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1、7- MIL-D-60329 13 7797706 0337675 /- MIL-D=60329(MU) 15 MARCH 1965 MILITARY SPECIFICATION DETONATOR, STAB, T37 LOADING, ASSEMBLING AND PACKING I. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers the loading, assembling and packing for one type of stab detonator designated as Detonator, Stab, m7. 2. APPLICABLE DO

2、CUMENTS ?.l The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, or request for proposals, form a part of this specification ta the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MILP-116 -P res e r v at i o n , Methods of. aiII6.A-2550 -Ammunition and Spe- cial Weapons,

3、Gen- eral Specification for. MIL-145607 - Inspection Equipment, Supply and Mainte- ItaIlce of. STANDARDS MILITARY : 201. Defeata Method of Code No. %pecth I. (see 6.2) interior coating incomplete .or inadequate Visual O1001 None define . Evidence of poor workmanship (see 3.6) . Visual . AQL 0.66 per

4、cent 01002 . Detonator assembly dwg. 8797794). Mew of . Code No. inspection C the cru- cible and contents shall be placed in a drying oven at 95-105 degrees C. for hour, cooled in a desiccator ,and weighed, The above ex- traction shall b repeated, drying, and weigh- ing with individual 20 ml

5、. portions of chloro- form until the loss in weight on subsequent extractions totals less than 0.003 grams. The loss in weight of the crucible plus contents shall be calculated to percent calcium resi- nate in the sample on a moisture free basis as follows-: Percentage of Calcium Resinate = 100A w w

6、here: A = loss in weight of the crucible plus W = weight of sample. contents. Graphite. The crucible and content remaining after the removal of calcium resi- nate shall be washed with a minimum of three 20 ml. portions of acetone, each por- tion maintained in contact with the residue for app

7、roximately 1 minute with continuous stirring before applying suction, until the aubsequent test for RDX in the acetone washings is negative. The crucible and con- tents shall be washed with a minimum of 3 ml. portions of acetone, each sportion main- tained in contact with the residue for ap- proxima

8、tely 1 minute with continuous stir- ring .before applying suction, until the fol- lowing qualitative test for RDX in the ace- tone washings is negative, The acetone fil- trate shall be transferred to a 25 ml. beaker, evaporaked to dryness on a steam bath and several drops of it solution of chromotro

9、pic acid added in 36N sulfurio acid. The forma- tion of a reddish-brown color, as compared to a pink color obtained by a blank prepared in an identical manner indicates the pres- ence of RDX. The residue shall be aspirated until the odor of acetone is no longer de- tectable; the crucible and content

10、s shall be placed in a drying oven at 95-105 degrees C. for hour, cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The weight of Ithe residue in the crucible shall be calculated to the percentage of graphite in the sample on a moisture free basis as follows : Percentage of Graphite = 100A - w where : A = increas

11、e in weight of filtering cru- cible. W = weight of sample. Total bider-lubrcamt. The per- centage o total binder-lubricant in the sam- ple shall ;be calculated by adding the per- centage of calcium resinate and graphite found. 4.3.3 Moisture content of primer mixture. The moisture content of

12、 the primer mixture shall be determined in accordance with MIL- STD-650 method 101.5 except use a one- gram sample. 4,3.4 Cornpositdon of primer mixture. The composition of the primer mixture shall be determined by performing the following tests in the sequence specified: Barium Nitrate. An

13、accurately weighed portion of approximately 0.5 gram of primer mixture shall be transferred to a tared medium-porosity, fritted glass orucible of 20 ml. capacity. Three ml. of lead azide saturated distilled water shall be added at a temperature of 60 degrees C. plus or minus Provided by IHSNot for R

14、esaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_. . - - MIL-D-60329 13 7979906 0337702 1 MILD-60329 (MU) 2 degrees C., agitated for 1 minute, and, if necessary, lumps shall be broken up with a rubber policeman attached to a glass rod. Suction shall be applied. This procedu

15、re shall be reepated five times, making a total of six, 3-mi .extractions. The sample 3n the filtering moible shall be rinsed three times with alcohol, dried in an oven maintained at 60 degrees C, glus or nifnus 5 degrees C. for 30 minutes, cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The loss in weight shal

16、l be calcu- lated as the percentage of barium nitrate in the sample on a dry basis as follows: Barium nitrate, percent = M(A-B) 1-.01M where : A = weight of crucible and sample, B = weight of the crucible and sample after extractions with lead azide saturated water. M = moisture content of sample ob

17、- tained from 4.3.3 in percent. Lead styphnate. Basic lead (when apple cable). The residue obtained in the deter- mination of barium nitrate shall be extracted with six-ml. portions of ,saturated ammonium acetate solution at about 25 degrees C., (hot saturated ammonium ac

18、etate shall not be used as it dissolves antimony sulfide :da some extent) agitating each portion for about 30 seconds and allowing each portion to re- main in contact with the residue for approxi- mately 2 minutes. The residue shall be washed with water until the filtrate coming through the crucible

19、 appears colorless. The filtrate and washings shall be quantitatively transferred to a 260 ml. calibrated volumet- ric flask, the beaker washed thoroughly with distilled water and diluted to the mark. Using a calibrated pipette, a 2 ml. aliquot of this solution shall be transferred to a 50 ml. calib

20、rated volumetric flask and diluted to the mark with distilled water. A ,portion of this selection shall be transferred to a corex glass spectrophotometric cell (see 6.5) having a width uf approximately 1 centi- meter (cm.) and its absorbance density de- termined at a wavelength of 410 millimi- crons

21、. As reference, a similar cell containing ammonium acetate solution of the same con- centration as the sample solution shall be used. Since the cell which holds the basic lead styphnate is not identical with the ref- erence cell, the absorbance density obtained ahall be corrected as described above

22、for the difference in the amount of light which the two cells scatter and absorb. To do this, both cells shall be filled with ammonium acetate solution and the absorbance density of the cell which originally contained the basic lead styphnate solution shall be measured at a wavelength of 410 millimi

23、crons. The per- centage of baxic lead styphnate in the Sam- ple shall be calculated on a dry basis as follows : Basic lead styphnate, percent = F (A-B) where: W (1-0lM) D A = optical density of basic lead styph- nate solution. B =optical density of ammonium ace- tate solution. D = width of mrex cell

24、, cm. M =moisture content of sample ob- W = weight of sample. F = Factor rto be determined for each instrument un the basis of a sample of lead styphnate that is suitable for use as a standard. tained from 4.3.3 in percent. Determnation of no.)mal lead stgphnate (when applicable). Extract

25、the residue obtained in the barium nitrate de- termination with sufficient 5 ml. portions of ammonium acetate solution (saturated) at about 25 degrees C. until the washings are colorless, Agitate each sportion for about 1 minute, then allow each portion to remain 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo re

26、production or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-60329 13 W 9997906 0337703 3 W MILD40329 (MU) in contact with the residue for one addi- tional minute. Eiinally wash the residue with water, saturate4 with antimony sulfide, until the washings come through olear. Reserve the cruci

27、ble and residue for the tetracene determination. Transfer .- the filtrate and washings quantitatively to a 250 ml. cali- brated volumetric flask,. washing. the beaker thoroughly with - distilled .water and dilute to the mark with distilled water. Using .a calibrated pipette, transfer a 2 ml. aliquot

28、 of this solution to a second 100 ml, Cali- brated volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with distilled water. Transfer a por- tion of this solution to a corex glass spec- trophotometric cell *having a width of ap- proximately 1 em. and determine its ab- sorbance density at a wavelength of 410 mil

29、limicrons. Use as a reference, a similar cell containing ammonium acetate solution of the same concentration as the smple in the final dilution. Since the cell which holds the normal lead styphnate is not identical with the reference cell, correct the absmb- ance density obtained as described above

30、for the difference in the amount of light which the two cells scatter and absorb. To do this, fill both cells with ammonium acetate solu- tion, and measure at a wavelength of 410 millimicrons, the absorbance density of the cell which originally contained the normal lead styphnate solution. Calculate

31、 the per- centage of normal le types of drawings that .may be listed is described in paragraphs 6.3.3 and 6.3.4. Action required by the contractor with respect to commer- cial inspection equipment is described in 6.3.5. The contractor will be required to pre- pare detailed drawings in accordance wit

32、h 6.3.6 for all the equipment coded -as “Con- tractor Design” in the number column. These contractor designs must -be approved by the Government prior to fabrication or procur- ing of the equipment. Designs shall be sub- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without li

33、cense from IHS-,-,-L - MIL-D-60327 13 W 7977706 0337705 7 MILD40329 (MU) mitted for approval as specified in 6.3.7. 6.3.2 Impection equipment list codes. The inspection equipment as defined in 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 6.3.5 and 6.3.6 will be designated in the IEL by the following codes: CDAF - Contractors desi

34、gn responsi- bility on Army format in accordance with MIL-D- 45608. CDCF - Contractors design responsi- bility on contractor format. AD -Armydesign. ADMU -Army design, mandatory for CE - Commercial equipment. SCD - Specification control dnrawing. use. 6.3.3 Army designs. Army designs are re- flected

35、 on detailed drawings which complete- ly depict all the information necessary for the fabrication of the item of inspection equipment. The contractor need provide no design when an Army design is listed for an item of inspection equipment. Army de- signs fall into two basic classifications, man- dat

36、ory and nonmandatory. When an inspec- tion equipment list references mandatory Army designs, the contractor shall comply with, and use these designs accordingly. The contractor may, however, in connection with nonmandatory designs and with the approval of the Government, design alternate inspec- tio

37、n equipment or use comparable commer- cial equipment to facilitate his operations. Such contractor prepared designs or com- mercial equipment selections must be ap- proved by the Government prior to fabri- cation or procuring of the equipment. De- . signs shall be submitted for approval as specified

38、 in 6.3.7. 6.3.4 Specification control drawing. Speci- fication control drawings depict the mini- mum equipment requirements in outline, de- scriptive? diagrammatic or pi&orial form only and specify the required performance or other characteristics. Contractors must prepare detailed drawings (see 6.

39、3.6) of their designs in support of specification con- trol drawings. These contractor prepared designs must be approved by the Govern- ment prior to the fabrication or procuring of the equipment. Commercial equipment meeting the requirements of specification control drawings may be approved if de-

40、ecribed in sufficient detail to permit identi- fication and evaluation by the Government. Designs shall be submitted for approval as specified in 6.3.7. 6.3.5 Commerczal equipment. Commercial equipment is inspection equipment that has universal application for a specific function. It is comprised of

41、 items commonly used by industry and Government. Contractors are not required to furnish drawings of com- mercial inspection equipment, but a list of such equipment muit be approved by the Government. Lists shall be submitted for approval to the inspection element of the agency administering the con

42、tract. 6.3.6 Confiador dedgns. Contractor de- signs are designs of inspection equipment for which the Government has assigned de- sign responsibility to the contractor. Con- tractor designs shall be supported by de- tailed drawings which depict all infornahm necessary to completely fabricate, calibr

43、ate and operate an item of inspection equipment. This requires that the necessary views, di- mensions, materials, finish, notes, operating and calibration instructions be properly de- picted in accordance with approved practices to the extent that further calculation or clarification will not be req

44、uired. Contractor designs identified as CDCF may be devel- oped on the format the contractor normally employs in his equipment design procedure provided such format reflects the detail and information specified above. Contractor de- signs identified as CDAF shall comply with the format and requireme

45、nts of MIL-D- 45608, and in addition, contain the detail .I . . . . . - . . _, . - .- -_ 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-D-60329 13 W 9999906 033770b 9 MIGD-60329 (MU) and information specified above. Mual ap- proved contracto

46、r designs identified as CDCF shall .be suitable for ,microfilming. They must be nonreproducible diazo or eleotrosktic prints of top quality full size with black unes on white backgruund and shall provide EI legtble print produced via the 3SMM micro- film process. Gontractor shall submit one copy of

47、the final design as a rolled set or kt set. 6.3.7 Submissiota of mtractor deitigns, Designs shall be submitted for approval to the Commanding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal, AWN: SMUPA-ND. Design review will nor- mally be accomplished within one month after receipt :by Picatinny Arsenal. Partial submiss

48、ion of inspection equipment designs is permissible and, encouraged. However, the Arsenal completion date for design review will be based on the date of the final sub- mission of designs. 6.4 Check test for possible deterioration. If the total time between original acceptance of the primer lot, and t

49、he assembly of that lot into the item for which it is intended exceeds 2 years, or if the primers have been submitted to adverse conditions however Custodian: Army-BU t brief, at any time, the primer lot shall be subjected to and must satisfactorily pass the check test for deterioration immediately before the primers are assembled into the end item. This .test shall be performed on primers selected -by the Government inspec- Itor at the facility assembling the primers into the


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