ARMY MIL-C-51326-1968 CALCULATOR NUCLEAR YIELD M4A1《M4A1型核裂变产额计算器》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-C-51326-1968 CALCULATOR NUCLEAR YIELD M4A1《M4A1型核裂变产额计算器》.pdf_第1页
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1、MILITARY SPEC1 FI CATION CALCULATOR, NUCLEAR YIELD, F?4Al 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers one type of nuclear yield calculator. The calculator is a circular type slide rule consistino of three con- centri c di sks contai ni ng the appl i cab1 e scales . 2. APPLICAGLE DOCUIiEIlTS 2.1 Governmen

2、t documents. The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, fom a part of thi c speci fi cati on to the extent speci fi ed herein. STAilARDS KILITARY F-IL-STD-105 - Sarnpl ing Procedures and Tables for Inspection by MIL-STD-129 - Marki ng for S

3、hi pnient and Storage. Attributes. DWdINGS US ARMY IIUX IT1 ONS COMMAND E G GE: 90 D ARS EN AL DL 5-36-36 - Calculator, Piuclear Yield, 44R1. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publications re- qui rea by suppl ierc in connection wi,th specific procurement functi ons should be obtain

4、ed from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) specificatlon to tne extent specified herein. the issue in effect on date of invitation for bicis or request for pro- posal shall apply. 2.2 Other Dublications. The following document fonis a part of this -4 Unless otheriiris

5、e indicated, FSC 6665 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Uni f om Fre i gh t C1 as s i fi cat i on (Appliction for copies of these ratings, rules and regulations siiould be addressed to Uniform Classification Committee, 202 Union Station

6、, 516 West Jackson Bou1 evard , Ch i cago , Il 1 i noi s 60606. ) 3. REQUI REMEITS 3.1 Materials anti components. 3.1.1 Materials. All materials cited on Drawing DL5-36-36 or oti the subsidiary drawings shall conform to the specifications listeti thereon, or to the specific characteristics set forth

7、 on the drawiiigs. The ink used for marking atici lettering shall be compatible with the vinyl ciilo- riae material. TR? printing shall be legible, nonfadifig, and durable. _.- 3.1.2 Components. Al 1 components of the calculator shall conforri7 to the specifications arid drawings listed or: Drawing

8、DL 5-86-36 and sub- si di ary - drawi ngs . 3.2 - Kanufacture and asser,. The calculator shall be manufactured and assembled in accordance wih Drawing C5-36-36. 3.3 Functioninti. The calculator, when tested in accordatice tri th 4.4.4, shall be capable of solving the problems for yield usin? the dta

9、 listed in table I. Table I. Problem data. :Distance to ground zero : - - : 1 O0 ki 1 orne ters : :Flash to bang tine :65 secs : 20 secs - : t 1 e v at i on an 9 1 :SOO mils : 750 mils : - - :85 mi 1s : Cloud width - - :150U f 203 kt: - -. : Yield - Cloua top - : 10 -!- 1.0 kt: -. : Yiela - Cloud bo

10、ttom : : Yield - - ;1sc + 2 kt r - - - -_ -_I_ 3.4 Pre rociuctim. Prior to the start of regular prodiictio;i, a pre- productior? -+ sanip e of K4AI calculators shall be produc4 in accordanca with this specification for exariiinaiion and test (see 4.3). 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

11、or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-5L326 66 9777706 OL110260 7 W 3.5 -_I.- I.:orkirianship. The calculator shall be free from i;iiperfections (pits, bumps, cracks, flash, abracioti, blisters, holes, or porous areas) and contarni nati on (di rt, grease, oi 1 or forei gti matte

12、r). shall be sniooth and lanii nati ons chal 1 be uni forni without unsealed areas. Al 1 surfaces 4 . QUAL I TY ASS C RA4 CE PROVI S I ORS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. - 4.7 .l Suppliers responsibiliQ. Unless otherr/ise s7scified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible f

13、or the per- formance of al l inspection requi reiaet-its as speci fied herci 11. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his ovin or any other facilities suitable for the perfornance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Gover

14、nment. inspections set forth in the specification where such inspxtions are deeined necessary to assure suppl ies and services confom to specified requi rernents . 4.1.2 Objective evidence. The supplier shall provide objective evidence acceptable to the contracting officer that tne requireicents of

15、3.1 and section 5 for which specific inspection has not been pro- vided in this specification have been satisfied. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the 4.2 Classification of inspection. The inspection requireinents speci- fied herein are classified as follows: (a) Preproductio? in

16、spection (see 4.3). (b) Quality confQrrnaiice inspection (see 4.4). 4.3 Preproduction inspection-. 4.3.1 Sample. A preproduction sainple of five completely assembled M4Al calculators and five uiiassembled WA1 calculators shall be manu- factured usiiig thf same niethods, materials, equipment and proc

17、esses as will be used during regular production. 4.3.2 Exmination aiid nondestructive test. The coinponents cf the five unassenbled calcuiators shall be examined for all iiie requirements -I- of -:ne drawings. accordance with the classification of defects ( The fivi! assefibled calculators

18、shall be esanined in 4.3.3 Acceptance/rejection critsria. I-_ The preproducticn samvle shall comply witn he examinations and tests specified iii 4.3.2 Lo be acceptable. The supplier shall obtoin written approval from tne contracting offi Cer prior to proceeding with regular production. -i- 3 ,- . ,

19、s. ir ! Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.- MIL-C-5L32b 66 7777706 OL4026L 7 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. 4.4.1 Lotting. A lot shall consist of the M4Al calculators produced Dy one nanufacturer, at one plant, from %he saine mate

20、rials, under essen- ti al ly the sane manuf acturi ng condi ti ons . 4.4.2 Sampling for examination and nondestructive tests. Sampling shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-105. For major defect 101, level S-2 shall be used. 4.4.3 Inspection procedures. Examination and nondestructive

21、 tests. Sample calculator% shall be examined and tested in accordance with the classification of defects and MIL-STD-105. Classification of defects. (a) Cal cul ator, nuclear yi el d , M4A1 (Dwg CS-86-36. - Categories Defects -. AcceE-_nce standards - .- Cri ti cal : None defined Major : AQL

22、 1 .O percent defective 101 Functioning 4.4.0 AQL 2.5 percent defective i 1 o2 i03 104 105 106 Workmanshi p (see 3.5) Component missing , incorrect or incorrectly assembled Disks not free to turn easily Marking or lettering missing, in- correct, or illegible, or color incorrect Ri vet hol es i i1 di

23、 s ks i ncorrectl y 1 ocated 4.4.4 Functioning test. Test shall be conducted as fGllows: (a) - Problem l. Align 65 seconds on the “Flash-to-sang Time“ scale on th2 front inner disk with 800 mils on the “Stabilize Cloud Bottom or Top Elevation Angle“ scale on the outer disk. Read answer on the “Yield

24、 Stabilized Cloud Top“ scale of the outer disk under the pointer of the inner disk. 4 i r .I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(b) Prob1 em 2. Al i gn 20 seconds on the “F1 ash-to-Bang-linie“ scale on the front inner disk with 750 mils

25、on the “Stabilized Cloud Bottorn or Top Elevation Angle“ scale on the outer disk. Read answer on the “Yield Stabilized Cloud Bottom“ scale of the outer disk under the pointer of the inner disk. (c) Problem 3. A1ig:i 100 kilometers in the “Distance to Ground Zero“ scale on the back “nner disk with 35

26、 mils on the “Observed Cloud Width at Bang Time“ scale on the outer disk. “Yield“ scale of the outer disk under the pointer of the inner aisk. Read answer on the 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packaging, level C. The calculators shail be packaged to provide adequate protecti oti against deteri orat

27、ion and damage from the supply source to the first receiving activity for immediate use. 5.2 Packing, level C. Calculators, packaged as specified in 5.1, shall be packed to insure carrier acceptance and safe delivery to the first domestic destination. Containers shall be in compliance with Uniform F

28、rei ght C1 as si fi cati on ru1 es or the regul ati ons of other common carri ers applicable to the mode of transportation. 5.3 Marking. In addition to any special marking required by the contract or order, unit packages and shipping containers shall be marked in accor- dance with MI L-STD-129. 6.1

29、Intendec use. This calculator is intended for use in calculating the nuclear yield froin an atomic burst. 6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the following: (a) (b) Preproduction : Title, number and date of this specification. (1) (2) (3) Tine allowed for supplier submission of s

30、atnples for r.:ame and address of test facility anci shipping instruc- Tit= allowed for the Government to notify the supplier Government test and evaluation after award of contract. tions when testing is performed by the Government. whether or not to proceed with production. Custocii ans : Trepari ng .acti vi ty : Amiy - 4U Ami, - iU( EA) Project 20. 5865-AZ36 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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