Material. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, axid publications re- quire6 by contractors in connection with specific procurement firnctionc - shouici be

7、obtaineci from the procuring activitg or as directed by the contracting officer. ) 2.2 Other publications. The following publication forms a ?art of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect; on date of invitekion for bids or request for propo

8、sal shall apply. AiERICK$ SOCIETY FOR TESTIAG KiD MATERIALS MTM Stanardc a12 - Tension Testing of Rubber, D572 - Accelerated Aging of Vulcanized Rubber by the Oxygen- D573 - D624 - Tear Fiesistance of Vulcanize6 Ruoer. Pres sure Me tno d. Accelerated Aging of Vulcanizeci Rubber by the Oven Method. (

9、Applications for of PSTM Standards chouid be addrecsea to the Americas Society for Testing and Katerislc, 1916 Race Street, Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania i910 3. ) 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-E 3. REQUIREXEIITS 3.1 Preprodu

10、ction. Prior to the start of remar sroduction, a pre- prouction sample of covers shall be proucec, using molds which have re- ceived prior Governxent approval, in accordance witn this specification for examination and tests (see 4.3). 3.2 Materials. 3.2.1 Rubber compound. lhe rubber compound shall b

11、e non-bloordng, ex- cept for slight wax-type bloom, and shall contain no less than 65 percent, by volume, of new natural rubber. or minerai sulfates. The compound shall be free from lead 3.2.2 Sun-checking retarant. The rubber conipound shall contain a sun- checking retardant. 3.2.3 Copper anci mang

12、anese inhibitor. The rubber compounu shall contain a copper and manganese inhibitor. 3.2.4 Coloring materials. Tne rubber cornpound snall be colored by car- bon-black , as required. 3.3 Manufacture. The cover shall be manufactured in Goverment approved uiolcis CO as to conform to Drawing E5-61-113.

13、3.3.1 Repair of flaws. Covers with snail flaws rqy le repxire anci accepted, provide there is no change in the fornulation or s-uface con- tinuity. 3.3.2 Test slabs. Test slstbs, 6 by 6 irches, by 0.015 + 0.31 imn, shall be maCie from stock representative of the fomulatioc-used for tie preproduction

14、 sample and from each sublot durinc regular production of covers. The slabs shall have a cure eqdivpdent to that; of t3c regXLar poductiori covers ( see 6.3). 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-C-51280B 42 W 7777706 0458075 2 a 3 ;

15、able I. Phys icsl properties : Test : Property : Unaged : Eeat aging :paragraph: After : Average tensile strength, FTa, min : 20.7 17.6 : : : Average iiltiate elongation, St, nin : 600 : 4.4.h.2 : : Percent increase (max) 20 : Percent decrease (ma) 25 : Average tensile stress, IdPa at 2005 :

16、 : elongation : 1.72 to 3.10 : 1.72 to 3.10 : 4.L.4.2 : Individuals (rh) 1.65 1.65 : Average tear resistance, kN/m, min : : : : Die A or B 52.5 36.8 : Die C : 39.4 28.9 * : Average tension set at 75% ultimate : : elongation, 5, ma,x 20 : 4.4.h.2 : : Ozone resistance, min 80 : 4.4.h.3 - : Fle

17、xibility : Units at 24 + 3C 7.5 : Units retained at -32 - -i- 3 4.8 :%Puncture resistance, psi, min 9.5 : #To be performed on preproduction sample only. 3.5 Workmanship. The covers inner and outer surfaces shall be smooth and free from imperfections, such as rips, tears, punctures, pits, bum

18、ps, porous areas, cracks, checks, flash, nicks, abrasions, or blisters. The rubber shall be compact and free from holes, bubbles, and foreign matter. Ridges of mold parting lines on outer surfaces shall not be considered as flash when closely trimmed. 3.6 Resistance to oxygen-pressure aging. Tile co

19、ver shall show no cracking or increased hardness or tackiness after 72 hours of accelerated aging in oxygen, at a pressure of 2.10 2 0.10 megapascals (EPa) and a tenperature of 70 - + l0C, when tested as specified in 4 QUALITY ASSUFANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. 4 Provid

20、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- 4.1.1 Contractors responsibility. Unless otherwise specified in tile contract, tne contractor is responsible for the perfommce of all ir.- cpection requirerzents as specified herein. Except as otherwise spcc

21、ifie in the contract, the contractor may use his own or ay other facilities suitable for the perforniance of the inspection reauirexents specifieu herein, unless disapproved by the Government. lky Governn;er;t reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in tie syecification where

22、such inspections are aeemee cecescary to assure supplies an6 services conforni to specified recuirenents . 4.1.2 Objective evidence. The contractor shall provide objective evi- dence acceptable to the contracting officer that the requirements of 3.2 and section 5, for whicn specific inspection has n

23、ot been provied in this specification, nave been satisfied. 4.2 Classification of inspection. The inspection requirenei-itc speci- . fied herein are classified as follom: 4.3 (a) (b) Preproduction inspection. Preproduction inspection (see 4. ?,l. Quality conformance insgectioii (see 4.4). 4.3.1 Samp

24、le. A preprockction sariple of 25 covers, with a minimum of 2 covers from each mold cavity, anti 39 test slabs sinall be cianufactwed using the same methous , rm.terials , equipient , and rubber formla,tion as will be used during regular procluction. 4.3.2 Inspection procedure. Tne smple covers shal

25、l be ir,specteC for h. 3.3 Tests. Thirty-nine test slabs, produceil in accordance with all requirenents o the drawings and of triis s2ecificztion. 3.3.2, shall be tested in accordance with 4.k.4.1 tnrough sample cover snall be tested in accordaxe with 4.Ir.h.6. Oce 4.3.4 Nold approval. Prio

26、r to the icitation of production, the susplier shall ascertain that each applicable mld has been approve6 by the Govwn- ment. 4.3.5 Acceptance/rejection criteria. The preproduction sanple shall meet the inspection and tests specified in 4.3.2 an 4.3.3 to be acceptable. The supplier shall obtain writ

27、ten app-oval frorr, the contrmting officer before proceeding with regular production. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-5L280B 42 m 0b 0458077 b m f i t 4.4 aaity conformance inspection. 4.4.1 Lotting. A lot shall consist of the

28、 covers produccd in sequence ciuring one month, as indiczted by the ciots in the medallion on the cover. A sublot shall consist of the covers produceil in no more than one work week from one batch of material. (see 6.6) Accqtably repaires covers from any accepte6 garent lot may be incorporateci isto

29、 and attsume the lot rubber formulatiori, or procecure usec iii regular prcductior, which differs fror7 that use iri the peproduction smple shall bc qproveU by the Govern- ment prior to its institution. 1 nurnber of currect 2roduction. Any major change in material, equipment, 4.4.2 SanpiinE,

30、 For exanination. Sar;i;ling shall be concucte in accordarice with MIL-STD-105. For destructive tests. Thirty-three slabs (see 3.3.2) shall be subc;ittei: with each subiot for tesLing, as specifies in through - The puncture resistame test is not required. be submitted with

31、each cublot for testing as specified in 11.4.1+.6, One cover snall 4,4.3 Inspection proceure. The saEsle covers shall be inspecte6 in accordance with the classification of defects and with bZL-STC-105, Classification of defects. (a) Cover, voicenutter-outlet valve, CUR1 (Drawing E5-81-113).

32、Cat ego ri es De fe c t s Critical: None defined Major : 101 102 10 3 io4 Xinor: 201 - A. lkeivc s$ecicii-ns, tim froci each of six test slabs, shall be taken for ozone- resistance testing. chail be taken for flexikility testifig. Six ssecimens, one from each of si: test slabs, shall be taken for pu

33、ncture-resistance. selectea for heat agirig shall be ageu in an air oven at a teq,erecirms, tvo froli; euli or three Yest slabs, si.cE- kc- Ten Eight specir.ieiis, two froli; each of four test slabs, The test specincns resistance, and tension set, sile stress, and tension cet snall be cieter

34、nine in accorance with Wi.i D412; tear-resistance snali be etermined in accorbnce with ASW h24. The angle-type, or cresecent type ie shall be use for tear-resistance testing. Tensile strength, ultimate elongation, tensile stress, tear Tensile strength, ultimate elongation, ten- Ozone resista

35、nce. Ozone resistance shall be determined in accordance with Directive Wo. 618. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I- 4.4.1:. 4 Flexib ili Ly. Flexibility shall be oeterrillned us inl D572. 4, h. 5 hcceptancelrej ection criteria. If ay

36、 specimen fails to meet the requirements of 3.h, a retest for the rec.uirement failed is allowed. the retested specimen fails, the sublot shall be rejected. fails to neet tne requirement of 3.6, the suklot shall be rejected. If If the smlple 5. PREPAM,TION FOR DLLIKRY 5.1 Packaging, packing, and ma-

37、:cing, interplant siiipmert (see 6.G). me P covers , voicemitter-outlet valve shall be packaged and packe to provide adequate protection frori pnysical damage from the supply source to the first receiving activity for immediate use or further processing. Shigping containers shall be in comgliarice w

38、ith the rules an6 regulations applicable to the mode of trarswrtation. l.larking shall be in conforcance with F%;D-STC-12 3. 5 2 Repair parts. When covers, voiceinilter-outlet valve are pro- cured for storage and. issue as repair parts, preservation, packaging, packing and marking shall be as specif

39、ied. on tine packaging ata sheet which is identified by the National Stock Ember, 6.1 Intende use. This specification describes a protective cover intended to be use on the Mlr(jU field chentical-biologicd. mask. 6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the following (a) (b ) Preprodu

40、ction. Title, number m date of this specification. e Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(a) (O) (c) Ineir free-sulfur contents do not vary imre tha,ri 1G percent, Tneir average tensile-stress values ak any given elongation Their curing t

41、irces cm be eqwteir in the following equatioii: (other than ultinate elongation) Go not vary ciore than f 2.5 percent. where: ti = minutes of cure at terqerature Y1 t2 = minutes of cure at teqerature T:, T1 = teqerature (OF) of cure for tine tl, and T2 = temperature (OF) of cure for time t2. For con

42、venience, tine nomograph in figure 1 nay be used. instead of the mathenat ical computation of time-temperature relationship in etermining equivalent cure. 6.4 iiajor change. The term applies to any change in forrmlae, processing, of curing of currently a2proved rubber stocks. “he major change should

43、 be considered effected when one or Kore of the following cond.itions occur: (a) (b) (c) (Ci) (e) Conpnents of formulae are varied in excess of the lipitations The addition or eletion of one or more conponents of formulae. Substitution for one or more components of formulae without Deviations from t

44、he subnitte6 and qproved factory mold cure Use of noid lubricants, dusting powtiers , or wet sprays not stated. in the manufacturers tolerance (see 6.5). advance approval of Chemical System Laboratory. exceeing +jF or -lOF, even though equivalent cure is attained, used in preparation or cure of the

45、original samples submitted for a?-roval. 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- flIL-C-532BOB 42 = O6 O458083 8 m 30, a- 15- IO 9 e 7- 6 5 6- -. -. 4 - - 3 - -I -a. - 2- EQUIVALEMT CURE TIME - - - - MINUTES FOR NATURAL RUBBER - -2 -e-2 -

46、3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - - 9 - IO lb - - - - 20 - - 30 50 40 30 20 10 O IO 20 30 40 60 - A F Fiqure I. . USINO A STRAleHT LDCE, CONWLCT THE WITH THE CHANGE OE CURE TEUPERATURE OW W t w o c z W A 3 z 5 L w MNUTES OHIQINAL WE TINE OM SCALE At SCALE. EXTEND THE LIWE L UNTIL IT INTERSECTS 42 SCALE AT THE LQU

47、IVALEMT CURE TIME. 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6.5 tions i moiirrts useci, or toieraices, Tor accelarators y piasticizers, 02;. softeners. Ynese tocraxes arc permitteci tc enable the.mznui.?,cturcr to 2roduce stock whicl; will.

48、 cotisist- ently cor,ply with this specifirs,tiori aixi whici. will process ily in the planc. of gerccntage of steck or nUciouer of parts of rucuer, -ma tiie nimufacturers tolerances recorenis of formlae iiiay be sub:rCted on th basis / B.L. 3atch. A batcl1 .is defiieC as tkt guatitj of a therefore, sseciincns timt fail to neeL reguirer,:er,ts men age reFlaced by new specimens aged at 70 2 l0C for 166 consecutive hours. 6.8 Interplant snipnents. Packaging for supplier; an naterials which will not enter the litaq- sqply systes:. Typical interplmt; shipments a sub


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