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1、- MIL-C-70501 13 7779706 0355307 M flwJ4-35 MIL-C-70501 (AR) 8 JUNE 1984 MILITARY SPECIFICATION CHARGE, PROPELLING, M204, PAPER PREFORM PROCESS .PARTS AND CONTAINER ASSEMBLY This specification is approved for use by the US Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command, and is available for use by al

2、l Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers requirements, quality assurance provisions and packaging for the parts and container assembly manufactured by the paper preform process for the propelling charge designated as Charge, Propelling, M204 and

3、 used on the ammunition for the Lightweight Company Mortar System ( LWCMS ) . 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. 2.1.1 Specifications and standards. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the following specifications and standards of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of

4、Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) specified in the solicitation, forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MIL I TARY MIL-A-48078 - Ammunition, Standard Quality Assur- ance Provisions, General Specifica- tion for FSC 1310 Beneficial commen

5、ts (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commander, US Arm Armament Research and Development Center, Attn. DRSMC-QA, Dover, New Lrsey 07801 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement

6、 Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. I THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS -a3 PAGES Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-70501 13 9499906 0355308 T MIL-C-70501 (AR) STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD- 10 5 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for MIL-STD-286 - Propellants,

7、Solid: Sampling, M IL- STD- 41 4 - Sampling Procedures and Tabls for Inspection by Attributes Examination and Testing Inspection by Variables for Percent Defective MIL-STD-810 - Environmental Test Methods 2.1.2 Other Government - documents, drawings and publica- tions. The followins other Government

8、 documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. DRAWINGS (See 6.4) US ARMY ARMAMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER (ARDC) 9381562 9345311 9312698 92 93 287 9293439 92 93440 9313703 9313727 - Composition - Container Assembly - Charge, Propelli

9、ng M204 - Packing and Marking Container, Ammunition, Fiber, PA 78 for 60MM Cartridge, HE, M720 with Fuze M734 - Packaging and Marking for Container Ammunition, Metal, PA 70 for 60MM Cartridge, HE, M720 with Fuze M734 - Box, Wirebound, Packing, Ammunition for 60MM Cartridge, HE, M720 with Fuze M734,

10、Packing and Marking - Packing and Marking for Box, Fiber- board, Outer for Charge Propelling, M204 or Container Assembly - Packing for Pallet for Box, Fiber- board, Outer for Charge Propelling M204 or Container Assembly (Copies of specifications, standards, handbooks, drawings and publications requi

11、red by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 2.1.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the reference cited herein, the text of

12、 this specification shall take precedence. z Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-70501 13 = 7777706 0355307 1 W MIL-C-70501 (AR) -8 - a 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Materials, The materials including packing shall be in accordance with the applkable drawings and specifications. 3-2 Assembiec. Cont

13、ainer assemblies shall comply with all the requirements specified on drawing 9345311 and on all reIated drawings and with all the requirements specified in the appIicable -specifications. 3-3 StabIity heat test (134.5OC). The nitrocellulose in the container assemblies and closre shall not completely

14、 change the color of the methyl violet paper to salmon pink color in less than thirty-five minutes when tested in accor- dance with 4.5-2. 3.4 Residue test, The container assemblies when loaded and fired ballistically shall not leave residue which wil cause cartridge hang-up in the mortar tube, shal

15、l not produce a secondary flame after 2 seconds (sec) minimum (min.) from the primary flame of the cartridge launch and when ired at zone 4, sha11 not produce fIaming debris on the ground . The test shal1 be performed as specified in 4-5.3. 3.5 Percent by weight of resin and additives, kraft and pol

16、yester staple fiber. The percent by weight of resin and additives, kraft and polyester staple fiber shall not be less than 12.95 and not more than 21.55 when tested in accordance with 4- 3.6 Homogeneity of material. The material used to manu- facture the parts and assemblies shal be uniform

17、in structure or compositin throughout, The presence of spots of 1/16 inch or larger diameter or any spot which compIetely permeates through the entire thickness of the part of assemby shall indicate non-homogeneity, The presence of thin membrane-like areas shall indicate non-homogeneity. The top and

18、 bottom halves shall not exhibit non-homogeneities including cracks, splits, cuts, tears, rips or holes when tested as specified in 4-5.7. The Government shall establish visual standards prior to production with the assistance of the contractor. 3.7 Compression strength test, The container assemblie

19、s - - shall exhibit a compression strength of not less than 0.9 pounds when tested as specified in 4.5.4. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-70501 13 m 7777906 0355310 MIL-C-70501 (AR) 3.8 Transportation-vibration test. The container assemblies shall be able to withstand the transportati

20、on- vibration procedure of 4.5.5 and subsequently be safe to handle and fire. 3.9 Water repellancy. The container assemblies shall satisfactorily pass the water repellancy test specified in 4.5.6. 3.10 Fin-boom simulation test. The container assemblies shall satisfactorily pass thefin-boom simulatio

21、n test speci- fied in 4.5.8. 3.11 Process description. A process control document, including a complete process description in accordance with DI-P-1604 (Modified) is required during first article. Government review of the process control document is required prior to initiation of production. 3.12

22、First article inspection. - This specification makes provisions for first article inspection. Requirements for submission of first article samples by the contractor shall be as specified in the contract. 3.13 Workmanship. I- 3.13.1 Container parts and assemblies. The container parts and assemblies s

23、hall be free of dirt, grease or other foreign material. 3.13.2 Packaging. The packaging shall be free from foreign material. The boxes shall be assembled without undue binding and no flap shall project beyond the edge of the box when closed. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsiblity for insp

24、ection and standard quality assurance provisions. Unlzs otherwise specified herein or in the contract, the provisions of MIL-A-48078 shall apply and are hereby made a part of this detail specification. 4 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-70501 13 m 9999906 0355311 T m MIL-C-70501 (AR) 4

25、.2 Classification of inspections. The following types of inspections shall be conducted on this item: a. First article inspection b. Quality conformance inspection 4.3 First article inspection ar 4.3.1 Submission. The contractor shall submit a first icle sample as designated by the Contracting Offic

26、er for evaluation in accordance with provisions of 4.3.2. The first article sample shall consist of the followinq items in sample quantities as indicated: - - Part Description Drawings Quant i ty Con ta iner, Top 9345313 15 per cavity/ Container, Bottom 9345312 15 per cavity/ Closure 9312707 215 Con

27、tainer Assembly 9345311 50 3 Container Assembly (less si licone) 9345311 10 350) 350) The submission of 1st Article shall include 25 blanks (the cut-out from the paper roll stock that will be utilized in the preform and final molding dies to form the increment tops and bottoms) as used in making the

28、 top and bottom halves submitted for 1st Article. Each blank shall be measured for thickness to 1/1000 inches in three places, for area to 1/100 square inches and for weight to 1/10 grams and the data submitted with the 1st Article identifiable to the particular blank. 4.3.2 Inspection to be perform

29、ed. See MIL-A-48078 and Table I. 4.3.3 Rejection. See MIL-A-48078. 4.3.4 Initial qualification of die-press Set-ups. Initial die-press Set-up qualification shallbe accomplished by conven- tional die maker techniques to check the concentricity of male-female dies. The following procedure shall be emp

30、loyed: a. Strips f eutectic solder 0.032 inches in thickness are to be placed in the cavity of each die in three places. The dies are then to be closed on the strips. Subsequently the strips are to be removed from the dies and measured with a ball 5 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-705

31、01 13 W 9999906 0355312 1 I_ MIL-C-70501 (AR) anvil and ball spindle micrometer. Inner diameter, outer diameter, and base thickness measurements are to be obtained and shall be in accordance with the applicable drawing. b. After the die-press setups have been qualified with solder, fifteen each part

32、s shall be processed through each die and measured for inner and outer diameters, and base thickness. All dimensions shall be in accordance with the applicable draw- ing. c. All measurements obtained during die-press qualifica- tion shall be maintained on file and shall be available for government r

33、eview. The die-press Set-ups shall not be approved for use in production if any part, assembly or solder Set-up fails to comply with above requirements. d. All die-press Set-ups shall operate against the established stop and meet an established dwell time. 6 Licensed by Information Handling Services

34、-. . - - MIL-C-70501 13 m 777770b 0355313 3 m . I-7 -. . i. - Drt Prn 1 v rt rtuI w cn (Do w O Q c, mc, rt Ui w I- U r Y I-vicnwwI-wwh, PPP UP wI- h, cncnouicncn OOlJl UIUI cncn 03 00000 O0 O O2 *+* UwuuwuuwU wwu WU wu 03tawbPwI-ih,h, NWN Cnh, ah) . 1 O I- I l ! i L. . 7 Licensed by Information Hand

35、ling Services- - _ML-k-70501 (A - t formation. - comply with the lot formation provisions of MIL-A-48078. a. Each lot of container tops and bottoms shall contain parts produced from: Nitrocellulose paper from not more than one lot from one manufacturer. b. Each lot of container assemblies shall cont

36、ain parts produced from: (1) Container tops and container bottoms from not more (2) Silicone from one manufacturer. (3) Hexane from one manufacturer. (4) Acetone from one manufacturer. (5) MR-23 from one batch from one manufacturer. than one manufacturer and one lot. 4.4.2 Examination. See MIL-A-480

37、78. Conditioning shall be at 23 -+ 2C and 50 + 5% R.H. for a minimum of 4 hours. Unless otherwise speciyied in the Classification of Defects and Test tables, sampling plans for major and minor defects shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level II. Mold examination and process

38、requirements. Qualification for new or rework die-press i7 -, Set-ups. shall be in accordance with 4.3.4. Qualification of new or reworked die-press Set-ups Process requirements. .- a. Homogeneity inspection will be performed prior to assembly of container halves. 8 P _. - . . _

39、Licensed by Information Handling Services7 O -5 3 U I3 i w-a) pi2 c(D 7LDY O0 o r I O O0 mm Ph rp O Ulm O0 o d9 dpdp dPd9 dp ww ww w w PN NN N 0 w P . .e I c P- aa a pipi pi ca P- pi a9 ul G(D pi (Dm (D pi P P P ui u z h I v 9 f -. r rr pi P. 2 Y e O w . P 7 8 U P P Licensed by Information Handling

40、Services- - . . . . . . ._ . - . . ,. . .- 3 0 I -. 3 D . -rl O 3 z 3 O O a w 0 O + u z Co 03 w 3 m Fu o m v1 m a o, d, zt O 7 O -h w art t m P- - (D a P (D (D m vi- o -0lr o mlr mm YP PJ - a-PJ (DLUC (D O o .m m I O00 P 1 O O o + the assembly shall then be withdrawn and examined. A container shall

41、be rejected if it shows a lack of silicone or incomplete coverage as evidenced by wetting or lack of beading. NOTE: Container assemblies shall be dried in air for at least 24 hours before further use. -2 1 Licensed by Information Handling Services- _- MIL-C-70501 13 7777906 0355328 5 W MIL-C-70501 (

42、AR) 4.5.7 - Homogeneity of material. Tops and bottoms shall be liqht table inspected. Any item which fails to conform with the homogeneity- requirement shall be classed defective and removed from the lot. 4.5.8 Fin-boom simulation test. The container assemblies shall be tested for flexibility needed

43、 during field use. The container assemblies shall be visually examined for any homogeneity defects prior to the test. The defect-free container assemblies shall be positioned on and removed two times from a solid bar of the maximum allowable outside diameter of the fin boom. The “snap“ on and off th

44、e boom shall be performed with the container assembly oriented perpendicular to the bar. After removal, the container assemblies shall be visually inspected for cracks, tears, open seams, crushed ends, and folds/creases in the container wall. The Government shall establish visual standards prior to

45、production with the assis- tance of the contractor. 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging. Packaging shall be as specified on dwg. 9313703. 5.2 Packing. Packing shall be as specified on dwg. 9313727. 5.3 Marking. Marking shall be as specified on dwg. 9313703 and dwg. 9313727. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use. The com

46、ponents covered by this specifi- cation are intended for use on ammunition for the 60MM Lightweight Company Mortar System (LWCMS). 6.2 Ordering data. See MIL-A-48078. 6.3 Submission of inspection equipment for design - approval. See MIL-A-48078. Submit designs as required to Commander, US Army Armam

47、ent Research and Development Center, ATTN: DRSMC-QAT-I (D) , Dover, NJ 07801. 6.4 Drawings. Drawings listed in section 2 of this specification under the heading US Army Armament Research and Development Center (ARDC) may also include drawings prepared by and identified as ARRADCOM, Edgewood Arsenal,

48、 Frankford 22 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-70501 13 I 7777706 0355327 7 I p-p MIL-C-70501 (AR) Arsenal, Rock Island Arsenal or Picatinny Arsenal drawings. Technical data originally prepared by these activities is now under the cognizance of ARDC. 6.5 Additives, Additives shall have

49、 prior approval by the Contracting Officer. Mold release agents and processing aids are considered additives. 6.6 Hangup. For this specification, the meaning of a “hangup“ is a round which is dropped into the mortar tube but does not strike the firing pin with enough force to function the primer. - 6.7 Submission of formal proving ground firing report. Residue test data shall be sent to Commander, US Army Armament Research and Development Center, ATTN: DRSMC-QAT-B(D), Dover, NJ 07801. 6.8 Proving ground test summary Test _c Sample S


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