ARMY MIL-C-60021 A-1971 CASE CARRYING M85 ASSEMBLY FOR KIT DEMOLITION M37《M37型爆破元件的M85型药筒装载装载》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-C-60021 A-1971 CASE CARRYING M85 ASSEMBLY FOR KIT DEMOLITION M37《M37型爆破元件的M85型药筒装载装载》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-C-60021 A-1971 CASE CARRYING M85 ASSEMBLY FOR KIT DEMOLITION M37《M37型爆破元件的M85型药筒装载装载》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-C-60021 A-1971 CASE CARRYING M85 ASSEMBLY FOR KIT DEMOLITION M37《M37型爆破元件的M85型药筒装载装载》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-C-60021 A-1971 CASE CARRYING M85 ASSEMBLY FOR KIT DEMOLITION M37《M37型爆破元件的M85型药筒装载装载》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-C-60021 A-1971 CASE CARRYING M85 ASSEMBLY FOR KIT DEMOLITION M37《M37型爆破元件的M85型药筒装载装载》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-C-6002LA 13 W 977770b 033Li705 O W . = . .- , .- - .y - . . .- . t MILITAFIY SPLCIFICATION -. -I . a. / CASE, CARRYING, 85, ASSELY . . . r . .i . ._ . . . :. . . . s. I i : :. _. 1: -* _._ . . 1, %OPE . 1.1 This specification covers the fabrication of one type of carrying case designated as Case

2、, Carrying, M85 Assembly. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUYZNTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal for3 a partof this specification to the extent cpecifie herein. SPECIFICATIONS .MILITARY MIL-A-2550 - Ammunition and Special Weapons; General sp

3、ecification for STANDARDS h MILITARY MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes (AEC-ST2-105) MIL-STD-109 - Quality Assurance Terms anci Definitions MIL-STD-1168 - Lot Numbering of Amunition MIL-STD-1189 - Packaging, Packing and Marking for Shipment of Inert Artmunitio

4、n Cozponents MIL-STD-1235 - Single anc Multilevel ContinLoUs Sampling Procedures an Tables for, Inspection by Attributes DRAW1 NGS U.S. ARMY MUNITIO S COISJIAND 886ii08 - Case, Carrying, M85 Assembly I r. PUBLICATIONS i 5 i l. S. ARMY MUNITIONS COMNAND .ET - 886,1108 - Equipment Tabulation . Provide

5、d by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-:bT : MIL-C-6OOZlA (MU) (Copfea of specifications, standards, drawings and pub:iczt:c required by contractors in connection with specific procixCxG: functions ahould be obtained from tk.e procuring activiGy 01

6、- as directed by the contracting officer). 3. REQUIREPENTS 3.1 Materlal.-Materials and parts shall be in accordance with applicable drawings and specifications. 3.2 Case.-The M85 Carrying Case shall comply with ali requirements specified on Drawing (dwg,) 8861108 and with all requirements specified

7、in applicable specifications. 3.3 Workmanship.-All parts shall be fabricated in a thorough, workmanlike manner. They shall be free of surface defects, dirt, oil, grease and other foreign matter. Tne carrying case shall be uniform in Color, appearance ana finish. provisions for first article inspecti

8、on. Requirements for the suthlsslon of first article samples by the contractor shall be as specified in the contract, 3.4 First article inspection.-This specification makes 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection.-Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order

9、, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disa

10、pproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary t assure supplies and services confors to prescribea require- ments, Reference shall be made to XII,-STD-109 to define terms used

11、herein. lot of Items deliverable under the contract is submittea to the Government for acceptance, the contractor shall supply the following information accompanied by a certificate which attest that the information provided is correct and applicable to tne product being submitted: The provisions of

12、 MIL-A-2550 shall apply. Submission of product.-At the time each completed 4.1.1 t Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. . . . . :. . . . -2“ . ,. .- . . . . - . .: . a. A statement that the lot cornplies with all of ;?.e quality assuranc

13、e provisions speclfiea in this speciflcatim. b. Drawing and specification number and date, togecher with identification and date of changes thereto. C. A statement that all material purchased by the contractor meets requirements, when such material is controllea by Goverment OP commercial specificat

14、ions referenced in any of %he contractual documents, and that certificates of conformance are on file and available for review. d. Number of items in the lot. e. Date submitted. The certificate shall be signed by a responsible agent of the certifying organization. The initial certificate submitted s

15、hall be substantiated by evidence of the agents authority to bind his principal. will not be required with subsequent certificates unless during the course of the contract, this authority is veste in another agent of the certifying organization. Substantiation of the agents authority 4.2 First artic

16、le inspection 4.2.1 Submission.-Prior to the start of regular prouctior, the contractor shall submit a first article sample (see 6.1) to a Government approved fcility as designated by the contsctln; officer for evaluation in accordarice with the provisions of 4.2.2. The first article sample shall co

17、nsist of ten (10) coxlete assemblies which have been produced by the contractor or furnisnea by a suRplier and which have been canufacturea using the sme production processes, process, procedures and equipment whicri will be used in fulfilling the contract. All parts and material including packaging

18、 and packing, shall be obtained frox tne sane source of supply as will be use in regular production. to submission, the contractor shall inspect the saiple to the degree necessary to assure that it conform to tne requirments of the contract and submit a recor of this inspection witk the sample, incl

19、uding certificates o conforna!lce for materials. h sample containing known cierects will not be stibzittea unless specifically authorized by the contracting officer. k first article sample or portion thereof, 8s airected by tne contractins officer, shall also be subrnittec wnenever there is a lapse

20、ir, production for a period in excess of 90 days or wheriever a crznse occurs in nanufacturing process, naterial used, urzwing or specification such as to siGnificntly affect prodact uniforr.:ity as aeternineci by the Goverrxrient. Prior 4.2.2 Inspections to be perfored.-Assenbies will be subjected

21、by the Government to any or all exacinations specifiec In 4.3.2 of this specification am3 any or all requirements of the applicable drawings. 3 -. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-YL-C-6002A (Ki) 4.2.3 Refection.-If o ccaply wiz:-, any

22、 of the applicable requSreaents, Che firs; mticie saqlz shall be rejected. The GovernaLent reserves the riS3.t to terminate its inspection upor. any railure of any sseribiy in the sample to comply with any of the statea requirerfienw. 4.3 Inspection provisions 4.3.1 Lot forrnation.-The tern “inspect

23、ion lot“ as use6 Lr, this specification is defined as an essentially homogeneox collection of units of product fron which a representative sample is drawn ana inspecte to determine confornance with applicable requirements. Ye sanple selected shall represent only that quantity of units fron which the

24、 sample was draws r,C shall not be construed to represefit any prior or subsequenz quantities presented for inspecteu. Homogeneity shall be considered to exist provided the inspection lot has beer, produced by one manufacturer, in one unchagea process, usine the same materials and methocis, in accor

25、dance with tne szze drawings, same drawing revisions, sane specifications arid sCritlcalr -Hone defined. #as: None defined. .I i. . ,- Hlnor : AQL 1.5 percent 201, Width. . .Ge 01001 202, Length G a detall of dwg. 8861108). Categories Defects Methoa of Coce Xo. Inspection .- mitieal: None defined. M

26、ajor : AQL 0.65 percent 101. Location of tying strap. Gage 04301 103. Stitching incomplete or improperVisual 0409; 102. Assembly or component damaged or missing.Visual 04232 Minor : AQL 1.0 percent 201. Total length .ae 04004 202. Evidence of poor workmanship . (see 3.3) . vsual 04005 of dug

27、. 8861108). Strap, shouler (see dwg. 8861130 covering a aetail Categories . Defects Method of Coae KO. Inspection Critical: None define. Major: Hone defined. Minor : AQL 1.5 percent - 203 Evidence of poor workmanship c 201. Width .Gage 05001 (see 3.3) ,.*visual 05003 202. IRngth *.Gage 05002

28、 -Panel (see dwg. 8861129 covering a detail of ag. 8861108) . :Cat egories Defects Critical: None defined. Method of Code So. Inspection . Major: None defined. . Minor: . AQL 1.5 percent 203. .Evidence of poor workmanship 201. Width .a.Gage 06COi 202. LRngth Ge 06002 -(see 3.3) .vsual 06003 . Provid

29、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- Strap, reinforcing (see dwg. 8861127 caverii-q t detall of dug. 8861105). . -Categories . - Defects Metno of COL ;. * . .? . _. ._. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitte

30、d without license from IHS-,-,- *. MIL-C-6002LA 13 H 7777706 0334734 3 = , . . .- MIL-C-60021A (Mir) equipment. Designs shall be subnitted for approval as specified in 6.3.5. of Inspection equipment for which the Government as assigried design responsibility to the contractor. Contractor designs sha

31、ll be supported by detailed drawings which depict all Information necessary to completely facbricate, calibrate an operate an Item of inspection equipment. This requires th submission shall be as directed by the Contracting Officer. Partial submission of inspection equipment designs is permissible a

32、nd encouraged. However, the Arsenal completion date for design review will be based on the date of the final submission of designs. be accomplished norrally within one month after receipt. Picatinny Arsenal design review will Custodian: Army-MU Project Number: 1375-A-i33 10 . - Preparing activity: Army-KU Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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