ARMY MIL-E-52395 A-1976 ENGINE DIESEL 6-CYLINDER V-TYPE 300 H P TURBO-CHARGED《300 H P V型涡轮增压6缸柴油发电机》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-E-52395 A-1976 ENGINE DIESEL 6-CYLINDER V-TYPE 300 H P TURBO-CHARGED《300 H P V型涡轮增压6缸柴油发电机》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-E-52395 A-1976 ENGINE DIESEL 6-CYLINDER V-TYPE 300 H P TURBO-CHARGED《300 H P V型涡轮增压6缸柴油发电机》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-E-52395 A-1976 ENGINE DIESEL 6-CYLINDER V-TYPE 300 H P TURBO-CHARGED《300 H P V型涡轮增压6缸柴油发电机》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-E-52395 A-1976 ENGINE DIESEL 6-CYLINDER V-TYPE 300 H P TURBO-CHARGED《300 H P V型涡轮增压6缸柴油发电机》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-E-52395 A-1976 ENGINE DIESEL 6-CYLINDER V-TYPE 300 H P TURBO-CHARGED《300 H P V型涡轮增压6缸柴油发电机》.pdf_第5页
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1、MILITARY SPECIFICATIOB ENGINE, DIESEL: CYLINDER, V-TYPE, 300 H.P. TURBO-CHARGED 1. SCOPE .h _ 1.1 Scope. This apccification covers one type of cornercimi 6-cyUnder, V-type, liquid-cooled, 2-stroke-cycle, turbo-charged internal-combustion, com- 3 preselon ignition engine for use In military veXlcles.

2、 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMEATS 2.1 The follming documenta of the issue in effect on date of invitation for blas or request for proposal, form a part of thii specification to the ex- tent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Feeral 0-1-490 - Inhibitor COOSOII, Liquid CoOlIq SYS-. P-c-437 - Cleaning Compound, H

3、igh Prcseure (Steam) w-F-800 - Fuel Oil, Dieeel. Cleaner . Military MIL-P -514 ML-L- 2104 MIL4 -11755 MIL-S- 13856 MIL-L-21260 MIL-Ao46153 MIL-L-46167 - Platea, Identif icatlon, Transportation Data and - Lubricating Oil, Internal-Combustion Engine, - Compound, Antifreeze, Arctic-Type. - Blank. Heavy

4、-Duty . Electrical Components for Autoaiotive Vehicles; Waterproofness and Resis.t;ance to Temperature Cycling Tests, General Requirements for. - Lubricating Oil, Internal-Combustion Engine, Preservative and Break-In. - Antifreeze, Ethylene Glycol, Inhibited. - Lubricating Oil, Internal-Canbustion E

5、ngine, Sub-Zero. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-52375A 28 777770b OL7b02 E! STANDARDS Federal FED. TEST METHOD STD. N. 791 - Lubricants, Liquid Fuels, and Related Products: i*thod of Testing. Military MIL-STD-lo5 - Sampling Pro

6、cedures and Tables for Inspectioii by Attributes . ML-STD-193 - Painting Procedures, Tactical Vehicles (Tracked and Wheeled) . MIL-STG-461 - Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics Requirements for Equipnent DAW ING ORD-1166gO78 - Engine, Diesel (Detroit Diesel Engine No. 5103048). (Copies of s

7、pecifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by contractore in connection with specific procurement functions should be ob- tained frm tho procuring activity or as directe by the contracting officer), 3e REQUIREMENPS 3.1 First article test. The engine shall be subject to preproducti

8、on or initial productioii tests, 8s applicable, and as invoked in contract (see 42) 3.2 Conetruction. Construction and assembly shall conform to Ord. Drawing 11669O78 3.2.1 Accessories and equigment. All electrical accessories and equip- iaent, except the engine starter an air pump wiring harness, s

9、hall conform to the applicable requirements of Specification MIL-E-13856. Unlese otherwise specified, all accessories and equipnent shall be installed on the engine and properly ad justed. 3.3 Interchangeability of parts. Component assemblies and parte of the engine shall be so constructed that any

10、part, except those furnished in matched sets or for which a selective fit is specified, may be installed, replaced, and adjusted without requiring modification, 3 .Ir perbreak-in i8r Wing the production break-in run, fuel confohing to Grade i! of Specmon W-F-800, shall be used (sec 3.6). For

11、 four hun-ed-hour NATO test. Fuel to be used during the 400- hour endurance test shall be as follows: Engine shall be operate with.diest1 fuel conforming ta the folhwing: 791, referee grade diesel fuel shall have.the following proper- ties: Flash poini;, minimum, F. Water r?d sedherrt, by volume, ma

12、xifnum, .percent Using method No. 340-,3 of FED. TEST MX!HOD STD, No, a 100 or legal 405 O pour point, mmimun, OF, 2c: Distillation, 50$ evaporated, minimum, F. 500 g$ evaporap, 9. 600-440 End point, F. 650-Ow Kinematic viscosity, centistokes, at 100F, *Sulfur percent .%-lo05 Corrosion pass Alkali a

13、nd mineral acid6 none Cetane number 40 to 45 *Th sulfur muot be natural sulfur (See riote 1) 1.6 tG 4.5 Q 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-52375A 28 m 7737706 0178605 8 m MIL-E-523sA i/ The use of additive6 of any kind to produ

14、ce B clean fuel, or solvent-treating %e fuel, is not permitkd. For 5O-hour control test, tion W-F-800 shall be uged during the 10-hour quality control test (see 4.1). 3.4.9 Oil, Engine shall prfm as epecified herein using lubricating oil In acc6ce with the seasonal requirements of Specificat

15、ion MIL-L-2104 from -10 to f115?., and Specification MIL-L-46167 fran -65 to OF. facturer may use oil of his own selection during engine build-up and break-in run. engine buid-up and production runs opecificd in 3.6, Fuel conforming to Grade 2 of Specifica- The manu- .I Oil conforming to Grade e of

16、Specification MIL-L-21260 may be usd during i 3.5 Perfanaance requirements. 3.5.1 S ee ran . The engine shall operate satisfactorily under all The engine 8hai. maintain a satisfactory idle speed of 550 to 600 RPM when wing dieael fuel conforming to Grade 2 of Specification W-F-8 (see 3.4.8). losda a

17、nd cond w t ons 8s specified herein throughout the entire speed range. 3.5.2 Governor. The governor shall limit the nmxinnna engine awed a8 follavs: Full load operation 2775 to 2825 RPM No load operation 2915 to 2965 RPM The enKitic speed with no load on the engine shall stabilize within 3 seconds a

18、fter gull rack position i6 reached. 3.5.3 Brake horseparer, At the completion of the production break-in run (see 3.6 and 4.5.2) the bare engine (soe 6.3), at the full rack setting rhall develop 282 minimm gross brake horsepover at 2800 RPM when using diesel fuel a8 specified in 3.4.8. temperature o

19、f 909 and fuel specific gravity of 0.853 at 609 with wrximum fuel flows of i30 pounds per hour at 2800 RPM and 115 pounds per hour at 2400 RPM. - Air density of 0.070 pounds per cubic foot, a fuel Correction factors. Engine rating can be corrected as follbvs: 2,lhmrepower per each 10F over 8

20、5% air Inlet temperature. per each 49 change of fuel fcmpcrature. .72 brake horsc- 3 pocrer per each .O01 change of fuel specific gravity. One (1) brake horsepower c 3.5.4 Torque. At the canpletion of the production break-in run and with the full rack setting apecificd in 3.5.3, the bare engine (set

21、 6.3) 8heU develop at tho engine flywheel a minimum observed torque of 566 lb. ft. at 2200 RPM when using fuel as 8pecified In 3.4.8. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.-E-52395A 28 m 999770b OL7bOb T 3,5,5 Exhaust moke density. The i

22、paximm exhaust smoke density at full rack position, through tho epeed range of 2000 to 2800 RPM when measured within three feet of the turbocharger outlet, shall not exceed a No. 3 (light gray) smoke condition as defined in 6.6 when using fuels in accordance with 3,4.8. 3,5*6 Fuel consumption, Tht f

23、uel conauniption of the bare engine (sec 6,3) shall, not excedi th e following limits when operating at the full rack set- tng 6peCified in 3.5.3, and with fuel as specified in 3.4.8, Maxiarm observed brake rpecific fuel consumption RPM iba. Per BHP-HR fter 25 houre of operation, the engine shall lb

24、s, of lubricating oil per observed brake horse- power hour, when operating at full rack throughout the powczl aheck phase (see 4.5.7) of the engine with oil sump temperatures of 200 to 275 F., using oil 8rd epccfitb in 3.4.9. 3,5,8 Oil etmure, under all operating conditions specified herein, inclwng

25、 8 oneoqw rirom 2.00 to 275 F., gallery oil pressure shall not be more than 0 pounds per aqwe inch (psi) and not less than 32 pai, when the engine is operating at 2dw Ri?M, wing oil a8 8pecifitd in 3,4,9, and shall not be leas than 5 pei when engine is idling as specified in 3.5.1, with oil sump tem

26、perature range ow eump condition, with an oil sump temperature range fim lu0 to 260% 3,fi.g Turboohargng. The turbocharger shall develop as mininnim comprersor diachsrgo prhseura of $0 in, Hg Absolute when operating at full load and 2800 RPM, using fuel as agecified in 3.4.8 and correction factor sp

27、ecified in The engine shall operate as specified in 4,2,4.7 for 8 perlad not to exceed 400 hours on the fuels specified in During the teat, the engine shall require only minor repairs, such a8 replacing belts and filtera, At the conclusion of this test, the engine shall conform to

28、the operational and performance requirements specified in 3.4 and 3.5, with the exception that tho engine shall develop not lees than.9 percent of Its initial power output with a maximm exhaust smoke deneity as specified in 3.5.5 without adjustment to the engine and shall develop 9596 of full ratc p

29、ower after author- ized tuneup procedure, In addition, there shall be no evidence of abnoml wear such as scuffing or galling of cylinder bores, pistons, piston rings, piston plno, bearings, bearing journals, gear teeth, cam auriaces, valves, tappets Or other parta, burning of valves or piatona, stic

30、king of valvea or piston rings, lCak8gC of gaeketa or 86111, imminent failure of a component or other malfunction. 3.5*10 Endurance, 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-52395A 3.6 Production break-in run, A production line run-in

31、shall be performed by the contractor to insure that the engine, as offered for delivery, may be subjected to any or all checks or tests (complete and in sequence) of perfor- mmce and endurance as set forth in this npecification with no loss in life expectancy as stated in 3.5.10. a 3.7 Log sheet. Th

32、e contractor shall maintain a log sheet of each engine run during all tests specified herein. of legible copie8 to be furnished to the Government shaL1be as approved by the procuring activity. 3.8 Exterior eurface treatment. All exposed exterior surfaces of the engine and its cmponenta shall be clew

33、ed, painted, or treate for corrosion resistance as specified on the applicable drawings, or if not so specified, in accordance with applicable provisions of Sturdard MIL-CTD-193. The form of the log sheet and number 9 i 3.9 Product Identifieation, 3,g.l Hemeplate. Unless otherwise 8hown on the appli

34、cable drawings, the f nameplate, data, and instruction platz8 shall conform to Specification MIL-P- 514. - 4.1 Contractors Inspection. 4*1.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwiere specified in the contract or purchaso order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection

35、 requireatents as specified herein. Except as athemfee speci- fled in the contract or order, the supplier may use his uwn or any other facil- itles suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specificd herein, unless disapproved by the Government. to perform any of the inspectbons se

36、t forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements . 4.1.2 Contractors quality control system. The supplier shall provide and maintain an effective inspection and quality control system acceptable b th Governmen

37、t covering the supplies under the contract. description of the system shall be submitted to the contracting officer no later than 30 days prior to initiation of production for determination of acceptability. The eupplier will not be restricted ta the inspection station or to the method of inspection

38、 listed provided that an muivalent control is included in the of snd obtain approval for any change to the written procedure that might affect the degree of assurthce required by this specification or other applicable docu- mente referenced herein. e The Government reserues the right A current writt

39、en * approved quality control procedure. The supplier shall notify the Government 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-E-5239CA 28 W 9794406 0378668 3 MIL -E -5 23 BA 4,1,3 Goverment verification, All quali -y assurance operations p

40、erformed by tho aupplbr will b e subject to Goverment verification at unscheduled inter- vuis. Verification will coniiit of (a) surveillance of the operations to deter- mine that practicer, rnetboda end procedures of the written inapection plan are being properly 8PPlied0 and (b) Government product

41、incipection to measure quality of product offered for acceptance. Deviation rom the prescribed or agreed- upon procedures, or instance8 of poor practices, which might have an affect upon the quality of the product, will be immediately called to the attention of the aupplier, Failure of the aupplier

42、to promptly correct deficiencies dis- cuvered ahall be cawe for suapenaion of scceptance until corrective action hau been made or until confonaanca of product to prescribe criteria has been demonatrat Inspection: a. Oil Contamination b, Dirt, Chips or Foreign Mitter In fhe Engine Block, Oil Pan, Fil

43、ters, and Acceraory Drive Caoe e, Cylinder Bore Scuffing, Scoring, Galling, etc, f, Piiton Scuffing and Burning h,3,l,Q Correction8 and reassembly. tion of engine or parta requiring correction, such correction8 shall be made by the contractor prior to reasamibly of the enana snd reaubmission to the

44、break-in run, the Oovermnt thnt corrective action has been taken in production to ellininate any deficiency di8ClOaad. Failure of the contractor la submit such evidence shall be taue for refusal by the Government to continue acceptance of rubrequent cncJineB, Any engine requiring replacsmisnt part6

45、? k, Cell Ambient Air Temperature, OF 1, E%hauot Temperatura (After Turbocharger) m, PwlFlow, Lb/Hr n, Brake Specific Fuel Consmption, Lbr/Obs Bhp-f- o. Specific Oil Consunption, Lbs/Obr Bhp-Hr p, Exhaust $riokc Density q. Baronre-r Prarrurc During Power Check Tort HO!IZ: All data hd.1 be obtainsd u

46、ndsr stabilized operating conditione, with engine coupled to a dynamanater, up until torque, speed and temperatures have been stabilize for a period not lcea than lminute, All applicable temperature8 shall be recorded at the con- clusion of each warm-up period, Warm-up starting and stopping times sh

47、all be recorded; however, warm-up time and running time of lese than 30 minutes, unless epecified in Table III, shall not be com- tareSb fulfillmtnt of teet run hours, Hior ta test, aU applicable settings and adjustments and setting shall be raaet to specificatona before test is begun. At each start

48、, the engine shall be warmed 4,4,3 Control teat failure. Failure of a control teet sample to pasa any specifleh examination or test shall be cause for the Government to refuse aCCf$tanCC of rubsequent oria 6 Defeota of Inopaction log Fuel Gysttm Camponen.tS 110 Fuel Injection Syrian, Tiiring and Ccr

49、ponents Mnor : 201 Linkage m? mWh8dilbue6 ao3 Engh 204 Fuel Unen, bee, Vents, Shut-ff Valve 205 Painting 206 Worhranehip klfunction, i)amage or -8, ate, Munction, improper Ad justent AQL 25 prr 100 unita improper MJustaent or Inrtalation of Canponunta improper Application improper Application Not lrollng Good for the level of preaer- vation and packaging, axxi level of packing apecifiud (ace 6,2), 16 o Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo


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